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Do you donate blood?

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Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

7060 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

I did once.
Found out im O-
I want to donate more but I got really sick after. I did get dizzy and almost passed out but that I think I could handle again but I also got the cold sweats and the worst stomache ache for an hour after.

Posted 4/4/13 6:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

7391 total posts


Do you donate blood?

I can't. After trying 6x and passing out each time before the bag was a quarter full I gave up. It's not a fear of needles my body just can't handle it and I'm not iron deficient, underweight or anything else.

Posted 4/4/13 7:57 PM

And then there were 4

Member since 1/10

5224 total posts


Do you donate blood?

I get to use that I don't meet the weight requirement as my excuse, but if I weighed more I still wouldn't be able to bc I have severe anxiety-I doubt they would want my xanaxed up blood lol

Posted 4/4/13 7:58 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Yes. I'll be giving on Saturday because NY Blood Services just called telling us about a blood drive in my area on Saturday.

I know first hand how important it is to give as my daughter needed a blood transfusion when she was only a few hours old. I wish I could thank the donor. Last year, to drive the point home to the students in my high school, I appeared in a PSA telling my DD's story and urging them to give.

Posted 4/4/13 8:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/07

1260 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Posted by MrsBumbleb

Yes or No? Why or Why not?

I have always been a blood and organ donor but lately I am sick to my stomach thinking of the companies that profit from donations people are making.

Wondering how many people "in need" are actually getting it as opposed to people who are profiting otherwise. I'm thinking of not doing either anymore.

Chat Icon

What are you referring to? Is there a blood black market?
Who is profiting?

Yes, I donate a few times a year so I'm very interested.

Posted 4/4/13 8:45 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

i have only done it three timesi am O- and iknow i should do it more but i dont my first reason was i passed out the first time tried it again passed out again did it third time last year and i didnt pass out now my excuse is i dont really have time i know selfish and lousy reason but it is what it is.

I never realzied there was a profit made in blood donations Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/13 8:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

1757 total posts


Do you donate blood?

What is a universal donor? I have never known.

Posted 4/4/13 8:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

541 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

I donate regularly. I was just checking my donation history the other day while making another appointment and I have donated 34 times. I am curious who is making a huge profit off of blood donors?

I've gotten dizzy and almost passed out a few times. I'm also anemic and get turned away at least a few times a year because my count is too low. That never stops me from trying again. For anyone who has gotten dizzy or felt sick afterwards, it def helps to eat a meal before you go and drink extra water.

It's one thing I can do that I know saves lives... I don't know how some people won't even consider it. I hate needles and the sight of the blood. I don't think anyone enjoys it but it's necessary.

Posted 4/4/13 9:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

541 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by brownie

I'm also jealous of all you underweight people Chat Icon

I was just going to say the same thing..soo jealous!!!!!!!!!!

Me too! I can't believe there are so many people on this site that weigh under 110 lbs.

Posted 4/4/13 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

1706 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Posted by sunnyflies

What is a universal donor? I have never known.

I'm o neg....I can donate to anyone regardless of their blood type. However I can only receive O

Posted 4/4/13 9:31 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

541 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by 2BadSoSad

Posted by SLPlady1984

I'm gonna get on my high horse now so i apologize in advance. I am anemic too but that is no excuse...if I get rejected cuz my iron is too low I take my vitamins and eat dark leafy food that night then I go back the next day! It saves lives and you never know when you or someone you love will need that help. I gave religiously before I was pregnant and I was also a marrow donor. This is something you can do that costs you nothing. So bring an I pod and take the 30min to save a life. Its a little pintch and im a baby when it comes to pain. If you get dizzy during tell them and the nurses/techs will take steps to help you. Then sit afterwords for 15 min and stock up on the free cookies and juice so you don't have to worry about getting dizzy or passing out.

Yes, it does matter. It also depends on your severity. My anemia isnt managed with "leafy green vegetables and an OTC supplement. I almost DIED once due to cardiac issues due to my anemia. What works for you as an anemic DOES NOT work for people with more severe anemia. For some of us, its not as easily managed.

I was just going to post the question...If you take your vitamins and eat dark leafy food that night could you go back the next day? just curious.

You can go back the next day and they will test you again. They always tell me it takes about 3 days for your levels to improve after eating iron rich foods though. If I know I am going to be donating, I will make sure there is plenty of iron in every meal I eat for at least a few days before. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron so I try to make sure I include that in my diet as well.

I'm not a big dairy person to begin with but I've been told that dairy inhibits the absorption of iron so I make sure to stay away from it if I am donating.

Posted 4/4/13 10:13 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

8274 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Posted by METLove2008

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by brownie

I'm also jealous of all you underweight people Chat Icon

I was just going to say the same thing..soo jealous!!!!!!!!!!

Me too! I can't believe there are so many people on this site that weigh under 110 lbs.

I'm also short! Just about 4'11. So me being under or near 110 isn't that thin!

Posted 4/4/13 10:59 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

Posted by nferrandi

I did it once and almost passed out. It made me very dizzy and ill for the rest of the day. So unfortunately, that was the first and last time for me.

Same here.

Posted 4/5/13 2:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Do you donate blood?

I do, at least a few times a year. I also donate platelets. I'm O+.

Posted 4/5/13 6:35 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Do you donate blood?

No, I am just below the weight requirement. Also, I have passed out 2x when having my own blood taken. I am NOT a good candidate for this.

Message edited 4/5/2013 11:26:02 AM.

Posted 4/5/13 11:25 AM
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