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do you think its ok to leave a 7yr old home alone at 7am when they are asleep to drop off another kid at school??

Forum Opinion Poll
yes its ok 12 4.58%
No its NOT ok 205 78.24%
someone should call the police or cps 33 12.60%
other 12 4.58%

Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

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Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by Mikismom

Posted by MamaNDaddyof3

well I guess she really doesnt care what happens because another Mom told me that she saw her this morning and her DD wasnt with her

she is asking for trouble

how totally irresponsible, really disgusting if you ask me

there is NO excuse for leaving your child home alone at 7, NONE !!!! single mom or not


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Posted 2/4/09 10:06 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I really think YOU have an obligation to report this mother's behavior to the authorities and let them handle it. It isn't your place to say if it's right or wrong...that is the police department's and CPS' place. However, you do have the obligation to report.

How would you feel if something were to happen to that child and you did nothing?

Posted 2/4/09 10:17 AM


Member since 6/08

3290 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I'd be on the phone with CPS. God forbid something happened to that child when she was home alone sleeping Chat Icon If I had knowledge of this and could prevent a tragedy, then I would.


Posted 2/4/09 1:57 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by 2girlsforme

The more I think about this, the less I get it. In addition to it being a bad idea, it sounds like she could be opening herself up to a CPS investigation, especially if she is mentioning this to enough people. Just a thought.

exactly... I voted 'call CPS'....
I believe them discovering that could be sufficient grounds to take the kids Chat Icon

Posted 2/4/09 1:59 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

Posted by snowflake08

In New York there is no minimum legal age - Reference
It is super hard being a single mom and im sure she wants the 7 year old to get more sleep rather than be up, dressed and out of the house an hour or so early

however, i personally would not do it

oh, I stand corrected... so it's not grounds to take the kids... but it still is extremely poor judgement

Posted 2/4/09 2:02 PM

My loves!!

Member since 1/06

9203 total posts


Re: Leaving a 7yr old home asleep by themselves WITH POLL*****

I don't see how so many people are saying anything about her being a single mom. This had nothing to do with's about her being to lazy to get her daughter out of bed. It's not like she doesn't have a choice...she does...and i'm sorry that choice is wrong!!

I'm sure many 7 year olds would be ok staying home for 1/2 hour if nothing was to happen but how many would seriously know how to handle a bad situation? Probably not many.

Posted 2/4/09 2:03 PM
Pages: 1 2 3 [4]

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