Spinoff to catholic scandal...
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06 763 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by Tulip9
DH and I are both practicing Catholics- we attend mass weekly with both our children.
It is very important to me to raise my children with faith.
Same. I'm not leaving my DD alone with any priests, but I'm not leaving her alone with any strange men, period, so....
The same thing could happen in school, or on a gymnastics team- look at the scandal with that gymnastics team doctor and what he did.
Predators are everywhere sadly
Her religion class did require her and us to take a course this year on stranger danger, avoiding sexual predators, etc. Kind of ironic. But I think they are now required to in light of all this.
agree 100%. My DD is going to be 15 next week (I can't even believe it). She did go through to confirmation. We were both raised Catholic and so was she, but we do not attend mass every week. There are a lot of things with the religion that I do not agree with but I do feel that it is nice to be raised with some kind of religion and we went with what we knew.
Sadly there are predators everywhere. Coaches, teacher, doctors, first responders, it's endless. I just make sure she has never been left alone in a room with any stranger, male or female. To this day I am with her for all appointments doctors, dentist, etc. I don't trust anyone. It's sad that it has to be this way but it does
Posted 2/21/19 7:56 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 5092 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by drpepper318
Posted by jlm2008
This has been known for many, many years. It would never occur to me to not be Catholic or not raise kids Catholic because if it. As another poster said , there are horrible, vile, disgusting people everywhere. I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a priest, but I wouldn't leave a kid alone with anybody like that. God didn't do these awful things, man did. My Grammar school priest is on the list as well as the priest who married my parents and baptized me....while it makes me sick, it has nothing to do with my faith and devoutness.
I agree. It doesn’t affect my faith because my faith is in God, not in priests or other people. There are things going on within the Church I don’t agree with but that doesn’t affect our relationship with God. So we are still Catholic & the kids are baptized.
This is what everybody , except for you!, who is quoting me doesn't get. My faith is is God, but people who aren't devout to begin with do not understand. But everybody is free to do what they want.
Posted 2/21/19 8:34 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 11/18 463 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by jlm2008
This has been known for many, many years. It would never occur to me to not be Catholic or not raise kids Catholic because if it. As another poster said , there are horrible, vile, disgusting people everywhere. I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a priest, but I wouldn't leave a kid alone with anybody like that. God didn't do these awful things, man did. My Grammar school priest is on the list as well as the priest who married my parents and baptized me....while it makes me sick, it has nothing to do with my faith and devoutness.
I agree with this. Not once did I question my faith. I went to Catholic school my whole life and the priests do not define my faith. (I honestly don't ever recall being alone with a priest, ever. And never witnessed anything like that) My faith is inside me, and what I believe in, and that doesn't change because of the terrible acts of these men, who happen to be priests.
Posted 2/21/19 8:58 AM |
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by Tulip9
DH and I are both practicing Catholics- we attend mass weekly with both our children.
It is very important to me to raise my children with faith.
Posted 2/21/19 10:42 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/07 820 total posts
Name: p
Message edited 5/8/2019 11:32:56 AM.
Posted 2/21/19 10:50 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
I said goodbye to the Catholic religion a while ago. I grew up Catholic, my stbx grew up Catholic. When I was old enough to see with my own eyes the religion I left. When we had our son we agreed to baptize him in another religion.
Posted 2/21/19 12:12 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by Mrs213
This is just my opinion..... Happy that I was raised Protestant. I belong to an open and affirming church that is accepting of all people. My pastor is a gay man, who serves the Lord. He would have been shunned if he were Catholic. I disagree with many of the Catholic policies and this whole sex abuse thing just turns me off even more. Most of my family is Catholic though and tbh they kind of just “talk the talk” but don’t “walk the walk” so to speak. They show up on holidays and for baptism and communion, but don’t attend regular mass or anything. I find that it’s almost more for appearance and to feel better about themselves than actually serving God, and it really bugs me...
Agree. We moved to another religion where the church accepts and loves everyone. There are not tons of man made rules, statues of saints, they don't focus on guilt and the crucifix, but more of the bare cross and that Christ has risen. It's amazing, loving, and I believe more on what God wants. I've always found no matter how many Catholic churches I went to it was filled with man made rules, guilt, shame, and all about money.
