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September Mommies-to-be Thread

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Member since 5/05

2272 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: 24 weeks tomorrow

Feeling any different?: a little like a punching bag!

Can you believe how fast time has flown?: No- everything is going so fast!

Do you have names picked out?: Deciding between two, then will need a middle name.

Have you even STARTED the nursery?: Well, we will be sharing a room to start... so not yet.

Registered for stuff yet?: Yes! So much fun!

Anything else?: Finding myself getting tired more easily again. Occasional heartburn. DH STILL hasn't felt the baby kick... can't wait for that to happen. I have been very lucky- its been a very easy ride so far!!!

Posted 5/29/08 8:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: 24 weeks tomorrow

Feeling any different?: just more sluggish

Can you believe how fast time has flown?: with this pregnancy it is going way to fast

Do you have names picked out?: yes we have our daughters name picked out.

Have you even STARTED the nursery?: Nope. We havent even moved into our new home yet. Which is pissing me off.

Registered for stuff yet?: yes i have done it all online though

Anything else?: Always hungry. Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/08 9:58 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/08

19 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: 27 weeks today

Feeling any different?: getting more tired, some BH contrax

Can you believe how fast time has flown?: In some ways, no. But part of me cannot wait until Sept to meet our little one.

Do you have names picked out?: we have 2 boys and 2 girls names to choose from.

Have you even STARTED the nursery?: This babe is #2 so s/he will be inheriting DS nursery. So I am all done :)

Registered for stuff yet?: nope, #2 so not much I need

Anything else?: Always hungry too!

Posted 6/10/08 11:00 PM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: 27 weeks, 2 days

Feeling any different?: nope - still feeling great!

Can you believe how fast time has flown?: No way!! I feel like it took forever to get to this point with Baby #1 and I can't believe I am only 3 months away from being done!

Do you have names picked out?: Yes! Raymond John IV

Have you even STARTED the nursery?: Chat Icon well, it's torn apart, and that's how it lies Chat Icon

Registered for stuff yet?: not officially Chat Icon

Anything else?: I can't wait to meet Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/11/2008 7:45:01 AM.

Posted 6/11/08 7:43 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

I have cankles!

They are so swollen. They started this week and last night my left ankle actually felt a little “tight” so I had my hubby rub it.

Night calf cramps are here too. Wow, those are interesting. Nothing like trying to get comfy when WHAM! You feel like you have a solid ball of hard pain in your calf and nothing makes it stop!

Otherwise, I still feel great.

We moved our office desk, had the cable guy set up our new living room with all the connections we needed, tossed out our older coffee table that was in the office and set up the new TV stand. My new living room only needs the sofa moved in and the TV and it’s all done. Almost half way done with getting prepared to set up the nursery.

Posted 6/11/08 10:01 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: 25 weeks

Feeling any different?: I think I'm getting a little more tired but it could be the heat too. It's getting harder to bend over too!!

Can you believe how fast time has flown? I can't believe how fast the 2nd trimester has gone. The 1st trimester dragged on for what seemed like forever but now things are cranking along. I can't believe that in only 2 weeks I will be in my 3rd and final trimester!!

Do you have names picked out?: Absolutely!! If it's a Chat Icon - Emerson Avery and if it's a Chat Icon - Hayden Alexander.

Have you even STARTED the nursery? Nursery is almost done, we started a few weeks ago. It's painted and my husband installed all new trim, chair rails, crown moulding. It's beautiful. All we need is the light fixture and the carpet to be installed and then it's ready for furniture.

Registered for stuff yet? I've been registered since 12 weeks. (I started right after my Ultra Screen came back good) Some things have been bought already too!!

Anything else? Paranoid about gaining too much weight but it's so hard because there are days where I just want to eat. So stressful!!

Posted 6/11/08 4:58 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

27 weeks

I am sick Chat Icon

My ankles are swollen.

I am tired all the time. I can't bend over. Not sure what my feet look like. Chat Icon

As of Monday could no longer get my rings on my fingers.

It is 95 degrees out

On a happy note Chat Icon is having the time of his life tumbling around and loves music. HB was 160 when I was at the doctors yesterday.

