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A question for Trump supporters

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Member since 1/13

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A question for Trump supporters

Is there anything he could do or say that would cause him to lose your vote, or will you support him/vote against Hillary under any circumstances? Just curious.

Edit: I'm not necessarily looking for Trump supporters to set out their reasons for supporting him (but you are welcome to share) or for people to attack one another. I was more curious if you would support Trump no matter what, or if there is something he could say or do that would make you say "I just can't support him" -- I know for some people the back and forth with Khan's parents pushed them over the edge. For others it was mocking the disabled reporter. What if it came out that he abused animals? Would that change your vote? What if e-mails were leaked that he had no desire to be president and was running for publicity/to see how far he could get? What if he mocked cancer patients? What if he said woman have no right to hold political office and belong at home as housewives? Just playing a little "what if" game because honestly, this guy seems to be like teflon -- nothing he can do or say really changes anything. I remember him saying something about shooting someone in public and not losing votes and it almost seems like the truth!

Message edited 8/2/2016 3:17:40 PM.

Posted 8/1/16 9:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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A question for Trump supporters

I don't understand how people are so fooled by him.

Posted 8/1/16 9:28 PM

For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07

13921 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Im registered Republican. ALWAYS voted Republican. When I heard Trump was running I never in a million years thought he had a shot. I thought hes just running to show the world he could "win" like this is some competition. In the primaries I voted for Kasich. Then all the candidates started dropping like flies. And lo and behold Trump is left standing. I watched both conventions in its entirety. The remarks after Khan spoke made me change my vote to Clinton. I certainly do not love Hilary. But I can not vote for Trump. I just cant. Hes rude, crude and has zero plan for us. This is just my opinion. Please dont blast me lol

Posted 8/1/16 9:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


A question for Trump supporters

In another thread - if the election was today - there are 126 people that said they would vote Trump. I honestly want to know what's the true appeal of him. Not anything that's anti-Hillary, but what is it about him that makes you want to see him as President (policies, not just "making America great").

Posted 8/1/16 9:35 PM


Member since 1/13

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Re: A question for Trump supporters

I have seen a lot of people say they are willing to overlook everything because of his position on immigration and keeping out Muslims. He has already backtracked a bit on his position and it's not as clean as he portrays -- discriminating based on religion violates our constitution's establishment clause and many people are already here in our country and further alienating them (Muslims and others) may do more harm than anything else. But that's basically what I have heard. That and "we need a businessman and outsider to fix America"

Posted 8/1/16 11:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

918 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

I am Republican but not ultra conservative. I was leaning towards Trump but I do not like Pence. I will most likely vote for Hillary now. The media twists a lot of what Trump says but I was disappointed when Trump got tim Kaine confused with Tom Kean. That was a really stupid mistake.

Posted 8/2/16 8:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


A question for Trump supporters

I'm not a Trump supporter. In this election, with the flood of information out there, every voter has to overlook certain unsavory behavior. For Clinton, the email fiasco was, at a minimum, a stupid decision, and there has been some other questionable behavior, but her supporters are willing to overlook that.. For Trump, I can't even start listing his shortcomings but his supporters are willing to overlook that and (IMHO) many of his supporters probably share those views.

So, I don't find it hard to believe that people support him.

Posted 8/2/16 8:50 AM


Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by Pumpkin1

I'm not a Trump supporter. In this election, with the flood of information out there, every voter has to overlook certain unsavory behavior. For Clinton, the email fiasco was, at a minimum, a stupid decision, and there has been some other questionable behavior, but her supporters are willing to overlook that.. For Trump, I can't even start listing his shortcomings but his supporters are willing to overlook that and (IMHO) many of his supporters probably share those views.

So, I don't find it hard to believe that people support him.

I agree that people need to overlook unfavorable things for whatever candidate. My question was, as more and more things happen involving Trump, whether Trump supporters would vote for him no matter what potential scandal or statement or if it could potentially get to the point where he would lose their vote. I see a lot of "never Hillary" stuff on Facebook and trump has even commented jokingly that he could shoot someone and not lose votes. Was just interesting to me because I heard people saying his position on immigration trumps everything else and they are willing to overlook anything else he says or does.

