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do you think its ok to leave a 7yr old home alone at 7am when they are asleep to drop off another kid at school??

Forum Opinion Poll
yes its ok 12 4.58%
No its NOT ok 205 78.24%
someone should call the police or cps 33 12.60%
other 12 4.58%

Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I don't thikn she's using "single mom" as the reason it's ok, but probably more so because the kids have to be slightly more independent.

Posted 2/3/09 6:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

856 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Absolutely, positively NOT even close to OK. I am so tired of hearing people make excuses for their irresponsible parenting. So you're a single mom....the only part of that that matters when it comes to your child's safety is the "mom" part. You chose to have the child, now responsibility and proper care of them!

Sorry, this post makes me mad.

Posted 2/3/09 6:54 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by nferrandi

I don't thikn she's using "single mom" as the reason it's ok, but probably more so because the kids have to be slightly more independent.


she uses it beacuse she thinks that it justifies all the flaky crap she does

she had cps called on her a few months ago because she left her 10yr old to watch her then 6 yr old all day while she was at work

she thinks because she is a "single mom" that people should feel bad that she has to do it all alone
but the father takes his kids mondays and tuesdays and every other weekend and she gets a lot of $$$child support

Posted 2/3/09 6:55 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Would I? No.

But I won't judge someone who does it. My parents, who are two of the most involved parents and who are SUPER attentive (and quite a few people on these boards have met them) let me, at 7, let my 5 year old sister and myself into our house for probably the same amount of time that this woman leaves her DD in the morning.

Flame away, and yes, I know it was a different time, but I knew to call 911 and my mom's friend JoAnn if I had to.

Posted 2/3/09 7:23 PM

Love my boys

Member since 2/08

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Mrs Dee

Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by MamaNDaddyof3

Posted by nferrandi

I don't thikn she's using "single mom" as the reason it's ok, but probably more so because the kids have to be slightly more independent.


she uses it beacuse she thinks that it justifies all the flaky crap she does

she had cps called on her a few months ago because she left her 10yr old to watch her then 6 yr old all day while she was at work

she thinks because she is a "single mom" that people should feel bad that she has to do it all alone
but the father takes his kids mondays and tuesdays and every other weekend and she gets a lot of $$$child support

That is especially bull$hit, because, any father who sees his kids 2x pewr week and pays child support (especially alot) will probably take the kid for any amount of time at any given time. She should be ashamed!Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/09 7:23 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I didn't read the whole thread, but I believe CPS can and should be called in this situation. I understand that she is a single parent but it only takes a moment for something to happen and a 7 year old not knowing how to react and I personally could not live with the guilt if something did happen!

Posted 2/3/09 7:26 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by 1stimemom

Posted by MamaNDaddyof3

Posted by nferrandi

I don't thikn she's using "single mom" as the reason it's ok, but probably more so because the kids have to be slightly more independent.


she uses it beacuse she thinks that it justifies all the flaky crap she does

she had cps called on her a few months ago because she left her 10yr old to watch her then 6 yr old all day while she was at work

she thinks because she is a "single mom" that people should feel bad that she has to do it all alone
but the father takes his kids mondays and tuesdays and every other weekend and she gets a lot of $$$child support

That is especially bull$hit, because, any father who sees his kids 2x pewr week and pays child support (especially alot) will probably take the kid for any amount of time at any given time. She should be ashamed!Chat Icon

Well that's just not true. I'm sure the father has a job also. Child support and visitation have nothing to do with each other. He could pay a million dollars in child support a year and still not be around to help care for the child at all times.

Unless you have personally been a single parent, I don't think you would know of the daily struggles with childcare, etc. they go through (I do). With that said, I still don't agree with leaving the child home alone.

Posted 2/3/09 7:27 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****


With what you just added I am going to TOTALLY recommend you calling CPS from a SW standpoint. Not necessarily bc of this BUT you just added that she has had CPS come to her house many times before. All these litte things against her make ONE VERY GOOD CASE. Honestly, if CPS has been there many times then she has some real issues. maybe this isnt the worst but this supports many of the other reports. I would defintiely advise you making that phone call. Dont let this be one more time that her kids slip through the crack....
See and when I first read through this I thought "innocent mom making not so good choices" so I adivsed you to talk with her. apparently, shes been talked too. Good Luck!

