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wisdom tooth extraction

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


wisdom tooth extraction

Has anyone had this done? While pg or not.

My dentist recommended I have one wisdom tooth extracted because it's impacted. My OB said it was fine to do so long as the benefits outweigh the risk of waiting. I'm nervous to get it done while pg, but I don't want to end up with an infection or long term dental problem if I do nothing. I made a consultation with an oral surgeon to get his opinion.

Also I would only be able to get a local and I assume only tylenol after.... is the procedure really terrible? Am I crazy to consider doing it right now? I am just so afraid of the tooth or my gums getting infected if I do nothing.

Timing stinks...This is so annoyingggg!!

Posted 9/23/14 3:02 PM
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Re: wisdom tooth extraction

I can't answer about the benefits of doing it while pregnant vs waiting.
However, I had a top wisdom tooth and a top molar on the same side pulled at the same time- with just Novocaine, no sedation.

I was awake for it and it was fine. The worst part is the needles, you do need a lot. Once you are numb you don't feel a thing. You do hear some noises that are a bit unpleasant, if you can bring an Ipod I would.

I was fine with just Motrin afterwards, I had barely any pain and went to work the next day.
It wasn't bad at all.

Message edited 9/23/2014 3:08:30 PM.

Posted 9/23/14 3:07 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

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wisdom tooth extraction

I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled same day, was totally knocked out. Personally I would wait, because you're going to need pain killers after for a few days along with antibiotics (which are usually fine), but if you can wait it out, wait.

Posted 9/23/14 3:33 PM

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Re: wisdom tooth extraction

I wasn't pregnant, but I had all 4 pulled at one time. I was under light sedation so I don't remember the procedure, but afterwards I was fine. I never needed more than Tylenol, and don't even think I took that very long.

Posted 9/23/14 4:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


wisdom tooth extraction

Thanks everyone for the input! I am hoping the oral surgeon tells me I am A OK to wait.

Posted 9/23/14 4:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

2912 total posts


wisdom tooth extraction

I would wait if possible. For my impacted molars, the way they described it, they were digging them out. The pain after was horrible.

Posted 9/23/14 6:33 PM

And then there were 4

Member since 1/10

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wisdom tooth extraction

I had one pulled when 33 weeks or so with just novicane. You have to make sure you just get it without epinephrine.

I was fine and went to work that afternoon, no Tylenol

If anything, I was scared bc people say it's so bad and it wasn't at all. And I hate dentists

Posted 9/23/14 6:59 PM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: wisdom tooth extraction

Having an impacted wisdom tooth removed is much different from just having a wosdom tooth removed. Bc it's impacted your gum is being cut and the tooth is being removed from under the gum line. I had all 4 impacted and all 4 removed at once and it is painful afterwards and I was in my early 20's. Also, I was put under completely for the procedure. If you are not in any pain right now I would wait to have it done. No reason to risk an infection or pain, and it is a minor surgery. Anything can happen even though it is unlikely.

An impacted wisdom tooth was just never able to come out. What has changed that you are concerned about it now but not before?

A PP was correct in saying that they are basically digging the tooth out. It does not compare to merely getting a wisdom tooth pulled; you wouldn't be able to just go to work after and would definitely need a pain killer.

That being said, one thing that really helped after the surgery was icing the area every 15 minutes. 15 minutes on, 15 off. I was consistent and by the 3rd day I was only taking advil.

Message edited 9/25/2014 9:32:01 PM.

Posted 9/25/14 9:27 PM

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