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How much do you earn?

Forum Opinion Poll
over $250K-I'm on Obama's list 25 9.80%
less than $250k, but not by much 37 14.51%
I'm safe 73 28.63%
way less & I don't feel bad for people earning over $250k 118 46.27%
other 2 0.78%

Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

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Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by LittleBlueBug

Personally, we don't but here is how it DOES effect us:

My parent's own a small business. The tax plan would include increasing the taxes on their business, which is already being negatively impacted by the failing economy. I have spoken w/ my dad and he has said that the increase would actually cause him to close.

Now, on top of being concerned about my parents (which is a big deal already), my husband works for my parent's business. If they shut their doors, my DH will be unemployed. Even though I make more than DH, I am not able to support the both of us. We would lose our apartment within months.

So will I be taxed directly? No. I sure as heck will feel the effects of it financially though.

My DH owns a small business and I wasnt even thinking of this when I answered the poll. Yeah, we would be screwed too

Posted 9/27/08 3:25 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

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Baby Momma

Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by MrsPorkChop

whats with the "i dont feel bad.." comment

seriously. we all work very hard for our money..
i think thats rude.


Posted 9/27/08 4:04 PM

Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by Tilde

Posted by LittleBlueBug

Personally, we don't but here is how it DOES effect us:

My parent's own a small business. The tax plan would include increasing the taxes on their business, which is already being negatively impacted by the failing economy. I have spoken w/ my dad and he has said that the increase would actually cause him to close.

Now, on top of being concerned about my parents (which is a big deal already), my husband works for my parent's business. If they shut their doors, my DH will be unemployed. Even though I make more than DH, I am not able to support the both of us. We would lose our apartment within months.

So will I be taxed directly? No. I sure as heck will feel the effects of it financially though.

My DH owns a small business and I wasnt even thinking of this when I answered the poll. Yeah, we would be screwed too

It always trickles down to the "little guy". Even the plans that are supposed to "help". It always hurts the people they are supposed to help. TBH, I would rather DH and I be securely employed than have to depend on the government for assistance when me, DH, my disabled mother, and my father are sleeping under a bridge.

Posted 9/27/08 4:13 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

The main issue I have with the $250K is that it's NOT being wealthy at all. Especially in NYC/LI.

While you can live comfortably for that income, it does make a difference if you are single, make 250K and live in Mississippi. I mean in NY, it's still "a lot" of money but the standard of living is much more expensive and I think the cut off is unaccurate to the local market.

Posted 9/27/08 4:17 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

i wish we made even HALF of 250 right nowChat Icon

Posted 9/27/08 4:20 PM

I need a nap!

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by butterfly20

i wish we made even HALF of 250 right nowChat Icon

I agree.

Honestly, we're all up a creek without a paddle. But this goes back to a question from the other day regarding being in it for yourself or being your brother's keeper.

We're all in this together and rather being a seperate nation with large gaps between classes, we all need a helping hand from the older 'brother' so to speak. I also think taxes need to be proportional. I've said it before somewhere. You can't have one tax bracket paying 22% in taxes while another tax bracket is paying 35% and yet another is paying 42% (pulling numbers out of thin air, but you get my drift).

But, to be REALLY's the big problem. We are a GREEDY nation. Plain and simple. We WANT everything and forget about NEEDS first. Yeah, 250K probably WON'T go far if you're buying Mercedes, Gucci, Prada, and choose to live where taxes are 24K. But FIND a way to make it stretch. I think one problem is that our generation has not seen the REAL hardships that past generations have seen. I'm sure a lot of people won't agree, but that's my opinion. If anyone is having a difficult time making 250K stretch, then some financial re-assessing needs to be done.

Posted 9/27/08 6:35 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by MissJones

But, to be REALLY's the big problem. We are a GREEDY nation. Plain and simple. We WANT everything and forget about NEEDS first. Yeah, 250K probably WON'T go far if you're buying Mercedes, Gucci, Prada, and choose to live where taxes are 24K. But FIND a way to make it stretch. I think one problem is that our generation has not seen the REAL hardships that past generations have seen. I'm sure a lot of people won't agree, but that's my opinion. If anyone is having a difficult time making 250K stretch, then some financial re-assessing needs to be done.

