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telling my landlord

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

1537 total posts


telling my landlord

We having a closing date of on or about november 30th but also she has up to 7 days after that to still live in the house...we rent right now and we dnt have a lease.. when should I tell my landlord?? If we dnt move until like the 7tn do u think we have to pay for the month still/?

Posted 10/10/13 9:52 AM
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Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05

9923 total posts


Re: telling my landlord it is October 10 and you still haven't told your landlord that you were leaving? I would tell them ASAP. I would ask to stay in the apartment until 11/15 and offer to pay half the month.

Posted 10/10/13 9:56 AM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


telling my landlord

Tell the landlord. I would think they would want to know that the apartment will be available for rental.

Posted 10/10/13 10:05 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/13

374 total posts


Re: telling my landlord

I would tell the landlord, and I would ask to stay until 12/15 and pay half the month. This way you are covered in case the current owner ends up staying.

Posted 10/10/13 10:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


telling my landlord

Is the Nov 30th the "on or about date" in your contract or is it an actual date that has been discussed? In reality, if that's the date in contract, you might not close for another 30 days.

Is your landlord someone you can talk to and let them know that you will be moving soon, without giving an actual date? That's what we did when we were inthe same situation.

Posted 10/10/13 10:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

2490 total posts

D EDD: 8/29/2010

Re: telling my landlord

I am a landlord, and by my standards you should have already said something! We have a policy with our tenant where if they don't give is 30 days notice we keep the security deposit, cause you just made me lose out on a month of finding someone else!!

Ask to stay until whenever you need to and pay for that amount of time, I'm sure they will be fine with that.

Posted 10/10/13 10:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/13

684 total posts


telling my landlord

Since you don't have a lease, I would think that you have a good relationship with your landlord. I would tell her/him now and advise them of all the what ifs.

November 30th is a Saturday, so you are definitely not closing on that date. Does your contract say within 30 days of the date? Also, don't forget to take into account Christmas/New Years. This might drag into the new year.

Posted 10/10/13 11:02 AM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Re: telling my landlord

to play it safe, i would tell your landlord you will be out by 12/31
i know it stinks having to pay the extra rent, but the closing date is approximate and may change.

Posted 10/10/13 11:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

1537 total posts


telling my landlord

We went in contract sept 30th. 60 days after is nov 30th. I knw there can be an extension for another 30 days on top of that. In the contract after closing she is allowed up to 7 days after to still stay.
Yes novemeber 30th is the on or about date... how do I tell them a date when I have no idea

Posted 10/10/13 1:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/10

924 total posts


telling my landlord

at a minimum, I would share with your landlord that you have an accepted offer on a home and the estimated closing date is November 30.

Tell him/her that as soon as you have a firm date you will advise, the more communication the better. I would try to NOT committ to a move out date right now only because sometimes things get delayed. I would think that your landlord woul dbe happy to know it could be 30 days or so from now and could start getting ready to show the apt.

Posted 10/10/13 1:32 PM

Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11

5570 total posts


telling my landlord

You should have already talked to your landlord. Explain to the landlord your situation. When we bought our house we told our landlord as soon as all parties signed the contract-He understood that our closing date was not set yet. We went to closing on the fourth but stayed in our apartment until the end of the month so we could have the house painted before we moved in.

Posted 10/10/13 1:38 PM

One day at a time

Member since 11/07

7397 total posts


telling my landlord

Definitely say something ASAP. But don't committ to a move out date yet. There are SO many things that can affect a closing date. November 30th really doesn't mean much. But def give your landlord the heads up so they can start thinking about their next steps. And when you have your date, you should be giving them at least 30 days notice and paying for that time. We closed on 6/21 but didn't move out until 7/13, so we paid the half a month.

Posted 10/10/13 1:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

1537 total posts


telling my landlord

def...I mean I know this guy will get someone in there right away. I have ppl who may want the apartment and the other tenant i think would be interested in the her daugther in there.... So I will tell the landlord we are moving but not sure the exact date either the beginning of dec or Jan. i just hope he will be ok with us maybe staying until the middle of the month

Posted 10/10/13 2:27 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: telling my landlord

Posted by Watever143

We went in contract sept 30th. 60 days after is nov 30th. I knw there can be an extension for another 30 days on top of that. In the contract after closing she is allowed up to 7 days after to still stay.
Yes novemeber 30th is the on or about date... how do I tell them a date when I have no idea

You guess and take the risk of paying a little past when you actually move out or take the risk of telling them too early and then you have on where to live.

SInce you do not have a lease and it is month to month then you much give 30 day notice.

Posted 10/10/13 2:51 PM

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