Posted 8/2/16 10:00 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


A question for Trump supporters

I think there's such Anti-Trump sentiment here you won't get a straight answer.

However I've said Trump will get my vote because I will not vote for Hilary based on her track record, her own words, her schemes, her lies and her ability to control and manipulate congress.

Do I think Trump is 'better' than her? No. Do I think he is less scary that her? yes. I believe in the idea that our congress makes laws. Not the president. I see congress as a shareholders group and the president and cabinet as board of directors. I think Trump can do a better job because he'd have a harder time doing it than Clinton if that makes any sense. Everyone is out to get him. No one trust him, no one wants him.

Does he say outlandlishly stupid and crazy things? yes
Would I have ever thought in a million years he'd be at this point to be an option? HELL NO!
But he is.

Frankly I wish McCain was running again. But he's not.

Instead I have to choose between crazy over tanned millionaire successful businessman or lying cheating killing con artist with a bug up her **** say what you want to hear Clinton. Thanks.. I'll choose Trump and hope 4 yrs will prove to the American people we need better options. 4 years of Clinton will be status quo and 4 more years of bs and nothing improving but more rhetoric. Then it will be 8 yrs and we will blame others and then the parties will blame each other and the media will feed us our soup an we will eat it happily.

I'm tired of watching my country being force fed lies and manipulation by media to overlook the corruption of our government. Fat bills of useless proportions. Back room deals.

You know why she isn't playing that stupid "who will answer the call" ad anymore? Because she was the one who was supposed to answer the call and she didn't. Instead she wants you think about what he has to say and how our kids hear it. Will my kid hears her say "what difference does it make?" It makes a difference, madam secretary it always does. You failed.

How is it we worried about McCain's age and health but not Clinton's brain issues for presidency?

First she's against same sex marriage then she's for it. She says what ever suits the vote. But you worry about Trumps words?

No she won't get my vote. She's a lying piece of flying crap. I will proudly say I didn't vote for her. I don't care how much of you want to tell me otherwise.

Do I wish we had another option than Trump? Yes. But will I vote for him? yes. Because our system is twisted and we have to based on what I've learned its the only option I have. To me THAT is wrong.

But lastly and most importantly I *WILL* vote and I vote local! Hell I'm absentee voting this year as I'm on vacation!

Posted 8/2/16 10:37 AM


Member since 5/05

2133 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

I'm a registered Republican and have voted mostly Republican. But with this election I cannot with good conscience vote for Trump. He is truly unfit to be president. He has no self-control and has attacked practically every group. He lacks basic knowledge about foreign and domestic policies. His character is truly flawed without any redeeming qualities. Trump's view that Constitutional rights doesn't apply to all Americans is beyond scary. Donald Trump should not be an example for others to emulate. His conduct is not okay and it should not be acceptable behavior of anyone.

Posted 8/2/16 10:39 AM

Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07

1718 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

You know why she isn't playing that stupid "who will answer the call" ad anymore? Because she was the one who was supposed to answer the call and she didn't. Instead she wants you think about what he has to say and how our kids hear it. Will my kid hears her say "what difference does it make?" It makes a difference, madam secretary it always does. You failed.

If you want to vote for Cheeto Mussolini, that's your prerogotive.

But let's get some things straight.

Clinton saying "what difference does it make" is constantly taken out of context. She said that during one of her many, MANY interrogations when she was questioned about whether the attack was planned or brought on by a video tape.

She said "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

THAT is what she said. She wasn't dismissing what happened. So, if you are going to use a quote to bash someone, you might want to get the facts correct.

And if you don't believe me, here you go...

Posted 8/2/16 11:00 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by Xelindrya

First she's against same sex marriage then she's for it. She says what ever suits the vote. But you worry about Trumps words?

You just described trump.

Posted 8/2/16 11:02 AM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by Xelindrya

First she's against same sex marriage then she's for it. She says what ever suits the vote. But you worry about Trumps words?

Sorry, but you're inaccurate here. Originally, Hillary said she would leave it to the states, and if the state supported it, then she would do. Separation of state and federal powers.

