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I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Considering that the vast majority of babies are formula fed, I always find posts like these strange. Believe me, you will not feel like the odd one out for formula feeding -- most of the moms/babies I meet are formula feeding.
Just to clear up any misconceptions though -- you definately can drink alcohol while breastfeeding -- take your drink right after you feed your baby it will be out of your system in a few hours -- very little alcohol actually makes it into breastmilk anyway. I breastfeed and am very pro-breastfeeding for people who are receptive to it, but if that's not you that's OK, don't sweat it.
Believe me, this is just the beginning of the judgemental questions you'll get ("you let him sleep with you???" "you let him cry it out???" "you're not feeding him enough" "you're feeding him too much!!!"). I suggest you make the decision now to only discuss your choices with people your comfortable and blow off everyone else. You'll be a much happier mother that way,
Posted 11/2/07 8:19 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Dragonfly75
Believe me, this is just the beginning of the judgemental questions you'll get ("you let him sleep with you???" "you let him cry it out???" "you're not feeding him enough" "you're feeding him too much!!!"). I suggest you make the decision now to only discuss your choices with people your comfortable and blow off everyone else. You'll be a much happier mother that way,
seriously, i thought pregnancy was bad because everyone and their mother had an opinion about my looks, what i should/shouldn't be doing, etc.
well, those days are rosy compared to now, where EVERYONE feels like they want to tell me how to raise my child. i've taken to just smiling politely and saying, "thanks for your input, but i'd like to do things my way - and if i end up learning from my own mistakes, so be it".
Posted 11/2/07 8:27 AM |
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
They only asked once in the hospital if I planned to breastfeed. Aren't the antibodies only good while you are breastfeeding. For example if you breastfeed for 6 weeks and stop the baby can still get sick when it is 7 weeks.
Posted 11/2/07 8:39 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I bf for 3 months and then had to stop due to being hospitalized. I loved it but it was very difficult for me in the beginning. It's a personal choice and something that shouldn't be forced on anyone. However, I do think everyone should give it a try because so many things can actually change right after your baby is born and your feelings for it might change. Also, colostrum is so very important for a newborn to help flush out their system and formula has no way to replicating that.
I did want to say that there are some misconceptions. FF babies don't always sleep longer then bf babies, or at least mine didn't. Daddies can still help with the feedings for mommy by getting the baby, changing the baby and bringing the baby to bed so mommy can feed. Plus, if anyone is like me, your going to wake up at the slightest sound your baby makes whether you want to or not. I bf in public and felt comfortable doing it... I had nursing clothes and a cover so it was easy...actually easier then prepping bottles because I always had food with me.
Good luck with whatever choice you make. I just wanted to let you know how bfing went for me with my first.
Posted 11/2/07 8:46 AM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I have always felt that I wouldn't BF. But had changed my mind when I got pregnant saying I would try it but secretly I am scared that I will be grossed out by it. Because of my "lack of commitment" I went to a BF class. I learned so much and I am now pretty excited to at least try. I am still realistic that it may not work and I am ok with formula. But I know overall it is the best for the baby, there are benefits that you cannot get with formula so I feel its important to try.
I think if you are on the fence a BF class might be worth the time, its very informative adn the one I went to was very low pressure.
Posted 11/2/07 9:16 AM |

Member since 5/05 10311 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I didn't BF with DD and I have so intentions of BFing with DS. Just not my thing.
I wasn't BF, nor was my DH and we turned out healthy.
Nobody has really given me slack about it though. People ask me, but for the most part, I think most already know what my answer is going to be.
Posted 11/2/07 10:03 AM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
So much helpful information- thank you, ladies.
Regarding the colostrum, and BFing for just a few days: Is it an easier transition to switch to formula/ bottles after only afew days of BFing? The switch is a big concern of mine- I will only be home for about 6 weeks, and after that, he/she will be in day care with my mom- she simply won't have the time or energy to fight to feed a child- I need to have this baby on a schedule by then, KWIM?
Posted 11/2/07 10:40 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
I am worse than anyone- I don't want to wake up to feed every 2 hours. More than that- I want to be able to drink again. Those are super shallow- but it's my choice, right? PLus I will only be home for like 6 weeks.
I will definitely talk to my Dr about it.
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
I think it is a totally personal choice, everyone needs to mind their business. I bf and supplemented with formula from day one so I had the best of both worlds....I actually enjoyed was a great bonding experience...good luck
Posted 11/2/07 10:46 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by curliegirl
Butting in here--but your baby will still have to eat every 2-3 hrs whether you BF or not That said-do what you feel comfortable with.
In the beginning, then they go longer betwen feedings on formula, and DHs can help....
just so you know, babies need to eat every 3-4 hours, they do not go longer than that, whether they are on bm or dd still eats every 2.5 - 3 hours and she is 7 months old
Posted 11/2/07 10:49 AM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I think if you don't want to BF, then that's your decision and more power to you!
I'm gonna give it a go. Hopefully it works out, but if not, no biggie. I was formula fed and was a healthy baby.
As for making the transition to formula, my friend's baby nurse had her bottle feed the baby at night (with breast milk). When the baby was really hungry and she was producing enough BM, she would supplement with formula. The baby seemed to be fine with both. The big thing was getting the baby comfortable with the bottle and the breast.
Posted 11/2/07 10:50 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
So much helpful information- thank you, ladies.
Regarding the colostrum, and BFing for just a few days: Is it an easier transition to switch to formula/ bottles after only afew days of BFing? The switch is a big concern of mine- I will only be home for about 6 weeks, and after that, he/she will be in day care with my mom- she simply won't have the time or energy to fight to feed a child- I need to have this baby on a schedule by then, KWIM?
