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Pets in grocery stores!

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by suvenR

Some people are allergic to dogs. It's really not fair that they have to be near dogs in areas where dogs shouldn't be. Every mall I know of has a restriction on allowing dogs- seeing eye dogs are the only ones allowed inside...

I know it is not related, but I am allergic to most perfumes, does that mean that perfumed people should not be allowed in stores? No, it does not. Does it mean I should not get bombarded at holiday time when they are spraying it all over the place, maybe, but they do it anyway.

point is no matter what you do it will
p!ss someone off.

I bring Pyxie & Bruno around (usually not together) and most times people do not even know there is a dog in my tote. They are both well behaved, clean & quiet. Which is more than I can say for most children I see in the stores. If I bring them food shopping they are no where near the food & are always contained in their bag. I would never bring my Pug or Shiba Inu, even though they are also small dogs.

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

Sorry I know alot of you don't agree, but like I said most people don't even know they are with me.

Posted 3/21/07 4:10 PM
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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

Posted 3/21/07 4:15 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

Posted 3/21/07 4:16 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

EEEK you should NEVER leave a dog in the car unattended! Not only can they suffocate easily, but they immediately become a target for doggie theftChat Icon

Posted 3/21/07 4:16 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by july06bride

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

For long periods of time, of course.

But if I'm on the way home and I need to run into CVS to get shampoo, the dog stays in the car.

Posted 3/21/07 4:16 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

What's to stop me then from putting my 97 pound lab in a big rolling suitcase and pulling him through the mall?

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I just got a visual Chat Icon

I've brought Cooper into Target with me, but that's really the only time I've ever brought him into a store with me (I was at a friend's house with him and it was so hot out, I couldn't leave him in the car)... he was in a bag with a leash and harness on, but I would NEVER NEVER bring him into a grocery store... I love my dog, and I think he's clean and perfect and he licks me right on the lips... but that doesn't mean he doesn't gross someone else out.

Posted 3/21/07 4:17 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Posted by july06bride

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

For long periods of time, of course.

But if I'm on the way home and I need to run into CVS to get shampoo, the dog stays in the car.

"When the temperature is in the high 70's and 80's outside, a parked car quickly becomes unbearably hot inside within minutes, even in the shade and even with the windows left open a few inches. If the car is parked in the sun, the inside temperature can quickly reach 160 degrees. Leaving the air conditioner on in an idling car isn't much help as it begins to labor and can shut down the engine. The dog could also knock the car into gear as he struggles to get out. As humane societies, law enforcement agencies, and local media constantly warn pet owners, in just 5 minutes, the temperature inside a car even with the windows cracked can reach 100 degrees or more. In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside a car can reach 120 degrees or more. The dog has a fur coat designed to retain heat, and he cannot sweat when he is overheated. As the inside temperature rises, the dog's body temperature has also risen, and he may have just minutes to live. If not rescued, he will suffer heatstroke, leading to collapse, brain damage, and an agonizing death. "
found this online

Message edited 3/21/2007 4:18:10 PM.

Posted 3/21/07 4:17 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Posted by july06bride

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

For long periods of time, of course.

But if I'm on the way home and I need to run into CVS to get shampoo, the dog stays in the car.

Different for small dogs. They are al lot more vulnerable & people think NOTHING of approaching a car with a small dog. My 4 dogs together weigh only 55 lbs.

Posted 3/21/07 4:18 PM

My greatest joy is my baby boy

Member since 1/07

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by suvenR

Some people are allergic to dogs. It's really not fair that they have to be near dogs in areas where dogs shouldn't be. Every mall I know of has a restriction on allowing dogs- seeing eye dogs are the only ones allowed inside...

I know it is not related, but I am allergic to most perfumes, does that mean that perfumed people should not be allowed in stores? No, it does not. Does it mean I should not get bombarded at holiday time when they are spraying it all over the place, maybe, but they do it anyway.

point is no matter what you do it will
p!ss someone off.

I bring Pyxie & Bruno around (usually not together) and most times people do not even know there is a dog in my tote. They are both well behaved, clean & quiet. Which is more than I can say for most children I see in the stores. If I bring them food shopping they are no where near the food & are always contained in their bag. I would never bring my Pug or Shiba Inu, even though they are also small dogs.

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

Sorry I know alot of you don't agree, but like I said most people don't even know they are with me.

I bring Nala (a 7pd Shih Tzu) with me alot of times on the weekend to Petco, etc. Most of the time, it takes me longer to do my shopping b/c everyone is stopping me b/c people want to know if she is real - she's so well behaved and cute. I've never once been asked to leave someplace b/c of her - although I draw the line at grocery stores; to me, that is inappropriate b/c there is food there.