Posted 2/21/19 12:17 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Only the Catholic religion is is ok to bash and generalize someones faith.
If we did this for Judaism, Muslim or any other it would be an outrage.
Obviously if you don't believe in the Catholic church then this post didn't apply to you. The OP asked if YOU ARE Catholic are you going to keep practicing your faith?
I would never talk bad about anyones beliefs or religions.. everyone is different that is what makes this world unique and beautiful. That is what the Catholic religion and being raised with morals has taught me.
ETA: Sorry it's just disgusting and if someone wasn't Catholic they would take these snippets and run with it. Not saying there isn't truth but that is not everyone who is Catholic or the entire religions premise.
AGAIN - my sons Principal IS GAY, is part of the parish and leads an entire Catholic school.
Message edited 2/21/2019 12:24:06 PM.
Posted 2/21/19 12:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/14 7274 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by Sash
Only the Catholic religion is is ok to bash and generalize someones faith.
If we did this for Judaism, Muslim or any other it would be an outrage.
Obviously if you don't believe in the Catholic church then this post didn't apply to you. The OP asked if YOU ARE Catholic are you going to keep practicing your faith?
I would never talk bad about anyones beliefs or religions.. everyone is different that is what makes this world unique and beautiful. That is what the Catholic religion and being raised with morals has taught me.
ETA: Sorry it's just disgusting and if someone wasn't Catholic they would take these snippets and run with it. Not saying there isn't truth but that is not everyone who is Catholic or the entire religions premise.
AGAIN - my sons Principal IS GAY, is part of the parish and leads an entire Catholic school.
I just read through the responses and I actually think everyone was being very civil. It also appears that mostly Catholics responded. I think anyone baptized and raised Catholic has every right to air their grievances and disagree with the church.
It goes without saying that all religions have their issues. IMO, all these super religious, extremist sects of any religion are all the same. Christian, Jewish, Muslim. Same gist. They just use different books.
I think it’s wonderful that your son’s principal is gay. Perhaps if more churches supported their gay congregants there would be less animosity toward the church.
Posted 2/21/19 1:13 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Spinoff to catholic scandal...
I was raised Catholic as well as my husband and we are not practicing. There are too many things I disagree with and have personally been isolated from the church for (being divorced, having a special needs child, adopting an international child) that I will never go back. It is all too hypocritical for me. I know it could just be the churches I went to but it was my experience. I do not look down or think that I should push my own misgivings on the Church with anyone else. My sister is devout and her family goes to church 2 times a week. If it works for her, then good. It doesn't for us and I'm not sure any religion would. That being said, we do celebrate Catholic holidays but from a more family traditional side. We let our children ask questions and will seek out answers for any religious questions they have about any religion and when they are older, if they want to start practicing a religion, they can with all my support.
Posted 2/21/19 1:27 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/12 361 total posts
Spinoff to catholic scandal...
I was born and raised Catholic. My children are as well. Our church does not discriminate. We have divorced people, special needs people, different races, homosexuals etc. We all celebrate Jesus. The recent events with the priests are appalling and at the same time they should be all held accountable for. I will also say the devil has been in full attack of the church. It may sound crazy but seeing with everything that is going on - in the world and with the Church - I cant help but believe this.
Posted 2/21/19 2:01 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by LuckyStar
Posted by Sash
Only the Catholic religion is is ok to bash and generalize someones faith.
If we did this for Judaism, Muslim or any other it would be an outrage.
Obviously if you don't believe in the Catholic church then this post didn't apply to you. The OP asked if YOU ARE Catholic are you going to keep practicing your faith?
I would never talk bad about anyones beliefs or religions.. everyone is different that is what makes this world unique and beautiful. That is what the Catholic religion and being raised with morals has taught me.
ETA: Sorry it's just disgusting and if someone wasn't Catholic they would take these snippets and run with it. Not saying there isn't truth but that is not everyone who is Catholic or the entire religions premise.
AGAIN - my sons Principal IS GAY, is part of the parish and leads an entire Catholic school.
I just read through the responses and I actually think everyone was being very civil. It also appears that mostly Catholics responded. I think anyone baptized and raised Catholic has every right to air their grievances and disagree with the church.
It goes without saying that all religions have their issues. IMO, all these super religious, extremist sects of any religion are all the same. Christian, Jewish, Muslim. Same gist. They just use different books.
