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Anyone NOT BFing?

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by Preguntas

Posted by curliegirl

I know all the benefits, I actually did a research paper on it in college

Can you clarify this whole nutrient/ antibody thing?
I don't mind having selfish reasons, unless it may hurt the baby.

Our bodies naturally produce antibodies, which fight off infection, bacteria, chemicals and toxins, which are passed through the milk. It is claimed that this will help babies not get sick as often, but I personally know someone who BFed all 4 of her kids and they are constantly sick....constantly.....

This is what I always thought also. My cousin has 3 children. Strangely enough she BF the first 2 and they had chronic ear infections...the 3rd she bottlefed and he never had one.

Posted 11/1/07 12:54 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I will have to do more research on the benefits. I feel like they may sway me. Though the thought just FREAKS me out.

Posted 11/1/07 12:55 PM


Member since 8/07

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

This is something that I have thought a lot about because I never was a BFing person. I always get weirded out around people who just whip it out when were out to lunch and I dont know its just not my thing. I was speaking to someone at work about this and his wife just had her 4th baby and he said the formula that is available now is so advanced that it has all of those nutrients. I mean i'm sure it is not exactly like what we could give them but I would think it is just as good.

Posted 11/1/07 12:55 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I have seen both sides in my family. My sister did breastfeed her kids and my sil couldn't. Sil tried but her milk didn't come in. Her kids are healthy but I must admit have been sick a lot more then my sisters kids. My sister first never had even a cold till she was over a year old and didn't get an ear infection till 3 years of age. My brothers kids had colds and ear infections real early. But colds go away. They have no long lasting issues.
I personally hope I can for 2 reasons. One is because I have had to deal with the back aches and issues of having these damn things they better work now that they are called upon. And 2 is because I have allergies and auto immune issues. I am hoping that nursing will help prevent or lessen the chances of the baby getting it.

Posted 11/1/07 12:55 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by Preguntas

I will have to do more research on the benefits. I feel like they may sway me. Though the thought just FREAKS me out.

I'll let you know in a month if I get over the freaked out-edness........

I doubt it.
I also don't wanna be trapped in the nursery every 2 hours while people are over. I didn't see my nephew's face for the first week when SIL was trying to nurse......

Posted 11/1/07 12:57 PM

Two in Blue

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by Preguntas

Posted by lillian771

I think I've said too much already so I'll just stop here.

I should hope no one is offended by someone elses reasons not to BF- it's a personal choice, right?
It's so weird- thes epeople that say things to me are like, defending BFing. And SHOCKED that I won't do it.

I also wasnt BFed- I turned out OK I think. And I was a healthy baby.

I am worse than anyone- I don't want to wake up to feed every 2 hours. More than that- I want to be able to drink again.
Those are super shallow- but it's my choice, right?
PLus I will only be home for like 6 weeks.

Anyway- one of my girlfriends said that I HAVE to, or that the hospital will ask me to, because there are nutirents and antibodies that the child will not get from formula. Well, what about those babies who don't take to BFing? It seems to me like there is a lack in information here.

I will definitely talk to my Dr about it.

Butting in here--but your baby will still have to eat every 2-3 hrs whether you BF or notChat Icon That said-do what you feel comfortable with.

Posted 11/1/07 1:04 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by Preguntas

I will have to do more research on the benefits. I feel like they may sway me. Though the thought just FREAKS me out.

I'll let you know in a month if I get over the freaked out-edness........

I doubt it.
I also don't wanna be trapped in the nursery every 2 hours while people are over. I didn't see my nephew's face for the first week when SIL was trying to nurse......

another option is you can pump - which is what I am thinking of doing.
That way you can still feed with bottle, and go places.

Also, I went with a friend of mine to eat, and she had to breastfeed the baby. It really wasn't bad. She put on a cover (which they sell now) and breast fed under it, no one even noticed. Im totally getting one of those!

Posted 11/1/07 1:07 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by Preguntas

I should hope no one is offended by someone elses reasons not to BF- it's a personal choice, right?
It's so weird- thes epeople that say things to me are like, defending BFing. And SHOCKED that I won't do it.

I also wasnt BFed- I turned out OK I think. And I was a healthy baby.

I am worse than anyone- I don't want to wake up to feed every 2 hours. More than that- I want to be able to drink again.
Those are super shallow- but it's my choice, right?
PLus I will only be home for like 6 weeks.

Anyway- one of my girlfriends said that I HAVE to, or that the hospital will ask me to, because there are nutirents and antibodies that the child will not get from formula. Well, what about those babies who don't take to BFing? It seems to me like there is a lack in information here.

I will definitely talk to my Dr about it.