Chat Icon I agree. If you're earning $250k, you aren't worrying about putting food on the table, unless you have 24 children. I don't think that the wealthy should pay more in taxes, but I'm not going to feel badly for someone with that kind of income when others have to struggle.

Posted 9/27/08 6:57 PM

Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Wouldn't a flat-tax rate accross the board be better?

I agree though, I think we are all up the creek w/ out a paddle. It's hard to say that person x should make their $250k stretch. I mean we make far less and we make it stretch and well, we have a roof over our head and food on our table, so why can't these people make it stretch? Well, unfortunately we can't look in other people's pocket books and say you should be able to live on this amount. Everyone has different expenses. Many people took out student loans to educate themselves so they can provide better for their families (I'm one of them). People have kids they need to take care of, etc. Should someone who is driving around in a Benz declare poverty? Not in my book per se. Do I say "tax the heck out of them because they can afford it and I can't"? No, because they worked just as hard as I do, maybe harder, and who am I to say they should be "penalized". You should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor...why work otherwise?

That being said, I still am concerned with the small businesses who are going to be effected. Not many people think about them. Tax increases can really hurt them and the effects are usually devestating. Large companies have lay-offs, mergers, and sometimes buy-outs. Small businesses go under...doors close, that's it. I do not think it's as cut and dry as the neighbor riding around in a porche who just wants to "hang on to his savings" (but really, is there anything wrong w/ that???). There is another aspect of it...businesses that aren't "wealthy". I mean any successful business usually grosses more than $250k anually, easily.

Posted 9/27/08 7:00 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

successful people should not be 'punished' for their success and have other people say they deserve to pay more taxes, when they ALREADY do!

ppl who earn $250K are in a higher tax bracket and already pay more

Obama's plan borders on socialism

I don't consider those making under 250K per year to be "unsuccessful." I have been a high school teacher for 8 years and have worked very closely with THOUSANDS of students. I have two master degrees. I consider myself to be very successful despite the fact that I bring home only about 75K per year. My husband is an attorney who uses his expertise to help the indigent and uneducated. He is a wonderful, successful person who could make a lot more money if he chose to.

Posted 9/27/08 7:43 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by MissJones

Posted by butterfly20

i wish we made even HALF of 250 right nowChat Icon

I agree.

Honestly, we're all up a creek without a paddle. But this goes back to a question from the other day regarding being in it for yourself or being your brother's keeper.

We're all in this together and rather being a seperate nation with large gaps between classes, we all need a helping hand from the older 'brother' so to speak. I also think taxes need to be proportional. I've said it before somewhere. You can't have one tax bracket paying 22% in taxes while another tax bracket is paying 35% and yet another is paying 42% (pulling numbers out of thin air, but you get my drift).

But, to be REALLY's the big problem. We are a GREEDY nation. Plain and simple. We WANT everything and forget about NEEDS first. Yeah, 250K probably WON'T go far if you're buying Mercedes, Gucci, Prada, and choose to live where taxes are 24K. But FIND a way to make it stretch. I think one problem is that our generation has not seen the REAL hardships that past generations have seen. I'm sure a lot of people won't agree, but that's my opinion. If anyone is having a difficult time making 250K stretch, then some financial re-assessing needs to be done.

Agree completely. 250K will go a lot farther in Mississippi sure, but it's not bad on LI either if you aren't living large. You don't have to worry about buying food, which too many people earning far below this and getting taxed heavily do have to worry about. If you are taxed more at $250, you still have money to spare. If you are taxed more at $45,000, there isn't much left to live on in this area. As someone who spent several years living paycheck to paycheck, any small increase really hits you hard. It means you may not be able to buy milk or meat that week, not that you can't buy Prada clothes or new furniture for your house.

I don't agree with the "I deserve all my money and the poor and middle class can fend for themselves" philosophy at all. The middle class is rapidly disappearing in this metro area, which is an alarming trend. If there is no relief offered to them, many parts of our society crumble.

Posted 9/27/08 8:03 PM


Member since 7/07

1712 total posts


Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by MissJones
If anyone is having a difficult time making 250K stretch, then some financial re-assessing needs to be done.


Posted by Snickers

I don't consider those making under 250K per year to be "unsuccessful."