I think it’s wonderful that your son’s principal is gay. Perhaps if more churches supported their gay congregants there would be less animosity toward the church.
I may have confused the comments on two thread to be honest, but there were some on here. I don’t think people are being uncivil but there is a lot of bashing, negative harsh comments and generalizations. It’s a big double standard but it always is when it comes to discussing the Catholic religion.
It is what it is. I do agree there needs to be changes. That is why there is all these branches of religion that stem off of Catholicism because the world changes and sometimes the beliefs/traditions don’t fit.
Message edited 2/21/2019 2:18:00 PM.
Posted 2/21/19 2:17 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 8/07 8 total posts
Spinoff to catholic scandal...
I am curious of the point of your post? The events of the Catholic church are horrible. They are not defendable. But faith is not of a person. As a practicing Catholic, one who attends church every week, the goal is to live as like Jesus. One who accepted and helped all. The priests my children and I have met on a daily basis are wonderful caring men who have taught my children so much. If you believe abuse was specific to Catholic Church during the time they are describing, you are sadly misinformed. It happened sadly throughout society. Unfortunately, it is still happening. The Catholic Church has tried to make changes to make children safer.
Posted 2/21/19 11:06 PM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
While I am certainly horrified and disgusted by the acts of the organization, I am catholic, I have my faith and that is not going to change. My boys are being raised catholic.
Posted 2/22/19 12:10 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
For the life of me I can not understand how anyone can support the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and from a very early age I could see the hypocrisy in everything they teach. If you are a woman with half a brain, I am not sure how you can support the church. I know that I will get completely flamed for this and I never speak about my views in real life for that reason but COME ON!!!!! Only men can be priests? That should be your first clue. Second, priests must remain celibate? Third: natural family planning. It’s all so ridiculous. Honestly I don’t believe in any organized religion but I think they Catholic Church takes the cake on hypocrisy. Everything that has come out about the abuses that priests have committed against children and women should be enough to make you change your mind and to say there are bad apples in every profession, no. That doesn’t work. Priests should be held to the highest of standards, more than police, doctors, lawyers, ANYONE. And the fact that the whole organization covered it up for years, it’s just crazy. Okay done. Flame away. Hopefully one day everyone will wake up and shut the whole organization down.
Posted 2/22/19 1:16 AM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by lululu
For the life of me I can not understand how anyone can support the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and from a very early age I could see the hypocrisy in everything they teach. If you are a woman with half a brain, I am not sure how you can support the church. I know that I will get completely flamed for this and I never speak about my views in real life for that reason but COME ON!!!!! Only men can be priests? That should be your first clue. Second, priests must remain celibate? Third: natural family planning. It’s all so ridiculous. Honestly I don’t believe in any organized religion but I think they Catholic Church takes the cake on hypocrisy. Everything that has come out about the abuses that priests have committed against children and women should be enough to make you change your mind and to say there are bad apples in every profession, no. That doesn’t work. Priests should be held to the highest of standards, more than police, doctors, lawyers, ANYONE. And the fact that the whole organization covered it up for years, it’s just crazy. Okay done. Flame away. Hopefully one day everyone will wake up and shut the whole organization down.
The only one who needs to stay Woke is you. Anyone with half brain will know people like you are what’s wrong with this world.
My very full brain makes me have zero tolerance for ignorance and discrimination in any form.
Message edited 2/22/2019 3:26:28 AM.
Posted 2/22/19 3:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 5092 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by Sash
Posted by lululu
For the life of me I can not understand how anyone can support the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and from a very early age I could see the hypocrisy in everything they teach. If you are a woman with half a brain, I am not sure how you can support the church. I know that I will get completely flamed for this and I never speak about my views in real life for that reason but COME ON!!!!! Only men can be priests? That should be your first clue. Second, priests must remain celibate? Third: natural family planning. It’s all so ridiculous. Honestly I don’t believe in any organized religion but I think they Catholic Church takes the cake on hypocrisy. Everything that has come out about the abuses that priests have committed against children and women should be enough to make you change your mind and to say there are bad apples in every profession, no. That doesn’t work. Priests should be held to the highest of standards, more than police, doctors, lawyers, ANYONE. And the fact that the whole organization covered it up for years, it’s just crazy. Okay done. Flame away. Hopefully one day everyone will wake up and shut the whole organization down.
