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LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 6937 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Honestly, some of you need to get over yourselves.
yeah, it sucks that the stores are open, but to start calling people who shop @ssholes, or throwing around that presents on christmas shouldnt be tied to a childs happiness or other things of the sort that have been said......also not in the Holiday spirit.
I have to agree.
Also, let's be realistic about what Thanksgiving is... a holiday celebrating how we raped and pillaged the natives of this country. We're super thankful for you guys teaching us how to grow corn though, but stay in that corner we reserved for you.
Also, for the people who say you are forced to work... were you notified upon taking the job that it would be a possibility? It's kind of like my job... I'm a receptionist and part of my job description is having flexible hours and being able to stay late or come in early with very little notice. Do I gripe about it? Sure, but it's also what I signed up for. Do I call the clients (the reason I need to stay late) assssholes for coming in? No, I don't.
Posted 11/7/13 12:41 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/13 594 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I am not a big shopper. I despise crowds. You couldn't pay me to go to a store on Black Friday. I just think it is wrong for stores to be open on thanksgiving. The whole spirit of the holiday has been lost. It is more about shopping than spending time with your family.
Posted 11/7/13 2:25 PM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by rsquared
I have worked in retail and in restaurants and I don't know what all this overtime people are talking about is. I have NEVER gotten overtime at a retail or service industry job on a holiday.
I've worked retail, I've worked Thanksgiving night/Black Friday.
I've NEVER gotten a DIME of OT for working that shift, so whoever keeps saying that, STOP, it ain't true! 
As for the comments like, "they should be thankful they have a job", you can bet your ass they're thankful they have a job but I can assure you NO ONE is EVER thankful to be dealing with the LOONS who come out for these ridiculous sales. Also, they're employees NOT slaves, EVERYONE deserves to enjoy a holiday. Have a heart. Yeesh.
Posted 11/7/13 2:47 PM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by halfbaked
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Honestly, some of you need to get over yourselves.
yeah, it sucks that the stores are open, but to start calling people who shop @ssholes, or throwing around that presents on christmas shouldnt be tied to a childs happiness or other things of the sort that have been said......also not in the Holiday spirit.
I have to agree.
Also, let's be realistic about what Thanksgiving is... a holiday celebrating how we raped and pillaged the natives of this country. We're super thankful for you guys teaching us how to grow corn though, but stay in that corner we reserved for you.
Also, for the people who say you are forced to work... were you notified upon taking the job that it would be a possibility? It's kind of like my job... I'm a receptionist and part of my job description is having flexible hours and being able to stay late or come in early with very little notice. Do I gripe about it? Sure, but it's also what I signed up for. Do I call the clients (the reason I need to stay late) assssholes for coming in? No, I don't.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you might not call those clients assholes to their face, but I'm willing to bet you're thinking it. Especially if that client is keeping you from your husband and the rest of your family while they're perhaps celebrating something. C'mon, that's human nature.
And YES as someone who worked retail, I went in knowing full well I'd have to work some less than desirable shifts - for me, nights and weekends because I already held down a full time job. But still, it's a damn holiday, and the only reason these stores are opening is because they KNOW they'll get people in there shopping.
Just because you can, doesn't always mean you should.
ETA: And NO you don't really have a choice when it comes to working Thanksgiving/black Friday - it's expected and short of bleeding from your eyes you're expected to be there. Only ONCE was a off for BF and that was because I had logged too many hours leading up to it so the small store I worked for didn't have enough hours in the budget to pay me so the poor managers (who are salaried and work like DOGS aka SLAVES) had to cover my original shift.
Retail is a shit show.
Message edited 11/7/2013 2:53:37 PM.
Posted 11/7/13 2:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09 595 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Also, let's be realistic about what Thanksgiving is... a holiday celebrating how we raped and pillaged the natives of this country. We're super thankful for you guys teaching us how to grow corn though, but stay in that corner we reserved for you. /QUOTE]
Actually it was a celebration of the pilgrim's achieving their goal of religious freedom. Despite was later transpired, the first Thanksgiving was a 3 day long feast celebrating a harvest and the kindness of their neighbors who helped them survive that first year.
Message edited 11/7/2013 4:20:18 PM.
Posted 11/7/13 4:20 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 7/09 453 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I think we are just a nation of consumers. Rather than spend an evening at home with our families being happy for what we have, we want to go out and buy more. you need a new tv that bad?
