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Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

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J'taime Paris!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Chai77

I posted the information to refute the incorrect information that Sarah has more experience than Obama. That is simply untrue and misleading, yet it seems like some people just aren't interested in the facts.

she has more executive experience than Obama, despite what your post says. no matter if she Governed 670K people or 6 people, she runs a state and budgets.

Message edited 9/10/2008 8:26:01 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 8:25 PM
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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by IrishLass

Posted by Chai77

Posted by ThreeSkis

He's JOKING, right? Please tell me he's joking! He can't be serious! I'm cracking up!

Her experience as a mayor and a governor are not enough for VICE president...then I wonder what he has to say about Barack Obama, who has LESS experience and wants to be PRESIDENT!

He's so "scared" because of some rumors about dinosaurs 4000 years ago and crap about book banning (neither of which are true - people MADE THEM UP!). That's much scarier than knowing Barack Obama associates with racist, anti-american radical preachers, unrepentant domestic terrorists and a slum-lord political fixer!


I'm sorry to turn this discussion political on the celebrity board, but I have to respond to this, because you are wrong. Obama has more experience than Palin. He is a Harvard law school graduate. He served as an Illinois state senator from 1996 to 2004. In 2004, he was elected US senator. Therefore, he has 12 years in public office. He has also been a community, voter rights and youth leadership activist for years.

Sarah on the other hand, graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in communications-journalism. She was mayor of a small Alaskan town of 7000 people from 1996 to 2002 (come on, mayor doesn't compare to State Senator!). She was not in public office from 2002 - 2006, instead she worked for a commission involved with oil and gas drilling in Alaska. Then she was elected governor in 2006. Therefore, she only has 8 years in public office.


I don't think where anyone goes to college makes them a more eligible candidate. My sister went to Hofstra Law, a 2nd tier law school, got a fluke interview with one of the most elite law firms that only usually interviews ivy law grads..and she got the job.

And he only had 4 more years political experience than she does...does that mean him more qualified to be President??

3 more years of schooling (even if you take where he went out of it, which I don't think you can totally discount), he has 3 more years of formal, higher level education, in which he was taught about the laws of the country, and how those laws have been critically reviewed and applied in the past and how they can be looked at going forward...very relevant.

Plus 4 more years of formal political experience, plus years and years of community involvement before that and he's served for much larger constituancies and on a national level.

Posted 9/10/08 8:28 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

I prefer him in Sarah Silverman's video. . .

Message edited 9/10/2008 8:31:50 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 8:31 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

i think all celebrities should just shut the f*ck up about politics. i dont care what they think and i dont want to hear the craap that spews from their stupid mouths.

Posted 9/10/08 8:33 PM

aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

bottom line is celebrities are citizens too and can share their opinions for whichever candidate they support.

When we start saying they should just "shut up" or "stick to acting" we essentially are shooting our own freedom of speech in the foot!

Posted 9/10/08 8:35 PM

Almost there!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by ThreeSkis

He's JOKING, right? Please tell me he's joking! He can't be serious! I'm cracking up!

Her experience as a mayor and a governor are not enough for VICE president...then I wonder what he has to say about Barack Obama, who has LESS experience and wants to be PRESIDENT!

He's so "scared" because of some rumors about dinosaurs 4000 years ago and crap about book banning (neither of which are true - people MADE THEM UP!). That's much scarier than knowing Barack Obama associates with racist, anti-american radical preachers, unrepentant domestic terrorists and a slum-lord political fixer!



Posted 9/10/08 8:55 PM

I need a nap!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Arieschick29

bottom line is celebrities are citizens too and can share their opinions for whichever candidate they support.

When we start saying they should just "shut up" or "stick to acting" we essentially are shooting our own freedom of speech in the foot!

Very true.

Posted 9/10/08 9:00 PM

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by MrsPorkChop

i think all celebrities should just shut the f*ck up about politics. i dont care what they think and i dont want to hear the craap that spews from their stupid mouths.

ouch! kind of harsh, no?
it's a video. you don't have to watch it or listen to it if it's that offensive to you.....he was just stating his need for the anger!

