Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: I feel horrible - WWYD-Newborn/holiday related
OMG tons of my opinion is that your sister was wrong to make u feel this way and put u in this situation. She especially should have NEVER said that to your niece.
I totally agree with keeping a newborn away from children the first couple of moths. My pediatrician recommended it with our DS, and he was born the end of june. So that meant missing July 4th parties, my dad's birthday, my nephews birthday. But my child came first. Not to mention, he got a bad cold and fever the 2nd week he was born b/c of all the people coming to the hospital and my house to visit him. after that DH and i said NO MORE and especially NO CHILDREN and lucky for us our families totally understood. My 2 nephews are 2 and 3 and both are sick ALL the time ,literally every week b/c they are in daycare. My SIL is a pain about somethings, but she is great about not letting my DS be around her kids. In fact, he's 5 months old and maybe he's met them 2 times b/c they are sick so much. Our doctor said that esp when the winter comes be careful, as everyone has germs. Even now, i am sick and trying my hardest to stay away from my own DS.
Every parent is different and has different experiences. some feel its fine to let kids around newborns, others dont feel comfortable, and neither is right or wrong. Its up to you and your DH! and i am sorry you felt obligated to now have them over. You are not a bad mom infact, your a wonderful mom for thinking about your DC. Also, with regards to keeping him in your room, i think thats a good idea if you have to have everyone over, he's little and wont know the difference. At my son's bris, when he was 7 days old, after he had the ceremony, he went right into our room, to be feed and put to sleep. Newborns are so little,, its a lot for them to be around lots of people/noise and overstimulating, Even the rabbi said take him away from everyone. If you need to talk feel free to FM.
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: I feel horrible - WWYD-Newborn/holiday related
I have to say that I'm amazed that someone with kids herself (your sister) doesn't understand that you don't want to expose a 3 week old to all those kids.
my family has been more then understanding about the holidays. at christmas dd will be 3 months old and we will take her to my il's for eve and my parents for day of. there will be no school age kids at either house.
i think family needs to be more understanding about newborns. and you are not a bad mom.