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Member since 3/09 8268 total posts
Name: S
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Hofstra26
This same thread comes up EVERY year.
I'll say what I always say............who cares. They wouldn't open if there wasn't a demand for it. For many, Thanksgiving is not a big deal anyway so there are plenty of people willing to shop that day AND also those who don't mind working as well. Nobody has a gun to your head saying you have to shop on Thanksgiving. I personally would rather be home with family relaxing and eating like a pig all day but I am not bothered that the retail world is up and running while I'm enjoying my holiday.
I don't get why people get so up in arms about it.
Yep. DH was considering working on Thanksgiving for OT pay. There are a lot of people who have to or have the choice to work on Thanksgiving. And I don't mean in retail. DH works for the MTA. If they didn't work, how would people get to and from the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, to and from friends and families' homes ?
I don't agree with the retail stores being open on Thanksgiving, but it is not worth me getting upset over. I have the choice not to shop on Thanksgiving day, or the day-from-hell Friday after.
Posted 11/6/13 3:18 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Name: Katherine
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Hofstra26
This same thread comes up EVERY year.
I'll say what I always say............who cares. They wouldn't open if there wasn't a demand for it. For many, Thanksgiving is not a big deal anyway so there are plenty of people willing to shop that day AND also those who don't mind working as well. Nobody has a gun to your head saying you have to shop on Thanksgiving. I personally would rather be home with family relaxing and eating like a pig all day but I am not bothered that the retail world is up and running while I'm enjoying my holiday.
I don't get why people get so up in arms about it.
But if your daughter had a job at TRU in 12 or so years, and had to miss Thanksgiving dinner for it, I think you'd be a little sad, no?
Posted 11/6/13 3:19 PM |
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by meloyellow
i can tell you after many years of working and managing retail there were many people who WANTED to work the holidays because it means overtime pay and other perks. I know my BIL who works for apple on black friday they are feeding the employees, having an ipad raffle for people who work, overtime pay etc. He wanted to be there.
This. It's easy to get mad when you think that YOU wouldn't want to be stuck working that day, BUT there are many people who want/need the extra money.
I would hope that stores would be considerate of people who have families and DONT want to work though.
I agree with Pp that the people who SHOP are more to blame than the store for opening. If nobody shopped, then maybe the store would think twice about opening the following year. (Which I why I don't shop on holidays unless its online).
Message edited 11/6/2013 3:24:42 PM.
Posted 11/6/13 3:20 PM |
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I do think there's a difference between some businesses that serve a necessity or quasi-necessity- like a gas station or a grocery store (FWIW my local grocery store closes in the early afternoon so its workers can enjoy some of the holiday) or services like the MTA. No one NEEDS to go to Toys R Us on Thanksgiving.
Posted 11/6/13 3:29 PM |
Girls just want to have fun..
Member since 5/12 7482 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by MrsProfessor
I do think there's a difference between some businesses that serve a necessity or quasi-necessity- like a gas station or a grocery store (FWIW my local grocery store closes in the early afternoon so its workers can enjoy some of the holiday) or services like the MTA. No one NEEDS to go to Toys R Us on Thanksgiving.
yes, I agree!!!!!
Posted 11/6/13 3:31 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
The problem becomes though, pushing back the opening time forces those who are after specific deals to get up and go bc otherwise people will beat you to it and youll miss out.
They kind of force you into going earlier. Myself, I ALWAYS do BF, I did it last year at 9pm too. However, this year, I will not being going at 5pm. Ill miss out on a deal for that.
Posted 11/6/13 3:32 PM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I just wanted to clarify that its not the fact that they are opened ON Thanksgiving that bothers me, its the fact that they are opening AT 5:00pm that day!
I am not a black friday shopper so I was never out and about at 3:00 am the morning after Thanksgiving trampling over people to get inside a store.
I am bothered by these companies that take over holidays like this. In a few years - Thanksgiving will just be a day to go out to the stores because they will all be open super early and sales will be going all day long.
So what happens to Thanksgiving??? It becomes another day off like Memorial/Labor day where a good portion of the country have no idea WHY they are off!!!