Posted 9/10/08 9:09 PM


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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Palebride

Posted by MrsPorkChop

i think all celebrities should just shut the f*ck up about politics. i dont care what they think and i dont want to hear the craap that spews from their stupid mouths.

ouch! kind of harsh, no?
it's a video. you don't have to watch it or listen to it if it's that offensive to you.....he was just stating his need for the anger!

agreed, he has a brain and an opinion why should he have to keep his mouth shut, just because you feel on the defense? He is awesome, I think Palin could be a total embarassment to our country, almost as bad as the *** that is in office now.

Bravo Matt, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 9:39 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by ThreeSkis

He's JOKING, right? Please tell me he's joking! He can't be serious! I'm cracking up!

Her experience as a mayor and a governor are not enough for VICE president...then I wonder what he has to say about Barack Obama, who has LESS experience and wants to be PRESIDENT!

He's so "scared" because of some rumors about dinosaurs 4000 years ago and crap about book banning (neither of which are true - people MADE THEM UP!). That's much scarier than knowing Barack Obama associates with racist, anti-american radical preachers, unrepentant domestic terrorists and a slum-lord political fixer!


I agree. I like Matt Damon but Im actually embarrassed for him. He has no idea what he is talking about. He is just like all the others the are only voting for Obama because they think it is "cool"

Posted 9/10/08 10:14 PM

You're My Home <3

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Arieschick29

bottom line is celebrities are citizens too and can share their opinions for whichever candidate they support.

When we start saying they should just "shut up" or "stick to acting" we essentially are shooting our own freedom of speech in the foot!

this is true. and you are also entitled to disagree with me.

but that same freedom of speech allows me the right to say: hey matt, go back to la-la land and say HI to the tin-man for me!!!

oh - and yeah, stick to acting!

Message edited 9/10/2008 10:17:09 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 10:16 PM

A new love!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

I normally don't like it when celebrities state their political opinions, but he did it calmly and didn't go off the handle like others have.

And honestly, I think that if this were reversed and it was Kelsey Grammer or Stephen Baldwin, both notable Republican supporters, speaking out, we'd have reversed reactions with all JSM/SP supporters saying "good job", "way to go", etc. We shouldn't pretend that this wouldn't be the case.

eta, fixing a typo.

Message edited 9/10/2008 10:17:57 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 10:17 PM

Unconditional Love

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Arieschick29

bottom line is celebrities are citizens too and can share their opinions for whichever candidate they support.

When we start saying they should just "shut up" or "stick to acting" we essentially are shooting our own freedom of speech in the foot!

I agree with your statement.

This next statement is not directed at Arieschick29...but I bring up a point to why celebrities should keep their "choice" of president on the hush hush....

There are some ignorant people in this country that vote, and they will vote based on an actor they think is "good looking" or that they're a fan of...

sad by true...

Posted 9/10/08 10:21 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by MrsMerlot

Posted by Arieschick29

bottom line is celebrities are citizens too and can share their opinions for whichever candidate they support.

When we start saying they should just "shut up" or "stick to acting" we essentially are shooting our own freedom of speech in the foot!

I agree with you. Except when I'm paying to hear them sing. Then I want them to shut up & sing...hear that Stevie Wonder? Chat Icon

I have no problem with celebrities expressing their opinions on politics. I do wish he researched a little more before commenting - even though I completely agree with a lot of his points.

Posted 9/10/08 10:41 PM


Member since 7/06

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Arieschick29

bottom line is celebrities are citizens too and can share their opinions for whichever candidate they support.

When we start saying they should just "shut up" or "stick to acting" we essentially are shooting our own freedom of speech in the foot!

Well said and Bravo MattChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 10:42 PM

The cutest!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by emilain

Posted by Palebride

Posted by MrsPorkChop

i think all celebrities should just shut the f*ck up about politics. i dont care what they think and i dont want to hear the craap that spews from their stupid mouths.

ouch! kind of harsh, no?
it's a video. you don't have to watch it or listen to it if it's that offensive to you.....he was just stating his need for the anger!

agreed, he has a brain and an opinion why should he have to keep his mouth shut, just because you feel on the defense? He is awesome, I think Palin could be a total embarassment to our country, almost as bad as the *** that is in office now.