Posted 3/21/07 4:21 PM

LIF Adult

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Big Fat Baby with a Blackberry

Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by suvenR
I bring Pyxie & Bruno around (usually not together) and most times people do not even know there is a dog in my tote. They are both well behaved, clean & quiet. Which is more than I can say for most children I see in the stores. If I bring them food shopping they are no where near the food & are always contained in their bag. I would never bring my Pug or Shiba Inu, even though they are also small dogs.

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

Sorry I know alot of you don't agree, but like I said most people don't even know they are with me.

But what about the fact that dogs are not allowed in many stores (including, I would assume, many grocery stores)? The dogs in purses don't annoy me as much as the ones on leashes/in the cart do. Although I can't imagine it's fun to be zipped up in someone's purse while they run their errands.

Posted 3/21/07 4:21 PM

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Okay, I'm not turning this into a dog in the car debate. It is EXTREMELY rare that I would leave Brodie in the car by himself.

If I do, it's for less than 5 minutes and I leave the AC or heat on for him and lock the car up.

My point is, if you know you have to go to multiple places, leave the dog at home.

Don't assume it's okay to bring the dog into a store or other public place which CLEARLY states only seeing eye dogs are allowed.

Don't assume that you are outside the rules because your dog fits into your pocket.

It's just a double standard that gets me a little riled up. I would love to bring my dog with me everywhere, but I can't.

Posted 3/21/07 4:24 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Posted by july06bride

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

For long periods of time, of course.

But if I'm on the way home and I need to run into CVS to get shampoo, the dog stays in the car.

OK,I'm not disagreeing with you on the whole dog inside grocery store thing, whether people would even know the dog is there or not doesn't mean it's ok and sanitary... HOWEVER, some people consider their dogs their children, like an actual child... should people with children leave them home alone when they go run errands?

Just playing devil's advocate here.... and I know mom's and mom's to be will not see the similarity in a child and a dog, but to some people there is no difference.

Posted 3/21/07 4:24 PM

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by CoopersMom01

HOWEVER, some people consider their dogs their children, like an actual child... should people with children leave them home alone when they go run errands?

Are you seriously comparing a dog to a child? Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/07 4:25 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

This argument has been on here numerous times. The people who think its ok to bring their dogs into stores won't back down and those who thing it is inappropriate to bring dogs into stores won't back down either.

My opinion - I love all animals, but with the exception of helper animals, they should all be left at home. Dogs, cats, ferrets, bunnies, snakes, hermit crabs, whatever pet you have should not be out shopping with you.

Posted 3/21/07 4:26 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Posted by CoopersMom01

HOWEVER, some people consider their dogs their children, like an actual child... should people with children leave them home alone when they go run errands?

Are you seriously comparing a dog to a child? Chat Icon

Like I said... to SOME people, there is no difference....

ETA: I have a dog and I don't find it necessary to bring him everywhere with me, I do leave a bag for him in the car JUST IN CASE, but I would NEVER bring him into the grocery store, to me that is just plain unsanitary...

Message edited 3/21/2007 4:28:59 PM.

Posted 3/21/07 4:27 PM

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by CoopersMom01

Posted by leighla

Posted by july06bride

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

For long periods of time, of course.

But if I'm on the way home and I need to run into CVS to get shampoo, the dog stays in the car.

OK,I'm not disagreeing with you on the whole dog inside grocery store thing, whether people would even know the dog is there or not doesn't mean it's ok and sanitary... HOWEVER, some people consider their dogs their children, like an actual child... should people with children leave them home alone when they go run errands?

Just playing devil's advocate here.... and I know mom's and mom's to be will not see the similarity in a child and a dog, but to some people there is no difference.

YES! You are completly right...I think everyone in this country should chain their children to a leash, feed them from bowls on the floor, and most importantly have them SPAYED and Neutered...what a wonderful world this would be...children always stay home and dogs roam free.

Hmmm wonder if teachers will have to get different licensing to teach the dogs in school

Posted 3/21/07 4:28 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by SweetTooth

This argument has been on here numerous times. The people who think its ok to bring their dogs into stores won't back down and those who thing it is inappropriate to bring dogs into stores won't back down either.

My opinion - I love all animals, but with the exception of helper animals, they should all be left at home. Dogs, cats, ferrets, bunnies, snakes, hermit crabs, whatever pet you have should not be out shopping with you.

If there are no rules against them being somewhere, just that people frown upon it- is it okay?

I don't think that anyone should break the rules and bring their pets somewhere that they are not suppossed to be, if there are clear stated signs /rules about it...but some stores do not have rules against it and therefore if an owner wants to bring them,I do not see the big deal

Posted 3/21/07 4:29 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by Whamtastic

But what about the fact that dogs are not allowed in many stores (including, I would assume, many grocery stores)? The dogs in purses don't annoy me as much as the ones on leashes/in the cart do. Although I can't imagine it's fun to be zipped up in someone's purse while they run their errands.

