Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
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Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by JenniferEver
Honestly, $250K is several times more than the combined household income I grew up with. It's at least 2x what FH and I make combined. Yes I consider that rich. No, I don't have sympathy because they pay more taxes. I just don't. And I don't think it's wrong to expect people who have more to contribute more to the prosperity of our nation. If it means safe roads, good schools, and food and healthcare for the poor, I can't see how people should hem and haw over taxes.
No sympathy for all the mom & pop shops that are going to go under? and all the other small businesses? THOSE are the ones that are going to feel it the most. Certainly not contributing to the prosperity of our nation when you make it imposible for small business men and women to suceed in business unless they work for a major corporation. People who WORK HARD are discouraged by socialist policies in a capitalist society? Doesn't make much sense to me.
Posted 9/28/08 2:52 PM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
So in essence, what some of you are saying is people who earn $250K should not be expected to contribute any more of their money towards improving our country. So who should? Are some of you saying stick it to the people earning $50,000 instead? Or should no one pay more in taxes?
Think about it, if you pay 5% more in taxes next year when you earn $250K, that additional money isn't going to make a big dent in your overall budget, unless you are stretched to the max. And most people living on LI (yes even here) should not be unless they are living well above their means. But if you earn $50,000 a year and your taxes go up 5%, this makes a big difference in your quality of life. You may not be able to buy clothing, pay for gas and heating oil, or put aside any money for savings or your retirement. If you have ever tried to live on this sort of salary, you will understand how far your money does not go. And I find it offensive for people to insinuate that people earning this amount are lazy and don't work hard. I'm really discouraged by some of the comments onthis post.
If someone earning $250K deserves to enjoy their money, why shouldn't someone earning $50K enjoy the same?
Posted 9/28/08 3:28 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by cjik If someone earning $250K deserves to enjoy their money, why shouldn't someone earning $50K enjoy the same?
and vice versa.
The problem that i have (and, again, we do not make $250K)... is that i do NOT trust the govt to do the right thing w/ the money- i dont feel like i should hand it over and expect that it will be allocated the way that it should. I also dont think that i should be forced to give up part of my paycheck for programs and services that are mismanaged, corrupt and abused. There's a huge problem, imo, w/ the capitalists having to pay for the socialists. I felt the same way when DH and i COMBINED made under $50K. You know how strongly YOU feel about how you shouldn't have to give up any of your hard earned money- why should anyone else feel any different?
Posted 9/28/08 3:49 PM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by neenie
Posted by cjik If someone earning $250K deserves to enjoy their money, why shouldn't someone earning $50K enjoy the same?
and vice versa.
The problem that i have (and, again, we do not make $250K)... is that i do NOT trust the govt to do the right thing w/ the money- i dont feel like i should hand it over and expect that it will be allocated the way that it should. I also dont think that i should be forced to give up part of my paycheck for programs and services that are mismanaged, corrupt and abused. There's a huge problem, imo, w/ the capitalists having to pay for the socialists. I felt the same way when DH and i COMBINED made under $50K. You know how strongly YOU feel about how you shouldn't have to give up any of your hard earned money- why should anyone else feel any different?
Okay, but what is the solution? Do we have no taxes? How do we then pay for schools, energy alternatives, improving our intrastructure, ending the war in Iraq, improving our security etc>? I agree a lot of our tax money is wasted, notably right now a HUGE amount of tax money must go to cover corporate abuses. And this socialist (never thought of myself that way, but okay) will be paying for the greed of many capitalists for years to come. So what is the alternative? No tax increases for anyone?
Posted 9/28/08 4:00 PM |
Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06 3164 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Sorry, this is going to be long. Here is the is all about choices. America is all about choices. One can CHOOSE to go to law school, b school, med school etc. One can choose to and go into debt - like I did. One can choose to go into another profession that makes less money. That is fine, but if you make that choice, then do not expect the people who made the converse choice to support the rest of the economy. Everyone has that choice. As the daughter of immigrants from a communist country I firmly believe this choice exists although some may have to work a little harder for it.