Matt, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Talk about harsh...WoW!
I don't think anyone should be surprised by his comments. Noone in Hollywood has ever supported a Republican. I try and find out who everyone in Hollywood is supporting and then I vote for the opposite!

Message edited 9/10/2008 10:48:45 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 10:45 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/08

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

It scares me that Obama can be president Matt. He has even less experience then Palin. Way to get your point across Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 10:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/08

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by babymakes3

Posted by ThreeSkis

He's JOKING, right? Please tell me he's joking! He can't be serious! I'm cracking up!

Her experience as a mayor and a governor are not enough for VICE president...then I wonder what he has to say about Barack Obama, who has LESS experience and wants to be PRESIDENT!

He's so "scared" because of some rumors about dinosaurs 4000 years ago and crap about book banning (neither of which are true - people MADE THEM UP!). That's much scarier than knowing Barack Obama associates with racist, anti-american radical preachers, unrepentant domestic terrorists and a slum-lord political fixer!



Qft Chat Icon (Qft is: Quoted for truth)

Message edited 9/10/2008 10:56:01 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 10:53 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Chat Icon

"it's like a really bad Disney movie"

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

LOVE YOU MATT!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 11:17 PM

New Year!

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

While celebrities are entitled to their opinions he is speaking like he is some kind of political expert which he is not!

Posted 9/10/08 11:27 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by MrsPorkChop

i think all celebrities should just shut the f*ck up about politics. i dont care what they think and i dont want to hear the craap that spews from their stupid mouths.

WOW. Just wow.

You really feel this way??

That's a whole LOT of HATE for a minute and a half long video clip. You really shouldn't sweat the small stuff there are much bigger and better fish out there to fry.

Not to mention Matt Damon went to HARVARD so I wouldn't really categorize him as "stupid".

It's one thing to disagree with what he has to say but to be so hateful about it...well, I just don't get the defensiveness.

Fine, you disagree with him. You've made it abundently clear, you're supporting the McCain/Palin ticket but that doesn't mean he's not entitled to have his opinion nor does it make him or his opinion stupid.

Message edited 9/11/2008 12:39:14 AM.

Posted 9/11/08 12:18 AM


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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by beautyq115

While celebrities are entitled to their opinions he is speaking like he is some kind of political expert which he is not!

But he's really not. He was obviously asked a question and he gave his response.

How is what he's saying ANY different than what everyone says HERE??

He's giving his opinion, something EVERYONE here does on a daily basis.

Posted 9/11/08 12:20 AM


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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin


Message edited 9/11/2008 12:34:45 AM.

Posted 9/11/08 12:28 AM


Member since 10/06

15979 total posts


Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by DaniRella
this is true. and you are also entitled to disagree with me.

but that same freedom of speech allows me the right to say: hey matt, go back to la-la land and say HI to the tin-man for me!!!

oh - and yeah, stick to acting!

So are you saying that only SOME people should have that freedom of speech? I'm not following...

Posted 9/11/08 12:29 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/08

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Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin

Posted by Jennie0898

Posted by MrsPorkChop

i think all celebrities should just shut the f*ck up about politics. i dont care what they think and i dont want to hear the craap that spews from their stupid mouths.

WOW. Just wow.

You really feel this way??

That's a whole LOT of HATE for a minute and a half long video clip. You really shouldn't sweat the small stuff there are much bigger and better fish out there to fry.

Not to mention Matt Damon went to HARVARD so I wouldn't really categorize him as "stupid".

It's one thing to disagree with what he has to say but to be so hateful about it...well, I just don't get the defensiveness.

Fine, you disagree with him. You've made it abundently clear, you're supporting the McCain/Palin ticket but that doesn't mean he's not entitled to have his opinion nor does it make him or his opinion stupid.

WOW thats a whole LOT of HATE to someone that didn't even attack you personally. Everyone look out!!! The grammar police is in the house.

I saw what you wrote before you edited. And you've made it abudantly clear that you're just nasty

Message edited 9/11/2008 12:51:06 AM.

Posted 9/11/08 12:44 AM
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