I also think it's sad that retail workers can't even get a vacation day. That we've gotten to the point that we have to be so thankful to even have a job that we should be willing to give up all holidays for it. Why not have some respect for your employees? For some reason I don't think that Macy's, wal-mart, toys r us, etc...need the money that bad that they have to open thanksgiving day.
Posted 11/7/13 8:22 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I never knew this was such a hot button issue until I joined lif
Posted 11/7/13 9:54 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by BargainMama
Grocery stores, gas stations, movie theaters, bakeries, 7-11, etc. etc. are all open on Thanksgiving Day. So I hope all the naysayers remember that when they are getting gas, or picking up last minute supplies for their dinner. These companies hire seasonal employees to work these holidays. I rarely hear people complain about having to work and getting double time. That is what you sign up for in retail unfortunately.
I agree - a lot of people need to work on holidays. Thanksgiving is not the exception. My father was a cop - he had to work so many holidays I couldn't even count it at this point. I get that Toys R us is not a necessary thing on thanksgiving but there are a lot of other unnecessary things that are open that people aren't complaining about.
Posted 11/7/13 10:38 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Seriously? Since when is BLACK FRIDAY a holiday??? um since.... NEVER? I worked in finance for ten years, not once was black friday a holiday. I was expected to be at work. Maybe for teachers it's a holiday but not for any other professional that I have ever met. Thanksgiving is a holiday. Black Friday, not so much!
Posted 11/7/13 10:42 PM |
Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06 3627 total posts
Name: Meaghan
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Bluechristmas
Also, let's be realistic about what Thanksgiving is... a holiday celebrating how we raped and pillaged the natives of this country. We're super thankful for you guys teaching us how to grow corn though, but stay in that corner we reserved for you. /QUOTE]
Actually it was a celebration of the pilgrim's achieving their goal of religious freedom. Despite was later transpired, the first Thanksgiving was a 3 day long feast celebrating a harvest and the kindness of their neighbors who helped them survive that first year.
You're effing kidding me, right? A three day long harvest festival? The first Thanksgiving was declared in 1637... Governor of Massachusetts John Winthrop declared a "Day of Thanksgiving" to celebrate the return of a band of English hunters who had just slaughtered 700 Pequot Indians in what is now Mystic, Connecticut. This happened to have occurred during the Pequot's Green Corn Festival, which bears a striking resemblance to the fake Thanksgiving story your kids are taught in school... except the only white people there came in the middle of the night to rape, burn, and kill.
Do a little research... what you learned in school is the worst kind of whitewashing of American history.
ETA: I'm sorry if my post came across rude, but this is a very hot button issue for me.
Message edited 11/7/2013 10:48:57 PM.
Posted 11/7/13 10:47 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by HoneyBadger
Posted by rsquared
I have worked in retail and in restaurants and I don't know what all this overtime people are talking about is. I have NEVER gotten overtime at a retail or service industry job on a holiday.
I've worked retail, I've worked Thanksgiving night/Black Friday.
I've NEVER gotten a DIME of OT for working that shift, so whoever keeps saying that, STOP, it ain't true! 
As for the comments like, "they should be thankful they have a job", you can bet your ass they're thankful they have a job but I can assure you NO ONE is EVER thankful to be dealing with the LOONS who come out for these ridiculous sales. Also, they're employees NOT slaves, EVERYONE deserves to enjoy a holiday. Have a heart. Yeesh.
That's weird, my company pays double time and half for working the hours on thanksgiving, and its time and a half until 6 am. As a manager I won't get that, but the hourly employes make out pretty good...
Posted 11/7/13 11:16 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by lululu
Seriously? Since when is BLACK FRIDAY a holiday??? um since.... NEVER? I worked in finance for ten years, not once was black friday a holiday. I was expected to be at work. Maybe for teachers it's a holiday but not for any other professional that I have ever met. Thanksgiving is a holiday. Black Friday, not so much!
I have worked in the legal profession for 6 years and have never NOT had the Friday after T-day off!
Posted 11/7/13 11:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/13 1843 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Mrs213
Posted by HoneyBadger
Posted by rsquared
I have worked in retail and in restaurants and I don't know what all this overtime people are talking about is. I have NEVER gotten overtime at a retail or service industry job on a holiday.
I've worked retail, I've worked Thanksgiving night/Black Friday.