This is why one pays a percentage, because that percentage is proportional to your income. So, obviously, 5% of 250K is a lot more $$$ than of 50K. I do not see why someone's choice and hard work, should be penalized. This negates the basic theory of capitalism and self- actualization.
If someone makes that much money, they should be able to buy that luxury car if they so please, why shouldn't they. Because other people can't? Fortunately, we do not live in a communist society.
We save money so that I can start my own business and so that my DD can go to a good college when the time comes. SHould we give that up, and delay our plans because of another's choice? That, to me, is un-American.
Message edited 9/28/2008 4:06:08 PM.
Posted 9/28/08 4:05 PM |
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Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by stickydust
Sorry, this is going to be long. Here is the is all about choices. America is all about choices. One can CHOOSE to go to law school, b school, med school etc. One can choose to and go into debt - like I did. One can choose to go into another profession that makes less money. That is fine, but if you make that choice, then do not expect the people who made the converse choice to support the rest of the economy. Everyone has that choice. As the daughter of immigrants from a communist country I firmly believe this choice exists although some may have to work a little harder for it.
This is why one pays a percentage, because that percentage is proportional to your income. So, obviously, 5% of 250K is a lot more $$$ than of 50K. I do not see why someone's choice and hard work, should be penalized. This negates the basic theory of capitalism and self- actualization.
If someone makes that much money, they should be able to buy that luxury car if they so please, why shouldn't they. Because other people can't? Fortunately, we do not live in a communist society.
We save money so that I can start my own business and so that my DD can go to a good college when the time comes. SHould we give that up, and delay our plans because of another's choice? That, to me, is un-American.
well said and very well written!
Posted 9/28/08 4:20 PM |
The cutest!

Member since 1/07 2495 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by stickydust
Sorry, this is going to be long. Here is the is all about choices. America is all about choices. One can CHOOSE to go to law school, b school, med school etc. One can choose to and go into debt - like I did. One can choose to go into another profession that makes less money. That is fine, but if you make that choice, then do not expect the people who made the converse choice to support the rest of the economy. Everyone has that choice. As the daughter of immigrants from a communist country I firmly believe this choice exists although some may have to work a little harder for it.
This is why one pays a percentage, because that percentage is proportional to your income. So, obviously, 5% of 250K is a lot more $$$ than of 50K. I do not see why someone's choice and hard work, should be penalized. This negates the basic theory of capitalism and self- actualization.
If someone makes that much money, they should be able to buy that luxury car if they so please, why shouldn't they. Because other people can't? Fortunately, we do not live in a communist society.
We save money so that I can start my own business and so that my DD can go to a good college when the time comes. SHould we give that up, and delay our plans because of another's choice? That, to me, is un-American.
Very well written from someone who understands both sides of the situation.
Posted 9/28/08 4:52 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by stickydust
Sorry, this is going to be long. Here is the is all about choices. America is all about choices. One can CHOOSE to go to law school, b school, med school etc. One can choose to and go into debt - like I did. One can choose to go into another profession that makes less money. That is fine, but if you make that choice, then do not expect the people who made the converse choice to support the rest of the economy. Everyone has that choice. As the daughter of immigrants from a communist country I firmly believe this choice exists although some may have to work a little harder for it.
This is why one pays a percentage, because that percentage is proportional to your income. So, obviously, 5% of 250K is a lot more $$$ than of 50K. I do not see why someone's choice and hard work, should be penalized. This negates the basic theory of capitalism and self- actualization.
If someone makes that much money, they should be able to buy that luxury car if they so please, why shouldn't they. Because other people can't? Fortunately, we do not live in a communist society.
We save money so that I can start my own business and so that my DD can go to a good college when the time comes. SHould we give that up, and delay our plans because of another's choice? That, to me, is un-American.
Well said.
Posted 9/28/08 4:59 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by Lake0703
Posted by itsbabytime
Posted by Lake0703
Posted by itsbabytime
Honestly, I think that depending on 1. where in LI you live, 2. how many children you have and 3. how much debt you have - $250,000/yr could VERY easily give you "only" a "middle class" lifestyle...