She was never OPPOSED to it.

Posted 8/2/16 12:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by Xelindrya

I think there's such Anti-Trump sentiment here you won't get a straight answer.

However I've said Trump will get my vote because I will not vote for Hilary based on her track record, her own words, her schemes, her lies and her ability to control and manipulate congress.

Do I think Trump is 'better' than her? No. Do I think he is less scary that her? yes. I believe in the idea that our congress makes laws. Not the president. I see congress as a shareholders group and the president and cabinet as board of directors. I think Trump can do a better job because he'd have a harder time doing it than Clinton if that makes any sense. Everyone is out to get him. No one trust him, no one wants him.

Does he say outlandlishly stupid and crazy things? yes
Would I have ever thought in a million years he'd be at this point to be an option? HELL NO!
But he is.

Frankly I wish McCain was running again. But he's not.

Instead I have to choose between crazy over tanned millionaire successful businessman or lying cheating killing con artist with a bug up her **** say what you want to hear Clinton. Thanks.. I'll choose Trump and hope 4 yrs will prove to the American people we need better options. 4 years of Clinton will be status quo and 4 more years of bs and nothing improving but more rhetoric. Then it will be 8 yrs and we will blame others and then the parties will blame each other and the media will feed us our soup an we will eat it happily.

I'm tired of watching my country being force fed lies and manipulation by media to overlook the corruption of our government. Fat bills of useless proportions. Back room deals.

You know why she isn't playing that stupid "who will answer the call" ad anymore? Because she was the one who was supposed to answer the call and she didn't. Instead she wants you think about what he has to say and how our kids hear it. Will my kid hears her say "what difference does it make?" It makes a difference, madam secretary it always does. You failed.

How is it we worried about McCain's age and health but not Clinton's brain issues for presidency?

First she's against same sex marriage then she's for it. She says what ever suits the vote. But you worry about Trumps words?

No she won't get my vote. She's a lying piece of flying crap. I will proudly say I didn't vote for her. I don't care how much of you want to tell me otherwise.

Do I wish we had another option than Trump? Yes. But will I vote for him? yes. Because our system is twisted and we have to based on what I've learned its the only option I have. To me THAT is wrong.

But lastly and most importantly I *WILL* vote and I vote local! Hell I'm absentee voting this year as I'm on vacation!

Kudos to responding honestly because I think it's becoming difficult on here to get Trump supporters to share opinions these days.

My perspective and what I can't wrap my head around is why and how people I know IRL support him when he appears full of hate among other things. I won't lie I am scared that people that I have contact with daily don't see this. How as a human can anyone support him? Or is it that Hillary appears this scary to Trump supporters? Is it that simple as someone liking or hating a certain food or music?

FWIW I don't like Hillary and for the most part I hate the 2 party system and think all politicians are liars and untrustworthy.

Posted 8/2/16 12:17 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by stinger

Posted by Xelindrya

I think there's such Anti-Trump sentiment here you won't get a straight answer.

However I've said Trump will get my vote because I will not vote for Hilary based on her track record, her own words, her schemes, her lies and her ability to control and manipulate congress.

Do I think Trump is 'better' than her? No. Do I think he is less scary that her? yes. I believe in the idea that our congress makes laws. Not the president. I see congress as a shareholders group and the president and cabinet as board of directors. I think Trump can do a better job because he'd have a harder time doing it than Clinton if that makes any sense. Everyone is out to get him. No one trust him, no one wants him.

Does he say outlandlishly stupid and crazy things? yes
Would I have ever thought in a million years he'd be at this point to be an option? HELL NO!
But he is.

Frankly I wish McCain was running again. But he's not.

Instead I have to choose between crazy over tanned millionaire successful businessman or lying cheating killing con artist with a bug up her **** say what you want to hear Clinton. Thanks.. I'll choose Trump and hope 4 yrs will prove to the American people we need better options. 4 years of Clinton will be status quo and 4 more years of bs and nothing improving but more rhetoric. Then it will be 8 yrs and we will blame others and then the parties will blame each other and the media will feed us our soup an we will eat it happily.

