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Decoding The Secrets Of Sex Appeal: What Really Makes A Man AttractiveWe were all told by our mothers that “meeting” a man was the “easy” part, the keeping him is what was difficult. Well the same rule applies to women and we all know how difficult meeting one AND keeping one can be.
Contrary to popular beliefs the most popular men and the most respected husbands ... Read On 
On The Conservative Side: Appliances That Can Save You Energy and MoneyWe’ve all heard the expression “Caveat Emptor” (Let The Buyer Beware) and have often been cautioned and advised to do so. And, in addition to making sure we get the most for our money, shopping smart can help us save money in the long run, conserve energy and preserve the environment.
In fact, ... Read On 
You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello: Knowing When To Hang On And When To Let Go Of A Less Than Gratifying Job.In this day and age, most of us are lucky to have a job and the ability to support ourselves. And many of us may find ourselves that we never or no longer want and like. Still, we stick it out just to make ends meet.
Yet, according to experts while you can never find the ideal employment and the ... Read On 
And The Wall Came Tumbling Down: The Rise And Fall Of Marriage In The WorldIn a recent interview with Kate Hudson, before her split, the daughter of a women with one of the longest standing and happy relationships in Hollywood, noted that while she hoped that her marriage to Chris Robinson lasted indefinitely, one could just never be sure.
And it’s not just Tinsle Town ... Read On 
When I Find Myself In Times Of Trouble: Explaining World Crisis And “Catastrophe” To Kids.The world is a scary enough place for kids without all that has been going on. Just think about all the things WE (adults) take for granted that many of our children worry about and may even stress over. Things like crossing the street, walking to the corner store (especially after sundown) without ... Read On 
The Daddy Doldrums: Postpartum Depression And MenWith many a Hollywood mom making headlines and publicizing the prevalence and severity of postpartum depression (PPD), and encouraging mom to let go of guilt and get help, there are some major strides being made in taking care of moms and babies and helping moms take care of themselves.
But what ... Read On 
Nature’s Best: Beauty Products That Are Also Good For YouSummer is the prime season for most of us “expose” ourselves more than in any other season. From flip-flop revealing our funky feet and toes, to open back tops and short shorts revealing some of our imperfections and flaws, including our pasty “white” winter skin.
But, getting you glam on for ... Read On 
We Hear You Knocking, But You Can’t Come In: Fitting In Family, Friends, And Alone TimeThe one thing about starting a serious relationship in my young adulthood is that while you were busy “playing house” (yes, even as a married couples, generally not yet homeowners nor parents), you were also often busy “playing” as friends and family remained (at least initially) eager to do ... Read On 
Silent Killers: How Common Household Items Can Be Putting You And Your Family In DangerChildren make us do things like put gates on our stairwells and locks on our cabinets. Yet we often take for granted, common household items that we often, almost without thinking, expose our children to, placing them in harm’s way and in serious, frequently life-threatening danger.
In fact, ... Read On  Filed under LIFamilies Articles » Safety
Backed In A Career Corner: Strategies For Managing Your Work And Your LifeThe road to wedded bliss may sometimes have a few bumps along the way. And, for many couples the first “fight(s)” they have revolve around financial fiascos. Yet, according to experts working out your differences regarding work and money can literally pay off (in your favor) in the long ... Read On 
Staying Power: Surviving Home Improvement Projects And Staying Happily MarriedAnyone who has ever watched Dr. Phil knows he calls certain relationship “issues” deal breakers and usually these focus on some of the more serious situations. On the other hand, anyone who’s been in a relationship knows that even the “small stuff” can lead to large arguments causing many couples ... Read On 
CYTT (Can You Top That): The Parenting “Plague” Hitting Long IslandOn Long Island, seemingly more so than anywhere else it seems that parents are confronted with a very unique situation. Torn between the lavish east end and cosmopolitan influence from the west, this once “relaxed” suburban utopia has become one of the prime places to set roots, and it’s reflected ... Read On 