13 more weeks to go Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/08 5:07 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: Almost 28 weeks

Feeling any different?: feeling huge! (see bikini shot in album)

Can you believe how fast time has flown?: I couldn't but things are slowing down again.

Do you have names picked out?: We have about 5 names and will pick when we see her.

Have you even STARTED the nursery?: No. Can we not talk about it please.

Registered for stuff yet?: Yes! I cannot stop updating and changing things though. It's too much fun!!!!

Anything else?: I am already anticipating how much I am going to miss being pregnant even though the discomfort is just starting. Oh yes, starting to have trouble shaving! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/11/2008 5:45:13 PM.

Posted 6/11/08 5:44 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?: Almost 24 weeks

Feeling any different?: nope, I still feel good Chat Icon

Can you believe how fast time has flown?: yeah, it's great to feel him kick occassionally and know he's ok in there...

Do you have names picked out?: We have the first name.... but still no middle name Chat Icon Names are difficult to find Chat Icon

Have you even STARTED the nursery? Yep! we're in a 1 BR apartment, so it will be in our room. The crib is assembled, and the changing table/dresser is now also assembled, and everything is decluttered Chat Icon

Registered for stuff yet?: yeah, like 12 weeks ago Chat Icon I keep changing stuff! I still am not happy with my swing selection (the pattern, mainly) I'm also debating on whether we even need one if we already registered for a bouncer.

Anything else?: We're going on our babymoon in a few weeks Chat Icon 1 week business trip to scotland, followed by 1 week in london, and then 1 week in germany to see my relatives. Before this huge trip, secured all health insurance info.... I was almost neurotic I was so thorough....
oh, and before I go, I have my glucose 1 hr test (I hope I don't have gestational diabetes Chat Icon) I get anxious before all of these tests (ultrascreen, level II...) sigh.

Message edited 6/11/2008 6:23:54 PM.

Posted 6/11/08 6:23 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

it's been a while ladies Chat Icon


How far along?

i am 30 1/2 weeks!

Feeling any different?

just slower and larger, and i can't seem to stop eating Chat Icon sometimes i could sleep all day, others i am full of energy... right now i am Chat Icon

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

no... but my poor DH wishes it was september already!!! he can't wait to meet our Chat Icon

Do you have a name picked out?

yup, but it's a secret Chat Icon

How far along is the nursery?

we finished painting, we are waiting until after our shower to order the furniture, since Chat Icon will be in our room in a bassinet for the first few weeks.

Has anyone had their shower yet?

our jack and jill shower is on july 20th - i can't wait!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Anything else?

i am stressing a little about the size of Chat Icon - my mom had a c-section with me (i think i was too big for her, and never descended into the birth canal) and i honestly wouldn't mind having a scheduled C... but we shall see at my next growth sono around 36/37 weeks.

Posted 7/5/08 10:45 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along? 28w2d

Feeling any different?

Hard to bend over, get tired more easily now, peeing ALL the time, and it's hard at times to get comfortable sleeping.

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

Sometimes. I thought the 2nd tri went by quickly but I'm starting to feel like I want this baby and I wish it was Sept. so I think these last few weeks will be loooooong.

Do you have a name picked out? Yes!

Chat Icon - Emerson Avery
Chat Icon - Hayden Alexander

How far along is the nursery?

We just finished it this week. All it needs now is the furniture which will be here in a few weeks.

Has anyone had their shower yet?

Nope and I have NO idea when it is either. My DH won't tell me. Chat Icon

Anything else?

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week so that's been tough this past few days. I'm being really rigid with the diet plan they gave me but my #'s are still a little high so I'm afraid they are going to put me on insulin shots too. I'm getting a little discouraged but I am doing my best. The GD is going to make these last few weeks really tough. Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 11:00 AM

Love my two girls!!

Member since 11/07

1966 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?

i am 30 1/2 weeks!

Feeling any different?

I feel much slower now and its harder to get up from the couch, bed, feet swell every night but I am excited and anxious to meet my baby!!!

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

It has gone by fast but everyone says these last weeks go by the slowest!!

Do you have a name picked out?


How far along is the nursery?

Nursery is painted just waiting for the furniture to come in....

Has anyone had their shower yet?

