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BTDT moms: induction ? (Update)

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Dreams do come true

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BTDT moms: induction ? (Update)

Just got back from an appt. I am due on Saturday (8/30). I had growth scans a few days apart and baby was weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 7 lbs 5 oz, respectively. No signs of labor thus far.

I delivered DD 8 days late (one day before I was supposed to be induced). They did administer pitocin with her because I wasn't progressing. Both pregnancies are the result of IVF, so we know exactly when I got pregnant.

I am delivering at a hospital that is an hour away without traffic. Both my doctor and her partner discussed induction dates in case I don't go into labor on my own. They gave me an option of Tuesday, Sept 2 (4 days after my due date) or Sunday, September 7 (8 days after my due date). I scheduled it for the 2nd, but now I'm second guessing the decision. Would you wait until the 7th?

Update: After some reading, discussion, and thinking about the input I received here, we changed the induction to September 7. Hoping that, much like his/her sister, this baby will arrive on its own, fashionably late. If not, I feel better about waiting until I'm 8 days over due. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experiences.

Message edited 8/28/2014 4:38:51 PM.

Posted 8/26/14 4:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My 2 Girls

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Re: BTDT moms: induction ?

I would definitely push it back if you can and try to go on your own. The measurements tend to be off by as much as a pound. My own DD was measuring close to 8 lbs and 10 days later, she was born at only 7-5. I had a really rough and long induction so I'm admittedly jaded.

Posted 8/26/14 4:57 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

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BTDT moms: induction ?

I was induced 2 days after my due date. We also did Ivf so I knew the exact date. I had a very easy and successful induction so I'm inclined to say go for it. I would prob go for the 2nd especially

Go with your gut though. Good luck! It will be fine.

Posted 8/26/14 5:02 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

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Re: BTDT moms: induction ?

I would let nature take its course and pick the later induction date

Posted 8/26/14 5:05 PM

My loves

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BTDT moms: induction ?

I was induced 4 days after my due date and it was painless and awesome. I probably would've gone on my own if I waited until 8 days, but I loved having it scheduled! I'm going to try to be induced again this time. I was induced because DS was measuring 9 1/2 lbs at my 40 week appointment. They wanted to induce that day- I chose to wait. He was 9lbs even at birth.

Posted 8/26/14 5:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

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Re: BTDT moms: induction ?

Depending on how progressed you are, I would wait. I would not want an induction leading to a section. They estimated my daugher almost 9 lbs and she was 7 lbs 9 oz. I ended up being induced at 39w for medical reasons, and I was already 3cm.

Posted 8/26/14 5:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Re: BTDT moms: induction ?

Posted by MrsO

I would let nature take its course and pick the later induction date

Same here. I was 13 days late and so glad I was given the chance to go on my own.

Posted 8/26/14 5:36 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

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love my family!

BTDT moms: induction ?

i would wait as long as you can.

Posted 8/26/14 7:43 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

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Re: BTDT moms: induction ?

I was induced a week before my due date due to a blood clotting disorder that I have which made me high risk so my situation is a little different from yours. However, I had a really great induction, responded well to the medication and was able to deliver vaginally. I would have loved to go into labor naturally but my RE said to me that at that point in the pregnancy, there is really no benefit to the baby being inside anymore (again, that's pertaining to my blood clotting disorder). Do what you feel most comfortable with, but I would keep the Sept. 2nd induction if it were me.

Posted 8/27/14 12:24 PM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: BTDT moms: induction ?

Posted by MrsT809

Posted by MrsO

I would let nature take its course and pick the later induction date

Same here. I was 13 days late and so glad I was given the chance to go on my own.

Totally agree with this!

Posted 8/27/14 1:03 PM

Dreams do come true

Member since 2/12

2259 total posts


Re: BTDT moms: induction ? (Update)

Bumping for update

Posted 8/28/14 4:38 PM

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