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Desperate for nap help (CIO?)

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Desperate for nap help (CIO?)

DD is five months old and just cut two teeth within the past week and a half. As a result, she hasn't been napping well AT ALL. She used to go in her crib without a problem and pass out (for a good hour or longer) and now, she refuses to nap anywhere but her stroller and I have to rock her to sleep. DH and I just fought with her for an hour to go to sleep in the crib, pnp, and her swing and she cried her head off. I know they say 6m/o is really the youngest for CIO?, but what do I do?? Is there a modified version of CIO that I can use? Or is she just not herself because of the teething?
BTW - She will go to bed in her crib at night without a problem. I'm going crazy!

Posted 8/22/09 10:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/06

3762 total posts


Re: Desperate for nap help (CIO?)

we started cio around 5 months because ds just would not go to sleep... he never really napped on the crib and so we ended up using the pnp so that he could see us and then he felt comfortable... interetsingly though.... when we went on vacation we used the pnp as his crib and now he will only nap in his crib and hates the pnp

Posted 8/22/09 3:31 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

17227 total posts


Re: Desperate for nap help (CIO?)

DD has always been a good sleeper when she cut a tooth that went out the window, give it a few days and she may just go back to her old ways...Chat Icon thats hat happened with us...she would wake up every hour on the hour at night when she was cutting a tooth and after it was all over she went back to her old ways THANK G-D!!!

Posted 8/22/09 3:58 PM

So Thankful!!

Member since 11/07

4004 total posts

Lots of Sticky Dust, Please!

Re: Desperate for nap help (CIO?)

Thanks for the advice. Fortunately, she's doing okay with the overnights (knock on wood!). It's the napping that is killing me! She's always been a good napper, and now she is just SO fussy :( Part of me wants to let her CIO a bit, but she's only five months so I'm not sure now is the time...

Posted 8/22/09 4:19 PM

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