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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Texas

To be honest, I find the whole topic so interesting because I think that most people now see this as a women's issue and taking away abortion rights as a step back in women's rights. The actual fetus being a life or not a life is no longer even an issue and I think that's because with modern technology and SCIENCE, we know that it is not just a ball of cells. In fact, it looks pretty damn close to a human at a very early point in the pregnancy.

So, when we look at it as a women's issue, because after all we are the one's forced to carry the pregnancy to term if we are unable to secure a safe and legal abortion, we assume that is man's way of controlling our bodies and forcing us to have an unwanted child. However, the baby in question is typically put there by accident. Very few abortions are the result of rape or incest (less than 1%). So, technically we accidentally end up in a situation we don't want to be in and we don't want to host that fetus for 9 months in OUR BODIES so we should be able to safely and legally terminate it.

However, my question is this. If we as women can legally terminate our pregnancies, how come if we decide to have that baby, the man is responsible for that child? How come he can't decide at say, the 8 week pregnancy mark, that he wants an abortion? I am genuinely curious. Where are his rights? Most time I ask this question the response is that he should keep his d*ck in his pants, but couldn't the same be said about a woman seeking an abortion?

Anyway, it's a topic that truly fascinates me. Ultimately I am pro choice because as a society I do think that we need safe and legal abortions but personally I have to say it makes me sick. I can't even stomach accidentally running over a squirrel or killing most bugs so I guess that's just me. But I don't presume to put my beliefs on anyone else.

Sorry - I know this thread was actually meant to just trash Texas and all the morons that live there. I know we aren't actually supposed to talk about the topic.....

Posted 9/8/21 7:35 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

I agree.

Also, abortion has gone from “safe, legal and rare” to “I’m not putting hormones in my body and I’m allergic to condoms.” It has literally become a form of birth control.
The stats provided for rape and incest are an extraordinarily small part of the picture used to deter people from the truth.

I agree. With modern technology, sonograms, etc its crazy how people think something with a heartbeat and limbs is just a bunch of cells. Any mom who has heard and seen her babies heartbeat would debate otherwise.

Also its 2021 not 1975. The way our country and our world in general as a whole approaches sex ivastly different then it did 40-50 years ago when Roe vs. Wade was implemented. Sex education is freely taught in our schools, communities. There are a shitt ton of cheap and free birth control options out there, condoms, pills, morning after pill, etc. etc. Abortion should not be a form of birth one should rely on a traumatic medical procedure as part of your sex life.

And yes the stats for rape and incest are a tiny portion of abortion cases so that argument really doesn't fly either.

Post abortion depression and guilt is also very real. I know people who had abortions 20+ years ago that still feel guilt to this very day.

IDK I think abortion is a traumatic event and I really don't get why people celebrate lax abortion laws. I don't think there is anything empowering about a woman getting an abortion and I don't believe most women doing so feel empowered either.

This is not to shame anyone who has had an abortion but maybe it's time for us to change our mindset around this issue especially considering all the resources available for birth control.

FTR: a bunch of states have laws on gestational limits in regards to abortion, all Texas did was lower the limit to before a heartbeat can be detected. I'm not sure why this surprises anyone considering it's Texas.

Message edited 9/8/2021 8:06:24 PM.

Posted 9/8/21 7:51 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Texas

Ok so I do not support this law and while I do feel a fetus is a person, I am pro choice. That being said, this is why it is so important to fight for bodily autonomy and not allow the government to own your body. You cannot cheer for and applaud vaccine mandates and then in the next breath trash this Texas law. Either the government owns your body or they don’t. You may or may not think a fetus is a human life but I am definitely sure that actual people walking around ARE human lives and forcing people to take an injection of lord knows what may harm or kill them. And YES it is FORCING. Telling people “you arent forced to take it, just find a new job or just homeschool” etc. makes as much sense as saying “you arent forced to carry a pregnancy, just dont have sex!”. I know this thread is about the Texas law and not vaccines but I do think the point needs to be made that if you agree to give up your rights to your own body (you must vaccinate) then it could lead to a slippery slope (you must have a baby).

