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LIF Infant

Member since 3/08 193 total posts
Name: Tommy
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by MrsRivera
Posted by myboyz
Obama.... although a Harvard grad he has admitted to using cocaine (so much for being a smart man)
This is really a moot point. Let's keep in mind that Bill Clinton openly admitted to smoking pot.
He's also the ONLY president in a LONG, LONG TIME to leave the federal reserve in the black!!!!!!!
So, I will take a HUMAN candidate who can bring our troops home from a pointless war and maybe get us out of our multi-trillion dollar deficit, thankyouverymuch.
Hey guess what we are winning this pointless war, and are making a huge dent in terrorrism.
Message edited 9/11/2008 11:40:41 AM.
Posted 9/11/08 11:40 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by beautyq115
While celebrities are entitled to their opinions he is speaking like he is some kind of political expert which he is not!
no Kathleen,
he sounds that way b/c he actually DID research to EXPERT forgive him for sounding more knowledgable than most, I am sure that was NOT an error on his part.
I wish MORE people from both sides articulated their fears so precisely, with direct questions they'd like answers to.
Posted 9/11/08 11:41 AM |
I hate ants and ugly people.

Member since 3/07 6437 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
I hear the fear in his voice and not hate....
Posted 9/11/08 11:56 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by Ophelia
Posted by beautyq115
While celebrities are entitled to their opinions he is speaking like he is some kind of political expert which he is not!
no Kathleen,
he sounds that way b/c he actually DID research to EXPERT forgive him for sounding more knowledgable than most, I am sure that was NOT an error on his part.
I wish MORE people from both sides articulated their fears so precisely, with direct questions they'd like answers to.
ITA. I am usually completely against any celebrity telling me what is right or wrong on BOTH sides.
I have to say that that's maybe because he did not try to just tell what to do that I actually think it's different this time.
He has made some very interesting points in a calm, reserved manner. Not like a propaganda.
And yes, she is a MORE THAN green (as meaning inexperienced) VP nominee.
I feel in this election the VP on BOTH side is just as important.
- McCain is not in the best of health and not the youngest candidate
- Obama is a target for assassination.
So yes, I feel both VP on both sides in this election could be president before the end of the term.
Posted 9/11/08 12:02 PM |
The cutest!

Member since 1/07 2495 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
I agree with the "cool" comment. Pam Anderson was on The View and said "GO Obama" - I am sure she picked him b/c of his foreign policy views -
Posted 9/11/08 12:04 PM |

Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by Jennie0898
Posted by Deedlebug126
tsk tsk Jennie, thank you for editing that. Melissa never attacked you personally.
Agreed, there was no need to go there or stoop to that level. I posted in haste and then quickly thought better of it.
Eh, I'm only human... FAR from perfect.
what would Michael think about that...?
Posted 9/11/08 12:39 PM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by Deedlebug126
what would Michael think about that...?
Eh, he who has a DUI and much more recently was groping strippers at the playboy club in Vegas would have to let it slip!
Posted 9/11/08 2:10 PM |
love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by ThreeSkis
He's JOKING, right? Please tell me he's joking! He can't be serious! I'm cracking up!
Her experience as a mayor and a governor are not enough for VICE president...then I wonder what he has to say about Barack Obama, who has LESS experience and wants to be PRESIDENT!
He's so "scared" because of some rumors about dinosaurs 4000 years ago and crap about book banning (neither of which are true - people MADE THEM UP!). That's much scarier than knowing Barack Obama associates with racist, anti-american radical preachers, unrepentant domestic terrorists and a slum-lord political fixer!
Posted 9/11/08 2:23 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by tommy2
Posted by MrsRivera
Posted by myboyz
Obama.... although a Harvard grad he has admitted to using cocaine (so much for being a smart man)
This is really a moot point. Let's keep in mind that Bill Clinton openly admitted to smoking pot.
