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Spinoff to catholic scandal...

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Knowing what you know now... will you remain a practicing Catholic, raise your children catholic? Are you changing to another Christian based faith? Leaving religion all together?
I am having a crisis with this... I was raised catholic and i always imagine my kids would be as well. It is time to decide if i will be putting my first born into CCD this September. Part of me just cant phathom doing it with all i know and how hypocritical it seems. The other part of me can't imagine not raising them this way. Ahhh... what are others doing?

Posted 2/20/19 1:48 PM
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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I was raised Catholic and we did baptize my daughter, but honestly not sure I consider myself a Catholic now. I'd say more agnostic than anything. She's young (3) so we haven't really talked about anything religious. The closest we've come is when our dog died and we told her he went to heaven which is up in the sky. So now she calls him a space dog. Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/19 2:19 PM


Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

We were both raised catholic. Were married in the church. Our younger daughter made communion last year. As of now we are probably going to stay the course through confirmation although I am not actively involved in my parish

Posted 2/20/19 2:29 PM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara

Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Im going to stay Catholic and my son will continue going to Catholic school.

Posted 2/20/19 2:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/14

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

DH and I are both practicing Catholics- we attend mass weekly with both our children.

It is very important to me to raise my children with faith.

Posted 2/20/19 2:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

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Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I went to catholic school but my parents were largely non religious.

DD is baptized, moreso due tradition than religion. I always assumed she would make her communion but being I feel no connection to the catholic church and DH is a non practicing Jew it doesn’t really make much sense.

I would say that religion plays zero role in our day to day lives. DD has no concept of it beyond the fact that she watched Angela’s Christmas on Netflix and proceeded to tell me she wanted a baby Jesus so she carried around the baby Jesus from an old nativity for a month. I explained that Christmas is Jesus’s birthday, the wise men, etc but not in the context of “this is what we believe.”

DH and I were watching something not long ago and they were saying the Hail Mary. He asked if I knew the prayer and it never occurred to me that he didnt. It took me a minute to realize that no, he did not say it every morning at school like I did. It’s slightly funny and also very telling of how little we discuss religion.

Posted 2/20/19 3:06 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by Tulip9

DH and I are both practicing Catholics- we attend mass weekly with both our children.

It is very important to me to raise my children with faith.

Same. I'm not leaving my DD alone with any priests, but I'm not leaving her alone with any strange men, period, so....

The same thing could happen in school, or on a gymnastics team- look at the scandal with that gymnastics team doctor and what he did.

Predators are everywhere sadly

Her religion class did require her and us to take a course this year on stranger danger, avoiding sexual predators, etc. Kind of ironic. But I think they are now required to in light of all this.

Posted 2/20/19 3:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I was raised Catholic, but did not baptize my children and won't raise them Catholic.

I have a lot of problems with catholicism and organized religion in general, its not for us.

Posted 2/20/19 3:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Tulip9

DH and I are both practicing Catholics- we attend mass weekly with both our children.

It is very important to me to raise my children with faith.

Same. I'm not leaving my DD alone with any priests, but I'm not leaving her alone with any strange men, period, so....

The same thing could happen in school, or on a gymnastics team- look at the scandal with that gymnastics team doctor and what he did.

Predators are everywhere sadly

Her religion class did require her and us to take a course this year on stranger danger, avoiding sexual predators, etc. Kind of ironic. But I think they are now required to in light of all this.

See this is where my head has always been -- but now im starting to feel uneasy...and i dont know if it is this scandal... seeing the priests name who married me on the list, or what. Makes me feel guilty to feed money into the system of it all. But then i feel guilty not to. I guess that is the catholic in me Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/19 3:41 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I have a family member on that list. I spent a good part of my morning crying in my office. He's been dead for years and years.. but he's on that list, and I feel the shame that should be his - shame that he likely wouldn't have felt anyway.

That said, my daughter goes to Catholic school and both my children are being raised Catholic. That is the choice we made and that's not going to change.

People of all faiths do terrible things. There are people of power all over the world and throughout history who have abused their power. The Catholic church is not unique in that role. Priests are human beings, they are not - no matter what they want you to believe - an extension of God any more than any other human being may be.

Posted 2/20/19 3:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

5092 total posts


Spinoff to catholic scandal...