I've NEVER gotten a DIME of OT for working that shift, so whoever keeps saying that, STOP, it ain't true! 
As for the comments like, "they should be thankful they have a job", you can bet your ass they're thankful they have a job but I can assure you NO ONE is EVER thankful to be dealing with the LOONS who come out for these ridiculous sales. Also, they're employees NOT slaves, EVERYONE deserves to enjoy a holiday. Have a heart. Yeesh.
That's weird, my company pays double time and half for working the hours on thanksgiving, and its time and a half until 6 am. As a manager I won't get that, but the hourly employes make out pretty good...
worked in retail since 14 and have never come across a company that did not pay overtime for holidays like thanksgiving, 4th of july, new years etc. and some of them were cheap azz companies too.
Message edited 11/7/2013 11:41:28 PM.
Posted 11/7/13 11:39 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I'm in retail and have been for many years - 14 years to be exact and I can tell you that there are 2 sides to this. I never "signed up for this" when I started with my company 12 years ago. Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday, I live on the east end and we would always go to family out in Nassau. We haven't been able to the past 3 years because either DH or I had to be in at some crazy hour.
For me it was always the one holiday I could know I always would be off and just a relaxing, no pressure type holiday. The only other holiday we have off is Christmas and between making time for DH family on Christmas Eve, and my family next day and getting all the gifts ready, running up and down the island, it's not a relaxing day. Last year I think is when it really hit me, we were driving to my dads that day and it just didn't "feel" like thanksgiving. It just felt like a regular day but everything was closed for no reason.
That being said, I know there's nothing I can do it about that so I try to focus on the things that Are good about it. 7 weeks paid time off per year, incredible health benefits and 401k. Amazing coworkers I have known 10+ years I consider to be dearest friends close as family. I love the flexible schedule, no need to take days off for dr appointments, I can sleep in lol (before DD was born lol) I remember a thread the other day about kids crying at daycare because the parents weren't at the the Halloween parade and I thought to myself wow I am very lucky I will beagle to participate in DD's events, field trips etc. it's a tough job but there are great perks if you find the right company.
Now the other side of the coin is this. I can't fault the companies for doing this, they aren't stupid, there is a demand for it and its all a gimmick and people are falling for it. I'm not talking about big ticket items but all the clothes, general merchandise etc. The stores have been slowly marking their prices up higher and higher each year. This is across the board, then they will offer an insane discount, makes everyone feel like they have to buy a ton of stuff. So basically you are getting stuff for its true value, but buying much more than you need and the stores make out like a bandit at the customers expense. You can get the same or better deals 2-3 weeks before Christmas but people love the hype and when they "feel" that they are getting a great deal they spend more.
Posted 11/7/13 11:45 PM |
My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
I'm a manager at a fast food restaurant and we are open on Thanksgiving. We don't get extra pay or anything. Luckily I work with people that care that I have kids and was able to get my shift covered. I feel bad for those that don't have that option. I totally understand your feelings toward this subject !
Posted 11/8/13 12:38 AM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Only on LIF can a debate about shopping turn into a history lesson
The stores have to be open for all the diabetics taking the kids so they a park in the expectant mother spot but eat a sandwich in the spot before they go in and then let the kid eat a banana in the store and pay for it later. But go return the bread they bought the other day
Posted 11/8/13 12:55 AM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
My actual opinion is they should take a vote
If they have enough employees who WANT to work and enough to run the store open it,and pay them extra
If not close,but never force anyone to work
Posted 11/8/13 12:57 AM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by gina409
Only on LIF can a debate about shopping turn into a history lesson
The stores have to be open for all the diabetics taking the kids so they a park in the expectant mother spot but eat a sandwich in the spot before they go in and then let the kid eat a banana in the store and pay for it later. But go return the bread they bought the other day
Omg I'm dyin
Posted 11/8/13 12:59 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by lululu
Seriously? Since when is BLACK FRIDAY a holiday??? um since.... NEVER? I worked in finance for ten years, not once was black friday a holiday. I was expected to be at work. Maybe for teachers it's a holiday but not for any other professional that I have ever met. Thanksgiving is a holiday. Black Friday, not so much!
Almost everyone I know is off on that Friday. Most companies consider the day after Thanksgiving part of the holiday weekend and shut down. The only people I know who work that Friday are in retail, banks, or medical offices.
My DH is a professional and is off that whole weekend, including half a day on Wednesday. His company also shuts down from Xmas through New Years.