Posted 9/8/21 8:00 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Texas

Posted by ChilisWife

Ok so I do not support this law and while I do feel a fetus is a person, I am pro choice. That being said, this is why it is so important to fight for bodily autonomy and not allow the government to own your body. You cannot cheer for and applaud vaccine mandates and then in the next breath trash this Texas law. Either the government owns your body or they don’t. You may or may not think a fetus is a human life but I am definitely sure that actual people walking around ARE human lives and forcing people to take an injection of lord knows what may harm or kill them. And YES it is FORCING. Telling people “you arent forced to take it, just find a new job or just homeschool” etc. makes as much sense as saying “you arent forced to carry a pregnancy, just dont have sex!”. I know this thread is about the Texas law and not vaccines but I do think the point needs to be made that if you agree to give up your rights to your own body (you must vaccinate) then it could lead to a slippery slope (you must have a baby).

Chat Icon

Very well said.
And I am very pro choice.
For everything. Choice being the key word

Message edited 9/8/2021 8:20:57 PM.

Posted 9/8/21 8:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Texas

Message edited 9/8/2021 9:13:42 PM.

Posted 9/8/21 9:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by jellybean78

I agree.

Also, abortion has gone from “safe, legal and rare” to “I’m not putting hormones in my body and I’m allergic to condoms.” It has literally become a form of birth control.
The stats provided for rape and incest are an extraordinarily small part of the picture used to deter people from the truth.

I agree. With modern technology, sonograms, etc its crazy how people think something with a heartbeat and limbs is just a bunch of cells. Any mom who has heard and seen her babies heartbeat would debate otherwise.

Also its 2021 not 1975. The way our country and our world in general as a whole approaches sex ivastly different then it did 40-50 years ago when Roe vs. Wade was implemented. Sex education is freely taught in our schools, communities. There are a shitt ton of cheap and free birth control options out there, condoms, pills, morning after pill, etc. etc. Abortion should not be a form of birth one should rely on a traumatic medical procedure as part of your sex life.

And yes the stats for rape and incest are a tiny portion of abortion cases so that argument really doesn't fly either.

Post abortion depression and guilt is also very real. I know people who had abortions 20+ years ago that still feel guilt to this very day.

IDK I think abortion is a traumatic event and I really don't get why people celebrate lax abortion laws. I don't think there is anything empowering about a woman getting an abortion and I don't believe most women doing so feel empowered either.

This is not to shame anyone who has had an abortion but maybe it's time for us to change our mindset around this issue especially considering all the resources available for birth control.

FTR: a bunch of states have laws on gestational limits in regards to abortion, all Texas did was lower the limit to before a heartbeat can be detected. I'm not sure why this surprises anyone considering it's Texas.

Many very good points.

Message edited 9/8/2021 9:16:41 PM.

Posted 9/8/21 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by klingklang77

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate,

Good call.

Multiple falsehoods from the pro birthers on here.

Abortion as "birth control" is not a thing. That's absurd.

Literally no one says "I don't feel like going on the pill/using a condom/getting my tubes tied so I'll just have an abortion."

Like minded people: I strongly recommend you not engage with people who wish to debate your right to control your own bodily autonomy and destiny. It's not up for debate.

I urge everyone to donate to PP if they have a little extra money right now because they have a big fight ahead of them so they can fight this law and others like it in the pipeline and continue to provide care for women.

Posted 9/8/21 9:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate,

Good call.

Multiple falsehoods from the pro birthers on here.

Abortion as "birth control" is not a thing. That's absurd.

Literally no one says "I don't feel like going on the pill/using a condom/getting my tubes tied so I'll just have an abortion."

Like minded people: I strongly recommend you not engage with people who wish to debate your right to control your own bodily autonomy and destiny. It's not up for debate.