All of the same reasons here. Selfish or not, I don't care. Not BFing for me will be better for my baby. They sleep longer earlier on formula and I can share the feeding responsibilities with my DH from the get-go, allowing mommy to get more sleep and therefore be a better mommy.

Posted 11/1/07 1:14 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by curliegirl

I also don't wanna be trapped in the nursery every 2 hours while people are over. I didn't see my nephew's face for the first week when SIL was trying to nurse......

funny you should say that... i thought i would feel the same, but turns out that in those first weeks i wanted nothing more than to be alone with dh and the baby, so i found leaving the room to nurse a welcome break from everyone.

having a baby has brought out my antisocial side Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/07 1:15 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Butting in here--but your baby will still have to eat every 2-3 hrs whether you BF or notChat Icon That said-do what you feel comfortable with.

In the beginning, then they go longer betwen feedings on formula, and DHs can help....

Posted 11/1/07 1:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/07

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Never really thought about it.

My boobs are so small, I just psyched that they'll get engorged w/ something and I'll finally have real clevage. What to do w/ it at that point, who knows.

I'm defnitely taking lots of pictures.

Posted 11/1/07 1:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I plan to BF, but I also know that things can happen that make it impossible (low milk production, mastitis, baby can't tolerate breast milk, etc.). Not that anyone should judge you at all anyway, but to be on some sort of superiority thing based on intentions is ridiculous- what are they gonna say if things don't go as they planned.

Posted 11/1/07 1:34 PM

it's pretty precious

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by quehoraes

Never really thought about it.

My boobs are so small, I just psyched that they'll get engorged w/ something and I'll finally have real clevage. What to do w/ it at that point, who knows.

I'm defnitely taking lots of pictures.

They get big quick- I had a growth spurt around 17 weeks.
They are FULL now. I love em. And they were already big.

Posted 11/1/07 1:55 PM

My Girls

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I did BF my DD after being gulited into it from nine months of badgering from DH.I did not have a natural desire to do it. I am glad that I did, however, will be the first to admit that it was one of the most difficult things I ever did in my life. I know everyone is different, but I really struggled. Soar bleeding nipple, painful nursing & unsure if baby was eating enough freaked me out. You can never say okay the baby got 4oz she's fine. It is a big guessing game. I got a Mastoid in my breast(an infection from a clogged milk duct) and spent a tearful night in the ER. IT WAS HARD. On the plus side, I was prepreggo size and weight in 6-8 weeks and even smaller than before in a few months. I was 117 the day I got p/g and 104 on her 1st b-day. Never worked out. I did lose a full bra size, but they are not droopy. I did it for 9 months and my DD had her 1st sick visit on her 1st b-day. I truly believe that there will be sick breastfed kids just like there will be sick formula kids. I say follow your heart. You do not owe anyone any explanation! Just be you!
By the way, I will BF this baby for no longer than 3 months, also, for selfish reasons. I want to be skinny! So there is selfish on both sides of this debate.

Message edited 11/1/2007 2:05:02 PM.

Posted 11/1/07 2:04 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I will breast feed...or at least try! I just believe that it is the best for me. I don't think ANYONE should feel guilty or bad for not. It is an extremely personal decision!

Posted 11/1/07 2:23 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I am not BFing. I would have liked to do so, but I need to take medication for an ongoing health issue which is released in rather large quantities in breast milk and can cause developmental delays. One of my doctors and two pediatricians advised me against BFing while on the medication (and they are all pro BF).

Anyway, when I first found out that it was not advisable for me to BF, I felt pretty badly about it, like my child wasn't getting the start he needs. I think there is so much out there about the benefits (and there are great benefits) it's hard to remember that many children are fed formula and turn out fine, and it is still possible to bond with your baby.

If anyone is really uncomfortable with the idea of BFing for other reasons, I personally think you are well justified in not doing it also. You don't want your discomfort with the process communicated to your baby either. That's JMO.

Posted 11/1/07 2:29 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Quite honestly it's your own personal choice. I come from a family of lots of BF's, and I am totally used to walking up to one of my aunts or even my mom when my sister was little, and seeing baby with boob in their face/mouth. That is why I am totally going to try and BF. It of course is all up to DD how she chooses to eat.

However, that being said, some people are just completely and totally grossed and/or offended at this sight.

It's your personal decision, and if you decide to try it, and find out that it's not for you, then at least you tried. If you just know that it's not for you, then that's ok too. If you aren't comfie wipping out the boobie, and you feel fine feeding her from a bottle, then that's all you!

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Posted 11/1/07 2:49 PM


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Message edited 8/14/2009 12:46:47 PM.

