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Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

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Member since 7/07

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

IMO the president is primarily a figurehead, so Obama's inexperience doesn't really bother me.

What matters to me is that he surrounds himself with trusted, experienced advisors -- which I believe he will -- and is intelligent enough to listen to them and implement their strategies (unlike SOME presidents) -- which I believe he is.

Posted 2/7/08 12:04 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

Glad you did some research. But big deal. He does not practice Islam, and even if he did, why is that so horrible? All Muslims are not evil terrorists, contrary to the views of some.

Posted 2/7/08 1:21 PM

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

Oh, I wanted to add that I agree with Kelly AFG about religious extremism in leaders. It can be a very bad thing. Look at Ahmadinejad and George W. Bush--what a mess he made. The two of them are really cut from the same cloth, just different religions.

Posted 2/7/08 1:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

everyone keeps saying he has no experience. in what, being in a military group?? being in a war? that does not give you the experience you need. does anyone know that he has contributed in writing the world britannica?? i'm guessing only non experience people could write a book like that.

saying you won't vote for someone because of their name or heritage or gender is pathetic. I support Obama 110% I've been reading up on him, and listening to his podcasts for over a year now before he was even running to be president and the man is extremely smart, well spoken and has alot of knowledge. we need a fresh and new change and he is it. If he were to be president and Hilary were vice, we would have a great next 8 years for our country (I say 8 because 4 wouldnt be enough for that combo)

So get your head out of your a$$ and actually read some facts of his views and policies before making a judgement so irrational. people like you shouldnt vote. stop racism

Posted 2/7/08 2:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

p.p.s out of all the candidates the ONLY person with experience is Hilary. no one else has been president or immediate family a president right?? so don't use experience as an excuse

Posted 2/7/08 2:38 PM

Candy Girl
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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

Posted by bird382

IMO the president is primarily a figurehead, so Obama's inexperience doesn't really bother me.

What matters to me is that he surrounds himself with trusted, experienced advisors -- which I believe he will -- and is intelligent enough to listen to them and implement their strategies (unlike SOME presidents) -- which I believe he is.

Very True. I agree.

Posted 2/7/08 2:41 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/07

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

out of all the candidates the ONLY person with experience is Hilary. no one else has been president or immediate family a president right?? so don't use experience as an excuse

How does being married to a President equal experience?

ETA: McCaine has way more experience then Hilary does, on many different factors.

Message edited 2/7/2008 2:57:11 PM.

Posted 2/7/08 2:56 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?


everyone keeps saying he has no experience. in what, being in a military group?? being in a war? that does not give you the experience you need. does anyone know that he has contributed in writing the world britannica?? i'm guessing only non experience people could write a book like that.

saying you won't vote for someone because of their name or heritage or gender is pathetic. I support Obama 110% I've been reading up on him, and listening to his podcasts for over a year now before he was even running to be president and the man is extremely smart, well spoken and has alot of knowledge. we need a fresh and new change and he is it. If he were to be president and Hilary were vice, we would have a great next 8 years for our country (I say 8 because 4 wouldnt be enough for that combo)

So get your head out of your a$$ and actually read some facts of his views and policies before making a judgement so irrational. people like you shouldnt vote. stop racism

ummm, I don't think it's racism that people think he's inexperienced, it's the fact that he's not even fully through his first term as a United States senator, which makes him a junior legislator. A fact that I didn't just pull out of my a$$.

Posted 2/7/08 3:00 PM

loving life

Member since 1/07

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

i don't know if i missed this so i'm sorry if someone else said this already

everyone comments how hillary has more expreience, i know she was first lady from '93-'01 are we including this in her experience, obviously she was exposed to everything the president did but she has only been a senator since '00

Obama was a state senator from '97-'04 and became a us senator in '04
i think some people forget he was a state senator first because we have only just heard about him in '04

i know that it's not a lot of experience on a national level but it is government experience

Posted 2/7/08 3:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

the racism part was for the original poster about his father being muslim.

and she was exposed to alot while her husband was president, hell she did so much more than any other first lady. she helped him make alot of decisions

Posted 2/7/08 3:17 PM

LIF Adult

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Big Fat Baby with a Blackberry

Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

Posted by sunnygirl

everyone comments how hillary has more expreience, i know she was first lady from '93-'01 are we including this in her experience, obviously she was exposed to everything the president did but she has only been a senator since '00

Obama was a state senator from '97-'04 and became a us senator in '04
i think some people forget he was a state senator first because we have only just heard about him in '04

i know that it's not a lot of experience on a national level but it is government experience

ITA. Hillary touts 35 years of experience, but as an elected official, she's only had 7 years experience. She includes all of her work in the public sector, including her time as first lady of the US AND first lady of Arkansas. Barack has worked as a community organizer, civil rights lawyer, and taught constitutional law before starting his political career.

Posted 2/7/08 3:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/07

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

Sure she was exposed. But exposure does not mean that she is the most experienced candidate. My mother is a doctor, does that exposure mean that I should diagnose someone of their illness?

And there have been many very active first ladies, that does not mean that they are well suited for presidency.

Posted 2/7/08 3:29 PM

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Member since 12/06

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?


everyone keeps saying he has no experience. in what, being in a military group?? being in a war? that does not give you the experience you need. does anyone know that he has contributed in writing the world britannica?? i'm guessing only non experience people could write a book like that.

saying you won't vote for someone because of their name or heritage or gender is pathetic. I support Obama 110% I've been reading up on him, and listening to his podcasts for over a year now before he was even running to be president and the man is extremely smart, well spoken and has alot of knowledge. we need a fresh and new change and he is it. If he were to be president and Hilary were vice, we would have a great next 8 years for our country (I say 8 because 4 wouldnt be enough for that combo)

So get your head out of your a$$ and actually read some facts of his views and policies before making a judgement so irrational. people like you shouldnt vote. stop racism

Wow... This is pretty rude. The point of voting is that everyone should have a say in our country's leadership. People on this post are expressing their OPINIONS. Who are you to say that anyone's opinions are irrational? Not cool at all.

Posted 2/7/08 3:44 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

This is so ridiculous on so many levels that I can't even respond.

it's based on the precedent that there's something wrong with a president being muslim and that we're fighting a war against a peaceful religion.

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Posted 2/7/08 3:50 PM

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

Honestly, after 8 years of George W., I would be happy with Obama, Clinton, or McCain. Not saying much for any of them though.

Posted 2/7/08 4:18 PM

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Member since 3/07

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Re: Barack Hussein Obama - Muslim?

My dad remembers all the fuss when John Kennedy was running. People weren't comfortable with his religion and look how he turned out...

Posted 2/7/08 6:15 PM
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