Posted 2/3/09 7:31 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by KateDevine

Would I? No.

But I won't judge someone who does it. My parents, who are two of the most involved parents and who are SUPER attentive (and quite a few people on these boards have met them) let me, at 7, let my 5 year old sister and myself into our house for probably the same amount of time that this woman leaves her DD in the morning.

Flame away, and yes, I know it was a different time, but I knew to call 911 and my mom's friend JoAnn if I had to.

I agree, while it's not something I would do it's a judgement call. I definately don't think CPS should be called on her for this situation.

Posted 2/3/09 7:36 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I think it's pure laziness.
IMHO, I think you should stay out of it.

I'm sure it erks you as he!! b/c you do triple the work she does and you would never take the easy way out like she does BUT if her kids seems happy and cared for (other than this) than I'd stay out of it.

I would be just as annoyed as you but I'd bite my tongue.

Posted 2/3/09 7:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I didnt want that to persuade anyone to vote one way or another so I didnt mention the cps thing and they have only been called once before

but this Mom really feels like she isnt doing anything wrong

the reason I even brought it up to her was because CPS had already warned her about leaving the kids home alone and I wanted to "warn" her that someone might call again so then she gave me the whole no one has walked in my shoes speech and single mom etc and that she doesnt want to hear her DD(7) whine about getting up early etc

Posted 2/3/09 7:48 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by Cakes

I think it's pure laziness.
IMHO, I think you should stay out of it.

I'm sure it erks you as he!! b/c you do triple the work she does and you would never take the easy way out like she does BUT if her kids seems happy and cared for (other than this) than I'd stay out of it.

I would be just as annoyed as you but I'd bite my tongue.

well I would never call on her because I dont want the kids to be taken from the Mom and the Mom and I are close enough where I can tell her that she is wrong (which I have) her DD and my DD are BEST FRIENDS the girl is like one of my own children and she is at my house for days at atime
I feed her and take her out she sleeps here (sometimes on school nights) and my DH is her soccer coach
we are very close to this girl

Posted 2/3/09 7:53 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by MamaNDaddyof3

Posted by Cakes

I think it's pure laziness.
IMHO, I think you should stay out of it.

I'm sure it erks you as he!! b/c you do triple the work she does and you would never take the easy way out like she does BUT if her kids seems happy and cared for (other than this) than I'd stay out of it.

I would be just as annoyed as you but I'd bite my tongue.

well I would never call on her because I dont want the kids to be taken from the Mom and the Mom and I are close enough where I can tell her that she is wrong (which I have) her DD and my DD are BEST FRIENDS the girl is like one of my own children and she is at my house for days at atime
I feed her and take her out she sleeps here (sometimes on school nights) and my DH is her soccer coach
we are very close to this girl

I understand what you're saying.
I think you are just extremely frustrated that she does this and you had to vent. I'd be pizzed too. She doesn't see where it's wrong, she see's it as convenient. I totally get that it's convenient for her to do it but it wouldn't be my choice...even if it is a lot easier. I'd be more afraid of the consequences....

Posted 2/3/09 8:00 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

i am so sorry that you've been put in the position of knowing this information... i really wouldn't know what to do with it either Chat Icon Chat Icon

i personally would never leave a 7 year old at home alone... even a relatively mature one.

i can understand, to some extent, your friend having limited choices... and the school is SO close... but stopping for coffee??? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/09 8:09 PM

♥ HJ ♥

Member since 6/07

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by smdl

Why does it matter if she is a single mom?

DH is out of the house by then. If we have a #2, I will be "single" too during the day.

It's NOT OK. Wake up the 7 year old, get her dressed and take her with you. That's that simple.

And yes, you are NOT allowed to leave a child that young alone at home.