Thank you!!

Posted 9/27/08 8:05 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by bird382

Posted by MissJones
If anyone is having a difficult time making 250K stretch, then some financial re-assessing needs to be done.


Posted by Snickers

I don't consider those making under 250K per year to be "unsuccessful."

Thank you!!

agreed on both points.

Posted 9/27/08 10:16 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by Snickers

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

successful people should not be 'punished' for their success and have other people say they deserve to pay more taxes, when they ALREADY do!

ppl who earn $250K are in a higher tax bracket and already pay more

Obama's plan borders on socialism

I don't consider those making under 250K per year to be "unsuccessful." I have been a high school teacher for 8 years and have worked very closely with THOUSANDS of students. I have two master degrees. I consider myself to be very successful despite the fact that I bring home only about 75K per year. My husband is an attorney who uses his expertise to help the indigent and uneducated. He is a wonderful, successful person who could make a lot more money if he chose to.

my apologies, I meant to say "rich". Obama obviously thinks any household that makes $250K is rich

Posted 9/27/08 10:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Honestly, I think that depending on 1. where in LI you live, 2. how many children you have and 3. how much debt you have - $250,000/yr could VERY easily give you "only" a "middle class" lifestyle...

Posted 9/27/08 10:56 PM

Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by itsbabytime

Honestly, I think that depending on 1. where in LI you live, 2. how many children you have and 3. how much debt you have - $250,000/yr could VERY easily give you "only" a "middle class" lifestyle...

I don't totally agree with this, sorry. It's like saying some one who lives in Dix Hills and paid almost a million dollars for their house is the same class as someone in Selden who paid $350k for their house. That is if I am understanding what you are saying. I don't believe how many kids you have or what town you live in determines your class. I think your "class/salary" deterimes where you live and sometimes how many kids you have. lol

Posted 9/27/08 11:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by Lake0703

Posted by itsbabytime

Honestly, I think that depending on 1. where in LI you live, 2. how many children you have and 3. how much debt you have - $250,000/yr could VERY easily give you "only" a "middle class" lifestyle...

I don't totally agree with this, sorry. It's like saying some one who lives in Dix Hills and paid almost a million dollars for their house is the same class as someone in Selden who paid $350k for their house. That is if I am understanding what you are saying. I don't believe how many kids you have or what town you live in determines your class. I think your "class/salary" deterimes where you live and sometimes how many kids you have. lol

I see what you are saying but, I guess it is all relative...b/c that same person in your example could live "rich" in selden but maybe just make ends meet in dix hills. Also, the million dollar house in certain areas might not be what you are envisioning!

Posted 9/27/08 11:14 PM

Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08

2860 total posts


Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by Lake0703

Posted by itsbabytime

Honestly, I think that depending on 1. where in LI you live, 2. how many children you have and 3. how much debt you have - $250,000/yr could VERY easily give you "only" a "middle class" lifestyle...

I don't totally agree with this, sorry. It's like saying some one who lives in Dix Hills and paid almost a million dollars for their house is the same class as someone in Selden who paid $350k for their house. That is if I am understanding what you are saying. I don't believe how many kids you have or what town you live in determines your class. I think your "class/salary" deterimes where you live and sometimes how many kids you have. lol

I see what you are saying but, I guess it is all relative...b/c that same person in your example could live "rich" in selden but maybe just make ends meet in dix hills. Also, the million dollar house in certain areas might not be what you are envisioning!

lol, very true. But I guess that's where you have to draw a line somewhere. IMO a true middle class family won't even have the option to 'just make ends meat in dix hills', KWIM? It's like saying a millionaire is middle class too because they are just making their bills in a 9.2 million dollar house. Dramatic, I know - but it's to make a point. lol.

Posted 9/27/08 11:20 PM

Happy Spring!!!

Member since 12/07

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Rena Marie

Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

I think we will never be near $250,000 a year combined in our lifetime maybe more realistically $100,000 combined so I can say way less and safe.

Posted 9/28/08 9:53 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

We aren't near the 250 but I actually DO feel bad for those that would be pushed into a higher tax bracket. This is America, a capitalist nation, where people are supposed to be able to take advantages of opportunities and try to achieve as much success as possible. I do not think you should punish that success.

