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Trump running for President

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Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

I think bloomberg is doing a good job in NYC. I understand why people don't like him but so far I like what I see. I would vote for him before Trump Chat Icon

I would be curious to see what other parts of the country think of Trump. In NY we get alot more of him than you would in the mid-west

Posted 4/8/11 11:12 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Trump running for President

I like Bloomberg. I'd vote for him before the Donald any day.

I can sit on a talk show and say what I think about this country and what needs to be changed. I could even sound like I may know something.

but if we've learned ANYTHING from the last 2 years, we've learned that it takes A LOT more than understanding the problem to effect change and implement it.

Posted 4/8/11 11:15 AM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by Ophelia

actually, it is pretty cut and dry as it's outlined in the constitution.

I am not even going to address the rest of your post. it's ridiculous. it's not "Obama's War" on Libya. it's the UN's.

If you are talking to me, my reply is that the truth hurts, doesn't it.

The UN? Talk about ridiculous. Really. You mean the toothless dog that is an international joke? Where is the UN for North Korea? People are being starved by a psycho dictator, where is the UN? Please don't make me laugh.

Posted 4/8/11 11:16 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by Ophelia

you know something, it doesn't matter much who we vote for president right now. Trump?! fine. NOTHING he wants to do will get past the floor b/c these pigs are too busy fighting amoungst themselves.

our mutha effing congress is a ***********. a bunch of rabid rabid dogs.

and if you go back to what you learned in govt, the President is not soley responsible for the good or bad in this country. NO president is.

Obama has not been given the chance to do a GOOD JOB yet b/c of the asshats ON BOTH sides of the aisle in Congress.

I am just so disgusted with our govt. GW is rolling in his grave right now!!!!!!

but really....Trump putting his hat in this ring just shows you the HOT HOT MESS we are in.

Couldn't have said it better. I will add that he is only out for himself and to stir the pot. I guess he's bored.

So when he gets bored of this president thing he'll move onto what...being the pope?

Smoke and mirrors.

But that's how our congress is. Out for themselves and self interested.

Obama didn't have a chance. He was set up to fail before he took office.

Once he was elected the rebulicans dug their heels in and vowed to do nothing but undermine any good he could do.

Our country is a mess because of this. If a republican won, the dems would have done their dirty work too.

Posted 4/8/11 11:30 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Trump running for President

Posted by Mushesgirl

Posted by Ophelia

actually, it is pretty cut and dry as it's outlined in the constitution.

I am not even going to address the rest of your post. it's ridiculous. it's not "Obama's War" on Libya. it's the UN's.

If you are talking to me, my reply is that the truth hurts, doesn't it.

The UN? Talk about ridiculous. Really. You mean the toothless dog that is an international joke? Where is the UN for North Korea? People are being starved by a psycho dictator, where is the UN? Please don't make me laugh.

there is absolutely NO comparison to be drawn between the two. but even if you must, I have two words for you NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

going in to North Korea would be almost ensuring a nuclear war. it is completely and totally understandable for a different tack to be taken when dealing with different countries and foreign powers.

the "truth" as you describe it doesn't hurt me. I am not in love with Obama. I am not his mother. if he's got to go, he's got to go. that is neither here nor there. I just enjoy facts and proper reasoning.

ETA: the UN is only as strong as the nations behind it. when we back it up, like we have done in Libya, it's strength and the strength of it's resolutions is shown. we should be doing this MORE. but I don't hate on the UN bc of it's weakness. it's only a reflection of the temperment of the countries within in, and their constituency. look how many people said we didn't have to comply...THAT is why the UN is perceived as week.

Message edited 4/8/2011 11:40:20 AM.

Posted 4/8/11 11:30 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

I will vote for the candidate that I believe will spend the absolute least amount of money during his or her term.

Posted 4/8/11 11:41 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

1. He's run businesses into the ground

2. He's a shady moral character

3. he's a friggin BIRTHER for chrissakes.

I'm going with no.

But I hope he runs Chat Icon

Posted 4/8/11 11:54 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by Babymakin

Trump has proven he IS the biggest idiot in the world. WORLD class D bag of the stupidest proportion.

