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ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

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last month on leave!

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ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

just got back from DS's 2 month well visit... ped heard a very slight heart murmur & said that it sounds very innocent & if it starts sounding like something to be concerned about, he wants me to take DS to see a cardiologist

of course im minorly freaking out & i'm just going to take him to see the cardiologist mainly b/c it will just put my mind at ease -- i mean, the ped wasnt concerned AT ALL but i would just feel better taking him

wanted to hear from other ladies who have gone through the same thing & what the outcome was

TIA! Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 12:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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love my 2 boys

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

Ds had one when he was born. Went to see cardiologist and it was innocent.. now they can't hear it at Dr. appts.Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 12:37 PM

my little loves

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

Posted by Linda1003

Ds had one when he was born. Went to see cardiologist and it was innocent.. now they can't hear it at Dr. appts.Chat Icon

ditto 100%. they even did an eccho and EKG at the hospital before DS was released after birth and it was "innocent"... they havent heard it since.

MANY babies are born with them and they close within the first few months of life. since ethan was early, you have to take into consideration those extra weeks Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 12:39 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/05

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

Both my kids were born with heart murmurs. My first was born with a silent murmur, when he was 2 months I went to ped cardi and got it cheched out. the doc said everything was fine and than I went for a yearly check up until finally it is totally gone..he is almost 6 yrs old now.

My 3.5 month daughter was diagnosed with an innocent murmur..again I went to ped cardi and he said again nothing to worry about and it will prob go away in time.

Hope this helps put you at ease and also I would go to ped cardi just incase for your peace of mindChat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 12:39 PM

My loves

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

My niece had a hole in her heart when she was born and went through a lot of the craziness that parents go through with that diagnosis. (From what I think I remember, a murmur is typically a small 'hole' or tear in either the heart or valves. But I sucked at biology.) She did well with it and she lived a normal childhood while being monitored. When she hit puberty the doctors were concerned about something with it and said she could be a possible high risk if she ever got pregnant. (Although, my sister and I think the doctor said that to scare her into not having sex Chat Icon )

She was a swimmer through high school and at age 18 the cardiologist said he didn't have to see her again. Chat Icon So it can be freaky, but take a deep breath and know a lot of kids go through it. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 12:41 PM

The loves of my life :)

Member since 6/08

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

They heard one on DD when she was a few weeks old in the NICU. They said the same thing but called in the cardiologist to be 100% and sure enough it was nothing. If they say it sounds like nothing Im sure they're right but they would rather be safe then sorry, hence the visit to the cardiologist. Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 12:42 PM

Baby #2 is here!

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

Before DD was discharged from the NICU (she was a preemie) we were told to follow up with a pediatric cardiologist at 3 months because of a heart murmur and some other issues. DH and I of course were very nervous. When we finally took her, the other issues had cleared up on their own and they did confirm that she has an innocent murmur. The ped cardiologist said there was no need to follow up with them. Only if our ped hears any changes will he send us back to them.

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Posted 12/13/10 12:42 PM

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

thank you everyone!!! i know its prob nothing to be worried about, but i made an apt with the cardiologist for this thursday anyways!

glad to see its fairly common!

Posted 12/13/10 12:46 PM

Love being a twin mommy!

Member since 5/07

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

I have not had this situation with my children, but my mother and I have both had heart murmurs our whole lives. I have seen a cardiologist since I was little, but have never had to deal with any real issues. I also have a Mitral Valve Prolapse and get irregular heartbeats and dizzines, but that is all. I just have to watch my caffeine and have testing every few years to make sure nothing has changed.

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Posted 12/13/10 1:03 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

DD was born with a murmur due to a VSD (a small hole between the ventricles). At 1 month, the hole had shrunk to half its size. I am hoping it is closed by her next follow up. My niece was born with the same thing and it resolved itself by about 9 months. Hope your appointment goes smoothly and puts your mind at ease Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 1:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

I was just going to post the same topic. My ds is 6 weeks and the ped said he heard a heart murmur too. My dh has heart disease in his family so we are going to take him to a cardiologist. I'm worried too.

Message edited 12/13/2010 2:07:49 PM.

Posted 12/13/10 2:07 PM

Happy Family

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

We just went through this last month and my DS is 8 months. The ped sent us to a cardiologist too, It came back as innocent and that it should be gone by 2 years of age. Me and DH both had murmurs as a baby.

Good luck! i was nervous as well, but DS did great!

Posted 12/13/10 2:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

My twins both were had them. They did tests on them when they were in the NICU and said they were innocent murmurs. My DD's in gone, my sons is very faint and only noticeable when he is sick. They are going to watch it a few more months.
Dh and I both had them as kids.

Posted 12/13/10 3:17 PM


Member since 7/09

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

its very common don't worry yourself about it, until the ped tells you to!

We went through it too, it all cleared up at around 6 months.

Posted 12/13/10 3:26 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

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lots of hugs and prayers for Ethan! I would do exactly what you are doing and just take him to the cardiologist to ease my mind. Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 3:32 PM

Little Lady

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

I have one.. a "mild" heart murmur.. I'm 32 and if has not once affected me in my entire life.. Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 5:10 PM

Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

My brother has one. He is 26 and fine, never prevented him from doing anything.Chat Icon

I think it is very common

Message edited 12/13/2010 5:23:25 PM.

Posted 12/13/10 5:22 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

Posted by Linda1003

Ds had one when he was born. Went to see cardiologist and it was innocent.. now they can't hear it at Dr. appts.Chat Icon

Same with DS!

Posted 12/13/10 5:54 PM


Member since 8/09

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

Same thing happened to us when DD was around 4 months. We took her to the cardiologist and it turned out to be an innocent murmer, just like the Ped. thought. He said they are so common and will probably go away before she is a teenager.Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/10 6:34 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

sorry double post.

Message edited 12/13/2010 6:42:39 PM.

Posted 12/13/10 6:42 PM

Olivia & girls!

Member since 12/07

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

We freaked out also. Ped. heard it at DD's 6 month visit. We made an appointment with a ped. cardiologist in the city. A week later, we went and the card. did all the tests and said it was an innocent murmur and that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. He said it's very common.

Posted 12/13/10 6:44 PM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

we were told at our 1 year visit that she detected a slight murmur. that on a scale of 1-10 it was a 1. so we'll see again at our next visit. but i wasnt worried. me, Dh and my bro had them as babies and it was fine.

Posted 12/13/10 6:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09

572 total posts


Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

DD had this, and it was innocent! Doctor said it will probably go away on its own.

Posted 12/13/10 7:03 PM

Stop and smell the flowers

Member since 7/06

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

our ped heard a murmur at 2 mth visit, sent us directly to cardiologist's office same day. freaked us out. cardio did tests and it turned out to be innocent. was gone at 3 mth appt!

Posted 12/13/10 7:05 PM

number 3...coming soon!

Member since 4/09

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Re: ladies who's DC had/has a heart murmur

The ped at the hospital heard a slight murmur at birth. We followed up with a ped cardiologist around 5 months and it was still there, but very small and nothing to worry about. At DS's 9 month well visit, the ped said he could barely hear it. we followed up with the cardio again at one year and it was gone. He told us to come back again at 2 years old and then we will never have to see him again.

Posted 12/13/10 8:58 PM
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