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Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07 3423 total posts
Name: Tara
Ouch! Holy cramps!!
I'm 17 weeks and I've been having some major cramping since last week. I called my OB to make sure this is normal and the nurse said yes between 16-18 weeks are when cramping can be bad. Has anyone had this? Oh and she said it could last for 2 weeks!! She said as long as I'm not bleeding the baby is fine. How does she know that!?!? Ugh March 13th can't come any faster for my next OB visit!!
Posted 2/27/09 1:10 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
I remember around that time the same thing was happening to me. That and the sharp pains b/c my belly was gonna grown. This was around the holidays it was annoying to shop b/c I felt like a 90 year old woman. The cramps would come on and I'd have to stop walking around the mall and sit on the bench. I NEVER sat on the bench at a mall b4.
Posted 2/27/09 1:25 PM |
Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07 3423 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Ok I'm glad I've heard it from someone on here that they had this!! Yeah it hurts to move around. I to feel like a 90 year old woman. We took my class for a walk today and I was in so much pain.
Posted 2/27/09 1:35 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/07 132 total posts
Name: Kristy
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Yes I was like this around 19 weeks. They told me it was round ligament pain, at some points for me walking was torture. It hurt more when I first got up, or changed my position in bed. It def. got better after 2 weeks or so.
Posted 2/27/09 1:38 PM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
i've been getting sharp pains in my sides here and near my ovaries. kind of like Opains but stronger. comes and goes..and im still early on.
its probably normal from everything expanding and getting rearranged..LOL
Posted 2/27/09 1:49 PM |

Member since 3/06 4749 total posts
Name: a
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
I had cramps in the 15-16 week range. Since there was never any blood I didn't worry too much. They've seemed to calm down and I dont have them much anymore now that I'm 19 weeks
Posted 2/27/09 1:54 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
I had REALLY bad cramps around 17-18 weeks and went to the Dr. twice for was fine, and I just had to wait them out. I took tylenol some days to get by because they were bad...a few days later, magically, they just disappeared! I was so worried it was gonna stay like that, but they went away!
Hang in there!!!!
Posted 2/27/09 2:00 PM |
Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/08 2830 total posts
Name: Jennette
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Feel better! I've had cramps for a few weeks now. My doctor said it is usually due to the fact that your uterus is expanding. Take it easy
Posted 2/27/09 2:02 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Ive had them as well. I try to "walk it out", Relax, or drink a ton of water. Drinking the water helps.
Posted 2/27/09 2:06 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Posted by lvdolphins
Ive had them as well. I try to "walk it out", Relax, or drink a ton of water. Drinking the water helps.
YES! I forgot to add that, drinks tons of water!!!!
Posted 2/27/09 2:17 PM |
Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07 3423 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Posted by brownie
I had REALLY bad cramps around 17-18 weeks and went to the Dr. twice for was fine, and I just had to wait them out. I took tylenol some days to get by because they were bad...a few days later, magically, they just disappeared! I was so worried it was gonna stay like that, but they went away!
Hang in there!!!! see the nurse told me my OB won't see me unless I'm bleeding! And I can wait till March 13th for my next visit. I'm so mad! I should call again. I just need that visit so I have a peace of mind my baby is ok.
Posted 2/27/09 2:28 PM |
Big Sister to be!

Member since 7/07 3423 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Posted by brownie
Posted by lvdolphins
Ive had them as well. I try to "walk it out", Relax, or drink a ton of water. Drinking the water helps.
YES! I forgot to add that, drinks tons of water!!!! that's one of my problems I don't drink enough water durning the day. I'm going to start and hope that it helps some of the pain
Posted 2/27/09 2:33 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Posted by MrsS518
Posted by brownie
Posted by lvdolphins
Ive had them as well. I try to "walk it out", Relax, or drink a ton of water. Drinking the water helps.
YES! I forgot to add that, drinks tons of water!!!! that's one of my problems I don't drink enough water durning the day. I'm going to start and hope that it helps some of the pain
I should have added, I saw the nurse practioner each time....she said I should worry if there was spotting, but there wasn't any....but they did an ultrasound each time...
I normally drink water, but made sure to drink a lot more then...and I walked around for a little bit, as much as I could....they were BAD!
Posted 2/27/09 2:47 PM |
Baby #1 is here!
Member since 11/08 13903 total posts
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
I would say its normal...but if you're REALLY worrying and want to be seen, you should tell them that....
I would see how it goes for a couple of cramps were HORRIBLE! So I thought something was wrong.....they definitely said it was normal around this time
Posted 2/27/09 2:49 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Posted by MrsS518
Posted by brownie
Posted by lvdolphins
Ive had them as well. I try to "walk it out", Relax, or drink a ton of water. Drinking the water helps.
YES! I forgot to add that, drinks tons of water!!!! that's one of my problems I don't drink enough water durning the day. I'm going to start and hope that it helps some of the pain
Water helps alot with them. Just keep on drinking it. My DH laughs because I have half opened water bottles in my car and by the bed. But When I drink them I try to drink alot so the cramps don't come.
Posted 2/27/09 2:51 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
Yup.. It was sharp and painful. I guess it was RLP. It sucked.
Posted 2/27/09 3:23 PM |
Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05 6721 total posts
Name: A
Re: Ouch! Holy cramps!!
That happened to me, and I actually went into the doctors office to get checked, it was so bad. Everything was fine, and they sad just to drink more water.
Posted 2/27/09 3:32 PM |