Buying coffee on the way home tells me she is more looking for a "break" than the difficulty of bringing the older child. Seems more like convenience and getting a break.

ITA with this... Sometimes I am so tired and think to myself "UGH I WISH I COULD LEAVE HER HOME AND JUST RUN OUT QUICK".. and it's just because I am being lazy and want a break from it all.. but i NEVER EVER do it.... the thought crosses my mind for a nanosecond and that's it..... my DD is only 5 1/2 but i cant even imagine doing it at 7, 8, 9, 10, etc.... SO many things can go wrong in a matter of SECONDS. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/09 8:12 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by browneyedgirl

Posted by BabyCote2006

No, it's not something I would recommend, but it is a judgement call - not worthy of calling CPS

i agree.

I feel the same

Posted 2/3/09 8:38 PM

My Girl!!!

Member since 8/07

2977 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Not something I would do, however I do not know what it is to be a single mom

Posted 2/3/09 9:43 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

In New York there is no minimum legal age - Reference
It is super hard being a single mom and im sure she wants the 7 year old to get more sleep rather than be up, dressed and out of the house an hour or so early

however, i personally would not do it

Message edited 2/3/2009 11:03:30 PM.

Posted 2/3/09 11:01 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I don't know if I would or wouldn't, because my DD is only a few weeks old, but when I was 9 years old, my Mom left me alone with my 7 year old sister & cousin and 4 year old sister while she brought my older sister to the orthodontist. I remember because my Dad was in the hospital and she had no one else to watch us. I think I also remember going to the store and such when I was in the single digits and if I remember correctly, a lot of the time it was to buy cigarettes for my Aunt Margaret. Ah, good times.

Posted 2/3/09 11:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

IMO absolutely not! I teach 7 years olds and cant imagine any one of them being left along in a house for any amount of time. All it takes is a second for something to happen.

Posted 2/4/09 7:51 AM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

No way. Kids can get hurt in a matter of seconds.

Posted 2/4/09 7:52 AM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

well I guess she really doesnt care what happens because another Mom told me that she saw her this morning and her DD wasnt with her

Posted 2/4/09 8:50 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by snowflake08

In New York there is no minimum legal age - Reference
It is super hard being a single mom and im sure she wants the 7 year old to get more sleep rather than be up, dressed and out of the house an hour or so early

however, i personally would not do it

I am not in disagreement with what you listed...
However, I am shocked that BY NOW they have not had to revise that. To think that another 7 yr old wasnt left alone in a home and a house fire broke out and the child died since that was first writtenChat Icon
I dont know. I dont deal with child social work so I cant defend what is written. I will talk to some others and get some feedback. To me this is all just nonsense. Whose to say a 5yr old isnt mature enoughChat Icon Leaving it in the hands of society is so irresponsible.

* though in this case they might want to document this to build a case for other things they already have.

Message edited 2/4/2009 9:38:17 AM.

Posted 2/4/09 9:37 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by MamaNDaddyof3

well I guess she really doesnt care what happens because another Mom told me that she saw her this morning and her DD wasnt with her

she is asking for trouble

how totally irresponsible, really disgusting if you ask me

there is NO excuse for leaving your child home alone at 7, NONE !!!! single mom or not

Posted 2/4/09 9:38 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I think I can’t imagine what its like to personally be a single mom. I can not really say much as I do not walk in her shoes.

What I do know is at the age of 8 I was left alone often. I am alive. I didn’t feel abandoned by my father or any distress. I knew the rules, stay in your room, keep the phone close and only leave to go to the bathroom. I was told to wait on food, drink and all other things until Dad got home. I could listen to my music, play with my toys or sleep but I could not leave the room (except fire, etc). I really saw no problem with that.

I was left alone for quick trips to the store and also long time periods when Dad was working and older brother wasn’t home. *shrug*

To say those times were hard on our family is an understatement. What it taught me though is that now as a parent, I can not pass judgment on other parents choices so easily.


Posted 2/4/09 9:50 AM
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