I urge everyone to donate to PP if they have a little extra money right now because they have a big fight ahead of them so they can fight this law and others like it in the pipeline and continue to provide care for women.

Sorry-but of course it’s “a thing”. Maybe not EVERYONE but the mentality exists. Why do dismissive? I was just telling DH about a friend I had in college who wouldn’t go on bc because it gave her damn pimples. She had 4 abortions ( that i know of).

Message edited 9/8/2021 9:37:35 PM.

Posted 9/8/21 9:36 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate,

Good call.

Multiple falsehoods from the pro birthers on here.

Abortion as "birth control" is not a thing. That's absurd.

Literally no one says "I don't feel like going on the pill/using a condom/getting my tubes tied so I'll just have an abortion."

Like minded people: I strongly recommend you not engage with people who wish to debate your right to control your own bodily autonomy and destiny. It's not up for debate.

I urge everyone to donate to PP if they have a little extra money right now because they have a big fight ahead of them so they can fight this law and others like it in the pipeline and continue to provide care for women.

Oh it's absolutely a "thing". Don't be so naive to think otherwise. If abortion was no longer an option I'm sure that those people who throw caution to the wind would think twice before throwing their caution...

Posted 9/8/21 9:49 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts



I am very much against the vaccine mandate, and I also think the amount of people who seem ok with this law in Texas is highly disturbing. So, what happens when women are forced to have babies they can't take care of? Because the same people who are pro life also don't want to take care of the child once it's born. The life of the fetus is more important than the life of a child outside the womb. That to me is absurd. The minute anyone talks about universal healthcare, WIC, or other programs meant to help single parents and their children, it's always the same response. "Who is paying for all of this, nobody wants their taxes to go up, people need to pick themselves up and work hard. My mother had 200 children and worked 500 jobs because she wasn't a lazy millennial." But yes- protect the life of the fetus at all costs, even if it means that child is raised in poverty or abuse.

Posted 9/8/21 10:01 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by ChilisWife

Ok so I do not support this law and while I do feel a fetus is a person, I am pro choice. That being said, this is why it is so important to fight for bodily autonomy and not allow the government to own your body. You cannot cheer for and applaud vaccine mandates and then in the next breath trash this Texas law. Either the government owns your body or they don’t. You may or may not think a fetus is a human life but I am definitely sure that actual people walking around ARE human lives and forcing people to take an injection of lord knows what may harm or kill them. And YES it is FORCING. Telling people “you arent forced to take it, just find a new job or just homeschool” etc. makes as much sense as saying “you arent forced to carry a pregnancy, just dont have sex!”. I know this thread is about the Texas law and not vaccines but I do think the point needs to be made that if you agree to give up your rights to your own body (you must vaccinate) then it could lead to a slippery slope (you must have a baby).

Chat Icon

Very well said.
And I am very pro choice.
For everything. Choice being the key word

100% agree. Choice is the key word.

Posted 9/8/21 10:13 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by lululu

To be honest, I find the whole topic so interesting because I think that most people now see this as a women's issue and taking away abortion rights as a step back in women's rights. The actual fetus being a life or not a life is no longer even an issue and I think that's because with modern technology and SCIENCE, we know that it is not just a ball of cells. In fact, it looks pretty damn close to a human at a very early point in the pregnancy.

So, when we look at it as a women's issue, because after all we are the one's forced to carry the pregnancy to term if we are unable to secure a safe and legal abortion, we assume that is man's way of controlling our bodies and forcing us to have an unwanted child. However, the baby in question is typically put there by accident. Very few abortions are the result of rape or incest (less than 1%). So, technically we accidentally end up in a situation we don't want to be in and we don't want to host that fetus for 9 months in OUR BODIES so we should be able to safely and legally terminate it.

However, my question is this. If we as women can legally terminate our pregnancies, how come if we decide to have that baby, the man is responsible for that child? How come he can't decide at say, the 8 week pregnancy mark, that he wants an abortion? I am genuinely curious. Where are his rights? Most time I ask this question the response is that he should keep his d*ck in his pants, but couldn't the same be said about a woman seeking an abortion?