Anyone proclaiming themselves to be a "birther" is dumber than dirt. This movement has nothing but stupid, stupid, stupid people in it who should hang thier heads in shame at the gross embarassement they have caused themselves by being "birthers".

So I have lost the little respect for him that I did I have,

But hey, it gets people tuning into his show....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ALso, he was saying he wants to run because he feels compelled to by love his country, but he won't announce yet because of his show.

Umm..let's see, your country or your TV show, which is more important to you? There's a contradiction there somewhere.

Posted 4/8/11 11:56 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by Blu-ize

Posted by Ophelia

you know something, it doesn't matter much who we vote for president right now. Trump?! fine. NOTHING he wants to do will get past the floor b/c these pigs are too busy fighting amoungst themselves.

our mutha effing congress is a ***********. a bunch of rabid rabid dogs.

and if you go back to what you learned in govt, the President is not soley responsible for the good or bad in this country. NO president is.

Obama has not been given the chance to do a GOOD JOB yet b/c of the asshats ON BOTH sides of the aisle in Congress.

I am just so disgusted with our govt. GW is rolling in his grave right now!!!!!!

but really....Trump putting his hat in this ring just shows you the HOT HOT MESS we are in.

Couldn't have said it better. I will add that he is only out for himself and to stir the pot. I guess he's bored.

So when he gets bored of this president thing he'll move onto what...being the pope?

Smoke and mirrors.

But that's how our congress is. Out for themselves and self interested.

Obama didn't have a chance. He was set up to fail before he took office.

Once he was elected the rebulicans dug their heels in and vowed to do nothing but undermine any good he could do.

Our country is a mess because of this. If a republican won, the dems would have done their dirty work too.

ITA and I have to Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump as pope!! I love it

Posted 4/8/11 11:57 AM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by Ophelia

Posted by Mushesgirl

Posted by Ophelia

actually, it is pretty cut and dry as it's outlined in the constitution.

I am not even going to address the rest of your post. it's ridiculous. it's not "Obama's War" on Libya. it's the UN's.

If you are talking to me, my reply is that the truth hurts, doesn't it.

The UN? Talk about ridiculous. Really. You mean the toothless dog that is an international joke? Where is the UN for North Korea? People are being starved by a psycho dictator, where is the UN? Please don't make me laugh.

there is absolutely NO comparison to be drawn between the two. but even if you must, I have two words for you NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

going in to North Korea would be almost ensuring a nuclear war. it is completely and totally understandable for a different tack to be taken when dealing with different countries and foreign powers.

the "truth" as you describe it doesn't hurt me. I am not in love with Obama. I am not his mother. if he's got to go, he's got to go. that is neither here nor there. I just enjoy facts and proper reasoning.

ETA: the UN is only as strong as the nations behind it. when we back it up, like we have done in Libya, it's strength and the strength of it's resolutions is shown. we should be doing this MORE. but I don't hate on the UN bc of it's weakness. it's only a reflection of the temperment of the countries within in, and their constituency. look how many people said we didn't have to comply...THAT is why the UN is perceived as week.

I draw the comparison because Obama himself is saying the reason we are bombing Libya is for humanitarian reasons. Ok so follow the logic. If that is so, we should be bombing a whooooooole lot of other countries. We could take Kim Jong Ill out with one dirty bomb, but we dont because of big brother China. So for Obama to use that 'excuse' to go in is ludicrous. There are obviously other interests we have there besides humanitarian, but Obama won't be up front about it. Bush did the same thing.

I don't think electing Superman would get us out of the mess we're in. But I think Trump shoots from the hip, he's not a politician, is not beholden to special interests.

If it wasn't for the US putting its money (and soldiers) where the UN's mouth is, the UN would fall apart. I'm pretty sick and tired of the US being the world police force.

Posted 4/8/11 11:57 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Foreign policy isn't "all or nothing." If it were, we'd either be constantly at war far beyond our means (moreso than we arguably are now), or we'd be crippled in terms of protecting our interests. Deciding when to intervene is a complicated system based on a number of factors. I don't think that are argument about "Well if we went here, we should also go here, here, and here" really holds water because there are other things at play such as the level of the humanitarian crisis, the impact beyond that country, what would happen if we intervened, and of course US interests in terms of strategic military placement, OIL, and countless other things.