I'm tired of watching my country being force fed lies and manipulation by media to overlook the corruption of our government. Fat bills of useless proportions. Back room deals.

You know why she isn't playing that stupid "who will answer the call" ad anymore? Because she was the one who was supposed to answer the call and she didn't. Instead she wants you think about what he has to say and how our kids hear it. Will my kid hears her say "what difference does it make?" It makes a difference, madam secretary it always does. You failed.

How is it we worried about McCain's age and health but not Clinton's brain issues for presidency?

First she's against same sex marriage then she's for it. She says what ever suits the vote. But you worry about Trumps words?

No she won't get my vote. She's a lying piece of flying crap. I will proudly say I didn't vote for her. I don't care how much of you want to tell me otherwise.

Do I wish we had another option than Trump? Yes. But will I vote for him? yes. Because our system is twisted and we have to based on what I've learned its the only option I have. To me THAT is wrong.

But lastly and most importantly I *WILL* vote and I vote local! Hell I'm absentee voting this year as I'm on vacation!

Kudos to responding honestly because I think it's becoming difficult on here to get Trump supporters to share opinions these days.

My perspective and what I can't wrap my head around is why and how people I know IRL support him when he appears full of hate among other things. I won't lie I am scared that people that I have contact with daily don't see this. How as a human can anyone support him? Or is it that Hillary appears this scary to Trump supporters? Is it that simple as someone liking or hating a certain food or music?

FWIW I don't like Hillary and for the most part I hate the 2 party system and think all politicians are liars and untrustworthy.

yes your last statement is it.

If you asked me 5 months ago.. Will you vote for Trump my answer was a resounding HELL NO!

Now I'm stuck with him because the choice between him and Clinton is easy to make.

As odd as anyone sees people voting for him (and trust me I was one of those outsiders looking at those voting for him with wonder) I look at those voting for her wondering the same.

Frankly NEITHER is fit.

But I have to vote. So I'm voting truly the lesser of two evils in a contest of hate vs evil incarnate.

I wish they'd both fall off a cliff.

I voted Bernie! LOL Goes to show you. I won't vote for Hilary but I won't waste my vote either. I will NOT vote for her. Even if it means voting for Trump she scares me THAT much.

Posted 8/2/16 12:27 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Without trashing either candidate - which is very easy to do but not the OP's question - I will go out on a limb and list a few of Trump's views that appeal to me:

1. Decrease foreign spending and refocus money on America! People are constantly raving about how other countries have "free" healthcare and "free" college and yearlong paid maternity leave, etc. Yeah well maybe those countries can afford it because the USA is the one spending billions defending them. Maybe we would have those things too if other countries contributed their fair share to the pot. Hillary even said in her speech she plans to continue defending everyone.

2. If there is any possible chance of reversing the nightmare that has been Obamacare, Im all over it. My premiums and deductibles have tripled and it is laughable its called the "affordable" care act. I am all for not excluding based on pre-existing conditions but the ACA went way, way beyond that with all its pork fat. Hillary is pro-ACA.

3. Government has stuck its neck far too much up the ass of private businesses. Period. Its impossible to start a successful business due to all the requirements and forced costs and so less people do it. And then people want to know why nothing is made in the USA. Yes Im aware Trump does business with China. However I do feel he believes in less government intrusion into small businesses.

4. Immigration reform. Come on, any way you slice it, theres a problem. Do I think building a wall is an answer? No. Do I think he can actually build a wall? No. But the first step is recognizing there is a problem. Hillary sort of tiptoes around this.

I just dont believe in the "tax and spend" mentality. And I dont believe in a nanny state. I think as a country we should give people the TOOLS they need to succeed and then LET THEM succeed! We all know the story about giving a man a fish vs teaching a man to fish.

And lastly, I do not think it is in any way a good thing to have mostly liberal SCOTUS justices. Nor to have them all be conservative. We NEED to have justices representing all areas across the spectrum. To hear each other out in order to best enforce the Constitution, rather than rewrite it.

