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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

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Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

I won't argue with someone who is not going to is NOT sick time to have a child..women working in other fields (I will not say ANY other field, as I do not have that knowledge) do not have to take SICK time to DELIVER A CHILD. Don't even say it's a luxury because that is an insult...enough of the "free" days over the summer..if you think it's free time, ok, become a teacher...

I cannot believe this is the turn this thread has cranky that teachers are cranky but go after maternity leave...get a grip on yourself..

I just needed to comment because I am in private industry and yes, we have to take sick time (and personal time and vacation time) to have our children.
There is NO paid maternity leave.
I had just started at my job and had no sick time accrued so I had to take it all unpaid
Paid maternity leave in private industry is becoming very very rare.

Thank you for clarifying where you work..I know at DH's job, they get 3 months paid without sick penalty..that's why I said I wouldn't make a sweeping generalization..

Posted 2/5/14 3:22 PM
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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by lilqtny

BTW all of the non teachers can just take a sick day too and as far as saving days in our "bank". That is the ONLy way NYc teachers can have children of their own as we do not get any maternity. And unlike many other jobs at the end of the year we can just get them paid out. Chat Icon Chat Icon

I did a little research as I was curious about this statement.


First off yes you have to use CAR days to go on maternity. You bank your CAR days and you can obviously carry them over each year. Fine.

If you exhaust all your CAR days you can borrow up to 20 days and still be paid in full.

And finally if you use the max and borrow the max, the attached document says they are giving you up to 30 days of prorated paid leave (or grace days). Isn't that considered partially paid maternity since its weekends and holidays? If it is, how come you haven't mentioned this part?

Also aren't teachers paid throughout the summer when school is not in session? That's a lot of "free" paid days which IMO should offset a lot of this maternity drama. Do you really expect an actual maternity plan in addition to 2-3 months off? Do you expect to be double paid if your maternity happens to fall during the summer?

Teachers have the option of 10 or 12 month pay cycles (most, not all do). Your salary doesn't change, just how many checks you receive.

And not all teachers get paid leave. I do get 10 personal days, but I'm not allowed to even use them for child birth. I get a total of zero paid maternity days as a teacher.

Posted 2/5/14 3:25 PM

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

I won't argue with someone who is not going to is NOT sick time to have a child..women working in other fields (I will not say ANY other field, as I do not have that knowledge) do not have to take SICK time to DELIVER A CHILD. Don't even say it's a luxury because that is an insult...enough of the "free" days over the summer..if you think it's free time, ok, become a teacher...

I cannot believe this is the turn this thread has cranky that teachers are cranky but go after maternity leave...get a grip on yourself..

I just needed to comment because I am in private industry and yes, we have to take sick time (and personal time and vacation time) to have our children.
There is NO paid maternity leave.
I had just started at my job and had no sick time accrued so I had to take it all unpaid
Paid maternity leave in private industry is becoming very very rare.

Thank you for clarifying where you work..I know at DH's job, they get 3 months paid without sick penalty..that's why I said I wouldn't make a sweeping generalization..

Yes I have worked in several large companies and none of them offered paid maternity.
I also have been hearing paid maternity leave is becoming less and less common as companies have to cut back on expenses.

Posted 2/5/14 3:26 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by lilqtny

First of all I refuse to have the same "free pay" conversation again. It's not a paid vacation but,again, Im not going to prove myself in that area again.

You can use your CAR plus 20 days and then you are removed from payroll and have your health benefits taken away. The 20 days that you borrow put you "in the negative" so that the next year if you or your child is ill you have no sick time to use. I have friends who had their babies 5 years ago and thy are still in the negative. So, if they found anew job or choose to stay home they'd have to pay the city back the money. It's like a loan it's not free pay!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Then take the grace period if you want to stay on the payroll. I don't see what the deal here is.

And let me ask if it's not "paid vacation" then what is it? Do you really expect to double dip during the summer?

Posted 2/5/14 3:27 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by evrythng4areason

Teachers have the option of 10 or 12 month pay cycles (most, not all do). Your salary doesn't change, just how many checks you receive.

I know that but in reality the bottom line is you are paid a salary for the year and whether you feel like you need to to spread that money over 10 months or 12 months is a personal choice.

It's still a total for the year and the fact that teachers have two months where they are essentially "off" has huge advantages over other industries. You can basically do anything for those two months. Work some more for extra $$$$. Sit at home and relax. As a PP said you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Posted 2/5/14 3:31 PM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

See above..your salary is spread out over 12 months..some districts (not NYC that I know of) can let you only get paid for 10 months, but your salary is your are not allowed to do the grace period if you have days in your must use your days and minus 20 before getting the grace as an option

Posted 2/5/14 3:32 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by ave1024

And let me ask if it's not "paid vacation" then what is it? Do you really expect to double dip during the summer?