Posted 11/6/13 3:39 PM |
Love baby feet

Member since 2/09 2894 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
This just irritates me when stores are open on holidays. They care more about $$$ than their employees.
Posted 11/6/13 3:40 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by meloyellow
Posted by forevermylilgirls
Posted by 2BadSoSad
I dont mind them opening at 9 like they did last year, but 5? That is when people sit to eat! Thats dinnertime!
I agree with that...5 is too early. I would be ok with 9
DH's second job is stock at a store that opens at 5pm Thanksgiving day. He's required to be there. Last year we didn't even bother "celebrating" Thanksgiving because of him needing to sleep for his overnight shift that started at 5. I'm sure the same will go for this year.
Posted 11/6/13 3:45 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Just another reason to hate Toys R us
This type of post created quite the drama last year. Can we just bump that and people can read so we don't have the drama again.
Posted 11/6/13 3:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/08 1232 total posts
Name: A
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by JandJ1224
I guess I'm in the minority but Thanksgiving isn't really a big deal to me. Being open is a business decision and they must feel the demand is there
My hubby is working on Thanksgiving this year and I will be at the TRU. I am not American, have no family here to celebrate with and I will be shopping!!!
Posted 11/6/13 3:53 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I only hope there are enough people who CHOOSE to work vs being made to work.
Posted 11/6/13 3:57 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by PearlJamChick
It really bothers me because it's the only holiday at this time of the year that encompasses everyone. There isn't anything about's just a true American holiday and every family celebrates it.
You won't catch me in a store that day. No way. I feel terribly for those that have to work in retail on that day. I know people do have their reasons for wanting to work on that day (extra money/holiday rate, just generally don't like the holidays, etc.) but my guess is that those people are in the miniority. I'm sure most people in retail would prefer to have a day off to relax with the family before the craziness of Black Friday begins.
Maybe it's because I love Thanksgiving so much...DH and I are of different faiths, so it's one holiday that we really love...but I just can't imagine going shopping on Thanksgiving. For what? To save a little cash? I'd rather watch my beloved parade, cook up a few sides, pick up my pies from the bakery down the block and start house-hopping to see friends and fam.
It's not only the stores' fault. It's the crazy people who feel the need to shop when they would normally be sitting down to have dinner. And for what? To save a buck? Black Friday sales are pretty much crap anyway. Stores jack up prices before so it looks like you're getting this amazing deal when really, you could get the same deal or better at another time of year. It's pathetic. And even if it is a fantastic deal - there are like 10 of the item in each store so unless you're there at the crack of dawn ON T-Day, you're SOL.
I feel terrible for those employees who have no choice and are just told that they have to work a certain crappy shift on a holiday.
And FWIW, I would never go to any other store - supermarket, 7-11, gas station, etc. on Thanksgiving either.
Posted 11/6/13 4:12 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by MrsProfessor
I do think there's a difference between some businesses that serve a necessity or quasi-necessity- like a gas station or a grocery store (FWIW my local grocery store closes in the early afternoon so its workers can enjoy some of the holiday) or services like the MTA. No one NEEDS to go to Toys R Us on Thanksgiving.
Posted 11/6/13 4:13 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by alli3131
This type of post created quite the drama last year. Can we just bump that and people can read so we don't have the drama again.
Posted 11/6/13 4:14 PM |

Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I don't shop on Thanksgiving or Black Friday - I think I went once or twice for the experience (don't ask me why).
In any case, of all the people I know who work retail - which is only a handful - I've actually NEVER heard them complain about working those two days.
Now I'm all about online shopping and cyber Monday.
Posted 11/6/13 4:33 PM |
blessed <3

Member since 10/09 2113 total posts
Name: M
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Nifheim
i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.
On the flip side of it, some people can't afford to get their kids what they want at full price. If a parent wants their kid to be happy on Christmas morning, sometimes lining up on Thanksgiving day is what they will do to get their kids what they want.
I almost feel as if the stores are manipulating the customers.
Posted 11/6/13 5:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I blame the ugly ugly society we live in where people have been trampled to death over a cheap tv or $5 toaster.
If people didn't show up and make it worth their while these companies would stay closed.
