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This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06 9562 total posts
Name: Emily
Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep? UPDATE
If you've had your wisdom teeth extracted were you awake or asleep?
And were they impacted or out? Can you tell im really paranoid and freaked out by this whole getting your teeth pulled thing!
UPDATE: ok so it wasnt so bad and i totally freaked out for no reason. i went in at 9 this morning and i'm home now. unfortunately he had to pull 2 teeth instead of just one as the top one was the one causing the problems for the impacted lower one.
he put something in my arm and said you'll feel it take effect soon. the last thing i remember was him putting a block in my mouth to keep it open and then i was out! 20 mins later i woke up in a room with DH holding my hand.
2 thumbs up and i highly recommend dr. mitchell brookstone in wantagh! he walked me through the entire procedure and was very sweet.
no pain...yet! i guess i'll be living off of jello, pudding, and vicodin for a few days.
Message edited 11/14/2007 11:51:44 AM.
Posted 11/12/07 9:49 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Asleep for me!!!!
Posted 11/12/07 9:50 PM |
Member since 2/06 5616 total posts
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
i was awake for my top ones each tooth was out in less than 2 minutes
Posted 11/12/07 9:52 PM |
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
asleep. I wouldn't want to remember them tugging on me
Posted 11/12/07 9:52 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Posted by alnem
If you've had your wisdom teeth extracted were you awake or asleep?
And were they impacted or out? Can you tell im really paranoid and freaked out by this whole getting your teeth pulled thing!
You are not the only one. I need to get mine out and I have been putting it off
Posted 11/12/07 9:52 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I was asleep for my impacted one. Awake for one that wasn't impacted. Insurance doesn't cover being put to sleep, but, I told DH too darn bad..LOL. The impacted one hurt and I needed it out! The one that I was awake for, wasn't too bad and the recovery was quicker.
You will be fine.
Posted 11/12/07 9:53 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I was asleep but had a bad reaction to being put out (I woke up during ankle surgery too).
But there is no way I would ever want to be awake no matter how bad a reaction I had. Knock me with a mallet to put me out if you have to!
Posted 11/12/07 9:54 PM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Never had my wisdom teeth out, but I've had 3 oral surgeries to extract a total of 19 teeth....ASLEEP!!!!
Posted 11/12/07 9:55 PM |
Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Posted 11/12/07 9:58 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Wide awake, with just a shot of novocaine. None were impacted. Had them each out separately, in my dentist's office. One I was even 5 months pregnant (no epi in the novocaine).
Posted 11/12/07 10:00 PM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Posted 11/12/07 10:06 PM |
We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06 14887 total posts
Name: J9
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I still have my wisdom teeth. I am gonna have them out some time next year but last Thursday I had one of my baby teeth pulled out ( the eye tooth) and I WISH I had been asleep for it. I have braces and had to have that little chain attached to it. I still have stitches and my gums look all jacked up. I am really afraid to have my wisdom teeth pulled now
Posted 11/12/07 10:14 PM |
is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05 4189 total posts
Name: Tom
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
awake watching seinfield on their tv for two wisdom teeth... tghere are many worse things then a tooth exctraction..people make it out to seem so bad....
Posted 11/12/07 10:19 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 155 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I was awake (had 2 taken out at once) and it honestly wasn't that big a deal (they weren't impacted) but if I had to do it over again I'd probably opt for being asleep only because it took a while and got tedious! The dentist was in my face tugging for like 45 minutes.
Posted 11/12/07 10:41 PM |
We got a puppy!!

Member since 5/07 1420 total posts
Name: J
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Awake for all 4 of them! Not that big of a deal and if I was going to get knocked out the recovery time was much longer than just getting them done!
Posted 11/12/07 10:52 PM |
2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05 4402 total posts
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I had all 4 out at once and all 4 were impacted! It took nearly 2 hours!
I am so glad I didn't have to be awake for that!
Posted 11/12/07 10:52 PM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I hate the dentist...hate hate hate...I knew my wisdom teeth had to come out but I kept putting it off...I put it off for three years before I couldnt take the pain anymore...oral surgeon told me he could extract two at a time but he knew I'd never come back again so he knocked me out and removed all four. The worst part was after...not during (dont remember a thing)
Posted 11/12/07 10:56 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I was OUT!!!
Posted 11/12/07 10:58 PM |
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
ASLEEP! Without a doubt, 2 out of the 4 were impacted.
Posted 11/13/07 12:33 AM |
live laugh love

Member since 8/06 5082 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Asleep, because I had all 4 done at once. I don't think any were impacted.
Posted 11/13/07 12:56 AM |
Member since 7/06 2969 total posts
Name: lol
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I was asleep because I had all 4 taken out at the same time and 2 were severly impacted.
Posted 11/13/07 1:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1826 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I just had mine done a few weeks ago. I was put to sleep thank god! All 4 were impacted, and they were harder to get out than that thought they would be according to the doc. I say, if you have the option get put to sleep.
Posted 11/13/07 3:27 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1826 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Posted by BabyBoy
awake watching seinfield on their tv for two wisdom teeth... tghere are many worse things then a tooth exctraction..people make it out to seem so bad....
No offense, but if you have badly impacted teeth they are cutting bone into your jaw..It hurts pretty bad and makes it 100x worse than someone who doesn't have impacted teeth.
You are very lucky that you didn't have it that bad, I wish I was as lucky as you, and I bet everyone else on here does too!
Posted 11/13/07 3:31 AM |
2 Girls and 1 Boy!
Member since 7/07 3504 total posts
Name: D
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
Posted by shellybelle
i was awake for my top ones each tooth was out in less than 2 minutes
Same here! It was over before I even knew it!!
Posted 11/13/07 5:57 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Re: Wisdom teeth extraction - awake or put to sleep?
I have only had out 1. I was awake, had novacaine and sweet air. It was not too bad. I used to be very dentasl phobic! Maybe because I was in so much pain from it, I had a nerve exposed, that I just wanted it out. Now I have to have another one out, it did not come in all the way, but it is not hurting me, so I am not doing anything at the moment. But I know it has to come out. I will be awake for that one too. ETA It took longer to numb me, then to take it out. It was out in less then 5 minutes.
Message edited 11/13/2007 6:44:01 AM.
Posted 11/13/07 6:42 AM |
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