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Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06 4412 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Message edited 9/17/2013 2:33:08 PM.
Posted 3/8/09 8:42 PM |
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by KittyTheStray
I have a lot to say on this subject but the people with kids usually get offended so I will shut up
And another point for the board!!
Posted 3/8/09 8:42 PM |
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by cjik
I have a child now, but for many years, I did not. And eventhough I was unmarried for a lot of them, I can't tell you how many people told me I'd better get a move on it or asked "don't you want children?" It's a very nosy question and it can be a heartbreaking question if you are actually trying to have a child but it is not working out.
When I lived in the city, particularly Manhattan, I didn't hear this very much. I think there were a lot of childless couples there, and people leading different lifestyles. So it just wasn't something that seemed strange. But if you live in the suburbs and don't have kids, I think a lot of people just don't get it. It is a personal choice htough, and if people do not want kids, I definitely think they should not have them to fulfill societal expectations. Children are a blessing, but they are a tremendous amount of work also.
Another spin on this is that I get is why are you only having one child? I have had people I don't know well at all accuse me of denying DS a happy life by not having another child. I'm tempted to tell them, I have this disorder and this disorder, DH has this disease, so we feel it would be selfish and irresponsible to bring another child into the picture at this point, but it's not the kid of thing I like to go into.
At any rate, enjoy your life as it is and don't feel you need to apologize for your choices.
I went through the same thing- I think the worst was from my friends. I wanted to be a b!tch many times and say something mean or bitter about how not everyone gets the life timetable, or life overall, that they want. I have one child and already had one friend caution me that my eggs were "getting old" and that I needed to jump on having another. which I may or may not do.
I think nosy comments and questions say more about the person who's asking/saying than the person who has to hear and deal with them.
I also think that the childless board is a great idea. You don't have to have children to be a family.
Posted 3/8/09 8:43 PM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by KittyTheStray
I also OFTEN hold back my responses on 'childless' topics (even this one) because I feel I will be attacked by the people with children, who take what I am saying the wrong way.
Me too. We should go out for coffee.
Posted 3/8/09 8:48 PM |
Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06 4412 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Message edited 9/17/2013 2:33:17 PM.
Posted 3/8/09 8:57 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by karenk71
I feel left out all the time. Everyone in our lives has kids. I'm trying to figure out what I will do with the rest of my life if I never have kids...I know that it will be important to have hobbies/interests/something that makes me keep going.
I have such a good husband and we have sooo much love for each other. If our fate is to be childless then at least I know that we have each other and I'm very grateful for that.
I have a suggestion. Volunteer! 
Find groups that have values that are close to your heart and seek them out. Take your hobbies, things that you are good at and enjoy, and find a way to dedicate your time to that in a way that will help others.
There are other ways to nurture and be selfless besides having children. Because I have heard so many like opinions on this thread, I will say this without fear of being judged... I nurture the hell out of my husband, my garden, and my dog. I do have the instinct to nurture, and that is how I satisfy it. I've only had my dog for six months and have already heard the snide comment of "You're not going to be one of THOSE people who treat their dog like a CHILD, are you?"
I responded, "Maybe if more people treated their dogs like children, they wouldn't be so frequently neglected, abused, and killed."
I do treat him like a child insomuch as I love him and care for him. He brings added joy to my life. And I'm meeting other people - parents and non parents - who like to get their dogs together for a walk in the park or on the beach. And yes, we call them playdates. 
Anyway, there's lots we can do to make our lives fulfilled and valuable, without children.
Posted 3/8/09 8:58 PM |
~We Did it~