He's also the ONLY president in a LONG, LONG TIME to leave the federal reserve in the black!!!!!!!
So, I will take a HUMAN candidate who can bring our troops home from a pointless war and maybe get us out of our multi-trillion dollar deficit, thankyouverymuch.
Hey guess what we are winning this pointless war, and are making a huge dent in terrorrism.
Do you actually BELEIVE that ???
Matt Damon can say whatever he wants - He's an American, he's educated, he's entiteld to his opinion just like anyone else ......... It's Ok for Angelina & Brad to adopt 4 kids from around the world and we them and make them ambassadors - Like they're going to save the world -
But a Harvard educated actor voices his opinion, and he's obviously researched things, and b/c he's anti McCain, the McCain supporters thing he should keep his mouth shut -
Posted 9/11/08 2:39 PM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Very well said
Posted 9/11/08 3:28 PM |

Member since 5/07 4747 total posts
Name: Shiv
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by Tilde
I prefer him in Sarah Silverman's video. . .
haha, yes ITA!
Posted 9/11/08 4:00 PM |

Member since 5/07 4747 total posts
Name: Shiv
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
i think alot of the people applauding him would be saying something very different if he was talking sh*t about Obama
Posted 9/11/08 4:04 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/07 151 total posts
Name: Jamie
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by MarisaK
Do you actually BELEIVE that ???
Matt Damon can say whatever he wants - He's an American, he's educated, he's entiteld to his opinion just like anyone else ......... It's Ok for Angelina & Brad to adopt 4 kids from around the world and we them and make them ambassadors - Like they're going to save the world -
But a Harvard educated actor voices his opinion, and he's obviously researched things, and b/c he's anti McCain, the McCain supporters thing he should keep his mouth shut -
I believe it. My husband, an Iraqi Freedom combat veteran who helped train the Iraqi Army believes it. He got to witness the changes first hand for 15 straight months, day and night, not just listen to the media's views on it. Why do you not believe it? Why do you think we have been SAFE for the last 7 years and not victims of even one more successful terrorist attack since 9/11/2001?
But, back to Matt Damon... do YOU really believe that?! That he "obviously researched things"? He admitted he doesn't know anything about her. His biggest concern was that she MIGHT think dinosaurs lived 4000 years ago. If he HAD researched, he would have known that it's a load of bologna! That preposterous quote came from a circulating email in which a blogger invented quotes to satirize Sarah Palin's views. Have a look at the email Matt Damon read and tell me any sane person with a brain and some common sense would take this for fact.
""On Creationism:
The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God's creation and not evolution is the source of all life. How could something as oddly shaped and silly looking as a moose evolve through so-called "natural selection?" Is evolution a committee? There is nothing natural about a dorky moose! Only God could have made a moose and given it huge antlers to fight off his predatory enemies. God has a well known sense of humor, I mean He made the platypus too.
On oil exploration and drilling in the ANWR:
God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of S*A*T*A*N really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.
Now, as to the ANWR, Todd and I often enjoying caribou hunting and one year we shot up a herd big time, I mean I personally slaughtered around 40 of them with my new, at the time, custom Austri an hunting rifle. And guess what? That caribou herd is still around and even bigger than ever. Caribou herds actually need culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!
On Alaskans serving overseas in Iraq:
Well, God bless them, and I mean God and Jesus because without Jesus we'd be Muslims too or Jewish, which would be a little better because of the superior Israeli Air Force.
Message edited 9/11/2008 4:19:54 PM.
Posted 9/11/08 4:08 PM |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by shiv
i think alot of the people applauding him would be saying something very different if he was talking sh*t about Obama
I would only applaud if he had valid reasons to be discussing that were good points, beleive me, I have applauded a few times for a few statements Palin has said, granted they are very few ,but I don;t get wear blinders with these elections, I just think that Palin is like a SNL skit, it seems like a joke to me, JMHO
Posted 9/11/08 4:17 PM |

Member since 2/06 5581 total posts
Name: Suzanne / SuzBride
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
""On Creationism:
The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God's creation and not evolution is the source of all life. How could something as oddly shaped and silly looking as a moose evolve through so-called "natural selection?" Is evolution a committee? There is nothing natural about a dorky moose! Only God could have made a moose and given it huge antlers to fight off his predatory enemies. God has a well known sense of humor, I mean He made the platypus too.