I don't think it served as a good argument against the war in Iraq either. I was 100% against the war in Iraq but for other reasons.

ETA: To bring it back to the original post, do you really want Donald Trump being the face of the US? I mean you can disagree with someone's policies. I have to say I really don't get why people hate Obama so much, but even if you disagree with him, he has a certain dignity about him. I feel Trump would run a 3 ring circus.

Message edited 4/8/2011 12:05:20 PM.

Posted 4/8/11 12:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/10

867 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Chat Icon

Posted 4/8/11 12:14 PM

My golden boys!

Member since 3/06

4419 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by luckyinlove

Posted by SlurpeeDad

I would absolutely vote for him. It is about time we try something new, and having a business man in office would be a great thing. It would be nice to have a president with some balls. Our president is awful now, so I don't think it could get any worse.

Wow -- I actually agree with you on this one! Chat Icon

People never agree with me...this is nice!

I agree, too Chat Icon Just an FYI....I actually cried when obama won. Not out of happinesss.......

Posted 4/8/11 1:36 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

713 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by acm1899

I love when people chalk up all of the problems of an entire nation to a man who has been in the office for only 2 years. We forget that when he took over, this country was already in massive trouble and in 2 years NOBODY is gonna be able to turn that around.

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Posted 4/8/11 3:24 PM

Get Out!

Member since 10/06

4463 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by memi7206

Id rather have Palin in office Chat Icon

I would never RATHER have her in office. I don't want EITHER of them in office. What a circus it would be.

Posted 4/8/11 3:38 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Trump running for President

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by acm1899

I love when people chalk up all of the problems of an entire nation to a man who has been in the office for only 2 years. We forget that when he took over, this country was already in massive trouble and in 2 years NOBODY is gonna be able to turn that around.

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

I would say about 25 years of inteference in the Middle East by Presidents and administrations on both sides of the aisle would on "on the hook" for 9/11 if that were the case.

though I prefer to leave the guilt for 9/11 squarely on the savages who attacked us.

Posted 4/8/11 3:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

1085 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Chat Icon Most asinine post I've read all day

Posted 4/8/11 5:49 PM

Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10

2440 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

I would have to listen to what he has to say before I decide

Message edited 4/8/2011 6:49:32 PM.

Posted 4/8/11 6:49 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

713 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by acm1899

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Chat Icon Most asinine post I've read all day

Was the post that I quoted asinine as well?

Posted 4/8/11 8:40 PM


Member since 12/09

2163 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by acm1899

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Chat Icon Most asinine post I've read all day

Was the post that I quoted asinine as well?


Posted 4/8/11 9:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

713 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by emilylives

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by acm1899

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Chat Icon Most asinine post I've read all day

Was the post that I quoted asinine as well?


Then I really don't understand why mine was asinine. I think there is no difference, why would Obama get a pass and not Bush, early in his presidency.

Posted 4/8/11 9:32 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by acm1899

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Chat Icon Most asinine post I've read all day

Chat Icon and you're new too. This was a nice little political debate until you got a little nasty. Uncalled for. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.

Posted 4/8/11 9:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Then I really don't understand why mine was asinine. I think there is no difference, why would Obama get a pass and not Bush, early in his presidency.

There is no difference between a terrorist attack and an economic crisis?

Posted 4/8/11 10:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

1085 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by acm1899

I guess this means that Clinton is on the hook for 9/11. Bush has to get a pass for that, since he was only in office for 9 months.

Chat Icon Most asinine post I've read all day

Was the post that I quoted asinine as well?

It probably was. Nobody said it wasn't

Posted 4/8/11 10:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

1085 total posts


Re: Trump running for President

Posted by JME78

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Then I really don't understand why mine was asinine. I think there is no difference, why would Obama get a pass and not Bush, early in his presidency.

There is no difference between a terrorist attack and an economic crisis?

apparently not

Posted 4/8/11 10:52 PM
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