We are salaried. In NYC, you don't get the choice. You must take the 24 paycheck option. They are essentially holding your money for you rather than you saving it from your checks.

Posted 2/5/14 3:33 PM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

5404 total posts


Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

I won't argue with someone who is not going to is NOT sick time to have a child..women working in other fields (I will not say ANY other field, as I do not have that knowledge) do not have to take SICK time to DELIVER A CHILD. Don't even say it's a luxury because that is an insult...enough of the "free" days over the summer..if you think it's free time, ok, become a teacher...

I cannot believe this is the turn this thread has cranky that teachers are cranky but go after maternity leave...get a grip on yourself..

I just needed to comment because I am in private industry and yes, we have to take sick time (and personal time and vacation time) to have our children.
There is NO paid maternity leave.
I had just started at my job and had no sick time accrued so I had to take it all unpaid
Paid maternity leave in private industry is becoming very very rare.

Thank you for clarifying where you work..I know at DH's job, they get 3 months paid without sick penalty..that's why I said I wouldn't make a sweeping generalization..

Yes I have worked in several large companies and none of them offered paid maternity.
I also have been hearing paid maternity leave is becoming less and less common as companies have to cut back on expenses.

Thank you again, for clearing that up...I guess DH's company is an anomaly..there also aren't many women there, as a whole, I don't think...

Posted 2/5/14 3:33 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

As a poster stated above it is simply splitting your check for your yearly salary over 12 months instead of 9. NYC teachers can not choose how they want their pay split. Some LI Districts still allow you to take bigger checks for 9 months and not get paid at all over the summer That's how it is of paid vacation!

Ad BTW I did not say a person should be paid maternity and full salary! And I wouldn't expect that to happen. However I'm done talking to brick walls!

Posted 2/5/14 3:34 PM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by lilqtny

However I'm done talking to brick walls!


Posted 2/5/14 3:35 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

you are not allowed to do the grace period if you have days in your must use your days and minus 20 before getting the grace as an option

The document I linked says otherwise. For NYC while you have to use bank first, you can use grace before borrowing to minus 20. Is this not true?

Posted 2/5/14 3:36 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

The key to the salary thing is regardless if you get checks over the summer or not is that your yearly salary is for 10 months of work as opposed to working 12 months. And yes I know teachers don't make a lot of money. My kids teacher makes more than 100k. For working 10 months I think that is pretty good. And yes I would consider the summer as a 2 month paid vacation.

Posted 2/5/14 3:39 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

You can NOT use the grace period until you use all your CAR days. Even if you were injured or very sick and needed to go on FMLA you must use your CAR before you can do that! And up to 20 days that you borrow.

Posted 2/5/14 3:40 PM

california dreamin'

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

I think most jobs do not have paid maternity. I was required to use all my sick and vaca time and came back to negative. 16 months later I still do not have much time left accrued.

Posted 2/5/14 3:43 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

As for today, it might not have warranted a whole day off but a delay would have been beneficial. NYC hands out free breakfast and free lunch to many kids, so closing means no food for some children. However, when the governor declares a state of emergency and all of LI is closed as well as westchester but NYC is open, something is wrong. We get the same weather! Haha!!!

So, imo, did today warrant a closing? Maybe not. We get personal days for a reason. But a delay might have been smart. The side roads were awful!!! Everyone had to drive slower. I think people forget that NYC schools are more than just manhattan and brooklyn. queens and si are very much like LI and don't have mass transit options. I don't think that gets considered.

Posted 2/5/14 3:44 PM

My bunny

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by MegZee

Posted by lynnd126
If you work in NYC and live in Suffolk, that is a choice you made for yourself.

If the DOE paid better I could afford to live in Nassau. Chat Icon

You could also rent in queens. Chat Icon Home ownership is not a requirement in life.

Rent in queens is the same as my mortgage in Suffolk.

Posted 2/5/14 3:44 PM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

The decision to shut NYC schools should be district based not city wide

Posted 2/5/14 3:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

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This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

The roads were just really not that bad today! I made it in to my office, as did every one of my coworkers! We live in NY - it snows!

Posted 2/5/14 3:45 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by MegZee

The decision to shut NYC schools should be district based not city wide[/QUOTE

This and as others have said a delay would've worked well. I would have never made it on time an even able to shovel out a parking spot (no lots) and been in by 8

Posted 2/5/14 3:47 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by lilqtny

First of all I refuse to have the same "free pay" conversation again. It's not a paid vacation but,again, Im not going to prove myself in that area again.

You can use your CAR plus 20 days and then you are removed from payroll and have your health benefits taken away. The 20 days that you borrow put you "in the negative" so that the next year if you or your child is ill you have no sick time to use. I have friends who had their babies 5 years ago and thy are still in the negative. So, if they found anew job or choose to stay home they'd have to pay the city back the money. It's like a loan it's not free pay!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Then take the grace period if you want to stay on the payroll. I don't see what the deal here is.

