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Most important issue for the next 4 years

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LIF Infant

Member since 1/18

139 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by alli3131

Posted by PrettyEyes

Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by PrettyEyes

Posted by CookiePuss

Campaign ad

If for nothing else..Trump should never be elected President again. He's a criminal. He can pardon himself but he will end up in a state prison along with his grifter children. He should watch every sun set in the shadow of bars on his window.

On another note...there are clips from the debate. Joe seems to speak pretty well.

Good Lord. Talk about spin. You do know WHY children are separated from adults when attempting to cross the border illegally, right?

Hint: It’s not so Trump can go to bed pleased that he destroyed families.

Seeking asylum in the US is not illegal. People arriving at the U.S. border have the right to request asylum without being criminalized, turned back, or separated from their children.

You seek legal asylum at a Port of Entry-not in between. And no, people who arrive without any documentation should not be allowed to travel into the United States with minors who could be potentially be sex trafficked.

While you would like people to seek asylum at a port of entry it’s just not how it happens. I have literally argued asylum cases in court so I have plenty of first hand knowledge. Most asylum seekers can’t just hop on a plane or drive to this country and get to a border and say “hey I want asylum”. They are sneaking out of their country due to the various persecutions they face in their home country. So they get here any which way they can and then go from there. All the asylum seekers I have the honor to work with we’re living and working in our communities. They shouldn’t be treated as criminals. Those that came with their families were kept together and every single one of them made all their required legal appts and court dates. Most asylum seekers are also coming with forged documents If any because of the issues in their home country.

I’m well aware. I have spent my entire career working for an agency that was set-up to defend our Homeland. And I have spent a fair amount of time working on the Southern Border and have actual, real-life experience in this arena.

What I don’t like is how there is a perception out there that Trump is the architect of our nation’s immigration laws. The video that Cookie posted is absolute propaganda.

Aslo, while it’s nice you have has the experience of working with stand-up individuals, let’s not ignore the fact that being a Border Patrol Agent is one of the most dangerous federal LE positions. Any guesses why? The working conditions are horrific and they deal with many violent criminals who just want to waltz over the border.

Message edited 10/30/2020 3:21:59 PM.

Posted 10/30/20 3:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

3534 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by queensgal

It’s on Biden’s website if you want to see his plan. Sorry where is trumps? In the blank book from 60 mins?

Harris 2024, 2028

And just to scare you even more
AOC, Buttieg 2032

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Posted 10/30/20 4:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3992 total posts


Most important issue for the next 4 years

Why do they separate the kids? Honest question

Posted 10/30/20 4:32 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by RainyDay

Why do they separate the kids? Honest question

deterrence and cruelty is the point.

Posted 10/30/20 4:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/18

139 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by RainyDay

Why do they separate the kids? Honest question

This is one of those questions that will probably get you a million different answers depending on your “source” but I can tell you with 100 percent certainty it is to protect the minors. As was mentioned before, most of these adults come to the border without any documentation. There is no way to prove relationship out of doing a DNA test. The potential for human trafficking is enormous.

Further, though some people don’t believe it to be true, once a foreigner crosses the border without permission from the United States that person is a criminal the eyes of the law. Just like when a person is pulled over for drunk driving, if there is a child in the car that child will be removed from the adult who has committed a crime. It is to protect the child.

Posted 10/30/20 4:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/18

139 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by LSP2005

Posted by RainyDay

Why do they separate the kids? Honest question

deterrence and cruelty is the point.

Yes, it’s so Trump can drink the tears of the children.

Posted 10/30/20 4:54 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Pretty reliably, the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, despite what Republicans say...

Not counting the Depression, Democrats gained 3.6% on average while Republicans gained 2.8%.

How have your investments been doing?

Not as big of an increase as the end of Obama's term....

Interesting as the dow jones was at 17,000 when he left and it has gone up as high as 29,000 with Trump.

S&P Return
Barack H. Obama D 2009-2017 182%

Donald J. Trump R 2017- 43%

182 is bigger than 43....

Thanks. Also comparing 8 years to 4. You haven't made more money and done better financially in the last 4 years? 12,000 increase.

12,000 increase under Obama, too. In the stock market, the number doesn't really matter, it's the % increase.

$100,000 + 182% = an extra $182,000 in your pocket.
$100,000 + 43% = an extra $43,000 in your pocket. I'd rather have the $182,000....

Yes, the actual number is higher than before, but not "how it's doing"....

In almost every chart, trump just coasted on Obama's achievements and declared that his numbers were better...

Starting Value: 19,827.25
High Point: 29,398551.42 on Feb. 12, 2020
Low Point: 18,591.93 on Mar. 23, 2020

Starting Value: 7,949.09
High Point: 19,974.62 on Dec. 20, 2016
Low Point: 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009
Ending Value: 19,732.40

So, even if you go strictly by numbers, Obama had a higher point value increase. Less than 10,000 under trump, almost 12,000 under Obama.

Even if you go by first term, Obama's DJIA increased by 63%.