Anyway, it's a topic that truly fascinates me. Ultimately I am pro choice because as a society I do think that we need safe and legal abortions but personally I have to say it makes me sick. I can't even stomach accidentally running over a squirrel or killing most bugs so I guess that's just me. But I don't presume to put my beliefs on anyone else.

Sorry - I know this thread was actually meant to just trash Texas and all the morons that live there. I know we aren't actually supposed to talk about the topic.....

Very good points! I did not know abortions due to rape and incest were that low considering u hear those reasons all the time!

Posted 9/8/21 10:38 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by ChilisWife

Ok so I do not support this law and while I do feel a fetus is a person, I am pro choice. That being said, this is why it is so important to fight for bodily autonomy and not allow the government to own your body. You cannot cheer for and applaud vaccine mandates and then in the next breath trash this Texas law. Either the government owns your body or they don’t. You may or may not think a fetus is a human life but I am definitely sure that actual people walking around ARE human lives and forcing people to take an injection of lord knows what may harm or kill them. And YES it is FORCING. Telling people “you arent forced to take it, just find a new job or just homeschool” etc. makes as much sense as saying “you arent forced to carry a pregnancy, just dont have sex!”. I know this thread is about the Texas law and not vaccines but I do think the point needs to be made that if you agree to give up your rights to your own body (you must vaccinate) then it could lead to a slippery slope (you must have a baby).

Chat Icon

Very well said.
And I am very pro choice.
For everything. Choice being the key word

100% agree. Choice is the key word.

Could not agree more. U can’t pick and choose when to proclaim bodily rights and when not. It’s not about convenience.

Posted 9/8/21 10:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts



I can’t with the whole thing about rape resulting in pregnancy being really low. Once is more than enough.

Posted 9/8/21 11:47 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Texas

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Message edited 9/9/2021 4:43:48 AM.

Posted 9/9/21 4:21 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/21

302 total posts



I don’t like everything about this. There should always be exceptions.

Posted 9/9/21 9:20 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by BFNY516

I can’t with the whole thing about rape resulting in pregnancy being really low. Once is more than enough.

It also assumes that all rapes and incests are reported which they are not. We all know that they are grossly under reported.

Posted 9/9/21 9:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Never suggested you were, just pointing out that you sound extremely ignorant when referring to a fetus as a "ball of cells." Educate yourself.

Not sure why you think I would want to be involved in your sex life. Where on earth did that come? Where did anything I write imply that I thought I was involved in your sex life? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/21 10:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by JennP

Posted by klingklang77

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate,

Good call.

Multiple falsehoods from the pro birthers on here.

Abortion as "birth control" is not a thing. That's absurd.

Literally no one says "I don't feel like going on the pill/using a condom/getting my tubes tied so I'll just have an abortion."

Like minded people: I strongly recommend you not engage with people who wish to debate your right to control your own bodily autonomy and destiny. It's not up for debate.

I urge everyone to donate to PP if they have a little extra money right now because they have a big fight ahead of them so they can fight this law and others like it in the pipeline and continue to provide care for women.

Abortion can not technically be used as birth control because birth control is a contraceptive that prevents conception and abortion is something that ends pregnancy. But to think that there are people that do not think twice about utilizing abortion to end pregnancy because they failed to use contraception is silly. There are plenty of people, and I know some of them, who do not think twice about needing an abortion. I owned a store and had many young girls working for me who spoke of their multiple abortions without a care in the world. In fact, one told me she needed off that friday because that's when her abortion was scheduled. She had no idea who the father of the baby even was. I would have preferred she just told me she had a doctor's appointment. I don't know what world you live in, but it's not the same as the one I live in. And still I am absolutely pro choice because I can not even imagine if these going-no-where losers were forced to carry these pregnancies to term and then take care of these children. I think it's an unfortunate, but very necessary part of our society.