The only one who needs to stay Woke is you. Anyone with half brain will know people like you are what’s wrong with this world.
My very full brain makes me have zero tolerance for ignorance and discrimination in any form.
Thank you Sasha. Some people are so ignorant. People like that give women a bad name.
Posted 2/22/19 10:09 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Sorry - this is how I feel. I am not ignorant at all - I just don't believe in having blind faith in any organization the way so many people do. They church does not support gay rights, women's rights, children's rights and hasn't for years. We are just now seeing changes in the church but for me it's too late. I don't "discriminate" against anyone who still believes in the church.
Listen, I would say for me I look at supporters of the church the way a lot of people look at Trump supporters. It's people that might be willing to turn a blind eye to sexual abuse of children and women, who don't support gay rights or the rights of women. Until there are widespread, systematic changes in the church I just can't understand supporting it in any way.
Posted 2/22/19 11:34 AM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by lululu
For the life of me I can not understand how anyone can support the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and from a very early age I could see the hypocrisy in everything they teach. If you are a woman with half a brain, I am not sure how you can support the church. I know that I will get completely flamed for this and I never speak about my views in real life for that reason but COME ON!!!!! Only men can be priests? That should be your first clue. Second, priests must remain celibate? Third: natural family planning. It’s all so ridiculous. Honestly I don’t believe in any organized religion but I think they Catholic Church takes the cake on hypocrisy. Everything that has come out about the abuses that priests have committed against children and women should be enough to make you change your mind and to say there are bad apples in every profession, no. That doesn’t work. Priests should be held to the highest of standards, more than police, doctors, lawyers, ANYONE. And the fact that the whole organization covered it up for years, it’s just crazy. Okay done. Flame away. Hopefully one day everyone will wake up and shut the whole organization down.
I don't understand what you mean by hypocrisy. That's their teachings. For always. It's the interpretation of the bible. To your points, do I think the Catholic church needs to evolve? Yes, I do but that is not the teachings of the church. That isn't going to change. Over the years they have become more accepting of divorced families and LGBTQ families which I think shows progress but they are never going to overall change the way they interpret the bible. I don't agree with some of their positions but that doesn't mean I can't be a Catholic.
I also do not disagree that priests should be held to a higher standard as they are so highly regarded and protected. What the Catholic church has done to hide the sins of pedophiles cloaked in vestments is abhorrent. However, how the organization is run does not, in any way, change my beliefs or faith. Just like I also don't care for the way my political party is behaving these days either but that does not change my political beliefs.
The best part of living in this country is that you can spew your disdain for a religion all you want without fear of retribution but to essentially call women stupid for having their faith and beliefs in the Catholic church is defamatory, insulting and uncalled for.
Posted 2/22/19 11:34 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by FirstMate
Posted by lululu
For the life of me I can not understand how anyone can support the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and from a very early age I could see the hypocrisy in everything they teach. If you are a woman with half a brain, I am not sure how you can support the church. I know that I will get completely flamed for this and I never speak about my views in real life for that reason but COME ON!!!!! Only men can be priests? That should be your first clue. Second, priests must remain celibate? Third: natural family planning. It’s all so ridiculous. Honestly I don’t believe in any organized religion but I think they Catholic Church takes the cake on hypocrisy. Everything that has come out about the abuses that priests have committed against children and women should be enough to make you change your mind and to say there are bad apples in every profession, no. That doesn’t work. Priests should be held to the highest of standards, more than police, doctors, lawyers, ANYONE. And the fact that the whole organization covered it up for years, it’s just crazy. Okay done. Flame away. Hopefully one day everyone will wake up and shut the whole organization down.
I don't understand what you mean by hypocrisy. That's their teachings. For always. It's the interpretation of the bible. To your points, do I think the Catholic church needs to evolve? Yes, I do but that is not the teachings of the church. That isn't going to change. Over the years they have become more accepting of divorced families and LGBTQ families which I think shows progress but they are never going to overall change the way they interpret the bible. I don't agree with some of their positions but that doesn't mean I can't be a Catholic.
