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Childless by Choice...or Not

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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Childless by Choice...or Not

Posted by Annie91606

Posted by melijane

Please add-Do twins run in your family? So nosy esp with fertility drugs being so widely used today.

Did people ask you that a lot when you were pregnant with your twins?? That infuriates me. My BF has triplets, and another good friend is the Mom of twins. They were asked if twins/triplets ran in their families often, and they were also asked "were they natural"?, which I found exceptionally rude!!!

Yup and even now that they're hereChat Icon I swear the next time someone asks me that I am going to say, Oh did you have s ex last night, while we're asking nosy questionsChat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 11:18 AM

Happily Ever After

Member since 9/08

2534 total posts


Re: Childless by Choice...or Not

I like Childless Families. It is nobody's business what your reasons for not having children are.

Message edited 3/10/2009 11:53:55 AM.

Posted 3/10/09 11:49 AM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

8178 total posts


Re: Childless by Choice...or Not

I wish the board had been called,

"Couples without Children."

The word "Childless" kind of offends me.

Posted 3/10/09 12:04 PM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

14887 total posts


Re: Childless by Choice...or Not

Posted by rojerono

I have children.. but I have several friends who have opted to not be parents for whatever reason.

I always find it INCREDIBLY insensitive and rude when people pursue any line of questioning there.

I get "Oh - do you and Joe have any little ones?" But once someone says "No - not yet." or "No - we don't plan on starting a family" - the discussion should end there unless the other person indicates that they want to share more.

One of my closest friends doesn't have children. He would be a WONDERFUL father - but the woman he has chosen to spend his life with is 12 years older than him and is experiencing menopause. We went out one day with a group and another 'friend' asked why he and his SO didn't have 'their own' children. He said that he considered her teenage daughters to be like his own and it was clear he wanted to end the convo. This other person kept going ON AND ON AND ON about how Mike would be such a great father and how they need to try to have kids and how having stepkids is NOTHING like having your own flesh and blood, etc..

It was horrible. His GF started to cry because she felt like she was holding him back from the dream of fatherhood, his GF's daughter got VERY upset and this person stayed TOTALLY oblivious as she kept rambling on and on until her husband grabbed her arm and moved her away.

Anyway.. I think if someone is that rude and horrible to keep up a direct line of questioning about your decision or non-decision - they should be made to feel like a jerk with some blunt force aggression.

WOW!!! That is REALLY terrible! Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/09 9:56 AM
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