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Whooping cough vaccine

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Member since 8/07

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Whooping cough vaccine

So has anyone else seen those commercials? Has anyone gotten the vaccine or thinking about getting it if you are ttc or have a newbprn? But I wonder, this isn't a routine vaccine that we get when we were kids

Posted 2/15/11 5:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

Even if you did, it would have worn off by now. I would prefer to get my blood tested for antibodies first before vaccinating myself unnecessarily.

This campaign didn't start until recently due to increase cases.

AJ is 2.5 I'm not getting this shot.

Neither is hubby.

Posted 2/15/11 5:54 PM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I got it soon after my first was born and DH had already gotten the vaccine as well. When a baby tests positive for pertussis, 50% of the time it's passed from one of the parents. That was the biggest factor in my decision to get the shot. That and it had been 10 years since I had my last tetanus shot, since the TDaP combines it all.

Posted 2/15/11 6:05 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

We got it when we were younger but for some reason it wears off vs some other vaccines we got.

Posted 2/15/11 6:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

1109 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

DH & I got it after DS was born.

Posted 2/15/11 7:38 PM


Member since 5/05

6372 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I got it.
But I work in healthcare and am exposed to kids with pertussis.

It is one the vaccines that wears off as we age. Pertussis is one of those things that manifests as a cough in adults but is so much more dangerous for babies/kids.

Posted 2/15/11 7:40 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I got kids are in daycare and I felt it was necessary for me to be as preventative as possible with a very young baby at home....

Posted 2/15/11 7:42 PM

Our Family is Complete!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

DH, the nanny, and I all got it. We are in NV and there has been a breakout in SoCal, so I figured better safe than sorry.

Posted 2/15/11 7:51 PM

Little Lady

Member since 5/07

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

Oh yeah. I am very pro-vaccine.. I can't get enough of them for me, DH, and DD. I got it as soon as I popped out DD. For some reason my OB had no idea it was a hot topic for preggos to get it.

Posted 2/15/11 9:50 PM

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Member since 1/09

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

Posted by melbalalala

Oh yeah. I am very pro-vaccine.. I can't get enough of them for me, DH, and DD. I got it as soon as I popped out DD. For some reason my OB had no idea it was a hot topic for preggos to get it.

me too, except I ended up not getting it because I had a tetanus shot a couple of years ago when I burned my hand that included a booster (it was a dtap) so I didn't need another one.

Posted 2/15/11 10:00 PM

carseat nerd

Member since 11/09

3669 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I'm not a huge vaccination freak but this one hits close to home for us.

DD2 was born in October and was hosptalized at 8 weeks old under suspicion of Whooping cough. It takes a week or so for the state to run the test. There is nothing they can do to cure your child, nothing they can really give them to make them better. Some of the symptoms cam be treated but that's about it. And it can last for MONTHS.

It was the scariest sound and scariest thing to watch my daughter struggle to breathe like that. Worse was thinking that somehow my own lack of vaccination could have infected my baby with it. What the Drs in the hospital and all the stuff I read up on said was that most babies who get Whooping Cough get it from their parents.

Thankfully it wasn't whooping cough, she just had a virus, and like her momma a cough that sounds worse than it is. BUT it freaked me out enough that I went and got a booster for myself as soon as I could.

Posted 2/15/11 10:28 PM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I've had my round of DTaP as a kid...
and had whooping cough as an adult a few years ago (I know I caught it from a kid that was hospitalized with whooping cough). It is a NASTY cough for months as an adult (no whooping). Just think about it every time you see someone coughing in an elevator.

As soon as my DS was born, I had everyone who comes into contact with him get the vaccine. It is now put in as part of the new tetanus vaccine (though both are available separately).

BECAUSE of people not getting immunizations, things that have been uncommon for years are now becoming common again. Whooping cough was in the Times as becoming epidemic in Cali.

Posted 2/16/11 7:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

4657 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

My hospital offer it. It was a DTap shot. The day I left the hospital I got it. I was a teacher and that was the last thing I needed to bring home to a newborn. I did have areaction to it. I had a bummpy red rash allover my back. It was itchy but went away within a day

Posted 2/16/11 8:06 AM


Member since 5/05

6263 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

DH got WC on our honeymoon...let me tell you it was SCARY!!! He went into these coughing fits where he turned PURPLE. I was going to call 911 once - had the phone in my hand.

As an adult, he remained calm but as a child, I'm sure they'd panic. That was one vaccine I didn't even question giving DS.

And yes, if you did get it as a child, you need an adult booster - DH did get the shot as a child.

Posted 2/16/11 8:46 AM


Member since 5/05

6263 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

Posted by tarabelle99

There is nothing they can do to cure your child, nothing they can really give them to make them better. Some of the symptoms cam be treated but that's about it. And it can last for MONTHS.

I believe its the Chinese, but they call it the 100 day cough - and in ex-h's case - it lasted that long.

Posted 2/16/11 8:49 AM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

Someone told me that it is included with the tetanus shot- I don't know for sure if thats true

but when we were planning to get pregnant, I had the doctor run my tithers (what you are immune to) and I got a couple shots of things that had worn off

Posted 2/16/11 8:55 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I got it and both of my parents got it since they watch DD for me. DH was supposed to get it, but never did - going to bug him about it again LOL

Posted 2/16/11 8:56 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Whooping cough vaccine

i didnt even know it was offered to adults. i didn't get it

Posted 2/16/11 8:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

918 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

Winthrop offers it so I got it when I was discharged.

Posted 2/16/11 12:35 PM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

9164 total posts


Re: Whooping cough vaccine

I actually need to get it and have to make an appointment for it.

Just as an example, I know someone who does not get their DC vaccinated.

Her DH ended up getting whooping cough because the vaccines we got as children wear off.

He ended up giving it to both DC. She said it was TERRIBLE. She said they would cough until they couldn't catch their breath. She said they don't call it the 100 day cough for nothing because it lasted FOREVER!

So even though my DC are vaccinated, I want to get the shot again so that I don't ever have to worry about getting it and giving it to an unvaccinated child.

Posted 2/16/11 12:39 PM

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