I also do not disagree that priests should be held to a higher standard as they are so highly regarded and protected. What the Catholic church has done to hide the sins of pedophiles cloaked in vestments is abhorrent. However, how the organization is run does not, in any way, change my beliefs or faith. Just like I also don't care for the way my political party is behaving these days either but that does not change my political beliefs.
The best part of living in this country is that you can spew your disdain for a religion all you want without fear of retribution but to essentially call women stupid for having their faith and beliefs in the Catholic church is defamatory, insulting and uncalled for.
To your points - I guess I can't imagine interpreting the bible in a way that makes someone feel bad about the way they were born. But yes you are right, that interpretation won't change.
Also, there is a large difference between having faith and supporting the church. I would never criticize someone for having faith but supporting an organization that is in need of such desperate reform and seems to be so slow to do so seems strange to me.
Posted 2/22/19 11:39 AM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by lululu
Posted by FirstMate
Posted by lululu
For the life of me I can not understand how anyone can support the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and from a very early age I could see the hypocrisy in everything they teach. If you are a woman with half a brain, I am not sure how you can support the church. I know that I will get completely flamed for this and I never speak about my views in real life for that reason but COME ON!!!!! Only men can be priests? That should be your first clue. Second, priests must remain celibate? Third: natural family planning. It’s all so ridiculous. Honestly I don’t believe in any organized religion but I think they Catholic Church takes the cake on hypocrisy. Everything that has come out about the abuses that priests have committed against children and women should be enough to make you change your mind and to say there are bad apples in every profession, no. That doesn’t work. Priests should be held to the highest of standards, more than police, doctors, lawyers, ANYONE. And the fact that the whole organization covered it up for years, it’s just crazy. Okay done. Flame away. Hopefully one day everyone will wake up and shut the whole organization down.
I don't understand what you mean by hypocrisy. That's their teachings. For always. It's the interpretation of the bible. To your points, do I think the Catholic church needs to evolve? Yes, I do but that is not the teachings of the church. That isn't going to change. Over the years they have become more accepting of divorced families and LGBTQ families which I think shows progress but they are never going to overall change the way they interpret the bible. I don't agree with some of their positions but that doesn't mean I can't be a Catholic.
I also do not disagree that priests should be held to a higher standard as they are so highly regarded and protected. What the Catholic church has done to hide the sins of pedophiles cloaked in vestments is abhorrent. However, how the organization is run does not, in any way, change my beliefs or faith. Just like I also don't care for the way my political party is behaving these days either but that does not change my political beliefs.
The best part of living in this country is that you can spew your disdain for a religion all you want without fear of retribution but to essentially call women stupid for having their faith and beliefs in the Catholic church is defamatory, insulting and uncalled for.
To your points - I guess I can't imagine interpreting the bible in a way that makes someone feel bad about the way they were born. But yes you are right, that interpretation won't change.
Also, there is a large difference between having faith and supporting the church. I would never criticize someone for having faith but supporting an organization that is in need of such desperate reform and seems to be so slow to do so seems strange to me.
I see what you are saying now. It's a complex issue. It's hard to boycott or protest any religion really when you are trying to raise your kids in that faith. Hopefully, as the younger generation of leaders come into leadership positions, they will be more in touch and more progressive with change.
Posted 2/22/19 12:10 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by lululu
Sorry - this is how I feel. I am not ignorant at all - I just don't believe in having blind faith in any organization the way so many people do. They church does not support gay rights, women's rights, children's rights and hasn't for years. We are just now seeing changes in the church but for me it's too late. I don't "discriminate" against anyone who still believes in the church.
Listen, I would say for me I look at supporters of the church the way a lot of people look at Trump supporters. It's people that might be willing to turn a blind eye to sexual abuse of children and women, who don't support gay rights or the rights of women. Until there are widespread, systematic changes in the church I just can't understand supporting it in any way.
You surely don't have to apologize, I really don't care who you are. Of course you don't think you are ignorant in the same a person won't think they are racist.
Your comments were ignorant, no matter how you try to debate around it.
Posted 2/22/19 1:15 PM |
Baby #2 debuts in March 2016!

Member since 9/09 1977 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by JandJ1224
We were both raised catholic. Were married in the church. Our younger daughter made communion last year. As of now we are probably going to stay the course through confirmation although I am not actively involved in my parish
My kids are 3 and 5. They will do the same rites as myself and DH and then when they are older, they can do what the want with it.