Message edited 9/9/2021 10:35:42 AM.

Posted 9/9/21 10:35 AM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Texas

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Never suggested you were, just pointing out that you sound extremely ignorant when referring to a fetus as a "ball of cells." Educate yourself.

Not sure why you think I would want to be involved in your sex life. Where on earth did that come? Where did anything I write imply that I thought I was involved in your sex life? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I wrote viable in my original comment. I also wrote that I am not getting into a pro-life/choice debate. But instead you insist on pushing the matter.

A definition: “Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it.”

If you want to get into whether it is a hollow ball of cells or whatever, then fine. Everything is a ball of cells. It doesn’t make it viable.

You commented that I seem to not have an idea because I do not “have children” or have not had fertility treatments. You know nothing about my medical history. Nothing.

Go debate from one of your numerous holiday homes.

Posted 9/9/21 10:43 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Texas

I might be late to the game but has anyone spoken about adoption? There is always that option in life and not just keeping the baby or having an abortion.

Posted 9/9/21 10:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Never suggested you were, just pointing out that you sound extremely ignorant when referring to a fetus as a "ball of cells." Educate yourself.

Not sure why you think I would want to be involved in your sex life. Where on earth did that come? Where did anything I write imply that I thought I was involved in your sex life? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I wrote viable in my original comment. I also wrote that I am not getting into a pro-life/choice debate. But instead you insist on pushing the matter.

A definition: “Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it.”

If you want to get into whether it is a hollow ball of cells or whatever, then fine. Everything is a ball of cells. It doesn’t make it viable.

You commented that I seem to not have an idea because I do not “have children” or have not had fertility treatments. You know nothing about my medical history. Nothing.

Go debate from one of your numerous holiday homes.

I don't think most people know they are pregnant though when they are just a "ball of cells". By the time you find out, you can hear a heartbeat and can see the baby.
I think it is the way you come about explaining it that makes it sound very cold.

Are we all only allowed to have 1 home in life? Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/21 10:55 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Texas

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Never suggested you were, just pointing out that you sound extremely ignorant when referring to a fetus as a "ball of cells." Educate yourself.

Not sure why you think I would want to be involved in your sex life. Where on earth did that come? Where did anything I write imply that I thought I was involved in your sex life? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I wrote viable in my original comment. I also wrote that I am not getting into a pro-life/choice debate. But instead you insist on pushing the matter.

A definition: “Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it.”

If you want to get into whether it is a hollow ball of cells or whatever, then fine. Everything is a ball of cells. It doesn’t make it viable.

You commented that I seem to not have an idea because I do not “have children” or have not had fertility treatments. You know nothing about my medical history. Nothing.

Go debate from one of your numerous holiday homes.

I don't think most people know they are pregnant though when they are just a "ball of cells". By the time you find out, you can hear a heartbeat and can see the baby.
I think it is the way you come about explaining it that makes it sound very cold.

Are we all only allowed to have 1 home in life? Chat Icon

What I didn't realize until I got pregnant was how the dating worked.
Like the day you conceive you are considered 2 weeks pregnant.
The day you miss your period you are already 4 weeks along.
I kept arguing with the doctor about when I should be due. I was like- I KNOW THE EXACT DAY I CONCEIVED.
He laughed at me. LOL

Posted 9/9/21 10:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Never suggested you were, just pointing out that you sound extremely ignorant when referring to a fetus as a "ball of cells." Educate yourself.

Not sure why you think I would want to be involved in your sex life. Where on earth did that come? Where did anything I write imply that I thought I was involved in your sex life? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I wrote viable in my original comment. I also wrote that I am not getting into a pro-life/choice debate. But instead you insist on pushing the matter.

A definition: “Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it.”

If you want to get into whether it is a hollow ball of cells or whatever, then fine. Everything is a ball of cells. It doesn’t make it viable.

You commented that I seem to not have an idea because I do not “have children” or have not had fertility treatments. You know nothing about my medical history. Nothing.

