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She's here :)

Member since 4/07 3238 total posts
Name: Mrs. Yank
How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
We are looking to cut back on our monthly spending. Trying to see where all our money is going!!
Right now it is just DH and I, but baby is due in October. I plan to try my best to BF for at least 3 months.
How much do you spend weekly on groceries? Right now we are averaging $80-$100, trying to get that down (this also includes brown bagging lunch 4 times a week)
Posted 7/2/10 11:51 AM |
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I try to keep it around $50.00 a week.
It's hard though. Especially if I buy fresh fruits and veggies. That stuff tends to add up. I can't wait for the local farmers markets to start near me and to eat stuff from our garden.
I am trying to only buy stuff we need though to cut back. I usually find myself going to the grocery store each week out of habit. Not that we actually need anything.
It's me DH, + DS.
I've looked at ways to save $$$$ such as buying things at the dollar store. For example DS drinks soy milk. It's usually 2/$4.00 at Stop & Shop but I found Dollar Tree sells the same brand for $1.00.
I try to make cheaper meals with pasta and beans twice a week to help save $$$$ on meat, and I bring leftovers for my lunch.
Posted 7/2/10 11:57 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I couldn't answer b/c DH and I spend WELL under $80 per week. We both eat breakfast and dinner at home (though breakfast is usually simple like fruit and cereal). I's say weekly is about $30-$40.
Dinner is usually meat with a veggie, or sometimes another side like rice or potato. I stock my freezer with meat when they're on sale. We also have pasta once a week which is a cheap meal.
Message edited 7/2/2010 12:01:04 PM.
Posted 7/2/10 11:59 AM |
Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06 4412 total posts
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
Message edited 1/6/2012 9:50:13 PM.
Posted 7/2/10 12:10 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I find that I spend about $100 (£70) per week at the supermarket, but I do little top ups to buy fresh fruit and veg and stuff like that, thats usually an extra $50 a week (£35)
I try to keep it lower, but this seems about on a par with what my friends spend, so I think its okay. We eat at home pretty much 6 days a week, I cook a lot.
Posted 7/2/10 12:26 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
We budget $100 weekly for 2 adults and 2 kids. We usually spend $200 at Costco, go 2 weeks with that, then $100 at Peapod.
Posted 7/2/10 12:46 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
It depends. Last week, I spent about 60. This week, nothing. Next week, probably about 80. I try to average70 a week for 2 adults.
Posted 7/2/10 12:50 PM |

Member since 2/07 17374 total posts
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
we're spending about $125/week that's for two adults and a teenage boy
we used to spend more, back when i would buy a lot of convenience foods.
we're cooking from scratch a lot more and it's made a huge difference. we'll start clipping coupons, soon.
my goal is to get it below $100/week
Posted 7/2/10 1:03 PM |
<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09 5796 total posts
Name: MB
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
we do one big BJs run a month for meat and essentials and thats usually like $200 and then about $50-$75 a week on cereal, fresh fruit & veggies, milk, & eggs
Posted 7/2/10 1:06 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
About $100 a week for DH, DD and I. (DS doesn't eat much yet). We bring lunch every day and eat dinner and breakfast at home.
Posted 7/2/10 1:26 PM |
Little Lady

Member since 5/07 5014 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
~$60/week for just DH and I
Posted 7/2/10 1:27 PM |
Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08 4173 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
70 a week for DH and I and that included brown bagging lunch.
Posted 7/2/10 1:34 PM |

Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
Prob about $50-75/week. More likely $50. Just me and DH.
Posted 7/2/10 2:25 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I go about 2x/month and spend 200-250 each time - so I guess 100-15/week
2 adults, 2 kids
Message edited 7/2/2010 2:35:32 PM.
Posted 7/2/10 2:35 PM |
Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07 7260 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
It depends on the week. The average is about $100/week. Sometimes its clsoer tp $80, sometimes $120. That includes cleaning supplies, paper goods, diapers & wipes, etc.
Posted 7/2/10 3:28 PM |

Member since 6/06 5911 total posts
Name: Jannette
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
We usually spend at least $125
Posted 7/2/10 3:29 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
Posted by KittyTheStray
It's just DH and I and we spend a RIDICULOUS amount on food. We buy all organic and all grass fed meat. We don't buy 'packaged food' or premade anything. It's insanely expensive.
We spend about: $100 at trader joes $50 at whole foods $50 a wild by nature $80 at stop and shop but that includes cleaning supplies, pet supplies for the shelter cats i care for, non-grocery type stuff.
yes, that is each week
that's not including what we spend on our cat's food at the pet store
About the same for us. My kids eat all organic, whole foods-3 meals a day plus snacks. We eat about 50% organic. I would say we spend about $120 a week in Whole Foods, another $50 each at TJ's and grocery store
Posted 7/2/10 3:30 PM |

Member since 10/08 1838 total posts
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
usually about 60-80/week
voted 80-100 since it was lowest
Posted 7/2/10 3:35 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
We spend between 100-150 a week for two adults and two kids. That includes formula and diapers for two kids.
Posted 7/2/10 3:40 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
about 60/week at the supermarket about another 40/week meals eaten out
Posted 7/2/10 7:19 PM |
I love my kids

Member since 5/05 2885 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I do a big shopping trip every other week and I spend about $150-200. In addition to that I will typically spend about $50-75 on fruits and veggies, parties that we go to, restock on meats, breads, milk, etc. So on average for the month it works out to between $100-125 a week. That is for 2 adults and 2 kids. We typically eat 4-5 breakfasts a week at home, will bring lunch 3-4 times a week each and only go out for dinner maybe 1-2 times a week (hardly ever twice unless there's a special occasion). So we save money by not buying food out. Most of it has to do with me losing weight and not really wanting to or being able to eat out as much. And I spend a lot of money on fruits and veggies each week.
We use to only spend about $50 a week and eat out for most of our meals but this way is far less expensive and so much healthier.
Posted 7/2/10 7:44 PM |
Little princess is here!

Member since 4/07 5923 total posts
Name: Crystal
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I would say our trips average out to be 100$/week for 2 adults. I work from home so that includes breakfast and lunch for me everyday. We really need to cut back.
Posted 7/2/10 7:55 PM |
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
Posted by Katareen
I couldn't answer b/c DH and I spend WELL under $80 per week. We both eat breakfast and dinner at home (though breakfast is usually simple like fruit and cereal). I's say weekly is about $30-$40.
Dinner is usually meat with a veggie, or sometimes another side like rice or potato. I stock my freezer with meat when they're on sale. We also have pasta once a week which is a cheap meal.
This is us too. We buy what we can in bulk at Costco and freeze what we need to (we go once a month and usually spend about $100).
Posted 7/2/10 9:21 PM |
I love my hot dog!!

Member since 6/06 5357 total posts
Name: E & J
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
less than $50 a week for just dh and i.
Posted 7/2/10 9:27 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: How much do you spend on groceries? (Weekly average)
I spend very little because I rarely cook! (it's actually not funny .. I really need to change that .. by eating out all the time I'm getting fat and poor!! )
Posted 7/2/10 9:43 PM |
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