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I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
OK, so my new "option", shoudl I change my mind once I meet the baby- is to BF for 2 weeks, then switch to the bottle- perhaps some BM, some formula, for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop pumping, and be exclusively formula. Is this an absurd plan?
Sounds like a great plan! I really hope it works out for you.
Posted 11/2/07 1:35 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
OK, so my new "option", shoudl I change my mind once I meet the baby- is to BF for 2 weeks, then switch to the bottle- perhaps some BM, some formula, for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop pumping, and be exclusively formula. Is this an absurd plan?
That doesn't sound absurd to me.
It's easier for babies to suck from a bottle than it is for a breast, so chances are your baby will prefer the bottle and the switch won't be so difficult, especially so early on. The whole 'nipple confusion' thing generally happens (from what I've heard) because the babies don't want to work as hard to get milk from the breast after they've had a taste of the bottle.
Although I do have a friend whose daughter won't take a bottle (she's only 1 month old). She didn't have a sucking reflex at birth...but she's the first baby I've ever heard of who was like that.
Posted 11/2/07 1:39 PM |
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by stephanief
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
exactly- that is far preferable to the 1.5- 2 hour feedings I have been told about.
my dc is ff and always went longer than 4 hours at nigh. The dr said it was fine as long as theyre growing
Posted 11/2/07 6:14 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 180 total posts
Name: Colleen
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
OK, so my new "option", shoudl I change my mind once I meet the baby- is to BF for 2 weeks, then switch to the bottle- perhaps some BM, some formula, for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop pumping, and be exclusively formula. Is this an absurd plan?
I don't think that is absurd at all. I was completely unsure about breastfeeding. I gave it a try and really liked it. Now 3 months later, I am still doing it. We introduced a bottle at 2 weeks and my son takes both boob and bottle with no problem. Do what works best for you and your baby.
Posted 11/2/07 6:31 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/07 452 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
OK, so my new "option", shoudl I change my mind once I meet the baby- is to BF for 2 weeks, then switch to the bottle- perhaps some BM, some formula, for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop pumping, and be exclusively formula. Is this an absurd plan?
This is my plan! Not absurd at all!
Posted 11/2/07 6:31 PM |
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by shamrock124
I did want to say that there are some misconceptions. FF babies don't always sleep longer then bf babies, or at least mine didn't. Daddies can still help with the feedings for mommy by getting the baby, changing the baby and bringing the baby to bed so mommy can feed. Plus, if anyone is like me, your going to wake up at the slightest sound your baby makes whether you want to or not. I bf in public and felt comfortable doing it... I had nursing clothes and a cover so it was easy...actually easier then prepping bottles because I always had food with me.
This is TOTALLY true- BFing was one of the hardest things I ever did. DS did not latch until six weeks and until then I exclusively pumped.
I found pumping to be the BIGGEST pain in the world. You spend SO long pumping and then you still need to feed a baby- so hard to pump while baby is crying for you.
EBF was SO much easier than pumping! Once I was in the groove, there are no bottles to clean and you just go out and take baby with you and not worry about anything.
But, there is NOTHING wrong with formula- it nourishes the baby quite well! Mommy has to be happy - that's the most important!
ETA: there is nothing wrong with nursing and then sometimes supplementing with formula when you want to go out or if you want DH to help at night etc- we did that too. DS never had a problem with both nipple and bottle- some babies do but not all.
Message edited 11/2/2007 8:42:02 PM.
Posted 11/2/07 8:40 PM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
OK, so my new "option", shoudl I change my mind once I meet the baby- is to BF for 2 weeks, then switch to the bottle- perhaps some BM, some formula, for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop pumping, and be exclusively formula. Is this an absurd plan?
I did this from day one ... some breastfeeding, some formula feeding, then I pumped and did BF bottles too ... Vincent never had an issue with anything - breast/bottle .. breatmilk/formula. I decided to stop BF at 1 month becuase that is what I wanted. I was glad for 1 month he got my antibodies and vitamens though.
Message edited 11/2/2007 8:59:27 PM.
Posted 11/2/07 8:59 PM |
Love my girls!