Go debate from one of your numerous holiday homes.

I know based on things you have posted here that you have never had children. It's come up many many times. And again, perhaps in the first couple of weeks it is a ball of cells but after that it is not. you don't get an abortion within 3 weeks of conception typically. By the time you find our you are pregnant you are almost out of the stage where it is a ball of cells. I am not debating sh*t with you. It's not a debate, it's a fact.

Ha! love the holiday home comment! lol

Posted 9/9/21 11:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Texas

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by lululu

Posted by blu6385

Posted by KarenK122

Every day this country is becoming more like Gilead. Blessed be the Fruit.

It is just disgraceful.

It really is. I now heard other states are looking to pass the same bill. WTF is going on.

I really hope everyone who is saying their rights are being taken away regarding covid are just as pissed about this. Cause this bill is out of control!

On the flip side, anybody who is upset about this should be just as upset about vaccine mandates.

I don’t think you can compare the two exactly. I think people’s views on when life begins play into that.

This is something I have always found interesting. It is fine to say that safe and accessible abortions might be necessary to our society, but I think it's strange to say that life doesn't begin at conception with all we know now through science. Obviously the life of the fetus depends on the life of the mother as well, but the fetus is clearly a living thing. Women's rights and the right to not want to host that life in your body is a different argument. So my point is, if it is against my rights to not want to have a fetus in body (one which by the way I most likely played a part in putting there in the first place) then certainly it is within my rights to not have to put a vaccine in my body.

I’m not really interested in a pro-life/choice debate, and I get what you are saying.

Deciding in what is viable is the issue of concern. It is within my rights to decide what is done with my body with regards to public health. If something is in my body (to me a ball of cells) that I do not want, it affects no one. If if I decide not to get a vaccine, then that affects public health to some degree (viral load, the public health Systeme, etc.).

And from there, I see a difference.

If you do any research you will see that even at the 6 week mark, a fetus is not just a ball of cells. I understand that you have never had children or undergone fertility treatments so perhaps that is what gives you the impression that it is just a ball of cells but I can assure you past the first few of weeks it is actually much more than that. I am just speaking scientifically. Once it moves past the blastocyst stage it's really no longer a "ball of cells" and that occurs at around 3 weeks after fertilization.

As for the public health issue - I think that you can go so far as to require people to wear masks, require people to quarantine and require people to test for diseases however I do not believe that people should be forced to inject something into their body that they are not comfortable with because of a public health issue.

Like I said, I’m not getting into the pro-life/choice debate with you. I am well aware of how things work and don’t need a biology lesson from you. And last I checked you weren’t involved in my sex life and aren’t my OB/GYN. Chat Icon

Never suggested you were, just pointing out that you sound extremely ignorant when referring to a fetus as a "ball of cells." Educate yourself.

Not sure why you think I would want to be involved in your sex life. Where on earth did that come? Where did anything I write imply that I thought I was involved in your sex life? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I wrote viable in my original comment. I also wrote that I am not getting into a pro-life/choice debate. But instead you insist on pushing the matter.

A definition: “Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it.”

If you want to get into whether it is a hollow ball of cells or whatever, then fine. Everything is a ball of cells. It doesn’t make it viable.

You commented that I seem to not have an idea because I do not “have children” or have not had fertility treatments. You know nothing about my medical history. Nothing.

Go debate from one of your numerous holiday homes.

I don't think most people know they are pregnant though when they are just a "ball of cells". By the time you find out, you can hear a heartbeat and can see the baby.
I think it is the way you come about explaining it that makes it sound very cold.

Are we all only allowed to have 1 home in life? Chat Icon

What I didn't realize until I got pregnant was how the dating worked.
Like the day you conceive you are considered 2 weeks pregnant.
The day you miss your period you are already 4 weeks along.
I kept arguing with the doctor about when I should be due. I was like- I KNOW THE EXACT DAY I CONCEIVED.
He laughed at me. LOL

Yup Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/21 11:06 AM
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