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Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

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My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

I spend about $100 a week in the grocery store.
I go to Stop n Shop and IGA.
Stop n Shop doubles coupons and IGA has the best meats & Deli Dept.
I want to start going to Stop n Shop more for the "sides" and just stick to IGA for meats.

For all the baby stuff I go to Target. Spend maybe $150 a month there, sometimes more if we need cleaning stuff.

Posted 2/17/10 10:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

Posted by babybugsmum

yes i cook every night and no it dosent all get eaten Chat Icon

i shop at shopright / trader joes / and whole foods

and i go every day to shop as we dont have a big house with any storage space ......

I want to add that I go everyday too, I actually feel that this keeps my spending down (and I'm not working, so what the he11) b/c I only buy what we need for that day into the next morning..

Posted 2/17/10 10:16 AM

Baby Girl Coming in May!!!

Member since 10/07

3031 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

about 400-500, not including diapers/wipes and cleaning supplies.

Posted 2/17/10 10:23 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???


We don't do as much organic as we used to, so it has lowered. Family of 5....about $600-a month..but the babies dont eat yet Chat Icon

We spend a lot more though on formula and diapers..( 3 in diapers) ..about an addtional $400 a month.

Posted 2/17/10 10:51 AM

True beauty

Member since 10/07

9888 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

THANK YOU FOR THIS THREAD! I've been meaning to post the same thing!

DH has taken away my grocery shopping duties (I know, should I complain?) because he claims I spend WAY too much when I shop. I seriously want my 'privileges' (as he calls them) back because I hate the way he shops!!! I keep begging him to let me go back and I say "You don't believe in me!" and he says "Yes I do! I believe that you can't get the grocery bill under $120!"Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/10 10:53 AM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

Probably around $100-$125 a week

Posted 2/17/10 11:13 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

We spend about $900 a month and that includes diapers for 2 kids, cleaning supplies, and eating out. I wish we could get to 400-600 a month.

Posted 2/17/10 1:21 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

we spend probably around $500-$600 per month. this is just at the supermarket and does not include anything for my son or dinner's out.


I don't keep a stocker larder (besides herbs and spices). I buy what I need for the week. I don't have food stored in the freezer etc.

I buy fresh veggies, fruit, meat, fish, yougurt, milk, eggs, cheese, salumi, olives-occasionally I'll buy a few boxes of pasta and/or rice, coffee, tea. other occasional items are olive oil, paper supplies, foil, baggies etc.

I look at the circular, plan my menu based on whichever cuts of meat/fish are on sale.

I don't buy boxed or prefab anything (except chicken/beef stock). sometimes those things are more expensive than making fresh.

we always have a dessert after dinner, so if I don't bake, I'll buy.

but we don't have chips/candies/cakes/ water etc in the house ever. (ie hostes lil debbie, drakes etc)

Message edited 2/17/2010 1:39:57 PM.

Posted 2/17/10 1:29 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

WOW, OMG, I can't believe some of the figures.

House of 3 (2 adults, 1 13mos year old who eats all table)
2x $80 peapod orders a month
once every 2 months, Sam's Club for baby stuff, pet supplies & meats--$150

So about $235-$250 a month.

We cook every night and bring lunch to work, etc. I do buy store brand, use coupons, etc.

We cannot afford to spend more than this. We go out maybe once a week (pizza or lunch, nothing fancy)

Message edited 2/17/2010 1:33:35 PM.

Posted 2/17/10 1:31 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

about $65-$80 a week

not including diapers.

That number is about to go up because I will be home at night, since I'm not working. So we will get dinners.

It would still be under $100 Id say.

Posted 2/17/10 1:34 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

About $100-125 a week plus a trip to BJ's once every two months or so where I can spend $200-300. I'm trying to spend less, but it's tough. Meal planning really helps and I'm finding that I do not need to stock up on things. It seems like it's much cheaper to buy as I go because I usually just end up throwing things out otherwise. Peapod also saves me a ton of money. I'm sure I save at least the cost of delivery by cutting out impulse buys, plus it gives me time to go through coupons after I place my order.

However, I just started buying organic milk and meat and that is super $$. Between DH and DS we're going through about 4 gallons a week!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/10 1:48 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

I usually spend about $150/week for the four of us (kids are 4.5 and 3). I try to cook at least 5 nights a week. We usually order in one night and then sometimes eat leftovers the other night.

I try to plan my meals before I go shopping based on what's on sale. When I was unemployed, I found that when I went to the store a few times a week I spent more money.

Posted 2/17/10 1:52 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

Probably about $300 a month

Posted 2/17/10 2:09 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

About $300

Posted 2/17/10 2:24 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

Posted by LSP2005

We spend about $900 a month and that includes diapers for 2 kids, cleaning supplies, and eating out. I wish we could get to 400-600 a month.

We're probably in this range including Costco trips, baby stuff and cat stuff.
I try to buy organic so honestly if you're an organic family and don't eat out I can see a bill being over $1000 a month easily.

Posted 2/17/10 3:36 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can i ask how much you spend on groceries a month ???

I would say total, with food, diapers, cleaning supplies, we total about $700 a month.

We started saving a ton when we started shopping at Guinta's Meat Farms in Farmingdale (versus shopping at Stop and Shop in Levittown)- practically cut the food part of our groceries in half.

Posted 2/17/10 3:46 PM
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