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Member since 2/06 1491 total posts
Name: Teri
Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
I need help......I ordered this Sit N Stand stroller last week
and thought it would be great for our needs - my girls will be 3 yrs apart. My only concern was that there isn't a back for my toddler, just a bench to sit or stand on, and my daughter still likes to sit in the stroller when we're at the mall, etc.
But then just today I saw this model
and I'm totally kicking myself now for not buying it!! The only difference between the two is that with this one, the toddler can sit with his/her own regular seat but the back can be removed to become a bench/jump seat.
I'm thinking of exchanging the stroller for this one now....
does anyone here have the second stroller? Likes/dislikes? If the infant carrier is in the stroller, can the toddler behind it still sit or only stand?
Posted 3/15/07 8:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
The second one is brand new, I don't know anyone who has it yet.
I have the first one. My daughter is 2 and my son is 8 months. She has never complained about sitting on the jump seat in the back with the front seat reclined for my son. I've not had her stand on it yet, only b/c she's happy the way it is. She talks or sings to me the whole time.
Posted 3/15/07 9:27 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
I saw that 2nd one online but I think i read on a nother site something the back seat does not much leg room and feet dangle into the basket - not sure if it is true. Seems bulky though, no? Is it similar in weight as the other one when not having the 2nd seat installed? One Step Ahead has something similar too now...
I am thinking of doing the traditional sit and stand right now.
Teri - have you seen the Baby Trend ones in person yet - either old or new? I was wondering how they were. I tried the Joovy at BRU and didn't like it when the front seat is reclined. I drove Kevin around in the back on it and he was fine in the store with it...let's see when I get it what happens.
Message edited 3/15/2007 9:44:03 PM.
Posted 3/15/07 9:39 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
They had them in the Target on Hempstead Tpke in Levittown. But if they don't have any more in stock and either of you want to see it in person you can pop over. 
Posted 3/15/07 9:47 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
We have the traditional sit and stand and Jack is two and does fine. I think by age three your daughter will be kind of big to squeeze into the double stroller becasue there is not much leg room. Jack sits great on the bench
Posted 3/15/07 9:51 PM |
my girls!

Member since 2/06 1491 total posts
Name: Teri
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
yes, the bigger stroller doesn't seem to have a lot of leg room for the toddler....and I wondered how much longer that stroller is than the first one, since the first seems so nice and compact which is what was originally appealing to me!
It's just so hard to decide by choosing through catalogs or online! I did test drive the Joovy at BBB and Emily liked sitting in the back of it....but once we found out you couldn't have the toddler sit down while the infant carrier was in front we decided against that one.
Posted 3/15/07 10:14 PM |
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Member since 5/05 2431 total posts
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
I have the second one and although I have not used it yet my 2 year old tried it out as soon as I opened it. It could use a little more leg room in the back seat but it's not too bad. I figure once the little one can sit without the carrier then I will have them switch places. Overall, I like it and think it's pretty lite considering it's technically a double.
Posted 3/15/07 10:50 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
I have the first one and it's not that compact IMO. I used it 1x and I decided I'm not ready to give up my Duoglider yet, as much as I thought I hated it. My DD sits in the front of the Duoglider still and my DS sits in the back, which reclines fully so he can nap. Plus I can load coats and stuff on top of the back canopy. I think eventually it will be good when he's a bit bigger and so is she. I probably could have gotten away without buying it (but that's beside the point)
If you get the second one does it at least have enough leg room to have Em back there till the baby is out of the infant seat? Then switch her to the front until you are ready to changeover to the original sit & stand set up. At that point the baby can go back in the front and she can use the back part.
Posted 3/15/07 11:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
Posted by Teri
yes, the bigger stroller doesn't seem to have a lot of leg room for the toddler....and I wondered how much longer that stroller is than the first one, since the first seems so nice and compact which is what was originally appealing to me!
It's just so hard to decide by choosing through catalogs or online! I did test drive the Joovy at BBB and Emily liked sitting in the back of it....but once we found out you couldn't have the toddler sit down while the infant carrier was in front we decided against that one.
I got my Sit and Stand at can check the regular one out there. I did not like the Joovy one at all.
Posted 3/16/07 6:26 AM |
my girls!

Member since 2/06 1491 total posts
Name: Teri
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
Posted by Elizabeth
I have the first one and it's not that compact IMO. I used it 1x and I decided I'm not ready to give up my Duoglider yet, as much as I thought I hated it. My DD sits in the front of the Duoglider still and my DS sits in the back, which reclines fully so he can nap. Plus I can load coats and stuff on top of the back canopy. I think eventually it will be good when he's a bit bigger and so is she. I probably could have gotten away without buying it (but that's beside the point)
If you get the second one does it at least have enough leg room to have Em back there till the baby is out of the infant seat? Then switch her to the front until you are ready to changeover to the original sit & stand set up. At that point the baby can go back in the front and she can use the back part.
wow - so you're not that thrilled with it? We only test drove the Joovy which seemed pretty compact but I know the SNS is a bit longer. It still looked pretty compact when I saw Trish's in person.
The one I ordered should be delivered today - I need to decide what I'm doing I will have to go to Target and check out the SNS with DH again.
Posted 3/16/07 3:15 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
You know I still like mine I can say for sure its much heavier and longer when the infant is in the car seat. Once Lauren got out of the infant car seat and was sitting in the front seat by herself, it was a lot lighter and seems a lot shorter. It *IS* longer than the Joovy, but that added length helps to let the toddler sit while the front seat is reclined.
Honestly, when I was looking, everyone told me to go double stroller. I went with my gut and got the SnS despite what everyone has said. now everyone has the SnS, so its really a decision you'll have to make once you get it and put your infant seat in it and have Emily test it out too. Every child is different, go with what's best for you, Emily and the new baby.
Posted 3/16/07 4:28 PM |
my girls!

Member since 2/06 1491 total posts
Name: Teri
Re: Help! Questions on two diff. Sit N Stand strollers
You're right Trish - the perfect stroller just does not exist and I need to just try it and see how we do. Worst case, I'll sell this one and buy another..DH will LOVE that one
It's just too hard to decide without trying it out yourself. I shouldn't make myself nuts with this - but why is making decisions while PG so damn hard?!
Posted 3/16/07 4:53 PM |