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Just another reason to hate Toys R us

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/13

1280 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

In a few years the stores will be open ALL day on thanksgiving, and the employees won't make OT or have any perks for working that day. It is going to become the next Memorial Day/ Labor Day holiday. This is the direction these retailers are going toward. God forbid they have to close for one day Chat Icon I just hope the people working that day are there because they chose to be. If it were my kid, I would have a huge problem with him working in a store on a holiday like thanksgiving

Message edited 11/6/2013 6:42:04 PM.

Posted 11/6/13 6:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by ElizaRags35

Posted by BargainMama

Posted by Pomegranate5

Posted by mlny

Posted by Nifheim

i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.

On the flip side of it, some people can't afford to get their kids what they want at full price. If a parent wants their kid to be happy on Christmas morning, sometimes lining up on Thanksgiving day is what they will do to get their kids what they want.

I almost feel as if the stores are manipulating the customers.

This may come off harsh and not directed at you, but that fact that a child's happiness might be tied to how many presents they get on Christmas morning is exactly the problem, and it's a bit ridiculous to blame stores for instilling those values in our children.

These sales might make the difference between a couple of gifts and NO gifts. A child receiving no gifts on Christmas makes me sad, don't know about you. I know that is the way it is for a family member of mine. Her kids will have nothing if it wasn't for huge sales that she will be scouting this year. I'm not sure she will be lining up on Thanksgiving morning, but I don't begrudge her at all for doing so.

Ok but why does it have to be at 5pm on Thanksgiving? Or 6am? Why not Black Friday like it always was - 3am or 4am. I think that's the part most people have a beef with.

I was only responding to the pp's comment about people needing the deals, and your comment about children being happy based on the number of gifts under the tree. I don't care when they open. I was just telling you WHY some people might go out to get these deals when they are open and advertising them. If they are open, people will go. I don't think anyone is emailing these companies asking them to be open at 5am on Thanksgiving morning. If the toy one of my four nephews wants is being advertised for $20 cheaper than it would be the following day, week or month, that's $20 more my family member could spend on another one of her children.

Posted 11/6/13 7:00 PM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

13591 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by Nifheim

i don't blame the business as much as the people who shop these events. They turned thanksgiving holiday into chaos.

EXACTLY!! if there wasnt a demand for it, they wouldnt do it, and they wouldnt push it more and more every year.

Its a double edged sword and I find both retailers and consumers are to blame. our society and the need for the best deals for more stuff and instant gratification; and the stores are giving into it.

Posted 11/6/13 7:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

4694 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by alli3131

This type of post created quite the drama last year. Can we just bump that and people can read so we don't have the drama again.

Agreed. Seems to be one of those things we'll all never agree on.

Posted 11/6/13 7:57 PM


Member since 7/12

4376 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

I used to work at a bakery. We had to work sometimes 12 hour days ON the holiday. I feel like it sucked but I knew what I signed up for.

Posted 11/6/13 8:42 PM

Carpe diem!

Member since 11/10

5287 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

I haven't read this thread yet, but I hate that non-essential places are open on Thanksgiving.

Posted 11/6/13 8:58 PM

He's coming soon!

Member since 4/10

4260 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by lorich

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by 2BadSoSad

I dont mind them opening at 9 like they did last year, but 5? That is when people sit to eat! Thats dinnertime!


I agree with that...5 is too early. I would be ok with 9

DH's second job is stock at a store that opens at 5pm Thanksgiving day. He's required to be there. Last year we didn't even bother "celebrating" Thanksgiving because of him needing to sleep for his overnight shift that started at 5. I'm sure the same will go for this year.

We never celebrate thanksgiving either because of dh's job. I'm very thankful that he has a job however, I would love it if we could spend one thanksgiving together as a family instead of him either working on the day (with no overtime btw) or having to go to bed around dinner time because he has to be at work at 3am the following day and leave an hour early just to find a place to park. It's not fair to our family just because your family wants a better deal on sporting equipment thanksgiving night. And no, it doesn't make it okay because he "knew what he was signing up for" how dare you all say that. This is the only job he can get right now. He works his ass off and has for years. His work ethic is better than anyone I know. Did he want to go down this career path? No. But you know what, he does what he has to to feed his family and doesn't complain. But I am right now because it sucks that he doesn't get to spend this day with us. Especially because he does work a retail job we don't have a lot of money and sometimes it's so easy to get sucked into the whole materialistic aspect of the holidays, of life and we can't have most of that and normally, I'm okay with that. I'm very grateful for what we do have and God ALWAYS pulls through for us and provides for us even when things seem bleak, at the last moment He provides and we get one day out of the calendar to do work, no school, no shopping, etc to sit back, enjoy our family and be THANKFUL for our family and all our blessings, that we have a warm home, and food, and clothes, and we are healthy, and have our boys and each other...all we need, BUT NO...I can't even have ONE DAY. And don't even bother saying, well be thankful he even has a job, because I am. It still sucks.

