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My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
Posted 2/5/14 9:24 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by MsSissy
Posted by Jacksmommy
The reality is also that for every butt that is in attendance a school gets money for from the state, hence why they take such accurate attendance. Even if half of the students are in they are making money rather than losing all that money. A big entity like nyc has a lot more to lose from the state than a small district on li.
I absolutely think this is why schools do not close. And why they only allow 2-3 snow days a year.
This is exactly it. Greed! I really doubt the city cares about helping working parents all that much.
Posted 2/5/14 9:25 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
You what I don't get about this can anyone argue the NYDOE made a poor decision today??? Even the news media outlets felt they were wrong.
Whether or not you believe in school closings or if the weather is "that bad" today the fact is the ENTIRE tri-state area closed schools. There HAS to be a reason why EVERY school closed today and the fact that the NYCDOE did NOT, just shows the complete lack of regard they have for not just the teachers who have to make their way to school but the safety of EVERY student who is standing outside waiting for public transportation in icy rain or the kids slipping and sliding on icy, dangerous roads trying to walk to school.
To me, closing today was a no brainer for the NYCDOE..............EVERYONE else did. Unless they have some special, different weather pattern in the city than the rest of us then they should've closed too.
Well…I agree with you on many aspects. However, my DH just went to work and made it there fine, said roads were just slushy and in almost half the time he usually does. His commute which is normally about 55 mins from Suffolk was almost 33 mins. I have to say, I did question upon hearing that if our district really needed to close today. However, I really don't care b/c it didn't effect me since I stay home with DD and we don't have any issues because of that. But I can see it upsetting some people who are greatly inconvenienced by snow days that aren't fully warranted.
However the reality is districts in LI rather play it safe than sorry and I think that's the reality, but sure, people get in a tizzy when they need to find babysitters, etc. I can't blame them either.
I can totally see both sides.
Message edited 2/5/2014 9:27:44 AM.
Posted 2/5/14 9:26 AM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by MsSissy
Posted by Jacksmommy
The reality is also that for every butt that is in attendance a school gets money for from the state, hence why they take such accurate attendance. Even if half of the students are in they are making money rather than losing all that money. A big entity like nyc has a lot more to lose from the state than a small district on li.
I absolutely think this is why schools do not close. And why they only allow 2-3 snow days a year.
They only allow 2 or 3 snow days because they have to legally have 180 days. Some school districts allow extra days and if they work a few more not a big deal. Not all. In light of the past few years maybe schools need to rework their contracts and add more contingency days. It's a problem when they have to add days to the calendar ie Sandy.
Posted 2/5/14 9:26 AM |
My family is complete
Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
The attitudes on this post disgust me.
Posted 2/5/14 9:27 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/05 3715 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Posted 2/5/14 9:28 AM |
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Goobster
Posted by MrsDamonSalv7319
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by olive98
Posted by BargainMama
Where do they get substitute teachers in instances like this? Do they even have enough to fill the classrooms? It's obviously a safety issue to get the staff there. But, I read they don't close often because many of the children depend on the hot meals and supervision that they receive in school that they wouldn't otherwise receive at home.
Yes this is what I heard as well. I know when I was a kid we all walked to school. It's wasn't far at all. Most kids came in early for breakfast. Most parents worked. Where would these kids go if the schools closed. Most parents couldn't just take off of work. Growing up snow wasn't a big deal. We just walked slower lol.
A LOT of city teachers live on LI and it's a hazard trying to get in to school when the weather is this bad. The roads are AWFUL today.
I use to commute from Stony Brook to Queens when I was teaching and I would always call out on these types of days. There wasn't even a point trying to get out there, it would've taken me HOURS only to be at work for hardly any time at all and then turn around and come home.
Aside from that, if you do make it in on days like this you do NOTHING all day because most of the staff is out and many of the kids stay home. There also isn't enough staff for the kids that are left so they end combining classes and you sit around playing games and watching movies all day. You can't teach when you have a mix of grade levels in your room which happens a lot on these days.
As for working parents, their kids are ultimately the parents problem........NOT the schools. If you have kids you HAVE to have provisions in place for when schools close, your kid is sick, etc. etc. Schools need to make a closing decision based on safety for all, not based on who needs babysitting that day.
The NYCDOE is the most mismanaged, poorly run, piece of shit school system on earth. In the case of today, it's shameful that they expect teachers and students to report to school when EVERYONE in the tri state area is closed. Greedy idiots. I feel bad for the teachers in the city today, they should be home safe and sound and NOT on the roads putting themselves in danger to babysit today. Ridiculous!
A huge number of NYC teachers live on LI...not just a few who choose to live so far away. Certain professions have to get to work, cops, firefighters, EMS, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. But teachers are not, IMO, one of the professions that must get in. They should be off the roads so it's easier for the people who really must get to work to get there. (And I used to teach, and have a family full of teachers, I don't mean this in a negative way toward teachers, at all!)