If a store has it posted that no dogs are allowed then I respect that.

Posted 3/21/07 4:29 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by Moehick

Posted by CoopersMom01

Posted by leighla

Posted by july06bride

Posted by leighla

Posted by MsMBV

My dogs are basically indoor dogs b/c they are so small & fragile breeds. Sometimes the only way they get out of the house is if I take them on errands. So if I happen to stop at a grocery or other store after going to PetSmart or something then so be it.

So why not leave them in the car if you are going into the supermarket like I would do with my dog?

it can be very dangerous to leave dogs in the car- it can be too hot /too cold for them

For long periods of time, of course.

But if I'm on the way home and I need to run into CVS to get shampoo, the dog stays in the car.

OK,I'm not disagreeing with you on the whole dog inside grocery store thing, whether people would even know the dog is there or not doesn't mean it's ok and sanitary... HOWEVER, some people consider their dogs their children, like an actual child... should people with children leave them home alone when they go run errands?

Just playing devil's advocate here.... and I know mom's and mom's to be will not see the similarity in a child and a dog, but to some people there is no difference.

YES! You are completly right...I think everyone in this country should chain their children to a leash, feed them from bowls on the floor, and most importantly have them SPAYED and Neutered...what a wonderful world this would be...children always stay home and dogs roam free.

Hmmm wonder if teachers will have to get different licensing to teach the dogs in school

OK, you guys aren't seeing what I'm saying.... to SOME people a dog is their child... so that could explain why we're seeing dogs in store and places where normally a dog shouldn't be allowed.

I would NEVER thing to treat a child like a dog... give me a little credit here. Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/07 4:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

997 total posts

Big Fat Baby with a Blackberry

Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by CoopersMom01

HOWEVER, some people consider their dogs their children, like an actual child... should people with children leave them home alone when they go run errands?

I am not a mom, nor a pet owner, but leaving a dog home alone is NOT the same as leaving a child alone. A house trained dog is FINE to leave in the house for a reasonable time period (ie. in time to be let out, not cooped up for days at a time, being fed regularly), while a small child shouldn't be left in the house alone. And plenty of people leave their older children home when they run errands. Plus, children are allowed in stores, pets are usually not. And it's perfectly reasonable.

Posted 3/21/07 4:32 PM

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Re: Pets in grocery stores!

popcorn is tasting mighty good Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/07 4:33 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by QuoteTheRaven424

popcorn is tasting mighty good Chat Icon

Can I have some beer with that popcorn??????

Posted 3/21/07 4:34 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

I hate when people carry dogs around like they are accessories. It's a freakin' dog, why do you need to take it everywhere with you? The dog will be OK if you leave it at home for a few hours while you run errands. Trips to Petco/Petsmart fine, but the grocery store, malls are unacceptable IMO unless it's a seeing eye dog.

Posted 3/21/07 4:34 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by leighla

Okay, I'm not turning this into a dog in the car debate. It is EXTREMELY rare that I would leave Brodie in the car by himself.

If I do, it's for less than 5 minutes and I leave the AC or heat on for him and lock the car up.

My point is, if you know you have to go to multiple places, leave the dog at home.

Don't assume it's okay to bring the dog into a store or other public place which CLEARLY states only seeing eye dogs are allowed.

Don't assume that you are outside the rules because your dog fits into your pocket.

It's just a double standard that gets me a little riled up. I would love to bring my dog with me everywhere, but I can't.

I understand, and if a place clearly states that there are no dogs allowed I will not bring them in. The grocer in my neighborhood has no such restriction, so that is where I go. I chose to patronize that store because they offer me something I like...convenience. If my weekly shopping includes going to the pet store (which allows the dogs) and a few local stores that also allow the dogs, then why not bring them?

As for comparing dogs to children. I will agree that it is a grand over-generalization, but I have to say I have seen some kids do some pretty gross things in grocery stores, and evil things to the produce when mom or dad's back is turned, so I can see where someone might use that as a frame of reference. Since it would be ridiculous for a store manager to say "no kids allowed in the grocery" even though they are doing something unsanitary. I know it is not the same, but I can see where the thought process comes from.

Message edited 3/21/2007 4:36:38 PM.

Posted 3/21/07 4:35 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Pets in grocery stores!

Posted by QuoteTheRaven424

popcorn is tasting mighty good Chat Icon

I need a "raspberry face" Icon (AKA Bronx Cheer Icon)

Hey Ron any chance????Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/07 4:35 PM
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