Waiting Period for Early Intervention
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Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Waiting Period for Early Intervention
It has been a long time since we used EI. Looks like my niece is going to need some speech therapy. How long do you have to wait for a re-evaluation through EI? They had her evaluated several months ago before she turned 2 and she did not qualify. They insist that they cannot get EI again and are pursuing it privately.
Posted 9/29/17 10:43 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Waiting Period for Early Intervention
They like to say 6 months but in reality they can do it sooner. They should definitely push for another eval!
Posted 9/29/17 1:25 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1101 total posts
Waiting Period for Early Intervention
How old is she? If she is closer to 2.5, contact the school district. She may be able to go through CPSE.
Posted 9/29/17 4:27 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09 554 total posts
Re: Waiting Period for Early Intervention
You can demand a re-evaluation at any time and even though they give you a hard time, legally they cannot say no. I've been told that by numerous therapists who came to the house. If they want to they can demand that they come back to evaluate her.
In Nassau County I was told they prefer to wait 3 months in between evals so they might not even encounter resistance like you'd think.
Posted 10/8/17 8:32 PM |
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