This has been known for many, many years. It would never occur to me to not be Catholic or not raise kids Catholic because if it. As another poster said , there are horrible, vile, disgusting people everywhere. I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a priest, but I wouldn't leave a kid alone with anybody like that. God didn't do these awful things, man did. My Grammar school priest is on the list as well as the priest who married my parents and baptized me....while it makes me sick, it has nothing to do with my faith and devoutness.

Posted 2/20/19 3:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by eroxgirl

I have a family member on that list. I spent a good part of my morning crying in my office. He's been dead for years and years.. but he's on that list, and I feel the shame that should be his - shame that he likely wouldn't have felt anyway.

That said, my daughter goes to Catholic school and both my children are being raised Catholic. That is the choice we made and that's not going to change.

People of all faiths do terrible things. There are people of power all over the world and throughout history who have abused their power. The Catholic church is not unique in that role. Priests are human beings, they are not - no matter what they want you to believe - an extension of God any more than any other human being may be.

I am so so sorry that the list revealed that information to you. That must have been incredibly hard to see. Please do not feel shame -- it shouldnt be yours to bear. Chat Icon

Message edited 2/20/2019 4:01:01 PM.

Posted 2/20/19 4:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

We are catholic but non practicing. We do not attend mass. My DD does go to a catholic school but that's only because they have a great nursery and pre-k program.

Posted 2/20/19 4:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/10

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Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I'm not sure.

My faith and the Church has always been very important to me and I'm still a huge advocate of Catholic education.

I've only known love, safety, positivity, and even inclusiveness from the Church in my experiences.

My heart breaks for all of these victims but my absolute rage is at the way the Church continues mishandle what happened.

Posted 2/20/19 4:16 PM


Member since 10/09

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by JME78

I was raised Catholic, but did not baptize my children and won't raise them Catholic.

I have a lot of problems with Catholicism and organized religion in general, its not for us.

Same for my family too.

Posted 2/20/19 4:22 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by b2b777

Posted by eroxgirl

I have a family member on that list. I spent a good part of my morning crying in my office. He's been dead for years and years.. but he's on that list, and I feel the shame that should be his - shame that he likely wouldn't have felt anyway.

That said, my daughter goes to Catholic school and both my children are being raised Catholic. That is the choice we made and that's not going to change.

People of all faiths do terrible things. There are people of power all over the world and throughout history who have abused their power. The Catholic church is not unique in that role. Priests are human beings, they are not - no matter what they want you to believe - an extension of God any more than any other human being may be.

I am so so sorry that the list revealed that information to you. That must have been incredibly hard to see. Please do not feel shame -- it shouldnt be yours to bear. Chat Icon

oh eroxgirl, these are not your sins. Please don't feel that way. You could not have prevented them. You did not know about them. You could have been a victim of his. Do not attribute the sins of the father into the child. I don't hold german kids responsible for the Holocaust. The best thing you can do is acknowledge the pain your relative caused and speak out against others from doing the same thing, and not letting his bad deeds get buried with him. By acknowledging that he was flawed, that he did something wrong, and shedding light into darkness you are allowing his victims to heal. That is a gift, and a tough one to shoulder. But know that it is not your fault.

Posted 2/20/19 4:24 PM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

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Spinoff to catholic scandal...

DH and I were both raised Catholic, married in a Catholic church, DS was baptized.

We switched to a nondenominational church a few years ago for a number of reasons and we don't regret it.

Posted 2/20/19 6:22 PM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by jlm2008

This has been known for many, many years. It would never occur to me to not be Catholic or not raise kids Catholic because if it. As another poster said , there are horrible, vile, disgusting people everywhere. I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a priest, but I wouldn't leave a kid alone with anybody like that. God didn't do these awful things, man did. My Grammar school priest is on the list as well as the priest who married my parents and baptized me....while it makes me sick, it has nothing to do with my faith and devoutness.

It is less to me about the horrible decisions of the individual, but moreso about the organization as a whole sweeping this under the carpet and sending these monsters to other parishes to prey on MORE unsuspecting children. It was a conscious decision to put hundreds and hundreds of other kids in danger. That to me is absolutely unforgivable. How dare you do this and then speak out against homosexuals as if they are monsters? Please.

My DD was attending Religious Ed classes and we pulled her out this year. I had enough.