Last saturday...we had alot of fun and got EVERYTHING I mean almost $1,700 in gift cards to BBB and BRU

Anything else?

iI was born 12 lbs and DH was born 10 lbs...chances are we are having a larger baby....doc said she is measuring big already and we are going for a growth sono on Monday and another glucose test (even though I passed) just to see if I may be induced early! We shall see!!

Message edited 7/5/2008 5:38:05 PM.

Posted 7/5/08 11:10 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

Posted by Stephybaby

iI was born 12 lbs and DH was born 10 lbs...chances are we are having a larger baby....don said she is measuring big already and we aregoing for a growth sono on Monday and another glucose tret (even though I passed) just to see if I may be induced early! We shall see!!

Chat Icon I thought I was big at 10lbs1oz!!!!!!!!

How far along?

31 weeks!!!!!

Feeling any different?

Feeling really tired again. I have moments of energy but they pass quickly. Oh, and I have never been this hot (temperature LOL) in my life.

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

The second trimester went too fast!!!!

Do you have a name picked out?

No, we have about 5 or 6 that we like though. We'll wait until she is born to choose.

How far along is the nursery?

Don't ask. There is no sheetrock on the walls and no windows yet (they were ordered yesterday).

Has anyone had their shower yet?

Nope. not until the 27th.

Anything else?
Cannot wait to meet her!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 7/5/08 11:20 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/07

305 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?

31 weeks!!

Feeling any different?

Tired and having rolling problems getting in & out of bed...kinda annoying, but DH gets a kick out of it

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

She can not come soon enough!!

Do you have a name picked out?

Narrowed down to three....can not agree on anything!!
How far along is the nursery?

HAHAHAHA...don't ask!!
Has anyone had their shower yet?

Scheduled for August 3rd...God help me!

Anything else?
She's already measuring 4 Lbs...hopefully that mean she'll be here earlier than expected!!

Posted 7/5/08 2:15 PM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?
30w 5d!!

Feeling any different?
Definitely more tired lately. I keep having such jam-packed weekends, I need to tone it down a bit.

Can you believe how fast time has flown?
This pregnancy has gone by VERY fast

Do you have a name picked out?
Yes! RJ

How far along is the nursery?
I am happy to say that they did the electrical work this week. Next is to do the closet and then the sheetrock...

Has anyone had their shower yet?
Nope, I won't have one this time around

Anything else?
RJ is kicking my butt from the inside out!Chat Icon Sometimes I actually yell "Ow!" Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 2:23 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?
30w 3d!!

Feeling any different?
get very winded when I do the steps to fast or go from basment to second floor. Having a hard time sleeping

Can you believe how fast time has flown?
This pregnancy has been the perfect pace, but I know the next 6-8 weeks are going to fly by.

Do you have a name picked out?
Yes! but I'm not telling

How far along is the nursery?
Nursery is done but thats because I have a two year old. I need to wash some clothes and organize the closets and draws.

Has anyone had their shower yet?
I won't have one this time around

Anything else?
Lots of kicks/movement on the right side. I feel her mostly above my bellybutton.
We went to BBB this AM to check out double strollersChat Icon Chat Icon and try to figure out our car seat situation.

My next doctor appt. is the 10th - I wish I knew if I was having a sono or not.

Posted 7/5/08 3:15 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?

28 Weeks

Feeling any different?

Feeling huge, my feet and ankles hurt pretty bad when i walk now. Getting slightly uncomfortable at night.

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

No, but I'm glad, b/c we can't wait to meet our baby girl!

Do you have a name picked out?


How far along is the nursery?

Its painted, furniture is put together and in its place.

Has anyone had their shower yet?

I'm not having a shower...just one by mail, sine I'm OOS. I think a few girlfriends are taking me out to the lunch though.

Anything else?

Have my glucose test on Wed...kinda nervous about it....other than that all is well!

Posted 7/5/08 5:46 PM

Our family

Member since 5/05

2272 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?

29 weeks 1 day

Feeling any different?

Not really...

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

Not at all! Time flies!

Do you have a name picked out?

DH decided for sure yesterday!

How far along is the nursery?

He will be staring with us and be with us in our room for a while.... so no

Has anyone had their shower yet?


Anything else?