Posted 10/31/20 8:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Pretty reliably, the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, despite what Republicans say...

Not counting the Depression, Democrats gained 3.6% on average while Republicans gained 2.8%.

How have your investments been doing?

Not as big of an increase as the end of Obama's term....

Interesting as the dow jones was at 17,000 when he left and it has gone up as high as 29,000 with Trump.

S&P Return
Barack H. Obama D 2009-2017 182%

Donald J. Trump R 2017- 43%

182 is bigger than 43....

Thanks. Also comparing 8 years to 4. You haven't made more money and done better financially in the last 4 years? 12,000 increase.

12,000 increase under Obama, too. In the stock market, the number doesn't really matter, it's the % increase.

$100,000 + 182% = an extra $182,000 in your pocket.
$100,000 + 43% = an extra $43,000 in your pocket. I'd rather have the $182,000....

Yes, the actual number is higher than before, but not "how it's doing"....

In almost every chart, trump just coasted on Obama's achievements and declared that his numbers were better...

Starting Value: 19,827.25
High Point: 29,398551.42 on Feb. 12, 2020
Low Point: 18,591.93 on Mar. 23, 2020

Starting Value: 7,949.09
High Point: 19,974.62 on Dec. 20, 2016
Low Point: 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009
Ending Value: 19,732.40

So, even if you go strictly by numbers, Obama had a higher point value increase. Less than 10,000 under trump, almost 12,000 under Obama.

Even if you go by first term, Obama's DJIA increased by 63%.

IME I have done much better in the last 4 years. My retirement funds are doing well and it was very rough in 2008 with the recession for us with layoffs.

I am not convinced enough that the grass will be greener on the other side.

Message edited 10/31/2020 12:07:09 PM.

Posted 10/31/20 11:55 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Pretty reliably, the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, despite what Republicans say...

Not counting the Depression, Democrats gained 3.6% on average while Republicans gained 2.8%.

How have your investments been doing?

Not as big of an increase as the end of Obama's term....

Interesting as the dow jones was at 17,000 when he left and it has gone up as high as 29,000 with Trump.

S&P Return
Barack H. Obama D 2009-2017 182%

Donald J. Trump R 2017- 43%

182 is bigger than 43....

Thanks. Also comparing 8 years to 4. You haven't made more money and done better financially in the last 4 years? 12,000 increase.

12,000 increase under Obama, too. In the stock market, the number doesn't really matter, it's the % increase.

$100,000 + 182% = an extra $182,000 in your pocket.
$100,000 + 43% = an extra $43,000 in your pocket. I'd rather have the $182,000....

Yes, the actual number is higher than before, but not "how it's doing"....

In almost every chart, trump just coasted on Obama's achievements and declared that his numbers were better...

Starting Value: 19,827.25
High Point: 29,398551.42 on Feb. 12, 2020
Low Point: 18,591.93 on Mar. 23, 2020

Starting Value: 7,949.09
High Point: 19,974.62 on Dec. 20, 2016
Low Point: 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009
Ending Value: 19,732.40

So, even if you go strictly by numbers, Obama had a higher point value increase. Less than 10,000 under trump, almost 12,000 under Obama.

Even if you go by first term, Obama's DJIA increased by 63%.

I just need to thank you for being here!!! The numbers don’t and can’t lie. So while we might never change stupid we can at least put mathematical truth out there!

Posted 11/1/20 6:59 PM


Member since 1/14

7997 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by queensgal

Climate change.

We can not afford to waist any more time.

I believe we will see the world end (or become largely uninhabited) in our lifetime if we don’t seriously change our ways.

Economy and health are all related as the damage to our environment is hurting us in these ways as well.

agree 100%%,

Posted 11/2/20 1:38 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

The law they passed initially lowered taxes for most Americans, but it built in automatic, stepped tax increases every two years that begin in 2021 and that by 2027 would affect nearly everyone but people at the top of the economic hierarchy. All taxpayer income groups with incomes of $75,000 and under — that’s about 65 percent of taxpayers — will face a higher tax rate in 2027 than in 2019.
The current poverty line for a family of four is $26,200: People with incomes between $10,000 and $30,000 — nearly one-quarter of Americans — are among those scheduled to pay a higher average tax rate in 2021 than in years before the tax “cut” was passed. The C.B.O. and Joint Committee estimated that those with an income of $20,000 to $30,000 would owe an extra $365 next year — these are people who are struggling just to pay rent and put food on the table.
By 2027, when the law’s provisions are set to be fully enacted, with the stealth tax increases complete, the country will be neatly divided into two groups: Those making over $100,000 will on average get a tax cut. Those earning under $100,000 — an income bracket encompassing three-quarters of taxpayers — will not.

At the same time, Trump has given his peers, people with annual incomes in excess of $1 million dollars, or the top 0.3 percent in the country, a huge gift: The Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the average tax rate in 2019 for this group to be 2.3 percentage points lower than before the tax cut, saving the average taxpayer in this group over $64,000 — more than the average American family makes in a year.
Mark Zandi and Bernard Yaros of Moody’s Analytics have done the most credible and thorough analysis comparing the Biden and Trump plans, including Mr. Trump’s stealth increases and other promised tax and expenditure changes. Mr. Biden’s plan wins by an enormous margin: 7.4 million more jobs and a much quicker recovery from this recession. That means higher wages and incomes for most Americans.