Posted 11/1/07 6:11 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Just an FYI- BFing does not ruin your breasts..... pregnancy does. If you think they're full now....

Whether you BF or not- your breasts WILL get stretched further once your milk comes in.

I always thought I would be weirded out BFing because my breasts have ALWAYS been a main part of DH and my sex life. At first, it's weird, but not in a sex way. Feeling your milk let down is the strangest feeling. NOW- when she's nursing and my mik lets down- it's like a relief. And actually, I feel MORE sexual with DH when he's playing around with them (but always after I pump).

I thought I would only nurse for a few months, but I have really grown to love it and plan to go the full year. Even with getting up in the middle of the night- I swear I really just love that time alone with DD. What's nice about BFing is that you are FORCED to take it easy for a few minutes a day.

I am in no way saying BF is the only way- I know FF is just fine (hell- I was FF). But I encourage anyone on the fence to just TRY it for a few weeks- you might really love it like I do.Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/07 8:05 PM

C ♥'s F

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I always always always BF in the hosptial. IMO giving my baby the colostrom is one of the best things I can do. Ia m not a big milk producer. I get better with each pg. But knowing that I don't produce is ok with me. Bottle feeding does me just fine. As long as I gave the baby the colostrum than I can rest. If I'm not able to produce milk than it obvioulsy wasn't meant to be. If I was more passionate about it then perhgaps I would have tried other things to get my milk going.

Posted 11/1/07 8:50 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by neener1211

I am going to try it, but a big reason why we are trying it, is bc it will save $ and it is better for the baby. That being said, if it doesn't work out, I have no problem bottle feeding, and know my child will still be well fed. I was bottle fed, and so was DH.

ITA. I'm actually going to try to exclusively pump. If it doesn't work out then I will formula big deal. I think to each his own...their is nothing wrong with formula...plenty of babies have been raised on it and are fine. Also I think a happy mother is very important...I don't want to stress myself out trying to breastfeed so much that I don't enjoy my baby.

Posted 11/1/07 10:32 PM

The Merlster

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

I'm going to give a whirl and see what happens, if I get on Ok with it, then I'll do it, If I don't then I'll bottle feed, but to be honest I'm not going to worry about it and if anyone dares to say anything to me about my choice I shall tell them to f*** off. So that is my take on breastfeeding Chat Icon

Posted 11/1/07 10:37 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Posted by Preguntas

Anyway- one of my girlfriends said that I HAVE to, or that the hospital will ask me to, because there are nutirents and antibodies that the child will not get from formula. Well, what about those babies who don't take to BFing? It seems to me like there is a lack in information here.

Totally not true in my case. I wasn't planning on BFing, but my milk didn't come in anyway, but I was asked once in the hopsital and never again.

They gave us plenty of formula.

Posted 11/1/07 10:41 PM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

It's really a personal choice.

There is no doubt that BM is the best for babies. But plenty of babies are raised on formula and are just fine.

Nobody in my family BFed. My sister tried for my niece but got a bad infection.

I never thought I would BF.

I decided I would give it a try.

Here are my pros and cons on BF

- Best for baby (natural nutrients, better digestion)
- cheaper

- HUGE (did I say HUUUUGE) commitment.
- Babies need to eat more often
- You might need to keep a pump with you (even a manual) to prevent engorgement
- You cannot NOT BF for hours, especially in the beginning (engorgement, need to maintain milk supply).
- You still need to watch what you eat (prenatal vitamines, no alcohol/caffein, etc...)

DH told me after 2 weeks PP, that he would have stopped BFing and switched to formula if he had been a woman.

I am still BFing at 4 months PP. I have an expensive breast pump (so it's not quite free) and I pump at work. Again, very time consuming and demanding.

I love it though and I am glad I am making this sacrifice for my DS.

Posted 11/2/07 3:07 AM

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Re: Anyone NOT BFing?

Another FYI aboute exclusively pumping, this is the hardest job you could ever do. Its very stressful and takes up probably close to 2 hours a day that you could be spending with your baby. Trying to pump while trying to hold a screaming baby who is STARVING is very stressful. Also, I pumped for 8 months and with my next baby, I don't think I would do it again if we had problems like we did with my son. I would go straight to bottle feeding...I was constantly worried about not having enough food for him, and I was absolutely devastated when my 8 month supply of frozen BM was rancid due to a lipase that I knew nothing about. It was heartbreaking.

I think BF'ing is the most wonderful, most natural thing in the world. Colostrum is so healthy for babies, so if you choose not to BF for the long term, do it for the first few days the benefits are wonderful and the skin to skin closeness is like nothing else you would ever experience.

Posted 11/2/07 5:17 AM
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