I am still feeling pretty good! Passed my glucose test which I was thrilled about. Everyone says I'm carrying really small. Looking forward to our growth sonogram in 3 weeks... we were/are hoping to go to Impact for a 3d one but can't seem to find a day/time that works...

Posted 7/5/08 6:53 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

How far along?

30 1/2 weeks

Feeling any different?

Sorta tired. Otherwise feel huge.

Can you believe how fast time has flown?

Unreal! Just 2months left!

Do you have a name picked out?

Yep, Jezebel Rose

How far along is the nursery?

Paint and furniture is done. Ordering the bedding today and need to put up some last pieces on the wall, paint the dresser with characters and I'm done.

Has anyone had their shower yet?

Won't have one

Anything else?

Can't wait for my Dad to get here

Posted 7/5/08 8:14 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

31 weeks


I cant believe how fast time has flown.

We still have to paint, put the border up and put things together in the nursery. Hopefully over the next few weekends we'll have that taken care of. I have a winnie the pooh lithograph I need to have framed so hoping to get that done in the next few weeks.

I am doing the 3D sono this week and can't wait.

I cant wait till Chat Icon comes into the world Chat Icon

Posted 7/5/08 8:31 PM


Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

I am 30w today!

I feel good overall-get grumpy and hot sometimes- today in particular I feel very large!

The nursery has been primed and will be painted tomorrow. We are having wood floors put in on Monday and the furniture is here but will need to be assembled.

I found out my shower will be July 27 and I am really excited. I peaked at my registry and my car seat-and stroller were bought.

Had a Dr.'s appt Thurs and she did a quick sono which was awesome and unexpected. I love getting to peak in on my baby.

Posted 7/5/08 10:08 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread


I want to hear updates on how everyone is doing.....

I'm 29 weeks and doing well. I walked a lot while on vacation, and had a bit of ankle swelling. I also got the first stretch mark..... so I'm using mama bee's creams for those issues. So far, so good! I mercifully still have no back pain and remain pretty energetic. I am also still sleeping well with my 5 down pillows.....

the gestational diabetes (I was diagnosed the weekend before I left) is really not that severe. By testing my levels after eating, I discovered I can even eat cake and other fatty sweets, as long as it's not on an empty stomach. the only forbidden foods that remain are juice, soda, pasta, rice, and large amounts of white bread. I can deal with that! (I was initially very scared.... the dietician told me I should basically only eat salad and wood chips (super coarse /unsweetened granola), but then told me I MUST gain more weight... an impossible combination in my book....)

How are you doing?

Posted 7/14/08 3:01 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

so far, so good! i am 31 weeks 5 days today, and Chat Icon is due exactly 8 weeks from today!

i am feeling much heavier and slower, and am prone to lower backaches, but i really don't have much to complain about - as long as i get enough rest i still feel pretty good.

i have a feeling i am going to gain about 35 lbs with this one... i was up 25 lbs at 30 weeks. i have an appointment with the dr tomorrow and i am a bit nervous about the weight gain. i haven't been eating more than usual but i just feel like i am getting HUGE.

Chat Icon moves around like crazy these days... i think i might have an olympic gymnast on my hands Chat Icon

the best part is, our jack and jill baby shower is on sunday - i can't wait!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/08 3:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

3915 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

29 weeks now! I feel pretty good, just very HOT HOT HOT all the time, I wish it were January. baby is moving a lot, very active especially when I lay down.

I"m up about 12 pounds now. I'm feeling more pressure down there, I guess I'm feeling the baby's weight. I can't wait to meet my baby, I wish I could fast forward the rest of the summer Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/08 3:29 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread

I'm 29 weeks and doing pretty good!

I went for my glucose test last week and everything was fine! No gdChat Icon
but my BP has been going up and down and there have been some traces of protein in my urine...So i'm being watched weekly to make sure I don't develop preclampsia.

My Chat Icon is sitting super low and likes to dance on my bladder so I'm peeing a lot and i have a back ache everyday....we did have our first trip to L& D the other night though...I was dehydrated and over did it that day. So just relaxing! Working on her scrap book and doing little things around the house.

Just went to the dr 29 weeks I'm up 16 lbs Bp was great today, however that stupid protein was in my urine again. But baby is measuring good and is super active!

Thats is for now!

Posted 7/14/08 3:55 PM
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