Posted 2/22/19 1:17 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by Sash
Posted by lululu
Sorry - this is how I feel. I am not ignorant at all - I just don't believe in having blind faith in any organization the way so many people do. They church does not support gay rights, women's rights, children's rights and hasn't for years. We are just now seeing changes in the church but for me it's too late. I don't "discriminate" against anyone who still believes in the church.
Listen, I would say for me I look at supporters of the church the way a lot of people look at Trump supporters. It's people that might be willing to turn a blind eye to sexual abuse of children and women, who don't support gay rights or the rights of women. Until there are widespread, systematic changes in the church I just can't understand supporting it in any way.
You surely don't have to apologize, I really don't care who you are. Of course you don't think you are ignorant in the same a person won't think they are racist.
Your comments were ignorant, no matter how you try to debate around it.
I don’t want to debate with you about this but look up the definition of ignorant. It does not apply to me and you don’t know me so you can’t say that I am “ignorant.” I have studied advanced theology and I am Jesuit educated. I am well versed in all matters related to the church and my opinions are based on this knowledge. Someone who has blind faith in an organization that has committed such atrocities is ignorant. And I am not saying that everyone who supports the church is ignorant, but in my experience many are.
What’s amazing to me is that people on here can crucify trump for things that he has said and done in the past, yet you can still support an organization that systematically covered up sexual abuse against children on the most wide spread level in history. In just an amazing hypocrisy if you ask me. I just don’t think you can have it both ways. You can’t be pro women’s rights, pro LGBT rights, anti abuse against children, etc etc etc and still support the church the way it is now. You can have faith in Jesus and his teachings but to support the church is another thing entirely.
Posted 2/22/19 11:59 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Spinoff to catholic scandal...
Posted by lululu
Posted by Sash
Posted by lululu
Sorry - this is how I feel. I am not ignorant at all - I just don't believe in having blind faith in any organization the way so many people do. They church does not support gay rights, women's rights, children's rights and hasn't for years. We are just now seeing changes in the church but for me it's too late. I don't "discriminate" against anyone who still believes in the church.
Listen, I would say for me I look at supporters of the church the way a lot of people look at Trump supporters. It's people that might be willing to turn a blind eye to sexual abuse of children and women, who don't support gay rights or the rights of women. Until there are widespread, systematic changes in the church I just can't understand supporting it in any way.
You surely don't have to apologize, I really don't care who you are. Of course you don't think you are ignorant in the same a person won't think they are racist.
Your comments were ignorant, no matter how you try to debate around it.
I don’t want to debate with you about this but look up the definition of ignorant. It does not apply to me and you don’t know me so you can’t say that I am “ignorant.” I have studied advanced theology and I am Jesuit educated. I am well versed in all matters related to the church and my opinions are based on this knowledge. Someone who has blind faith in an organization that has committed such atrocities is ignorant. And I am not saying that everyone who supports the church is ignorant, but in my experience many are.
What’s amazing to me is that people on here can crucify trump for things that he has said and done in the past, yet you can still support an organization that systematically covered up sexual abuse against children on the most wide spread level in history. In just an amazing hypocrisy if you ask me. I just don’t think you can have it both ways. You can’t be pro women’s rights, pro LGBT rights, anti abuse against children, etc etc etc and still support the church the way it is now. You can have faith in Jesus and his teachings but to support the church is another thing entirely.
Oh my goodness.... let me spell it out for you:
IGNORANCE: lacking knowledge or general awareness.
YOUR STATEMENT: You can’t be pro women’s rights, pro LGBT rights, anti abuse against children, etc etc etc and still support the church the way it is now.
You can be, because I am one who is said person. Because the catholic faith has many followers who do believe in all the rights you stated above. NOT ALL but they do exist. Like I said twice already, even my sons gay principal supports the church. So clearly you lack the knowledge and hence you are ignorant because you are putting all Catholics in the same narrow minded category. Whether you want to believe it or not your statements are ignorant and harsh.
Idk what trump has to do with this, but this is what people do now a days to prove a point, bring up unrelated cases or memes that are unfactual propaganda. At this point I’m also done and said what I had to say on this.
Message edited 2/23/2019 12:28:46 AM.
Posted 2/23/19 12:27 AM |
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