Member since 10/06 2114 total posts
Name: mommy
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I'm so going to BF b/c I want my body back... supposedly you burn some enoumous amount of calories and none of my friends who BF'd have boob troubles... in fact they are fuller than before they had their kids and they all went back to pre-baby weights and they are all over 30. The financial aspect of saving money on formula was HUGE to me too... babies are expensive enough... finally my big reason for wanting to is b/c I only get 12 weeks home on maternity leave - I want to bond as much as I possibly can leaving no stone unturned. Going back to work for me will probably be traumatic enough so at least this may help me feel like I did my best. That's just my Jewish guilt though. I never viewed breasts sexually actually, I always hated my C-cups physically wishing they were smaller and perky, but at least now I feel they serve a purpose. I may be capping it off at 6 months though b/c I don't work in an office - I'm in sales so that's going to be very interesting pumping in parking lots and bathrooms. Everyone's different though and you have to do what's best for you... no one should give you crap for your feelings... I want to but I still respect anyone who wouldn't want to b/c that's how they feel, who am I to say anything? I hate unsolicited criticism... it's none of anyone's business.
Message edited 11/2/2007 10:01:54 PM.
Posted 11/2/07 9:58 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I will say that I have stretch marks on my boobs now, but I had an oversupply (I could pump 60+ oz a day) - but they are not droopy - but I wear a bra constantly while BFing. drying out is not painful at all and everyone becomes engorged (even FF moms) - but it wasn't as painful as I anticipated (I almost passed out watching the video in the BFing class)
My first child has been relatively healthy, so I'm glad I did it. My second had sniffles at 2 months, but that was it - now he's 4 months - so there is a lot to go - but the antibodies will stay with them
that all being said - I don't like to talk about my personal choices with people. Even though I BF, I can hear the judging when the question is asked and though I have the answer they want to hear - it annoys me terribly! MY body MY choice. My SIL was very involved in LLL and I told DH not to talk about how we feed DS#2 - it's really none of her business.
Posted 11/3/07 1:39 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
why not pump? yes it takes time and can be frustrating, but at least you know how much your baby is getting. and they are still getting your breast milk.
Posted 11/3/07 1:56 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by saraH
why not pump? yes it takes time and can be frustrating, but at least you know how much your baby is getting. and they are still getting your breast milk.
Exclusively pumping is a huge amount of work -- it's double work and takes double the amount of time. It's great to pump now and then so your baby can have a bottle when it's convenient, but it's difficult to rely on pumping. As far as knowing how much baby is getting, as long as he's peeing and pooping he's getting enough.
Posted 11/3/07 2:48 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
EBF for 10.5 months so far. I am not from a BFing family at all, but my mother was very supportive. Everyone else acts like I am some kind of an Earth Mother...
At 4 days old, I had to start pumping due to engorgement issues. So for the first 3 weeks...I alternated feedings, one on the boob, the other on the issues.
I think you just have to enter into the world of breastfeeding with a very open to the disappointments, the discomfort, the fact that their is a little man on your boob.
I learned to just take one feeding at a time...each day of bfing is an accomplishment.
Posted 11/3/07 3:01 PM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
i don't know....i don't think you can judge BFing of FFing or any of that until you have a baby. when they say "everything changes when you have a baby" it is beyond the truth!!!! in that instant you are really never the same. everything you thought you knew before just changes.....that is what it was like for me anyway. NEVER thought i would survive BFing-or even try but like i said-it all goes out the window. you will only know what is right when you are really holding that child!
Posted 11/3/07 9:19 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Porrruss
Just an FYI- BFing does not ruin your breasts..... pregnancy does. If you think they're full now....
Whether you BF or not- your breasts WILL get stretched further once your milk comes in.
true dat...I was a PORN STAR for the four days my milk came in. I formula fed from day 1...I had nice, perky breasts that definitely hang lower CANNOT avoid that, BF or not.
Posted 11/3/07 9:44 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Do what your baby wants you to do...if it likes being BF and you're getting the hang of it, then stick to it...I introduced the bottle right away bc at first I was worried that he was not getting enough BM...he was and is fine now...sucking away on both the breast and the bottle without any nipple confusion. I think they honestly tell you that to encourage you to stick to BF which is fine...bc its really easy to give up. But as I did and still do nurse, pump and give formula, and it has worked out just fine for my son...I don't have to worry about leaving him with my mom or with my husband...he is used to the bottle and likes to nurse...and I like to pump (give bottles) and nurse as well.