Posted 11/6/13 9:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

6791 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

THats just it though, I don't think the demand is there to open at 5, or even 9 like last year. BF survived just fine at 2am for years. It is the retailers choosing to open at 5pm now which is RIDICULOUS. People looking to score deals go bc they HAVE to if they want to get the deals. Yes, they can forego the deal and not go, but some people need those deals to stay within their holiday budget and if they wait they miss out.

Its a shame they are pushing it back and not to mention, it just takes the fun out of black friday, honestly.

For me, it was having my sister sleep over on thanksgiving and getting up at 1am to go shopping. To be out at 3am, to finish as the sun came up and then to head to breakfast after. That fun is all gone now.

As much as I love black friday, and even did 9pm shopping last year, bc my family is usually all done by 7-8pm, I am NOT going at 5pm. That sucks.

Posted 11/6/13 9:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/12

260 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

I work at cvs, and they are open all day on thanksgiving. The best part is, most of the stores pharmacies are closed that day. So it's just the front store that is open. Talk about a greedy greedy corporation.

Posted 11/6/13 9:50 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by HPBLN

I work at cvs, and they are open all day on thanksgiving. The best part is, most of the stores pharmacies are closed that day. So it's just the front store that is open. Talk about a greedy greedy corporation.

I can understand the pharmacy being open for emergencies but the rest of the store? I just don't get it.

Posted 11/6/13 9:56 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/12

260 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

And if it is a store where the pharmacy is open, they get to close at 2. So crazy.

Posted 11/6/13 9:59 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

I'm working 10pm thanksgiving night and get off at 7 am friday

Posted 11/6/13 10:01 PM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

I'm wondering if they are all opening so early this year because Thanksgiving & Hanukkah are on the same day. I have a feeling this will set a precedent for the following years since there will be a demand for stores to be open this early. If people didn't shop, stores wouldn't feel the need to follow suit & open earlier than their competition.

IMO if they NEED to start sales this early, make it for online purchases & not for the brick & mortar stores.

Posted 11/6/13 10:29 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by NervousNell

This is why I will only shop at PC Richards for electronics etc. I will actually pay more to shop there if need be- because I support their values and business practices.
They also offer discounts to law enforcement- which I also find commendable.
They run this ad every year in the newspaper.

Notice how they mention "those who provide us ESSENTIAL services today" As much as people would like to believe it, shopping for cheap crap is NOT essential.

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Posted 11/6/13 11:08 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

I sent an email. I will NOT support them this holiday season. My son does not need toys THAT badly.

Posted 11/7/13 6:07 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

[email protected]

Speak up.

Posted 11/7/13 6:08 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

6163 total posts

Momma Bear

Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Im sorry i dont blame tru/bru i blame shoppers.

Walmart s opening at 6 am.

For whatever reason you hate tru/bru but this is just fuel for a fire you aleady have lit.

Posted 11/7/13 6:25 AM

is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

4189 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Lets not forget the core of the issue here people. You have people (alot of them) they actually leave families to go shopping. Yes, blame the stores but blame the people who will do anything to save a dollar. The value of things have changed but this should be no shocker because look at us, we are animals.

Posted 11/7/13 6:38 AM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

If the crazy shoppers wouldn't shop the store wouldn't open on Thanksgiving. It is about time people respect there own family time and stay home. Then maybe the piir retail employees could have their family time.

Posted 11/7/13 7:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by HPBLN

I work at cvs, and they are open all day on thanksgiving. The best part is, most of the stores pharmacies are closed that day. So it's just the front store that is open. Talk about a greedy greedy corporation.

Is this new though? I think CVS has been open on Thanksgiving for at least 15 years now?

Posted 11/7/13 7:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by 2boys4me

Posted by lorich

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by 2BadSoSad

I dont mind them opening at 9 like they did last year, but 5? That is when people sit to eat! Thats dinnertime!


I agree with that...5 is too early. I would be ok with 9

DH's second job is stock at a store that opens at 5pm Thanksgiving day. He's required to be there. Last year we didn't even bother "celebrating" Thanksgiving because of him needing to sleep for his overnight shift that started at 5. I'm sure the same will go for this year.

