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Multiple Births

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DH going back to work tomorrow-Im freaking out! Journey33 17 2226 12 years ago 
by LIRascal
LIRascal had her twin girls today!!! CindySN23 9 1562 12 years ago 
by LIRascal
I need a better pediatrician... Traysee 5 962 12 years ago 
by sunflowerjesss
Smiles111 lulugrrl 7 1097 12 years ago 
by sunflowerjesss
Any twin moms affected by the storm? PreshusSmurf 2 1065 12 years ago 
by PreshusSmurf
Same sex twins - Bedrooms maybemommy10 8 1552 12 years ago 
by DandN
Twins...3rd time around pixie 4 1670 12 years ago 
by kahlua716
X-post from Pregnancy CaseyGirl 1 626 12 years ago 
by lulugrrl
I'm only 10 weeks, but how do you know... miraclebaby12 7 1198 12 years ago 
by lulugrrl
Please tell me I'm not the only one! cateyemm 6 1116 12 years ago 
by Strawberry2468
I should keep my mouth shut! Back in hospital... LIRascal 6 1288 12 years ago 
by Strawberry2468
Need advice Journey33 0 602 12 years ago 
by Journey33
anyone have a short cervix around 28 weeks Twins2013 8 1846 12 years ago 
by Arodisi
HCG levels for twins mama2012 4 1912 12 years ago 
by PregowithTwins
pressure question.. gina409 5 810 12 years ago 
by TripletMom
Growth sono/Percentile question cateyemm 2 613 12 years ago 
by cateyemm
Update Bleeding/Spotting lizib60 1 936 12 years ago 
by miraclebaby12
X-post from Parenting - Daycare / Nannies miraclebaby12 0 546 12 years ago 
by miraclebaby12
At what week were your twins born? Hoping4Miracle2 19 3744 12 years ago 
by DRMom
Why I am in the hospital for early labor! *update2- going home!* (Pages: 1 2) LIRascal 28 5799 12 years ago 
by gina409
monitoring movement cateyemm 1 663 12 years ago 
by Journey33
20 months and not that verbal YouHaveToBelieve 3 1588 12 years ago 
by YouHaveToBelieve
did anyone take any classes prior to birth that were helpful for twins? cateyemm 4 978 12 years ago 
by statusquoscreenname
I'm in hospital for preterm labor! Updated! OnceUponATyme 17 4015 12 years ago 
by OnceUponATyme
Light Bleeding/Spotting ? lizib60 1 698 12 years ago 
by Traysee
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