Member since 7/06 6718 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by KittyTheStray
The WORST one I ever heard was a guy who I dated in HS who caught up with me on FB. He LOVES his kid more than anything and when I had e-mailed my DH and I weren't having kids he had the NERVE to e-mail me "If you married the right person you would want kids..."
What a rude comment.
Posted 3/8/09 8:59 PM |
Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06 4412 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Message edited 9/17/2013 2:33:01 PM.
Posted 3/8/09 9:08 PM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by Blazesyth
Posted by KittyTheStray
I also OFTEN hold back my responses on 'childless' topics (even this one) because I feel I will be attacked by the people with children, who take what I am saying the wrong way.
Me too. We should go out for coffee.
Can I come too? It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it". I cannot stand some of my friends who are constantly saying things like- Oh I see you have in your FB status that you are hungry- could this mean your pregnant? Or - oh you don't feel well today? Maybe your pregnant? And then I have to convince them I am not. Why is it that everytime a woman of child bearing years farts, is hungry, is cranky, has heartburn or is tired everyone assumes they are knocked up? It annoys me NO FLUCKING END!! I think that's another reason we need a board like the OP suggested... it's a whole different mind frame...
Message edited 3/8/2009 10:04:50 PM.
Posted 3/8/09 10:02 PM |
To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by anonttcer
Posted by Blazesyth
Posted by KittyTheStray
I also OFTEN hold back my responses on 'childless' topics (even this one) because I feel I will be attacked by the people with children, who take what I am saying the wrong way.
Me too. We should go out for coffee.
Can I come too? It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it". I cannot stand some of my friends who are constantly saying things like- Oh I see you have in your FB status that you are hungry- could this mean your pregnant? Or - oh you don't feel well today? Maybe your pregnant? And then I have to convince them I am not. Why is it that everytime a woman of child bearing years farts, is hungry, is cranky, has heartburn or is tired everyone assumes they are knocked up? It annoys me NO FLUCKING END!! I think that's another reason we need a board like the OP suggested... it's a whole different mind frame... I would love to come too, We should have a childless gtg for us ladies so we can just talk. Just an idea.
Posted 3/8/09 10:06 PM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by anonttcer
It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it".
I've always wondered if there was something wrong with me - mentally or even physically (hormones, etc) that I don't have that desire to become a mother.
Now reading these posts from everyone, it comforts me that maybe I'm *not* crazy (at least when it comes to this subject. )
Posted 3/8/09 10:47 PM |
Member since 5/05 10425 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by greenfreak
"You're not going to be one of THOSE people who treat their dog like a CHILD, are you?"
I responded, "Maybe if more people treated their dogs like children, they wouldn't be so frequently neglected, abused, and killed."
I don't have kids or pets, so clearly I am evil & heartless!
Posted 3/9/09 12:14 AM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by Blazesyth
I've always wondered if there was something wrong with me - mentally or even physically (hormones, etc) that I don't have that desire to become a mother.
I said that to my mother, when she asked why I didn't want children. You know what she said? "I never had the desire either, don't let that stop you." 
Here's a question for all of you... How do your IL's or your boyfriend's parents feel about your decision?
My MIL blames me. My husband is an only child, so this is very hard for her to accept. We have to constantly reaffirm our decision with her. The last time she brought it up was when we got back from our honeymoon. We had been together 7 years by that point, and had both told her countless times it wasn't happening.
She pulled me aside and said, "Now that you're married, you will have children, yes?" and I laughed and struggled for the right words so I didn't offend her. And she continued, "You're not too old yet, you know. And even though you'll get fat, you can always lose the weight."
I'm not even exaggerating.
Oh and it was brought up again when we bought our house and told them we only had 2 bedrooms. She started in that "We just never know what is going to happen, so maybe we need a 3rd bedroom."
We totally need a gtg.
Posted 3/9/09 7:19 AM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by Blazesyth
Posted by anonttcer
It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it".
I've always wondered if there was something wrong with me - mentally or even physically (hormones, etc) that I don't have that desire to become a mother.
Now reading these posts from everyone, it comforts me that maybe I'm *not* crazy (at least when it comes to this subject. )
I said the same exact thing when I first responded to this post. I often wondered if I was missing some female hormones or if I had mental issues. To this day I still feel guilty about it sometimes- and maybe I always will- but I have come to accept the fact that children aren't for everyone and that's ok too!
Posted 3/9/09 8:37 AM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by anonttcer
Posted by Blazesyth
Posted by anonttcer
It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it".
I've always wondered if there was something wrong with me - mentally or even physically (hormones, etc) that I don't have that desire to become a mother.
Now reading these posts from everyone, it comforts me that maybe I'm *not* crazy (at least when it comes to this subject. )
I said the same exact thing when I first responded to this post. I often wondered if I was missing some female hormones or if I had mental issues. To this day I still feel guilty about it sometimes- and maybe I always will- but I have come to accept the fact that children aren't for everyone and that's ok too!
you took the words right out of my mouth!!
Its not that I dont like kids...if I didnt I certainly wouldnt be volunteering to be a Girl Scout leader but I just feel that kids arent for me.
Posted 3/9/09 8:42 AM |
C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Personally, I think people in society need to learn to S T F U and mind their own business. Didn't their parents teach them manners?
I don't see anything wrong with a childless family board! Go for it!
Those of you who are childless, EMBRACE life! Take it all in and enjoy every minute of it! Travel, shop, take dance lessons, pack up the car and go on a road trip! Do whatever your heart desires!
Posted 3/9/09 9:04 AM |
spring is in the air

Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by greenfreak
We totally need a gtg. 
Childless GTG I love it
Posted 3/9/09 9:08 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/09 611 total posts
Name: elizabeth
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
I do think that childless couples are judged unfairly, it is not right. I also think that the question why? is very rude, as many people do not have kids bc of problems conceiving.
Posted 3/9/09 9:12 AM |

Member since 6/06 1547 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by greenfreak
Posted by karenk71
I feel left out all the time. Everyone in our lives has kids. I'm trying to figure out what I will do with the rest of my life if I never have kids...I know that it will be important to have hobbies/interests/something that makes me keep going.
I have such a good husband and we have sooo much love for each other. If our fate is to be childless then at least I know that we have each other and I'm very grateful for that.
I have a suggestion. Volunteer! 
Find groups that have values that are close to your heart and seek them out. Take your hobbies, things that you are good at and enjoy, and find a way to dedicate your time to that in a way that will help others.
There are other ways to nurture and be selfless besides having children. Because I have heard so many like opinions on this thread, I will say this without fear of being judged... I nurture the hell out of my husband, my garden, and my dog. I do have the instinct to nurture, and that is how I satisfy it. I've only had my dog for six months and have already heard the snide comment of "You're not going to be one of THOSE people who treat their dog like a CHILD, are you?"
I responded, "Maybe if more people treated their dogs like children, they wouldn't be so frequently neglected, abused, and killed."
I do treat him like a child insomuch as I love him and care for him. He brings added joy to my life. And I'm meeting other people - parents and non parents - who like to get their dogs together for a walk in the park or on the beach. And yes, we call them playdates. 
Anyway, there's lots we can do to make our lives fulfilled and valuable, without children. 
I have looked into volunteer oportunities, just last week actually! I think this will be a definite possibility for me in the future. I wish I could get a dog but DH doesn't want one right now. I've been bugging him for a long time. So right now I just nurture him and my plants! I'm also trying to learn how to nurture myself, which I think is very important.
Posted 3/9/09 9:40 AM |
Member since 5/05 4002 total posts
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by Blazesyth
Posted by anonttcer
It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it".
I've always wondered if there was something wrong with me - mentally or even physically (hormones, etc) that I don't have that desire to become a mother.
Now reading these posts from everyone, it comforts me that maybe I'm *not* crazy (at least when it comes to this subject. )
I feel the same way...
Posted 3/9/09 9:57 AM |
Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by Red
Posted by greenfreak
We totally need a gtg. 
Childless GTG I love it
Hell yes! And that childless board we are all asking for would be nice too
Posted 3/9/09 10:04 AM |
Pookie Love

Member since 5/05 20229 total posts
Name: Michal
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Posted by anonttcer
Can I come too? It's amazing how much I can relate to people like you guys who feel the same as me and just "get it". I cannot stand some of my friends who are constantly saying things like- Oh I see you have in your FB status that you are hungry- could this mean your pregnant? Or - oh you don't feel well today? Maybe your pregnant? And then I have to convince them I am not. Why is it that everytime a woman of child bearing years farts, is hungry, is cranky, has heartburn or is tired everyone assumes they are knocked up? It annoys me NO FLUCKING END!! I think that's another reason we need a board like the OP suggested... it's a whole different mind frame...
Oh - this one got me!!! I am so sick of every time I have a headache, stomachache, etc - according to someone at work, I must be pregnant.
Posted 3/9/09 10:12 AM |
Thanks for the memories DAD!

Member since 5/05 2267 total posts
Name: LI
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
click here
Posted 3/9/09 10:20 AM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about time!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ron!!!!
Posted 3/9/09 10:21 AM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Childless by Choice...or Not
Is "childless by choice " accurate though?
I think the bigger issue is when it's not by choice, and all of the ramifications of that choice essentially being taken away from you for whatever reason.
I think it should be called Childless Families.
and I just want to add that I wish everyone much joy and fulfillment in their lives.
Posted 3/9/09 10:25 AM |
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