On oil exploration and drilling in the ANWR:
God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of S*A*T*A*N really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.
Now, as to the ANWR, Todd and I often enjoying caribou hunting and one year we shot up a herd big time, I mean I personally slaughtered around 40 of them with my new, at the time, custom Austri an hunting rifle. And guess what? That caribou herd is still around and even bigger than ever. Caribou herds actually need culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!
On Alaskans serving overseas in Iraq:
Well, God bless them, and I mean God and Jesus because without Jesus we'd be Muslims too or Jewish, which would be a little better because of the superior Israeli Air Force.
If you read papers on Creationism, some hard core Creationists have pretty out there beliefs, so some of these quotes aren't as outlandish as you may believe.
Message edited 9/11/2008 4:26:35 PM.
Posted 9/11/08 4:20 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
acording to Fact checker, there is not real way to confirm OR deny the censorship issue in the library. I find the WHOLE thing unsettling, whether it was loyalty litmus test or not. the facts are, she asked a "rhetorical" question more than once and was given an answer she didn't like. she then fired the librarian (and other dept heads) and rehired her.
either way, I don't like it.
One accusation claims then-Mayor Palin threatened to fire Wasilla’s librarian for refusing to ban books from the town library. Some versions of the rumor come complete with a list of the books that Palin allegedly attempted to ban. Actually, Palin never asked that books be banned; no books were actually banned; and many of the books on the list that Palin supposedly wanted to censor weren't even in print at the time, proving that the list is a fabrication. The librarian was fired, but was told only that Palin felt she didn’t support her. She was re-hired the next day. The librarian never claimed that Palin threatened outright to fire her for refusing to ban books.
It’s true that Palin did raise the issue with Mary Ellen Emmons, Wasilla’s librarian, on at least two occasions, three in some versions. Emmons flatly stated her opposition each time. But, as the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman (Wasilla’s local paper) reported at the time, Palin asked general questions about what Emmons would say if Palin requested that a book be banned. According to Emmons, Palin "was asking me how I would deal with her saying a book can't be in the library." Emmons reported that Palin pressed the issue, asking whether Emmons' position would change if residents were picketing the library. Wasilla resident Anne Kilkenny, who was at the meeting, corroborates Emmons' story, telling the Chicago Tribune that "Sarah said to Mary Ellen, 'What would your response be if I asked you to remove some books from the collection?' "
Palin characterized the exchange differently, initially volunteering the episode as an example of discussions with city employees about following her administration's agenda. Palin described her questions to Emmons as “rhetorical,” noting that her questions "were asked in the context of professionalism regarding the library policy that is in place in our city." Actually, true rhetorical questions have implied answers (e.g., “Who do you think you are?”), so Palin probably meant to describe her questions as hypothetical or theoretical. We can't read minds, so it is impossible for us to know whether or not Palin may actually have wanted to ban books from the library or whether she simply wanted to know how her new employees would respond to an instruction from their boss. It is worth noting that, in an update, the Frontiersman points out that no book was ever banned from the library’s shelves.
Palin initially requested Emmons’ resignation, along with those of Wasilla’s other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons, along with the police chief. According to the Chicago Tribune, Palin did not list censorship as a reason for Emmons’ firing, but said she didn’t feel she had Emmons’ support. The decision caused “a stir” in the small town, according to a newspaper account at the time. According to a widely circulated e-mail from Kilkenny, “city residents rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin’s attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter.”