Most babies have a very easy time going to a bottle when they are only bf for a couple of weeks since bottle feeding is much easier for them.
Posted 11/2/07 10:58 AM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by stephanief
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
exactly- that is far preferable to the 1.5- 2 hour feedings I have been told about.
Posted 11/2/07 11:06 AM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Naun...I think its hard to make that decision right might change your mind once you're holding that precious little child (YOUR child) in your arms and you're going to want to give him/her the best nutrition you possibly could...not that formula is bad or anything bc I think its great (I even supplement a couple of feeds) but I think its more of a mental get that milk and you think that its there for a reason and that it has all the nutrients and vitamins your baby needs and you might just give in. The thing about BF is that it is NOT takes a lot of patience, strength and persistence...but in the end, at least for me, it was all so worth it...nothing makes me more happier than BF or giving my son expressed BM in a bottle...and oh by the way, BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
Posted 11/2/07 12:09 PM |
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
I also feel that my breasts are a sexual thing. I am planning to pump, and bottle feed...DH really insisted I bf, but I just cant do it. I was going to formula feed, but for totally selfish reasons I decided to pump. I hear I will lose weight really fast, and its free.
Message edited 11/2/2007 12:12:09 PM.
Posted 11/2/07 12:11 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by MST9106
BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
DH totally wants to taste it.
I think, after reading all this- my main concern is the weaning off the tit. IF I BF, it needs to be done after a month. I don't know- I guess I could pump. It all sounds so painful and annoying. I'm definitely open to changing my mind though.
Posted 11/2/07 12:22 PM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
There's NO WAY that I can do this exclusively. I just won't have the time once I go back to work to pump and leave bottles.
I'll do it for the three months that I'm home for the colostrum and bonding, but after that it will be formula and bottles.
Posted 11/2/07 12:24 PM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by MST9106
BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
DH totally wants to taste it.
I think, after reading all this- my main concern is the weaning off the tit. IF I BF, it needs to be done after a month. I don't know- I guess I could pump. It all sounds so painful and annoying. I'm definitely open to changing my mind though.
Melted vanilla ice cream...
Its all going to come together for you...whatever you decide to do...weaning off the breast is not hard...eventually your baby will prefer a bottle anyway bc its easier to suck down.
Posted 11/2/07 12:26 PM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by stephanief
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
exactly- that is far preferable to the 1.5- 2 hour feedings I have been told about.
My nephew was never breast fed and he ate every 2 hours on the dot like a breast fed baby. I think every baby is different so it depends
Posted 11/2/07 12:32 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by MST9106
Melted vanilla ice cream...
Its all going to come together for you...whatever you decide to do...weaning off the breast is not hard...eventually your baby will prefer a bottle anyway bc its easier to suck down.
I love that you tried it, too- bc I totally will. Did you suck it yourself or taste from the bottle? I think I could reach my nip to my mouth.
Posted 11/2/07 12:37 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by jacquig
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by stephanief
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
exactly- that is far preferable to the 1.5- 2 hour feedings I have been told about.
My nephew was never breast fed and he ate every 2 hours on the dot like a breast fed baby. I think every baby is different so it depends
VERY interesting.
Posted 11/2/07 12:38 PM |
Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06 9690 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by jacquig
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by stephanief
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
exactly- that is far preferable to the 1.5- 2 hour feedings I have been told about.
My nephew was never breast fed and he ate every 2 hours on the dot like a breast fed baby. I think every baby is different so it depends
VERY interesting.
and I do BF and my 9 day old can go 3.5 - 4 hours between feedings without a problem.
it totally, totally depends on the child.
Posted 11/2/07 12:48 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by MST9106
BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
DH totally wants to taste it.
I think, after reading all this- my main concern is the weaning off the tit. IF I BF, it needs to be done after a month. I don't know- I guess I could pump. It all sounds so painful and annoying. I'm definitely open to changing my mind though.
People will tell you NOT to give the bottle and breast at the same time in the beginning. That it will confuse the baby. My ped actually told me to do it after 1-2 weeks. So in case I could not EBF, he could still take pumped milk from a bottle. He was never confused. He was mostly feeding from pumped milk at 4-5 weeks. I still BF 1-2 per day so he still remembers how to do it. He can switch to either bottle and breast without a problem.
Posted 11/2/07 12:50 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1652 total posts
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by MST9106
BM tastes WAAAAY better than formula.
DH totally wants to taste it.
I think, after reading all this- my main concern is the weaning off the tit. IF I BF, it needs to be done after a month. I don't know- I guess I could pump. It all sounds so painful and annoying. I'm definitely open to changing my mind though.
Babies that young are very adaptable. You will be able to weane the baby off when you want to.
Posted 11/2/07 12:54 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
OK, so my new "option", shoudl I change my mind once I meet the baby- is to BF for 2 weeks, then switch to the bottle- perhaps some BM, some formula, for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop pumping, and be exclusively formula. Is this an absurd plan?
Posted 11/2/07 12:56 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Anyone NOT BFing?
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by stephanief
You will still need to feed the baby every 3-4 hours
exactly- that is far preferable to the 1.5- 2 hour feedings I have been told about.
I guess I just wanted to tell you that every baby is different. Even when dd was on formula, she was eating every 2 hours or so....even now, she eats every 2.5-3 hours, she NEVER goes for more than 3 hours, unless she is sleeping
Posted 11/2/07 1:02 PM |
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