This brings us back to the babysitter topic….some do need to get in, to babysit the children of those who have no choice but to send their children on a day like today where the school is still open.
But you could make the same argument for the all city teachers that live on LI and have to find arrangements for THEIR kids bc their own school districts closed. They can never make everyone happy, so their decision should be based on safety for everyone overall, NOT who can afford a babysitter and who can't!!
Posted 2/5/14 9:28 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers CAN take personal days. WHY do you think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
ETA - Technically the days are from your "sick bank". When I was teaching you earned one a month. I would just call out and use up a sick day if I couldn't get out there due to inclement weather.
Message edited 2/5/2014 9:33:35 AM.
Posted 2/5/14 9:31 AM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
I already answered this. I am a teacher and do not get personal days.
Posted 2/5/14 9:31 AM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers can take personal days. WHY do think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
Most teachers call in sick.
Posted 2/5/14 9:32 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by MrsDamonSalv7319
Posted by Goobster
Posted by MrsDamonSalv7319
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by olive98
Posted by BargainMama
Where do they get substitute teachers in instances like this? Do they even have enough to fill the classrooms? It's obviously a safety issue to get the staff there. But, I read they don't close often because many of the children depend on the hot meals and supervision that they receive in school that they wouldn't otherwise receive at home.
Yes this is what I heard as well. I know when I was a kid we all walked to school. It's wasn't far at all. Most kids came in early for breakfast. Most parents worked. Where would these kids go if the schools closed. Most parents couldn't just take off of work. Growing up snow wasn't a big deal. We just walked slower lol.
A LOT of city teachers live on LI and it's a hazard trying to get in to school when the weather is this bad. The roads are AWFUL today.
I use to commute from Stony Brook to Queens when I was teaching and I would always call out on these types of days. There wasn't even a point trying to get out there, it would've taken me HOURS only to be at work for hardly any time at all and then turn around and come home.
Aside from that, if you do make it in on days like this you do NOTHING all day because most of the staff is out and many of the kids stay home. There also isn't enough staff for the kids that are left so they end combining classes and you sit around playing games and watching movies all day. You can't teach when you have a mix of grade levels in your room which happens a lot on these days.
As for working parents, their kids are ultimately the parents problem........NOT the schools. If you have kids you HAVE to have provisions in place for when schools close, your kid is sick, etc. etc. Schools need to make a closing decision based on safety for all, not based on who needs babysitting that day.
The NYCDOE is the most mismanaged, poorly run, piece of shit school system on earth. In the case of today, it's shameful that they expect teachers and students to report to school when EVERYONE in the tri state area is closed. Greedy idiots. I feel bad for the teachers in the city today, they should be home safe and sound and NOT on the roads putting themselves in danger to babysit today. Ridiculous!
A huge number of NYC teachers live on LI...not just a few who choose to live so far away. Certain professions have to get to work, cops, firefighters, EMS, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. But teachers are not, IMO, one of the professions that must get in. They should be off the roads so it's easier for the people who really must get to work to get there. (And I used to teach, and have a family full of teachers, I don't mean this in a negative way toward teachers, at all!)
This brings us back to the babysitter topic….some do need to get in, to babysit the children of those who have no choice but to send their children on a day like today where the school is still open.
But you could make the same argument for the all city teachers that live on LI and have to find arrangements for THEIR kids bc their own school districts closed. They can never make everyone happy, so their decision should be based on safety for everyone overall, NOT who can afford a babysitter and who can't!!
Unfortunately though, when you are a teacher and you work in a different district than you reside, this is the spot you are in. Not every day off will coincide and it is what it is. NYC schools just really do not and historically never have closed easily.
Posted 2/5/14 9:33 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers can take personal days. WHY do think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
Most teachers call in sick.
I know, I edited my post. I took from my sick bank when I called out.
Posted 2/5/14 9:34 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers CAN take personal days. WHY do you think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
ETA - Technically the days are from your "sick bank". When I was teaching you earned one a month. I would just call out and use up a sick day if I couldn't get out there due to inclement weather.
And lets add in that most principals get PISSED when you don't come in, b/c they get frustrated that they are short staffed and its a mess of a day for them to organize and plan out.
Posted 2/5/14 9:35 AM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Jacksmommy While there are lots of jobs that still go on, there are lots of jobs that close as well. There is a majority of teachers on this site so you are going to hear complaining. Why does it matter so much if people complain? Everyone has a right to complain about their jobs!