Posted 11/6/13 5:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by mlny
Posted by Nifheim
i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.
On the flip side of it, some people can't afford to get their kids what they want at full price. If a parent wants their kid to be happy on Christmas morning, sometimes lining up on Thanksgiving day is what they will do to get their kids what they want.
I almost feel as if the stores are manipulating the customers.
This may come off harsh and not directed at you, but that fact that a child's happiness might be tied to how many presents they get on Christmas morning is exactly the problem, and it's a bit ridiculous to blame stores for instilling those values in our children.
Posted 11/6/13 5:06 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09 595 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Shameful. I will not shop there this season. Thanksgiving IS a big deal to me and many Americans.
I feel for the employees and their families. There is nothing wrong with setting aside ONE day for gratitude and family. No one NEEDS to shop that day.
In this day of on line shopping, I would much prefer to shop from home than brave crowded stores and parking lots.
Posted 11/6/13 5:07 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
This is why I will only shop at PC Richards for electronics etc. I will actually pay more to shop there if need be- because I support their values and business practices. They also offer discounts to law enforcement- which I also find commendable. They run this ad every year in the newspaper.
Notice how they mention "those who provide us ESSENTIAL services today" As much as people would like to believe it, shopping for cheap crap is NOT essential.
Message edited 11/6/2013 5:17:15 PM.
Posted 11/6/13 5:12 PM |
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Bluechristmas
In this day of on line shopping, I would much prefer to shop from home than brave crowded stores and parking lots.
Between the crazy crowds and the assholes who walk into malls with guns, I much prefer to shop online. So many retailers have a mix of free shipping and good deals, add Ebates to the mix and there is no real reason for me to not do as much as possible from home.
Posted 11/6/13 5:14 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by NervousNell
This is why I will only shop at PC Richards for electronics etc. I will actually pay more to shop there if need be- because I support their values and business practices. They also offer discounts to law enforcement- which I also find commendable. They run this ad every year in the newspaper. IMAGE
Notice how they mention "those who provide us ESSENTIAL services today" As much as people would like to believe it, shopping for cheap crap is NOT essential.
Posted 11/6/13 6:00 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Pomegranate5
Posted by mlny
Posted by Nifheim
i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.
On the flip side of it, some people can't afford to get their kids what they want at full price. If a parent wants their kid to be happy on Christmas morning, sometimes lining up on Thanksgiving day is what they will do to get their kids what they want.
I almost feel as if the stores are manipulating the customers.
This may come off harsh and not directed at you, but that fact that a child's happiness might be tied to how many presents they get on Christmas morning is exactly the problem, and it's a bit ridiculous to blame stores for instilling those values in our children.
These sales might make the difference between a couple of gifts and NO gifts. A child receiving no gifts on Christmas makes me sad, don't know about you. I know that is the way it is for a family member of mine. Her kids will have nothing if it wasn't for huge sales that she will be scouting this year. I'm not sure she will be lining up on Thanksgiving morning, but I don't begrudge her at all for doing so.
Posted 11/6/13 6:28 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by Pomegranate5
Posted by mlny
Posted by Nifheim
i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.
On the flip side of it, some people can't afford to get their kids what they want at full price. If a parent wants their kid to be happy on Christmas morning, sometimes lining up on Thanksgiving day is what they will do to get their kids what they want.
I almost feel as if the stores are manipulating the customers.
This may come off harsh and not directed at you, but that fact that a child's happiness might be tied to how many presents they get on Christmas morning is exactly the problem, and it's a bit ridiculous to blame stores for instilling those values in our children.
These sales might make the difference between a couple of gifts and NO gifts. A child receiving no gifts on Christmas makes me sad, don't know about you. I know that is the way it is for a family member of mine. Her kids will have nothing if it wasn't for huge sales that she will be scouting this year. I'm not sure she will be lining up on Thanksgiving morning, but I don't begrudge her at all for doing so.
Ok but why does it have to be at 5pm on Thanksgiving? Or 6am? Why not Black Friday like it always was - 3am or 4am. I think that's the part most people have a beef with.
Posted 11/6/13 6:36 PM |
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