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2 Girls and 1 Boy!
Member since 7/07 3504 total posts
Name: D
I've created a monster...
I let our dog sleep in the bed with me and DH. She is all over the bed. There are actually nights that I am hanging off the side of the bed becasue she is sprawled out in the middle of the bed. I go to move her and she is like dead weight...she will not move. It is unreal. I've created a monster. But I feel bad making her sleep outside of the room, so I let her stay. She is just too cute not to let her sleep with us, but she expects it now. Last night she slept with her head on my pillow for the whole night. I woke up with fur in my mouth!! Delicious!! She is not a tiny dog...weighs 50lbs. She thinks she is a person!!! Do you let your pets sleep with you?
Posted 7/17/07 5:04 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: I've created a monster...
Boogie is a little guy-14 lb shih tzu...and sometimes we let him sleep with us...sometimes he will stay and other times he jumps down and stays near the bed on the floor-- but most of the time he sleeps downstairs -he likes sleeping on the hardwood floor
Posted 7/17/07 7:02 PM |
Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06 13241 total posts
Name: Betsy
Re: I've created a monster...
Our little yorkie has been sleeping with us for a week or so. She sleeps in her tiny bed on our bed and will stay there unless she gets really hot and then may move off the bed to the sheet area.
Posted 7/17/07 7:09 PM |
You make me happy

Member since 5/05 2474 total posts
Name: cause you are gray.
Re: I've created a monster...
My boys sleep with me and even though they're small their big attitudes sometimes demand too much room. I push them over, they roll back and I give up. I love the snuggling so too bad for me.
Posted 7/17/07 7:12 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: I've created a monster...
Our 7lb Pomeranian sleeps with us every single night. She has to sleep along your body no matter what, at times it is overwhelmingly annoying. But most of the time we love the companionship so it's worth the bad habbit.
Posted 7/17/07 7:39 PM |
2 Girls and 1 Boy!
Member since 7/07 3504 total posts
Name: D
Re: I've created a monster...
This make me feel good that I am not alone!!! :)
Posted 7/17/07 8:16 PM |
Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06 2579 total posts
Name: C
Re: I've created a monster...
Nope, I would not start that especially since Jasmine could be a grown Rottie of 80-100 lbs and I don't want that sleeping next to me. She is also not allowed on the furniture and confined when not monitored. She sleeps in her crate at night and loves it..She is 9 weeks and I say crate and she goes in. We throw a blanket over the crate to look more "den" like. She loves her cave GOOD LUCK!
Posted 7/17/07 10:04 PM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: I've created a monster...
Posted by sunflowerjesss
Our 7lb Pomeranian sleeps with us every single night. She has to sleep along your body no matter what, at times it is overwhelmingly annoying. But most of the time we love the companionship so it's worth the bad habbit.
this is my pug to a "T". He snuggles in a ball in my belly. The Peke, she sleeps at our feet. DH and I talked about needing a bigger bed!!!
Posted 7/17/07 10:06 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 7/06 393 total posts
Name: A
Re: I've created a monster...
my 50lb bulldog sleeps with us. She loves to sleep inbetween us and often shares the pillow with me. To make things worse, she snores incredibly loud. I have to leave the T.V. on to block the noise or I can't sleep. I too have created a monster, she refuses to sleep on the floor. She can not jump on the bed so if she is on the floor she will cry until she is picked up. We now have a second dog and thank god, she likes to sleep on her own bed on the floor. We got a king bed recently and it makes a great difference.
Message edited 7/17/2007 10:20:49 PM.
Posted 7/17/07 10:20 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: I've created a monster...
Misty sleeps with us and has to be in between the two of us, but touching me (usually her head is on my leg). She is also like a dead weight, but we have learned to get ourselves situated and then give her the okay to come up so we aren't as uncomfortable.
It's sooooooooo cute when she snuggles and groans, though....
Posted 7/17/07 10:57 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/06 1075 total posts
Re: I've created a monster...
My dog sleeps with us too and sprawls out as well-my Dh hardly gets any blanket :) And she always has to share a pillow or lay all over me-I love it!!
Posted 7/17/07 11:11 PM |
Re: I've created a monster...
we did great getting a dog bed that we keep in the bedroom. he has learned to be very content there. i guess that only works because he can't reach the bed unless we put his ramp against the bed. yeah, he has ramps for our bed and couches.
Posted 7/17/07 11:56 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: I've created a monster...
Our pets sleep with us. Even though they are small, they sleep between us, under the covers, over the covers, pushing us out of the bed.But we love them and feel bad if they want to be with us, so we let them stay. Sometimes if we move them around, they will get off the bed and go onto their floor bed.
Message edited 8/4/2007 3:03:19 AM.
Posted 7/18/07 12:00 AM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: I've created a monster...
Posted by Goobster
I love them in the bed, snuggling up next to me, even if that means I am uncomfortable.
I couldn't agree more!
Posted 7/18/07 6:30 AM |

Member since 8/06 7945 total posts
Name: M-lo
Re: I've created a monster...
Posted by Gertyrae
Posted by Goobster
I love them in the bed, snuggling up next to me, even if that means I am uncomfortable.
I couldn't agree more!
Dottie will "donkey kick" DH and it is the funniest thing I've ever seen!! She's 11lbs and pushes him to the side of the bed!
She'll also crawl under the blankets and lay by our feet.
I absolutley love it.
Posted 7/18/07 8:49 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: I've created a monster...
Posted by chikita315
[ She'll also crawl under the blankets and lay by our feet.
I absolutley love it.
That's the cutest thing!
Message edited 9/6/2008 6:01:52 PM.
Posted 7/18/07 8:51 AM |