Posted 2/20/19 7:19 PM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

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Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I was raised catholic and went to catholic school - completed my sacraments, got married in a church and baptized my son. but I do not practice, and the more I learn about other cultures, the more I feel like my beliefs are in line with the spirituality of hinduism. I wouldn't change over -- I'm largely a non-practicing person, but I don't like the judgemental nature of catholicsm - particularly when taught by those who don't hold themselves to the same standards they teach/preach

Posted 2/20/19 7:30 PM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

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Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

We decided last year, we would no longer remain in our Catholic Church. My worry is now that this is out, that it will be a target. The church we attended had a man attempt arson because of the scandal, so I no longer feel comfortable going. I also didn’t feel comfortable allowing my DS to remain an alter boy since we heard rumblings of other current scandals. The entire thing has made me distrust organized religion, not my faith in God, so we have tried a couple of other denominations, but we will no longer allow the separation of us from our kids during service etc.

While I get that bad people are everywhere, we are very involved in sports and school and try to open every avenue of communication with our kids, in hopes of never having this happen. But I don’t think I can get past the catholic churches attempt of covering this up.

Posted 2/20/19 7:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


Spinoff to catholic scandal...

I baptized my DD in catholic church but not sure if we will remain. Not liking anything i'm hearing and always had a problem with organized religion even though i do have faith. My husband is Lutheran so we may look into going that route if we want to take her to church.

Posted 2/20/19 7:45 PM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by Katareen

Posted by jlm2008

This has been known for many, many years. It would never occur to me to not be Catholic or not raise kids Catholic because if it. As another poster said , there are horrible, vile, disgusting people everywhere. I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a priest, but I wouldn't leave a kid alone with anybody like that. God didn't do these awful things, man did. My Grammar school priest is on the list as well as the priest who married my parents and baptized me....while it makes me sick, it has nothing to do with my faith and devoutness.

It is less to me about the horrible decisions of the individual, but moreso about the organization as a whole sweeping this under the carpet and sending these monsters to other parishes to prey on MORE unsuspecting children. It was a conscious decision to put hundreds and hundreds of other kids in danger. That to me is absolutely unforgivable. How dare you do this and then speak out against homosexuals as if they are monsters? Please.

My DD was attending Religious Ed classes and we pulled her out this year. I had enough.

I agree with this 100%.

Anyone see the movie Spotlight? It will blow your mind how deep this goes.

I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for 4 yrs, made all my sacraments, Christened my daughter but never followed through with her sacraments. I stopped believing and going to church long before that. In all honesty I probably shouldn't have done the Christening.

Posted 2/20/19 8:18 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

Posted by jlm2008

This has been known for many, many years. It would never occur to me to not be Catholic or not raise kids Catholic because if it. As another poster said , there are horrible, vile, disgusting people everywhere. I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a priest, but I wouldn't leave a kid alone with anybody like that. God didn't do these awful things, man did. My Grammar school priest is on the list as well as the priest who married my parents and baptized me....while it makes me sick, it has nothing to do with my faith and devoutness.

I agree. It doesn’t affect my faith because my faith is in God, not in priests or other people. There are things going on within the Church I don’t agree with but that doesn’t affect our relationship with God. So we are still Catholic & the kids are baptized.

Posted 2/20/19 9:55 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

This is just my opinion.....
Happy that I was raised Protestant. I belong to an open and affirming church that is accepting of all people. My pastor is a gay man, who serves the Lord. He would have been shunned if he were Catholic. I disagree with many of the Catholic policies and this whole sex abuse thing just turns me off even more. Most of my family is Catholic though and tbh they kind of just “talk the talk” but don’t “walk the walk” so to speak. They show up on holidays and for baptism and communion, but don’t attend regular mass or anything. I find that it’s almost more for appearance and to feel better about themselves than actually serving God, and it really bugs me...

Posted 2/20/19 10:13 PM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara

Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...

My sons principal is an openly gay man and is Catholic. He has not been shunned and is leading a catholic school.

Not all parishes are the same or old school.

Do I think there is corruption and things need to be changed...heck yes. Do I think what happened is disgraceful and vile Ofcourse! But there is so much generalization as if all Catholics are judgemental and narrow minded. This can be said for many religions.

I’ve been to non denominational churches that seemed like a cult and basically blasted anyone who didn’t believe like them. Pastor said in front of a whole church filled with kids that Santa or the Easter bunny isn’t real. Shocking the crap out of a lot of parents. But I’ve also been to ones that were fantastic. So let’s just be realistic, it’s not only the Catholic Faith.

Posted 2/20/19 11:34 PM
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