Posted 8/2/16 12:37 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by ChilisWife

Without trashing either candidate - which is very easy to do but not the OP's question - I will go out on a limb and list a few of Trump's views that appeal to me:

1. Decrease foreign spending and refocus money on America! People are constantly raving about how other countries have "free" healthcare and "free" college and yearlong paid maternity leave, etc. Yeah well maybe those countries can afford it because the USA is the one spending billions defending them. Maybe we would have those things too if other countries contributed their fair share to the pot. Hillary even said in her speech she plans to continue defending everyone.

2. If there is any possible chance of reversing the nightmare that has been Obamacare, Im all over it. My premiums and deductibles have tripled and it is laughable its called the "affordable" care act. I am all for not excluding based on pre-existing conditions but the ACA went way, way beyond that with all its pork fat. Hillary is pro-ACA.

3. Government has stuck its neck far too much up the ass of private businesses. Period. Its impossible to start a successful business due to all the requirements and forced costs and so less people do it. And then people want to know why nothing is made in the USA. Yes Im aware Trump does business with China. However I do feel he believes in less government intrusion into small businesses.

4. Immigration reform. Come on, any way you slice it, theres a problem. Do I think building a wall is an answer? No. Do I think he can actually build a wall? No. But the first step is recognizing there is a problem. Hillary sort of tiptoes around this.

I just dont believe in the "tax and spend" mentality. And I dont believe in a nanny state. I think as a country we should give people the TOOLS they need to succeed and then LET THEM succeed! We all know the story about giving a man a fish vs teaching a man to fish.

And lastly, I do not think it is in any way a good thing to have mostly liberal SCOTUS justices. Nor to have them all be conservative. We NEED to have justices representing all areas across the spectrum. To hear each other out in order to best enforce the Constitution, rather than rewrite it.

I think you do lay out valid points. And if it was any other candidate, I would say, "OK, I don't necessarily share your views but I think ____ can get it done." Romney, as much as I didn't care for him, had skills. McCain had skills. Both know how to conduct themselves like adults.

I can see the appeal of some (not all) of Trump's ideas even if they don't align with my views. I can't see the appeal of Trump as a person. The way he reacts to relatively small things and the way he conducts himself on Twitter, the name calling, the lies, the dodging. I do not believe he is the successful businessman he claims to be, because he won't release info that would confirm this, and his whole platform is based on his success in business and how it will translate to success as President. This is why some Republicans are planning to vote for HRC in November.

Posted 8/2/16 12:54 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by ChilisWife

Without trashing either candidate - which is very easy to do but not the OP's question - I will go out on a limb and list a few of Trump's views that appeal to me:

1. Decrease foreign spending and refocus money on America! People are constantly raving about how other countries have "free" healthcare and "free" college and yearlong paid maternity leave, etc. Yeah well maybe those countries can afford it because the USA is the one spending billions defending them. Maybe we would have those things too if other countries contributed their fair share to the pot. Hillary even said in her speech she plans to continue defending everyone.

2. If there is any possible chance of reversing the nightmare that has been Obamacare, Im all over it. My premiums and deductibles have tripled and it is laughable its called the "affordable" care act. I am all for not excluding based on pre-existing conditions but the ACA went way, way beyond that with all its pork fat. Hillary is pro-ACA.

3. Government has stuck its neck far too much up the ass of private businesses. Period. Its impossible to start a successful business due to all the requirements and forced costs and so less people do it. And then people want to know why nothing is made in the USA. Yes Im aware Trump does business with China. However I do feel he believes in less government intrusion into small businesses.

4. Immigration reform. Come on, any way you slice it, theres a problem. Do I think building a wall is an answer? No. Do I think he can actually build a wall? No. But the first step is recognizing there is a problem. Hillary sort of tiptoes around this.

I just dont believe in the "tax and spend" mentality. And I dont believe in a nanny state. I think as a country we should give people the TOOLS they need to succeed and then LET THEM succeed! We all know the story about giving a man a fish vs teaching a man to fish.

And lastly, I do not think it is in any way a good thing to have mostly liberal SCOTUS justices. Nor to have them all be conservative. We NEED to have justices representing all areas across the spectrum. To hear each other out in order to best enforce the Constitution, rather than rewrite it.

Thank you for sharing your reasons. It's refreshing to see some concrete reasons for a change.