I totally understand that there are hard working middle class people that are struggling (i.e., ME) but I also feel that there are many people in this country who are lazy and don't work simply because it's easier to have the government subsidize their lives. Yes, "we are all in this together," but people making a lot of money are already in a higher tax bracket and contributing more than 1/3 of their income to an irresponsible and incompetent government.

it's all a moot point anyway....nobody is getting tax cuts and everyone's taxes are going up, regardless of who wins. Wake up's going to happen and now with the 700B "no consequences" bill, it is even MORE necessary that the non-guilty taxpayers fix the problem.

Posted 9/28/08 10:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

3915 total posts


Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by Janice

Posted by bird382

Posted by MissJones
If anyone is having a difficult time making 250K stretch, then some financial re-assessing needs to be done.


Posted by Snickers

I don't consider those making under 250K per year to be "unsuccessful."

Thank you!!

agreed on both points.


when you make more you should pay more IMO. we are under the 250 but not by a lot. there are enough bmw's and lexus and range rovers being driven around on LI that they could spare the $$ to pay these taxes. A lot of people are just making ends meet, I'm just happy we are comfortable at this point.

Posted 9/28/08 10:22 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Honestly, $250K is several times more than the combined household income I grew up with. It's at least 2x what FH and I make combined. Yes I consider that rich. No, I don't have sympathy because they pay more taxes. I just don't. And I don't think it's wrong to expect people who have more to contribute more to the prosperity of our nation. If it means safe roads, good schools, and food and healthcare for the poor, I can't see how people should hem and haw over taxes.

Posted 9/28/08 10:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

i hate taxes!

Message edited 9/28/2008 11:05:37 AM.

Posted 9/28/08 11:00 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Is there a website that shows what the current tax rates are and then what they'd be under Obama's plan.

Posted 9/28/08 11:02 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by JenniferEver

And I don't think it's wrong to expect people who have more to contribute more to the prosperity of our nation. If it means safe roads, good schools, and food and healthcare for the poor

I would agree with this, IF it was actually the way it worked. But it doesn't. For example, this 700B bailout is tax money going directly to relieve responsibility from people who are greedy, corrupt and/or just plain stupid. In fact, any chance we had of having health care for the poor over the next 4 years is, in my opinion, gone, because all the tax money is now going to have to go to these private financial institutions. As for schools, the US has never made education a priority - we are far behind other nations in that department. I would gladly contribute more tax money if it actually went to deserving causes, but the bottom line is that it does not.

I hate when people say "oh they drive a nice car and/or have a nice house so they should pay more to poorer people." WHY? Maybe that person works 100 hour weeks to make that money and why shouldn't they enjoy it? Why does everyone in America have to live under exactly the same circumstances? This is not a communist country but sometimes I feel like people really wish it were.

Posted 9/28/08 1:04 PM

The cutest!

Member since 1/07

2495 total posts


Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by JenniferEver

And I don't think it's wrong to expect people who have more to contribute more to the prosperity of our nation. If it means safe roads, good schools, and food and healthcare for the poor

I would agree with this, IF it was actually the way it worked. But it doesn't. For example, this 700B bailout is tax money going directly to relieve responsibility from people who are greedy, corrupt and/or just plain stupid. In fact, any chance we had of having health care for the poor over the next 4 years is, in my opinion, gone, because all the tax money is now going to have to go to these private financial institutions. As for schools, the US has never made education a priority - we are far behind other nations in that department. I would gladly contribute more tax money if it actually went to deserving causes, but the bottom line is that it does not.

I hate when people say "oh they drive a nice car and/or have a nice house so they should pay more to poorer people." WHY? Maybe that person works 100 hour weeks to make that money and why shouldn't they enjoy it? Why does everyone in America have to live under exactly the same circumstances? This is not a communist country but sometimes I feel like people really wish it were.

ITA - people make choices on what jobs to take, how many hours to work, how many jobs to work - my cousin is a partner at a lawfirm and works until 3 a.m. many days and works on the weekend, she has 3 young kids and she will definitely be slammed by Obama's tax proposal. I am an attorney, but work for the government - do I think she should be slammed in taxes - no b/c I see how hard she works for her money.

Posted 9/28/08 2:41 PM
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