Posted 11/2/20 6:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by alli3131

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Pretty reliably, the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, despite what Republicans say...

Not counting the Depression, Democrats gained 3.6% on average while Republicans gained 2.8%.

How have your investments been doing?

Not as big of an increase as the end of Obama's term....

Interesting as the dow jones was at 17,000 when he left and it has gone up as high as 29,000 with Trump.

S&P Return
Barack H. Obama D 2009-2017 182%

Donald J. Trump R 2017- 43%

182 is bigger than 43....

Thanks. Also comparing 8 years to 4. You haven't made more money and done better financially in the last 4 years? 12,000 increase.

12,000 increase under Obama, too. In the stock market, the number doesn't really matter, it's the % increase.

$100,000 + 182% = an extra $182,000 in your pocket.
$100,000 + 43% = an extra $43,000 in your pocket. I'd rather have the $182,000....

Yes, the actual number is higher than before, but not "how it's doing"....

In almost every chart, trump just coasted on Obama's achievements and declared that his numbers were better...

Starting Value: 19,827.25
High Point: 29,398551.42 on Feb. 12, 2020
Low Point: 18,591.93 on Mar. 23, 2020

Starting Value: 7,949.09
High Point: 19,974.62 on Dec. 20, 2016
Low Point: 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009
Ending Value: 19,732.40

So, even if you go strictly by numbers, Obama had a higher point value increase. Less than 10,000 under trump, almost 12,000 under Obama.

Even if you go by first term, Obama's DJIA increased by 63%.

I just need to thank you for being here!!! The numbers don’t and can’t lie. So while we might never change stupid we can at least put mathematical truth out there!

Obama’s high point was after trump won the election. What was the highest point prior to the election?

Personally speaking, I know a lot of people in finance are terrified of Biden wins and are holding off until after the election in case Trump loses. In 2016 the market was went up bc Trump won.

Posted 11/2/20 10:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by alli3131

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

Pretty reliably, the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, despite what Republicans say...

Not counting the Depression, Democrats gained 3.6% on average while Republicans gained 2.8%.

How have your investments been doing?

Not as big of an increase as the end of Obama's term....

Interesting as the dow jones was at 17,000 when he left and it has gone up as high as 29,000 with Trump.

S&P Return
Barack H. Obama D 2009-2017 182%

Donald J. Trump R 2017- 43%

182 is bigger than 43....

Thanks. Also comparing 8 years to 4. You haven't made more money and done better financially in the last 4 years? 12,000 increase.

12,000 increase under Obama, too. In the stock market, the number doesn't really matter, it's the % increase.

$100,000 + 182% = an extra $182,000 in your pocket.
$100,000 + 43% = an extra $43,000 in your pocket. I'd rather have the $182,000....

Yes, the actual number is higher than before, but not "how it's doing"....

In almost every chart, trump just coasted on Obama's achievements and declared that his numbers were better...

Starting Value: 19,827.25
High Point: 29,398551.42 on Feb. 12, 2020
Low Point: 18,591.93 on Mar. 23, 2020

Starting Value: 7,949.09
High Point: 19,974.62 on Dec. 20, 2016
Low Point: 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009
Ending Value: 19,732.40

So, even if you go strictly by numbers, Obama had a higher point value increase. Less than 10,000 under trump, almost 12,000 under Obama.

Even if you go by first term, Obama's DJIA increased by 63%.

I just need to thank you for being here!!! The numbers don’t and can’t lie. So while we might never change stupid we can at least put mathematical truth out there!

Obama’s high point was after trump won the election. What was the highest point prior to the election?

Personally speaking, I know a lot of people in finance are terrified of Biden wins and are holding off until after the election in case Trump loses. In 2016 the market was went up bc Trump won.

Yep and we were told it would crash if he won and it went the opposite way.

Posted 11/2/20 10:58 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Most important issue for the next 4 years

Black Lives Matter

Posted 11/4/20 7:30 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/18

139 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by Mrs213

Black Lives Matter

Lol. Ok. A Marxist organization.

Message edited 11/4/2020 10:03:38 AM.

Posted 11/4/20 10:02 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by PrettyEyes

Posted by Mrs213

Black Lives Matter

Lol. Ok. A Marxist organization.

Are you kidding me?

Posted 11/4/20 10:18 AM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by PrettyEyes

Posted by Mrs213

Black Lives Matter

Lol. Ok. A Marxist organization.

Go choke on a hairy ball sack

Posted 11/4/20 1:21 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Healing this nation by restoring decency, truth and unity.

Posted 11/7/20 7:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Most important issue for the next 4 years

Posted by Hofstra26

Healing this nation by restoring decency, truth and unity.

Funny how you post this below the post above you.

Posted 11/7/20 9:56 AM
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