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ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

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Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

I am 31w today and I was told I have a short cervix, going to the perinatologist on Monday.

Anyone told they have a short cervix and NOT have to go on bedrest?? I know bedrest wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but it would cause major hardship for us.

I fricken hate Google.

Good Signs: I asked if I should take it easy before the specialist and I was told to do everything normally. I asked if I should go TODAY and I was told Monday or Tuesday was fine.

Message edited 5/21/2010 2:22:04 PM.

Posted 5/21/10 2:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

My cervix was measuring a little short during my last pregnancy. I had it checked a week later and it was back within normal range.

Posted 5/21/10 2:43 PM

Love my little boy!

Member since 6/05

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Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

i was told that i had a short cervix at about 16 weeks....i freaked when they started talking bedrest and cerclage, especially since i cannot afford to stay home! OB told me to go to work, come home and just put my feet up and relax on a daily basis, which is what i did for about a week including weekends. after one week, it was longer and now at 23 weeks, i am fine

do you know what it measured at?

Posted 5/21/10 2:57 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

Posted by JenG

i was told that i had a short cervix at about 16 weeks....i freaked when they started talking bedrest and cerclage, especially since i cannot afford to stay home! OB told me to go to work, come home and just put my feet up and relax on a daily basis, which is what i did for about a week including weekends. after one week, it was longer and now at 23 weeks, i am fine

do you know what it measured at?

I wasnt told a measurement but I will know on Monday I guess
I was told it was "a little shorter than they would like" lol

I am praying that i can still come to work. I can sit here ALL DAY except for bathroom breaks if I need to! I bet I would be able to convince the doctors before DH though LOL

Thank you ladies for answering! I find it so much better to ask on here rather than the scary Google!Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/10 3:09 PM

Tiebreaker on deck!!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

First of all, stay away from Google. Chat Icon

I had a shortening cervix @ 16 wks my first pregnancy, and was put on immediate strict bed rest before seeing a peri, until I was 33 wks. So the fact that you are not on bed rest yet probably means it's not that bad, just a small cause for concern and monitoring.

You're further along, so you might have to go on modified or pelvic rest. Just take it easy (no exercising, sex, etc.) And hopefully by the time you go to the peri, it will get a little longer. Mine was always fluctuating.

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Posted 5/21/10 4:03 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

Posted by DomesticDeeva

First of all, stay away from Google. Chat Icon

I had a shortening cervix @ 16 wks my first pregnancy, and was put on immediate strict bed rest before seeing a peri, until I was 33 wks. So the fact that you are not on bed rest yet probably means it's not that bad, just a small cause for concern and monitoring.

You're further along, so you might have to go on modified or pelvic rest. Just take it easy (no exercising, sex, etc.) And hopefully by the time you go to the peri, it will get a little longer. Mine was always fluctuating.

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ok the no sex part is super easy LOL i am going to rest this whole weekend.

I am an idiot though - i do yoga every night before bed and I just realized that I have been doing SQUATS! That is probably the worst thing I can do right now. . .

Will have to cut that out!


Posted 5/21/10 4:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

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Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

since you are so far along already i think its normal for your cervix to start shortening (but I'm not dr) definately avoid sex b/c that can make it worse. And you are right about just sitting/laying as much as possible. I would also avoid an exercise.
And stay away from Google, i googled it before i had my cerclage and the nightmare stories i saw, i was terrified...My situation went very smooth!! But no sex, no exercise, still working though....
Good Luck!

Posted 5/22/10 9:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/08

1232 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

My dr. told me at 28 weeks that my cervix is 2.6 cm and that I have to be on a bed rest. I didn't take that to my heart and I was still walking and working and now at 33 weeks my cervix is 1.6 and now I really can't do anything...
If they tell you stay in bed, plese stay in bed! It will be worth it at the end.

Posted 5/22/10 11:16 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

Thank you everyone!

Today is Day One of taking it easy, its 12:30PM and I am already bored! Chat Icon my mom is doing all of my laundry and cleaning and I am just sitting here like a slug. LOL I am definitely going to church later though, just to pray for no bedrest! Chat Icon

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Posted 5/22/10 12:25 PM

"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

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Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

i would try to take it easy this weekend and stay off your feet as much as you can (try to recline with your feet up - even sitting puts pressure on the cervix). my dr explained that the cervix is like a muscle and the length can change daily.
then hopefully when u get rechecked next week it will be longer or stay the same!!!

Posted 5/22/10 12:28 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

Posted by Arodisi

i would try to take it easy this weekend and stay off your feet as much as you can (try to recline with your feet up - even sitting puts pressure on the cervix). my dr explained that the cervix is like a muscle and the length can change daily.
then hopefully when u get rechecked next week it will be longer or stay the same!!!

i am sooooooooo bored ahhhhhhhhhhhh LOL

Posted 5/22/10 9:55 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

Shameless Bump as I lay around and wait for my appointment! Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/10 9:53 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/10

92 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

i was put on bedrest my last preg a 21 weeks becasue of short cervix.. sitting is not resting for your cervix you have to be reclined with all pressure off your cervix try to keep yuour feet up and prop you hips on a pillow so all pressure is off your cervix. Even if you were to go on bedrest they usually let you off by 36 weeks.... Dont stress it... Just rest in the mean time and nooooo morrrreee squats!!!

Posted 5/24/10 11:03 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: ok tell me about your short cervix. . .

Posted by DeeDee7

i was put on bedrest my last preg a 21 weeks becasue of short cervix.. sitting is not resting for your cervix you have to be reclined with all pressure off your cervix try to keep yuour feet up and prop you hips on a pillow so all pressure is off your cervix. Even if you were to go on bedrest they usually let you off by 36 weeks.... Dont stress it... Just rest in the mean time and nooooo morrrreee squats!!!

I am already 31w 3d so I guess I should be grateful for that!! Thanks for answering. I have been laying around with my feet up all day, I even took a day off from work so I could do it again today before the appointment.

I feel like i am trying to cheat the doctors LOL like looook my cervix is FINE, nothing to see here! Chat Icon

Thanks! Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/10 11:23 AM

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