As we’ve noted, Palin did not attempt to ban any library books. We don’t know if Emmons’ resistance to Palin’s questions about possible censorship had anything to do with Emmons’ firing. And we have no idea if the protests had any impact on Palin at all. There simply isn’t any evidence that we can find either way. Palin did re-hire Emmons the following day, saying that she now felt she had the librarian’s backing. Emmons continued to serve as librarian until August 1999, when the Chicago Tribune reports that she resigned.
So what about that list of books targeted for banning, which according to one widely e-mailed version was taken “from the official minutes of the Wasilla Library Board”? If it was, the library board should take up fortune telling. The list includes the first four Harry Potter books, none of which had been published at the time of the Palin-Emmons conversations. The first wasn't published until 1998. In fact, the list is a simple cut-and-paste job, snatched (complete with typos and the occasional incorrect title) from the Florida Institute of Technology library Web page, which presents the list as “Books banned at one time or another in the United States.”
more research needs to be done on this woman and her views.
it's one thing to be PERSONALLY conservative...but you should remain PUBLICALLY OPEN to the idea that NOT everyone is like you, believes in what you do, and furthermore, hold the idea that they SHOULD!
Posted 9/11/08 4:21 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by MarisaK
Do you actually BELEIVE that ???
Matt Damon can say whatever he wants - He's an American, he's educated, he's entiteld to his opinion just like anyone else ......... It's Ok for Angelina & Brad to adopt 4 kids from around the world and we them and make them ambassadors - Like they're going to save the world -
But a Harvard educated actor voices his opinion, and he's obviously researched things, and b/c he's anti McCain, the McCain supporters thing he should keep his mouth shut -
I believe it. My husband, an Iraqi Freedom combat veteran who helped train the Iraqi Army believes it. He got to witness the changes first hand for 15 straight months, day and night, not just listen to the media's views on it. Why do you not believe it? Why do you think we have been SAFE for the last 7 years and not victims of even one more successful terrorist attack since 9/11/2001?
But, back to Matt Damon... do YOU really believe that?! That he "obviously researched things"? He admitted he doesn't know anything about her. His biggest concern was that she MIGHT think dinosaurs lived 4000 years ago. If he HAD researched, he would have known that it's a load of bologna! That preposterous quote came from a circulating email in which a blogger invented quotes to satirize Sarah Palin's views. Have a look at the email Matt Damon read and tell me any sane person with a brain and some common sense would take this for fact.
""On Creationism:
The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God's creation and not evolution is the source of all life. How could something as oddly shaped and silly looking as a moose evolve through so-called "natural selection?" Is evolution a committee? There is nothing natural about a dorky moose! Only God could have made a moose and given it huge antlers to fight off his predatory enemies. God has a well known sense of humor, I mean He made the platypus too.
On oil exploration and drilling in the ANWR:
God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of ***** really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats.
Now, as to the ANWR, Todd and I often enjoying caribou hunting and one year we shot up a herd big time, I mean I personally slaughtered around 40 of them with my new, at the time, custom Austri an hunting rifle. And guess what? That caribou herd is still around and even bigger than ever. Caribou herds actually need culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!
On Alaskans serving overseas in Iraq:
Well, God bless them, and I mean God and Jesus because without Jesus we'd be Muslims too or Jewish, which would be a little better because of the superior Israeli Air Force.
No, I don't beleive we're "winning" any war, I don't believe we're eliminating any sort of terrorist threat - I believe I'm safe every day b/c there are men and women willing to risk their lives to serve their country and protect me - I believe in THEM - NOT the war they're being forced to fight and die a part of .......And I beleive that b/c I have many friends who have served in Iraq over the past few years ........I'm happy that your DH was there and feels good about it, that he made a difference - b/c most of my friends feel the exact opposite ..........