My point is, plenty of professionals are off for more than just the holiday itself...............not just teachers.
Posted 11/8/13 6:48 AM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by lululu
I have worked in the legal profession for 6 years and have never NOT had the Friday after T-day off!
You are lucky then. My husband and friends do sometimes have to work. Some firms it is you are off unless they need to an ebt or meet with an expert. Some firms gave it others did not. Some phrase it the associates are off unless a partner needs them to cover a deppo or meet with an expert. So some firms do not necessarily give that day off.
To play devils advocate. I think those with strong family ties don't shop and don't want to work. Also I know many who celebrate during the day not the evening so they are finished celebrating by 5. Therefore free to work, shop, sleep or whatever. How about those in the food industry. I bet many do go out to eat for the holidays. If those are against shopping I hope hou are also against eating out. Are the movies open (not sure thought a friend a few years ago saw a movie when he couldn't get home to his family bc he had to work on BF.)
I think there is a wide range of how businesses work. Many do try to give those who volunteer the shifts...those with families put on later if needed so they can celebrate first then come in. Others simple don't care. Some pay overtime others don't. There are it is sad to say many with no family, divorced families who do not have the kids that day or those who are estranged from their families. Some jump at the chance. Some will volunteer then celebrate a day or two later. I know many who are essential personnel who do that. It stinks but some do choose it. Years ago they were very clear about their holiday policy when you took a job. My neice knew what she was getting herself into and wanted the money and volunteer.ed to work.
I think those who don't want to shop shouldn't (I have never gone and avoid BF like the plague). But there are people who need the money and beg to work. The ones in the past and now that I know still celebrate, but do so a day or two later. Everyone says they are so tolerant but there are so many different family make ups and not everyone has or can celebrate that one day. To just assume everyone should be home with family seems to forget that might not be possible for one reason or another. There must be a demand for them to open or they would be closed. Ideally it would be nice for them not to be but as long as in some cases people want to work and people do shop then they will stay open.
I could be wrong but those who say shop online instead. Wouldn't that mean people have to work so those can shop online? I would imagine they need some people maintaining the site etc.
Posted 11/8/13 6:50 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by lululu
Seriously? Since when is BLACK FRIDAY a holiday??? um since.... NEVER? I worked in finance for ten years, not once was black friday a holiday. I was expected to be at work. Maybe for teachers it's a holiday but not for any other professional that I have ever met. Thanksgiving is a holiday. Black Friday, not so much!
I have worked in the legal profession for 6 years and have never NOT had the Friday after T-day off!
The firm I worked always had us working on the day after Thanksgiving. 7 years of that! A couple of times I took off, but it was really frowned upon!
Always did my shopping before going in
Posted 11/8/13 7:11 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Nifheim
i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.
This! Just don't shop it....
Posted 11/8/13 7:37 AM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted 11/8/13 8:01 AM |
Member since 1/12 6105 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by Hofstra26
Almost everyone I know is off on that Friday. Most companies consider the day after Thanksgiving part of the holiday weekend and shut down. The only people I know who work that Friday are in retail, banks, or medical offices.
My DH is a professional and is off that whole weekend, including half a day on Wednesday. His company also shuts down from Xmas through New Years.
My point is, plenty of professionals are off for more than just the holiday itself...............not just teachers.
my husband works for jpmorgan - he has to work friday after thanksgiving - this year and every year i believe they close early (maybe 2pm)? but he still has to go to work the stock market is open - which is why he and many people in the finance world have to work that day
Posted 11/8/13 9:06 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us
Posted by jams92
Posted by Hofstra26
Almost everyone I know is off on that Friday. Most companies consider the day after Thanksgiving part of the holiday weekend and shut down. The only people I know who work that Friday are in retail, banks, or medical offices.
My DH is a professional and is off that whole weekend, including half a day on Wednesday. His company also shuts down from Xmas through New Years.
My point is, plenty of professionals are off for more than just the holiday itself...............not just teachers.
my husband works for jpmorgan - he has to work friday after thanksgiving - this year and every year i believe they close early (maybe 2pm)? but he still has to go to work the stock market is open - which is why he and many people in the finance world have to work that day
I know many people have to work that Friday but many do not. I get why someone in finance would have to, makes perfect sense. But many companies do give that Friday off so everyone has a long weekend. That's all.
Posted 11/8/13 9:15 AM |
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