We never celebrate thanksgiving either because of dh's job. I'm very thankful that he has a job however, I would love it if we could spend one thanksgiving together as a family instead of him either working on the day (with no overtime btw) or having to go to bed around dinner time because he has to be at work at 3am the following day and leave an hour early just to find a place to park. It's not fair to our family just because your family wants a better deal on sporting equipment thanksgiving night. And no, it doesn't make it okay because he "knew what he was signing up for" how dare you all say that. This is the only job he can get right now. He works his ass off and has for years. His work ethic is better than anyone I know. Did he want to go down this career path? No. But you know what, he does what he has to to feed his family and doesn't complain. But I am right now because it sucks that he doesn't get to spend this day with us. Especially because he does work a retail job we don't have a lot of money and sometimes it's so easy to get sucked into the whole materialistic aspect of the holidays, of life and we can't have most of that and normally, I'm okay with that. I'm very grateful for what we do have and God ALWAYS pulls through for us and provides for us even when things seem bleak, at the last moment He provides and we get one day out of the calendar to do work, no school, no shopping, etc to sit back, enjoy our family and be THANKFUL for our family and all our blessings, that we have a warm home, and food, and clothes, and we are healthy, and have our boys and each other...all we need, BUT NO...I can't even have ONE DAY. And don't even bother saying, well be thankful he even has a job, because I am. It still sucks.

I'm sure many people that are Nurses, Doctor's, Police Officers, hospital attendants, etc. feel the same way. The reality is, there will never be a day where NO ONE in this world has to work.

I look at it as I don't need a dedicated named Holiday to spend time with my family and sit down for a nice meal.

Message edited 11/7/2013 7:15:18 AM.

Posted 11/7/13 7:12 AM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Just another reason to hate Toys R us

What surprises me the most is why people rush to the stores and stores feel the need to be open so early on Thanksgiving when there is online shopping. So much easier, more comfortable, and less time consuming!

Posted 11/7/13 7:15 AM

He's coming soon!

Member since 4/10

4260 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by BargainMama

Posted by 2boys4me

Posted by lorich

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by 2BadSoSad

I dont mind them opening at 9 like they did last year, but 5? That is when people sit to eat! Thats dinnertime!


I agree with that...5 is too early. I would be ok with 9

DH's second job is stock at a store that opens at 5pm Thanksgiving day. He's required to be there. Last year we didn't even bother "celebrating" Thanksgiving because of him needing to sleep for his overnight shift that started at 5. I'm sure the same will go for this year.

We never celebrate thanksgiving either because of dh's job. I'm very thankful that he has a job however, I would love it if we could spend one thanksgiving together as a family instead of him either working on the day (with no overtime btw) or having to go to bed around dinner time because he has to be at work at 3am the following day and leave an hour early just to find a place to park. It's not fair to our family just because your family wants a better deal on sporting equipment thanksgiving night. And no, it doesn't make it okay because he "knew what he was signing up for" how dare you all say that. This is the only job he can get right now. He works his ass off and has for years. His work ethic is better than anyone I know. Did he want to go down this career path? No. But you know what, he does what he has to to feed his family and doesn't complain. But I am right now because it sucks that he doesn't get to spend this day with us. Especially because he does work a retail job we don't have a lot of money and sometimes it's so easy to get sucked into the whole materialistic aspect of the holidays, of life and we can't have most of that and normally, I'm okay with that. I'm very grateful for what we do have and God ALWAYS pulls through for us and provides for us even when things seem bleak, at the last moment He provides and we get one day out of the calendar to do work, no school, no shopping, etc to sit back, enjoy our family and be THANKFUL for our family and all our blessings, that we have a warm home, and food, and clothes, and we are healthy, and have our boys and each other...all we need, BUT NO...I can't even have ONE DAY. And don't even bother saying, well be thankful he even has a job, because I am. It still sucks.

I'm sure many people that are Nurses, Doctor's, Police Officers, hospital attendants, etc. feel the same way. The reality is, there will never be a day where NO ONE in this world has to work.

I look at it as I don't need a dedicated named Holiday to spend time with my family and sit down for a nice meal.

Nurses, doctors, police officers, mta workers, etc at least make a decent salary, have good benefits, and a retirement package to justify them leaving their families on holidays and they actually do great things that we need as a society on those days. Please tell me the benefit of my DH, who makes crap money despite working his ass off, working soooo many hours around the holiday season and on holidays, missing holiday time with his family? We NEED nurses, etc on holidays, as a society we can't shut down certain jobs and they in turn are paid overtime for their much needed work. That is honorable. There is no NEED for retail work on holidays. NONE. I could see a pharmacy being open on Thanksgiving because that is a need but a pp said that her CVS pharmacy part is friggen closed and only the retail section open. That's sick. I hope think about the these points you are making right now to me to justify retail workers working on thanksgiving while you are having a nice meal with your family and then gear up to go save some money while I'm sitting alone with my two young boys on Thanksgiving, putting them to bed alone because my DH just returned from work and has to go to sleep because he has to be up in 3 hours to go back to work so people can continue shopping and while you are out getting your deals for your family with the money you earned getting paid for a holiday you didn't work and your bonus, and etc...I will be doing my holiday shopping on Craig'slist and the buy/swap boards because we don't get any of that money.