And I think Matt Damon's refrence to the whole dinosaur thing was sort of an -
Posted 9/11/08 4:22 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by shiv
i think alot of the people applauding him would be saying something very different if he was talking sh*t about Obama
not at all...I think he makes VALID points...he just happens to be talking about Palin
Posted 9/11/08 4:22 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by Mikismom
Posted by shiv
i think alot of the people applauding him would be saying something very different if he was talking sh*t about Obama
not at all...I think he makes VALID points...he just happens to be talking about Palin
Sure does, the dinosaur one aside. And again, we would not have hit, now, a 4th page if this were a celebrity that was taking a pro-JSM stance.
Posted 9/11/08 4:28 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
I don't understand the denial that she has very little experience.
She was the mayor of a town of less than 10,000 people.
Yes, we are talking about the size of Port Jefferson Village.
People please read.
She has been appointed 2 years ago to Governor of Alaska.
Who are we kidding??????
Whether you like Palin or not, she is not experienced.
Barack Obama, whether you like him or not, graduated from Columbia and Harvard. Taugh Law and became a Senator 4 years ago. Has already met World leaders.
For some reason..... they are not even in the same league.
While this is great to be idealistic and we need change. The women never set a foot outside the USA.
And like Matt Damon says it, playing the tough hockey mom to get the job done to fight serious issues like Russia is not going to cut it.
We need serious people in this serious World.
I don't think she is the solution to "change".
Posted 9/11/08 5:38 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 3101 total posts
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Two separate issues--do you agree with Matt Damon; and is it a shame that Matt Damon, by virtue of being a goodlooking actor, has a platform that we as a society only afford his kind?
All the self righteous, horrified indignation at each other don't allow for reasoned debate about either of these issues.
Posted 9/11/08 5:48 PM |
Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Message edited 11/21/2011 8:26:32 PM.
Posted 9/11/08 7:04 PM |
2 under 2...whew!!
Member since 2/07 9876 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by tommy2
Hey guess what we are winning this pointless war, and are making a huge dent in terrorrism.
You can all you want, it won't change the fact that we occupied a country that didn't attack us. And now, 7 years later--yes, we have taught military tactics and governmental policies to a country that desperately needed them--but as another poster already said, we've been there and done that, and they used our own tactics against us.
Posted 9/11/08 8:31 PM |
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
I'm more interested in what we should vote for the taste debate of 08
Posted 9/11/08 8:32 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 3/08 193 total posts
Name: Tommy
Re: Matt Damon on Sarah Palin
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
Posted by MarisaK
No, I don't beleive we're "winning" any war, I don't believe we're eliminating any sort of terrorist threat - I believe I'm safe every day b/c there are men and women willing to risk their lives to serve their country and protect me - I believe in THEM - NOT the war they're being forced to fight and die a part of .......And I beleive that b/c I have many friends who have served in Iraq over the past few years ........I'm happy that your DH was there and feels good about it, that he made a difference - b/c most of my friends feel the exact opposite ..........
And I think Matt Damon's refrence to the whole dinosaur thing was sort of an -
Good you shouldn't believe it.
In 1978 the Soviet - Afghan war began and lasted 9 years. The United States helped arm and train the Afghanistan army. After all even though Afghanistan was not one of our allies they were fighting against our biggest enemy at the time, the Soviet Union.
The Afghans took the training we gave them and used it to train terrorists with the help of Bin Laden's money and attacked this country.
Now we are doing the same thing in Iraq. Don't be surprised when it happens again. Seems our government will never learn. As to the original question yeah Matt's entitled to his opinions just like the rest of us. EFS
Or it can become a well established Democracy and close ally.
Al-Quaeda has been driven into a state of permanent flight. Its ability to train jihadists have been severerly compromised, and financial networks ripped apart. Thousands of its activists and enablers have been killed. but your right we are losing.
Do you seriously think that if the U.S. and its allies had not ousted the Taliban and sustained an offensive against them for the last 6 yrs, that there wouldn't have been an attack on the West?
Message edited 9/11/2008 8:49:39 PM.
Posted 9/11/08 8:49 PM |
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