The difference is that sometimes these threads make it seem like the people are taking personal offense that schools are open. Most businesses (and I'd venture to say schools) ARE OPEN TODAY. As others have said, those of us who aren't teachers understand that our companies have to make money in order to keep us employed - and to make money, we need to actually work. Schools are also a business, so they need to continue going, even when it's not optimal.
Posted by Hofstra26
Whether or not you believe in school closings or if the weather is "that bad" today the fact is the ENTIRE tri-state area closed schools.
To me, closing today was a no brainer for the NYCDOE..............EVERYONE else did. Unless they have some special, different weather pattern in the city than the rest of us then they should've closed too.
Not sure what site you check your school closings on, but if you look on News12 you can see that the majority of schools are NOT closed. Many are on 2 hour delay, but I'd say that most are going to be open by 10AM.
Posted 2/5/14 9:35 AM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Just throwing this out there.
My brother posted this picture on FB this morning. He's in Staten Island.

Saying stay off the roads. Can't believe school is open. Watched this bus skid off the highway.
My two cents: It's not safe for anyone when it's this slick out. The new NYC mayor is an asshole. They are using the NYC school teachers as babysitters because the parents can't get off of work either. It's a joke. I cannot believe some of you are arguing this point.
Message edited 2/5/2014 9:37:21 AM.
Posted 2/5/14 9:36 AM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
I actually took a sick day today because yesterday when I left for work at 530am I slipped on ice and as I fell backwards I slammed the back my head into the bumper on my car and have a concussion.
NYC teachers get 10 days a year. If you take maternity leave you use the days in your bank. So I'm sure many teachers on here use their sick days very sparingly.
Posted 2/5/14 9:37 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/05 3715 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers can take personal days. WHY do think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
OK, than why not just take a personal days if you feel like it is unsafe for you to travel to work?
Maybe the disconnect here is because you are on LI right now and not in the city. However, I am in NYC right now, it is just slushy and isn't even snowing.
Posted 2/5/14 9:37 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/05 3715 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by nicrae
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
I actually took a sick day today because yesterday when I left for work at 530am I slipped on ice and as I fell backwards I slammed the back my head into the bumper on my car and have a concussion.
NYC teachers get 10 days a year. If you take maternity leave you use the days in your bank. So I'm sure many teachers on here use their sick days very sparingly.
Let's not start on those "banked" days because we know many teachers don't use them so they can cash out on them when they retire. Let's not go there.
Posted 2/5/14 9:39 AM |
Fingers Crossed...

Member since 6/09 1301 total posts
Name: Colleen
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by MrsDamonSalv7319
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by olive98
Posted by BargainMama
Where do they get substitute teachers in instances like this? Do they even have enough to fill the classrooms? It's obviously a safety issue to get the staff there. But, I read they don't close often because many of the children depend on the hot meals and supervision that they receive in school that they wouldn't otherwise receive at home.
Yes this is what I heard as well. I know when I was a kid we all walked to school. It's wasn't far at all. Most kids came in early for breakfast. Most parents worked. Where would these kids go if the schools closed. Most parents couldn't just take off of work. Growing up snow wasn't a big deal. We just walked slower lol.
A LOT of city teachers live on LI and it's a hazard trying to get in to school when the weather is this bad. The roads are AWFUL today.
I use to commute from Stony Brook to Queens when I was teaching and I would always call out on these types of days. There wasn't even a point trying to get out there, it would've taken me HOURS only to be at work for hardly any time at all and then turn around and come home.
Aside from that, if you do make it in on days like this you do NOTHING all day because most of the staff is out and many of the kids stay home. There also isn't enough staff for the kids that are left so they end combining classes and you sit around playing games and watching movies all day. You can't teach when you have a mix of grade levels in your room which happens a lot on these days.
As for working parents, their kids are ultimately the parents problem........NOT the schools. If you have kids you HAVE to have provisions in place for when schools close, your kid is sick, etc. etc. Schools need to make a closing decision based on safety for all, not based on who needs babysitting that day.
The NYCDOE is the most mismanaged, poorly run, piece of shit school system on earth. In the case of today, it's shameful that they expect teachers and students to report to school when EVERYONE in the tri state area is closed. Greedy idiots. I feel bad for the teachers in the city today, they should be home safe and sound and NOT on the roads putting themselves in danger to babysit today. Ridiculous!
A huge number of NYC teachers live on LI...not just a few who choose to live so far away. Certain professions have to get to work, cops, firefighters, EMS, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. But teachers are not, IMO, one of the professions that must get in. They should be off the roads so it's easier for the people who really must get to work to get there. (And I used to teach, and have a family full of teachers, I don't mean this in a negative way toward teachers, at all!)
I agree with you that teaching is not necessarily an ABSOLUTE must in this kind of weather.... I am an RN in a hospital who is ALWAYS either mandated to stay or forced in because of short unfortunately my sympathy level isn't super high for any professions where the school/office/work environment doesn't close when the weather is not completely ideal for commuting.