And let me ask if it's not "paid vacation" then what is it? Do you really expect to double dip during the summer?

You're so ignorant. Really.

Every time you comment on anything on LIF I can't help but roll my eyes.

You're not a teacher therefore you have absolutely NO clue what you're talking about when it comes to the teaching work place, salary, sick days, maternity, etc........I don't give a crap what "research" you did. I find it so amusing how so many people think they are an expert when it comes to the teaching profession..........yet they never taught a day in their life.

You should stop talking now, nothing you say is worth even responding to anymore. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Posted 2/5/14 3:49 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by MegZee

Posted by ave1024

Posted by MegZee

Posted by lynnd126
If you work in NYC and live in Suffolk, that is a choice you made for yourself.

If the DOE paid better I could afford to live in Nassau. Chat Icon

You could also rent in queens. Chat Icon Home ownership is not a requirement in life.

Rent in queens is the same as my mortgage in Suffolk.

Ok and your point being? Working in queens you would save a ton off your commute time and avoid this situation altogether. Sounds like a win to me. The point is, you choose to live as far out as you do.

Posted 2/5/14 3:53 PM

St. Jude pray for us...

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by ave1024

Posted by MegZee

Posted by ave1024

Posted by MegZee

Posted by lynnd126
If you work in NYC and live in Suffolk, that is a choice you made for yourself.

If the DOE paid better I could afford to live in Nassau. Chat Icon

You could also rent in queens. Chat Icon Home ownership is not a requirement in life.

Rent in queens is the same as my mortgage in Suffolk.

Ok and your point being? Working in queens you would save a ton off your commute time and avoid this situation altogether. Sounds like a win to me. The point is, you choose to live as far out as you do.

Ditto.. or quit, there plenty others who are looking for jobs.

Posted 2/5/14 3:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

I won't argue with someone who is not going to is NOT sick time to have a child..women working in other fields (I will not say ANY other field, as I do not have that knowledge) do not have to take SICK time to DELIVER A CHILD. Don't even say it's a luxury because that is an insult...enough of the "free" days over the summer..if you think it's free time, ok, become a teacher...

I cannot believe this is the turn this thread has cranky that teachers are cranky but go after maternity leave...get a grip on yourself..

I took unpaid leave, as do many private sector employees. However, for me, lack of maternity leave did not in any fashion prevent me from having my children. Silly argument.

Posted 2/5/14 3:55 PM

I Took The Wrong Road

Member since 12/07

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That Led To The Wrong Tendencies

Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by ave1024

Posted by lilqtny

First of all I refuse to have the same "free pay" conversation again. It's not a paid vacation but,again, Im not going to prove myself in that area again.

You can use your CAR plus 20 days and then you are removed from payroll and have your health benefits taken away. The 20 days that you borrow put you "in the negative" so that the next year if you or your child is ill you have no sick time to use. I have friends who had their babies 5 years ago and thy are still in the negative. So, if they found anew job or choose to stay home they'd have to pay the city back the money. It's like a loan it's not free pay!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Then take the grace period if you want to stay on the payroll. I don't see what the deal here is.

And let me ask if it's not "paid vacation" then what is it? Do you really expect to double dip during the summer?

You're so ignorant. Really.

Every time you comment on anything on LIF I can't help but roll my eyes.

You're not a teacher therefore you have absolutely NO clue what you're talking about when it comes to the teaching work place, salary, sick days, maternity, etc........I don't give a crap what "research" you did. I find it so amusing how so many people think they are an expert when it comes to the teaching profession..........yet they never taught a day in their life.

You should stop talking now, nothing you say is worth even responding to anymore. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

It's funny how you can call me ignorant, but I have to correct a teacher on here because she doesn't know you can take grace before you borrow days.

It took me 5 minutes to look that up, yet somebody who is a lifetime teacher does not know the rules?

This entire thread is laughable. Now you wonder why the rest of the non teaching community rolls their eyes when these teacher posts come up. It's an absolute joke.

Posted 2/5/14 3:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

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Re: This NYC Mayor is out of his mind!

Posted by MegZee

Posted by ave1024

Posted by MegZee

Posted by lynnd126
If you work in NYC and live in Suffolk, that is a choice you made for yourself.

If the DOE paid better I could afford to live in Nassau. Chat Icon

You could also rent in queens. Chat Icon Home ownership is not a requirement in life.

Rent in queens is the same as my mortgage in Suffolk.

The huge difference there is you OWN something, where I could pay rent until the day I die and have nothing to show for it. I couldn't afford to BUY a house in Queens anytime soon. Trust me, I've looked!

Posted 2/5/14 3:56 PM
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