Posted 8/2/16 12:55 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by NYCGirl80

Posted by Xelindrya

First she's against same sex marriage then she's for it. She says what ever suits the vote. But you worry about Trumps words?

Sorry, but you're inaccurate here. Originally, Hillary said she would leave it to the states, and if the state supported it, then she would do. Separation of state and federal powers.

She was never OPPOSED to it.

I can't stand either candidate - but I will say that Hillary flip-flopped on this. In various speeches from 2002-2004 she defines marriage as between a man and a woman only. She was definitely against it at one point and now that it's gotten so much support, she's for it.


Posted 8/2/16 1:01 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Thank you. No question, it is horrible that the American people, with all its brilliant and educated citizens, are left to live with either of these lunatics. But we are where we are, and perhaps that in itself is a question we should ask ourselves - how the heck did we get here?

Yeah, Trump has verbal diarrhea. Some of the things he says....oh boy. But I cant vote based on which candidate has better acting skills. Because I do believe HRC is just as bad behind the scenes and have heard first hand how rude and dismissive she is of anyone who is not an elitist or in a position to kiss her arse. With Trump what you see is (unfortunately) what you get. With HRC I always think of the Scorpion and the Frog story. It fits her like a glove.

Posted 8/2/16 1:03 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Posted by ChilisWife

Thank you. No question, it is horrible that the American people, with all its brilliant and educated citizens, are left to live with either of these lunatics. But we are where we are, and perhaps that in itself is a question we should ask ourselves - how the heck did we get here?

Yeah, Trump has verbal diarrhea. Some of the things he says....oh boy. But I cant vote based on which candidate has better acting skills. Because I do believe HRC is just as bad behind the scenes and have heard first hand how rude and dismissive she is of anyone who is not an elitist or in a position to kiss her arse. With Trump what you see is (unfortunately) what you get. With HRC I always think of the Scorpion and the Frog story. It fits her like a glove.

Serious question. Does his verbal diarrhea concern you when it comes to meeting with world leaders?

I think this is the most terrifying. He lacks any diplomacy or knowledge of world events, which he's shown during his visit to Scotland and during his interview about Putin and Ukraine.

I can't see how we can trust him with access to nuclear codes and top secret information. He has too short a fuse and I think the things he says and does are done without thinking first.

Posted 8/2/16 1:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


A question for Trump supporters

I dont know I think people are fed up with status quo to the point they don't really care about what childish antics Trump does or says... I think he's a buffoon but I don't support most democratic policies so what choice do I really have? Vote Trump, don't vote, waste a vote on a third party? To be honest, I am still flip flopping between the three options and I'm really not sure what Trump can do or say to lose my vote yet, sometimes I think he has already has lost my vote, others I'm not so sure..... I guess time will tell???? If and once I hit that point when im 100% certain I will not vote for him I'm happy to let you know why. But i thibk it will be a game time decision....Being a Republican really sucks right now for me. I know most of you are democrats on this board so you probably can't appreciate it but a lot of us who do not support HRCs and the Democratic agenda were dealt a really ****** hand this election and we have to make a decision one way or another that will potentially shape our country and affect the future of our families and children. The thing is, nothing said on this board sways me one way or another because the ONLY thing I'm certain of is HRC will NOT get my vote in November, never. If Trump, Johnson, or no one will is still TBD.

Anyway hope that helps.

Posted 8/2/16 1:27 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: A question for Trump supporters

Does it concern me? Sure. Of course. But its not like right now all the world leaders are sitting around singing cumbaya and Trump is going to come in and ruin everything. The world is in really bad turmoil. I am not worried that some world leader is going to nuke us because Trump makes a comment. Im just not. Trump has dealt with and negotiated with tons of different types of people throughout his life. I dont think he will be as crass when it counts. I think a lot of what he says is reactive bc the media despises him and is all over him constantly and endlessly.

Posted 8/2/16 1:33 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


A question for Trump supporters

He just kicked a crying baby out of a rally

Posted 8/2/16 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


A question for Trump supporters

When someone says they are a Trump supporter, I don't really need to more. It speaks for itself.

Posted 8/2/16 1:38 PM
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