Any by the way, I didn't go sucking on my nips to taste the milk Naun lol...when it drips here and there I gladly lick it off my fingers
Posted 11/3/07 11:34 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by MST9106
Naun...I think its hard to make that decision right might change your mind once you're holding that precious little child (YOUR child) in your arms and you're going to want to give him/her the best nutrition you possibly could...not that formula is bad or anything bc I think its great (I even supplement a couple of feeds) but I think its more of a mental get that milk and you think that its there for a reason and that it has all the nutrients and vitamins your baby needs and you might just give in. The thing about BF is that it is NOT takes a lot of patience, strength and persistence...but in the end, at least for me, it was all so worth it...nothing makes me more happier than BF or giving my son expressed BM in a bottle...and oh by the way, BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
Also wanted to add about the sexual aspect. Your DH's are going to so damn excited that you had "their" child there is no bigger aphrodisiac Also your breast will still be a sexual object, but they will also hold food. Your DH will still see them as sexual (and oh baby are they sensitive in a good way ) and your baby will see them as food. You will still be a wife, but also now a mother.
Posted 11/4/07 7:50 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1652 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
My 2 cents - I think its great that you are going to try. Outside of that, you never know how you will feel and what you will do. You may LOVE it and want to do it for the next 6 weeks, you may hate it from day 1 and switch to formular right way.
I am going in to it with an open attitude of I will try. The rest is upto the future.
It reminds me of a saying I read "people plan, Gd lauphs" - thats generally how I feel about life though
Posted 11/4/07 9:41 AM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Stacey1403
Posted by MST9106
Naun...I think its hard to make that decision right might change your mind once you're holding that precious little child (YOUR child) in your arms and you're going to want to give him/her the best nutrition you possibly could...not that formula is bad or anything bc I think its great (I even supplement a couple of feeds) but I think its more of a mental get that milk and you think that its there for a reason and that it has all the nutrients and vitamins your baby needs and you might just give in. The thing about BF is that it is NOT takes a lot of patience, strength and persistence...but in the end, at least for me, it was all so worth it...nothing makes me more happier than BF or giving my son expressed BM in a bottle...and oh by the way, BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
Also wanted to add about the sexual aspect. Your DH's are going to so damn excited that you had "their" child there is no bigger aphrodisiac Also your breast will still be a sexual object, but they will also hold food. Your DH will still see them as sexual (and oh baby are they sensitive in a good way ) and your baby will see them as food. You will still be a wife, but also now a mother.
TOTALLY agree about the sexual aspect. if anything, i think that using my breasts to feed ds has made them MORE attractive to dh - i guess they symbolize womanhood and fertlity in some way...
Posted 11/4/07 9:57 AM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by alexlynn7
Posted by Stacey1403
Posted by MST9106
Naun...I think its hard to make that decision right might change your mind once you're holding that precious little child (YOUR child) in your arms and you're going to want to give him/her the best nutrition you possibly could...not that formula is bad or anything bc I think its great (I even supplement a couple of feeds) but I think its more of a mental get that milk and you think that its there for a reason and that it has all the nutrients and vitamins your baby needs and you might just give in. The thing about BF is that it is NOT takes a lot of patience, strength and persistence...but in the end, at least for me, it was all so worth it...nothing makes me more happier than BF or giving my son expressed BM in a bottle...and oh by the way, BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
Also wanted to add about the sexual aspect. Your DH's are going to so damn excited that you had "their" child there is no bigger aphrodisiac Also your breast will still be a sexual object, but they will also hold food. Your DH will still see them as sexual (and oh baby are they sensitive in a good way ) and your baby will see them as food. You will still be a wife, but also now a mother.
TOTALLY agree about the sexual aspect. if anything, i think that using my breasts to feed ds has made them MORE attractive to dh - i guess they symbolize womanhood and fertlity in some way...
Totally agree about the sexual aspect comment here as well...also, I think its important to be able to switch that "switch" and use them as a food source for your child (this is why we have them to begin with) and be able to flaunt them in your hubby's face .
Posted 11/4/07 8:37 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/06 107 total posts
Name: Jamie
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I have no intention of BF...I work weird hours as nurse and just at times won't be able to get away to pump. I know it seems selfish I just can't deal with the idea of being in pain cause I couldn't get away.
Posted 11/4/07 10:00 PM |
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