Whats frustrating (for non-teachers) is that that there are always posts in the winter complaining that the "schools aren't closing" and "why do I have to commute in this horrible weather"......and then in the summer, all we see more posts complaining about "I can't believe my spring break is cut short" .."why do we have to make up for the missed snow days, its so nice out"
It seems like teachers are never happy....
Posted 2/5/14 9:39 AM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by nicrae
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
I actually took a sick day today because yesterday when I left for work at 530am I slipped on ice and as I fell backwards I slammed the back my head into the bumper on my car and have a concussion.
NYC teachers get 10 days a year. If you take maternity leave you use the days in your bank. So I'm sure many teachers on here use their sick days very sparingly.
Let's not start on those "banked" days because we know many teachers don't use them so they can cash out on them when they retire. Let's not go there.
I have 0 days and I've been in the system for 12 years.
Your question was about personal days and I explained.
Message edited 2/5/2014 9:41:14 AM.
Posted 2/5/14 9:40 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1280 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by alli3131
This shouldn't be a surprise for NYC schools. They historically never close. It's not this mayor or the last.
Ita. The weather and roads in the city are not that bad. Everyone is out and about going to school/ work as usual.
Posted 2/5/14 9:40 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers can take personal days. WHY do think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
OK, than why not just take a personal days if you feel like it is unsafe for you to travel to work?
Maybe the disconnect here is because you are on LI right now and not in the city. However, I am in NYC right now, it is just slushy and isn't even snowing.
When I worked, I did take the day if need be.
Posted 2/5/14 9:40 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by Pumpkin1
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Pumpkin1
I'm not being snarky, but perhaps posts like this should be moved to or started on the "Teachers Only" board.
This wasn't snarky but several of your other posts were!
It's unfortunately my personality. Nonetheless, I am expected at work and teachers should be expected to go to work as well. It sucks, but honestly, while it makes their lives easier, snow day wreak havoc on non-teachers. They post these "woah is me" posts on a public board where many people struggled to get into work by scrambling for childcare or have to take a personal day.
I'm still waiting to hear an answer about whether teachers can take personal days.
Yes, we've established many times teachers can take personal days. WHY do think we were making the point that on days like this your kids is sitting in school doing nothing? Because many teachers DO take a personal day therefore schools are short staffed and classes need to be combined.
OK, than why not just take a personal days if you feel like it is unsafe for you to travel to work?
Maybe the disconnect here is because you are on LI right now and not in the city. However, I am in NYC right now, it is just slushy and isn't even snowing.
As I said above, sure teachers CAN take sick days. Many of them have their own children who get sick, to save those days for.And many if not most principals get really pissed if you don't show up b/c it really makes their day very tough with planning, etc. It's not like you call in and they say, Oh, Susie, stay home! Its no problem. They grumble and get pissed, b/c it makes their difficult day even more difficult trying to find ways to babysit (yes) all of the children that have come in, which is disproportionate to the staff that was able to safely make it in.
Posted 2/5/14 9:41 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/12 1192 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Posted by Blazesyth
Posted by Jacksmommy While there are lots of jobs that still go on, there are lots of jobs that close as well. There is a majority of teachers on this site so you are going to hear complaining. Why does it matter so much if people complain? Everyone has a right to complain about their jobs!
The difference is that sometimes these threads make it seem like the people are taking personal offense that schools are open. Most businesses (and I'd venture to say schools) ARE OPEN TODAY. As others have said, those of us who aren't teachers understand that our companies have to make money in order to keep us employed - and to make money, we need to actually work. Schools are also a business, so they need to continue going, even when it's not optimal.
Posted by Hofstra26
Whether or not you believe in school closings or if the weather is "that bad" today the fact is the ENTIRE tri-state area closed schools.
To me, closing today was a no brainer for the NYCDOE..............EVERYONE else did. Unless they have some special, different weather pattern in the city than the rest of us then they should've closed too.
Not sure what site you check your school closings on, but if you look on News12 you can see that the majority of schools are NOT closed. Many are on 2 hour delay, but I'd say that most are going to be open by 10AM.
Actually, take another look. The schools that posted 2 hour delays are now closed.
Posted 2/5/14 9:42 AM |

Member since 10/13 1397 total posts
Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!
Bottom line is that teachers are always the first to complain when schools are not closed, but you really do not see non-teachers complain (or not as loudly) when their offices are not closed. If it's not safe to drive, or if it's too far of a commute, you don't go in. Plain and simple. When I worked, my job NEVER closed. Contractually we were not allowed to. If it was bad weather I chose NOT to commute 45 minutes. End of story! I don't get blaming the mayor at all.
Posted 2/5/14 9:43 AM |
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