Posted 11/7/13 7:57 AM

let's be nice

Member since 9/07

10208 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by NervousNell

This is why I will only shop at PC Richards for electronics etc. I will actually pay more to shop there if need be- because I support their values and business practices.
They also offer discounts to law enforcement- which I also find commendable.
They run this ad every year in the newspaper.

Notice how they mention "those who provide us ESSENTIAL services today" As much as people would like to believe it, shopping for cheap crap is NOT essential.

wow, I had no idea! We have bought our last few appliances at pc richards because of their customer service but this is a huge plus in my book.

Posted 11/7/13 8:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Re: Just another reason to hate Toys R us

Posted by 2boys4me

Posted by BargainMama

Posted by 2boys4me

Posted by lorich

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by forevermylilgirls

Posted by 2BadSoSad

I dont mind them opening at 9 like they did last year, but 5? That is when people sit to eat! Thats dinnertime!


I agree with that...5 is too early. I would be ok with 9

DH's second job is stock at a store that opens at 5pm Thanksgiving day. He's required to be there. Last year we didn't even bother "celebrating" Thanksgiving because of him needing to sleep for his overnight shift that started at 5. I'm sure the same will go for this year.

We never celebrate thanksgiving either because of dh's job. I'm very thankful that he has a job however, I would love it if we could spend one thanksgiving together as a family instead of him either working on the day (with no overtime btw) or having to go to bed around dinner time because he has to be at work at 3am the following day and leave an hour early just to find a place to park. It's not fair to our family just because your family wants a better deal on sporting equipment thanksgiving night. And no, it doesn't make it okay because he "knew what he was signing up for" how dare you all say that. This is the only job he can get right now. He works his ass off and has for years. His work ethic is better than anyone I know. Did he want to go down this career path? No. But you know what, he does what he has to to feed his family and doesn't complain. But I am right now because it sucks that he doesn't get to spend this day with us. Especially because he does work a retail job we don't have a lot of money and sometimes it's so easy to get sucked into the whole materialistic aspect of the holidays, of life and we can't have most of that and normally, I'm okay with that. I'm very grateful for what we do have and God ALWAYS pulls through for us and provides for us even when things seem bleak, at the last moment He provides and we get one day out of the calendar to do work, no school, no shopping, etc to sit back, enjoy our family and be THANKFUL for our family and all our blessings, that we have a warm home, and food, and clothes, and we are healthy, and have our boys and each other...all we need, BUT NO...I can't even have ONE DAY. And don't even bother saying, well be thankful he even has a job, because I am. It still sucks.

I'm sure many people that are Nurses, Doctor's, Police Officers, hospital attendants, etc. feel the same way. The reality is, there will never be a day where NO ONE in this world has to work.

I look at it as I don't need a dedicated named Holiday to spend time with my family and sit down for a nice meal.

Nurses, doctors, police officers, mta workers, etc at least make a decent salary, have good benefits, and a retirement package to justify them leaving their families on holidays and they actually do great things that we need as a society on those days. Please tell me the benefit of my DH, who makes crap money despite working his ass off, working soooo many hours around the holiday season and on holidays, missing holiday time with his family? We NEED nurses, etc on holidays, as a society we can't shut down certain jobs and they in turn are paid overtime for their much needed work. That is honorable. There is no NEED for retail work on holidays. NONE. I could see a pharmacy being open on Thanksgiving because that is a need but a pp said that her CVS pharmacy part is friggen closed and only the retail section open. That's sick. I hope think about the these points you are making right now to me to justify retail workers working on thanksgiving while you are having a nice meal with your family and then gear up to go save some money while I'm sitting alone with my two young boys on Thanksgiving, putting them to bed alone because my DH just returned from work and has to go to sleep because he has to be up in 3 hours to go back to work so people can continue shopping and while you are out getting your deals for your family with the money you earned getting paid for a holiday you didn't work and your bonus, and etc...I will be doing my holiday shopping on Craig'slist and the buy/swap boards because we don't get any of that money.

I'm sorry that you are in this situation, but don't blame me for the occupation your husband has chosen.

You make an awful lot of ridiculous assumptions about me in your post, so I'm just going to refrain from commenting any further.

Posted 11/7/13 8:27 AM
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