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Need advice please-SD related

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It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Need advice please-SD related

Something happened recently with my DH & his oldest (She's 18). She was upset with him (he didn't give her $ she needed right away) and she said A LOT of really hurtful things to him. He is so destroyed, heartbroken. He hasn't slept in two days.
Should I call her and tell her to call him or just butt out? I already told him to call her and tell her how he feels and how she hurt him, but he said he doesn't want to. He also said if she calls him, he's not going to answer.
I don't know what to do.

Posted 5/23/13 10:12 AM

In Your Hands

Member since 8/08

4706 total posts


Need advice please-SD related

I would stay out of it!! I know you have good intentions but I think that your DH needs to handle this. Honestly, not answering her calls and avoiding this is not the most mature way to handle this. If anything, i'd speak with your DH and let him know that he's the parent and needs to step up and take care of this business. Kids say hurtful things, not just SK's. I've been in your shoes and tried to step in and help but in the end, it all got blown up in my face. I say butt out. Sorry you're dealing with this, It stinks!!! I totally sympathize and think it's awesome of you to want to help. It's frustrating.

Posted 5/28/13 9:45 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: Need advice please-SD related

Thanks. I decided not to say anything. And DH is the kind of person who needs a lot of time to get over stuff. So, I'm guessing it's going to be a while until they talk.
Thanks again for the reply.

Posted 5/30/13 12:24 PM

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