I don't totally agree with this, sorry. It's like saying some one who lives in Dix Hills and paid almost a million dollars for their house is the same class as someone in Selden who paid $350k for their house. That is if I am understanding what you are saying. I don't believe how many kids you have or what town you live in determines your class. I think your "class/salary" deterimes where you live and sometimes how many kids you have. lol
I see what you are saying but, I guess it is all relative...b/c that same person in your example could live "rich" in selden but maybe just make ends meet in dix hills. Also, the million dollar house in certain areas might not be what you are envisioning!
lol, very true. But I guess that's where you have to draw a line somewhere. IMO a true middle class family won't even have the option to 'just make ends meat in dix hills', KWIM? It's like saying a millionaire is middle class too because they are just making their bills in a 9.2 million dollar house. Dramatic, I know - but it's to make a point. lol.
I hear ya but then think of it this way. If you made $100,000 combined and you lived in Kansas you would probably be considered LOADED and living in a mansion. But, living here you would be middle class - so to some extent, where you live DOES determine your status.
Posted 9/28/08 5:42 PM |
God Bless America

Member since 5/05 3572 total posts
Name: A.K.
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Nobody is saying that people that make more money shouldn't pay more taxes! THEY ALREADY DO PAY MORE TAXES! But if we keep increasing the "rich" person's tax rate and nobody else's, then eventually the "rich" people will be taking home the same amount of money as someone who earns significantly less! When does it stop?
Posted 9/28/08 5:54 PM |
Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Re: Do you earn enough to be affected by Obama's tax plan
Posted by neenie
No sympathy for all the mom & pop shops that are going to go under? and all the other small businesses? THOSE are the ones that are going to feel it the most. Certainly not contributing to the prosperity of our nation when you make it imposible for small business men and women to suceed in business unless they work for a major corporation. People who WORK HARD are discouraged by socialist policies in a capitalist society? Doesn't make much sense to me.
Totally agree neenie
Yes in a perfect world everyone would have money, everyone would have a house with 2 nice cars in the driveway that run on your local windmill, health insurance for everyone, etc, etc, etc. However, this is not a perfect world and it's exhausting to hear ANY of these politicians painting pretty pictures for us. There is no free lunch...everyone has to pay for it. We need to get ourselves out of the slump we are in, so yeah, taxes are going to go's inevitable. We DO need to drill for oil in this country...far away from any place that gets constant addition to alternative fuels because the windmill car is not going to happen in the next few years and we are in crisis now. It's not the answer to everything, and it sure isn't the answer most of us want to hear, but it's reality. Paying 25-50% in taxes to have healthcare for everyone is ridiculous when you consider the quality you are going to give up and the wait lists you will be on. That's why everyone hated HIP so much when they were all "clinic style". I can not imagine the premiums people must be paying that people would actually think that this would be a "good deal". Or how much the make that they can live without almost half their salary so someone who wouldn't get turned away now won't get turned away then. This government can't balance a budget, how the heck are they going to make health decisions for us...all the while not making this country bankrupt? Universal healthcare has been a disaster for most countries, but we think we can make it better because we are "us". That's not reality.
I don't think there is a good answer honestly. I think we all know what is going to happen (taxes are going to increase for everyone). Unfortunately there is no accurate number on how much either candidate would raise our taxes, because they don't really know yet themselves. Basicly everyone just has to use their logic and understand that all of these programs offered by either side are nice, but in the end we wil be fitting the bill. You can do the math.
All I know is we can not go far as a nation if we do things to hurt the exact people you are trying to help. What's the sense in that? We also have to really remember that it's not just the families making $250k+ it's the businesses too. Any operating business makes over that. Small businesses do not, however, make enough to operate, pay their employees, pay their employees benefits, pay for materials, pay taxes, and help save the world all at the same time.
Posted 9/28/08 7:26 PM |
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