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Help! Transition to Toddler Bed

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/12

154 total posts


Help! Transition to Toddler Bed

My son has been a perfect sleeper until two nights ago. Two nights ago my husband & I went on out and my girlfriend babysat. I put my son to sleep in his crib and then my husband & I left. I told my girlfriend not to go in my son's bedroom and that if he gets up and cries for more than 10 minutes to call me.
Sure enough he cried for 10 minutes and instead of calling me my girlfriend wanted to play Super Babysitter and went in my son's room read him many books (because one was not enough), played him music, and gave him water.
The following night when I put my son to sleep he refused to go in his crib. He cried for me to keep reading him books. After reading 3 books I put him in his crib and left the room. He screamed and cried. My husband & I checked the monitor and he had one foot over the top of his crib and was about to fall out. My husband ran in the room and caught him.
We brought him downstairs, dimmed the lights, and cuddled him. He started to drift off so we brought him upstairs again. As soon as we put him down in his crib he freaked out. We then brought him downstairs again and when he drifted off we brought him in our bed. He went to bed for two hours. When he woke he was startled because he didn't know where he was. My husband took him to his room. He took the crib mattress and put it on the floor. Our son cried for an hour until he finally cried himself to sleep with his legs on the floor and his body on the mattress.

Today my husband converted his crib to a Toddler Bed. He put our son to sleep with our usual nightly routine and we are experiencing the same problem. He is screaming and banging on his bedroom door for an hour.
What do we do????

Posted 1/27/15 8:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Help! Transition to Toddler Bed

He probably figures you will bring him downstairs if he cries enough. Try sitting in their with him but on the floor by the door. Inch you way out the door. Keep putting him back in his bed. Some nights I need to keep telling my girls it's bed time and they need to sleep. (Like tonight bc one woke up Lol) if its bedtime I will sit in there to reassure them.

Posted 1/28/15 2:01 AM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

9170 total posts


Re: Help! Transition to Toddler Bed

Not sure how old your ds is
We just transitioned my ds at 20 months
One night of the babysitter of reading him extra books isn't going to ruin his routine.

The first few nights ds cried and banged on his door but after a while he just got into bed and went to sleep. I didn't go in. I made sure his room was 100% safe and watched him on the monitor.

After a week or so it was a dream! He would turn the lights on and play or "read" for a bit and then turn lights off and get into his bed.

Just stick with it and be consistent!

Posted 1/28/15 7:32 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Help! Transition to Toddler Bed

For us it was a phase. Out of the blue, no babysitter, no change in routine.. just one day bedtime routine didn't work. She used to sleep on her own in her toddler bed, never an ounce of trouble to us sleeping on the floor as a whole family LOL

Posted 1/28/15 9:55 AM

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