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LIF Adult

Member since 10/09 1592 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by 2BadSoSad
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
This exactly.
Message edited 3/2/2016 12:45:56 AM.
Posted 3/2/16 12:43 AM |
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LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
My question for Trump supporters is even if you agree with his stances on things like education or the economy how you can support someone who (insert things he says about certain groups of people). That's a valid question.
Bottom line is money rules the world and it often trumps (no pun) compassion, humanity and kindness.
Posted 3/2/16 6:37 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by evrythng4areason
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
And this is why people won't speak up and say that they're voting for trump.
If they support him they should be able to defend what he says no? If I believed in someone I would.
Posted 3/2/16 6:40 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by evrythng4areason
I know quite a few educated people who plan on voting for Trump.
Their reasons include:
They agree with his stance on immigration/deportation They agree with his stance on education They agree with the need for massive governmental cuts due to excess They have been fed up with the way in which Obama has run this country They believe that his more extreme views will be tempered by Congress
There are some of the arguments individuals have for voting for Trump
Ok, so lets turn the tables, why are you guys voting for Hillary?? Why with her past??
Message edited 3/2/2016 8:17:35 AM.
Posted 3/2/16 8:16 AM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by stinger
Posted by evrythng4areason
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
And this is why people won't speak up and say that they're voting for trump.
If they support him they should be able to defend what he says no? If I believed in someone I would.
Perhaps but I know I wouldn't waste my time debating with someone who calls me morally reprehensible or stupid right off the bat. I am not a Trump supporter but I don't blame them one bit for not engaging in this thread.
Posted 3/2/16 8:20 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by Millie3
too many illegals getting full benefits
I'm not going to get involved in the rest of the thread, but I wanted to point out that someone who is undocumented doesn't get full benefits.
well did you see what Cuomo wants to do???
Posted 3/2/16 8:20 AM |

Member since 6/10 4094 total posts
Name: F
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
I am finding this thread hilarious. You die hard Trump haters are trying to bait soooo bad, and no one is biting. Give it up with the name calling, threats of divorce etc... Some people just don't think the way you do, and that is OK.
You know, accept everyone for their differences. Love & peace to all. Clearly no one wants to get into it because of the disrespect portrayed when no one is saying anything. So much for accepting differences and love & peace to all. ;)
Posted 3/2/16 8:35 AM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by LotsaLuv
I am finding this thread hilarious. You die hard Trump haters are trying to bait soooo bad, and no one is biting. Give it up with the name calling, threats of divorce etc... Some people just don't think the way you do, and that is OK.
You know, accept everyone for their differences. Love & peace to all. Clearly no one wants to get into it because of the disrespect portrayed when no one is saying anything. So much for accepting differences and love & peace to all. ;)
Yes!! And Trump says a lot of offensive things, and I'm sure that's one of the reasons why people dislike him. But, the same people that dislike him are saying things on this thread that are offensive. WTF!
Posted 3/2/16 8:43 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by LotsaLuv
I am finding this thread hilarious. You die hard Trump haters are trying to bait soooo bad, and no one is biting. Give it up with the name calling, threats of divorce etc... Some people just don't think the way you do, and that is OK.
You know, accept everyone for their differences. Love & peace to all. Clearly no one wants to get into it because of the disrespect portrayed when no one is saying anything. So much for accepting differences and love & peace to all. ;)
I get what you are saying. But I think because Trump himself Does not accept differences and does not portray love and peace it's easy to assume his supporters are like him. He actually comes off as very disrespectful. Isn't Trump himself the one who name calls?
Message edited 3/2/2016 8:47:37 AM.
Posted 3/2/16 8:46 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by StaceyWill
Posted by LotsaLuv
I am finding this thread hilarious. You die hard Trump haters are trying to bait soooo bad, and no one is biting. Give it up with the name calling, threats of divorce etc... Some people just don't think the way you do, and that is OK.
You know, accept everyone for their differences. Love & peace to all. Clearly no one wants to get into it because of the disrespect portrayed when no one is saying anything. So much for accepting differences and love & peace to all. ;)
Yes!! And Trump says a lot of offensive things, and I'm sure that's one of the reasons why people dislike him. But, the same people that dislike him are saying things on this thread that are offensive. WTF!
Because people are attacking each other based on their opinions. You guys asked, we answered, so back off with the nasty comments. For example, I can't stand Hillary. I am not going to jump down someones throat because they like her. Their choice, their opinion!!!!!
Message edited 3/2/2016 8:47:18 AM.
Posted 3/2/16 8:46 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 4694 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by LotsaLuv
I am finding this thread hilarious. You die hard Trump haters are trying to bait soooo bad, and no one is biting. Give it up with the name calling, threats of divorce etc... Some people just don't think the way you do, and that is OK.
You know, accept everyone for their differences. Love & peace to all. Clearly no one wants to get into it because of the disrespect portrayed when no one is saying anything. So much for accepting differences and love & peace to all. ;)
Right. It's the same thing over and over and over.
I would never berate supporters of candidates I don't support in the manner that's been done on LIF over the past several weeks. I truly don't understand it. Freedom of thought and speech - unless you support Trump. And then people wonder why no one wants to respond to a thread like this.
I'm not in the mood to be called ignorant, uneducated, or told to "get my head checked." These are all things that have been said on LIF over the past several weeks. It's nuts.
Posted 3/2/16 8:52 AM |
Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07 7816 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
This has got to be one of the single most disgusting comments I've ever seen on this site. And it is the exact reason why anyone who supports Trump will not dare say a word. There's no such thing as a casual adult conversation about politics on here.
Posted 3/2/16 9:02 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/14 333 total posts
Name: stephanie
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by evrythng4areason
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
And this is why people won't speak up and say that they're voting for trump.
If I was a supporter, I would. I certainly don't care what some random stranger online thinks of me or my moral compass - lol
Posted 3/2/16 9:11 AM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by LSP2005
Posted by StaceyWill
Posted by DiamondGirl
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by beachgirl
I am a logical person. I need logic. I crave it. If I find it it makes me happy
Looking for the logic...
Oh you won't get logic here. A few weeks ago I was told they didn't want facts or an educated response.
No wonder why Trump said he likes the "poorly educated". That's what it is, really.
this is low. I am a democrat and have NEVER voted for a republican IN MY LIFE and probably will not ever that said this is just rude. I hate talking politics for this reason, it brings out the worst in people (myself included). I am no Trump fan but it is unfair to assert bc I don't like him anyone who does is stupid.
I agree. That was a really mean comment. super mean and really judgmental. It is as bad as saying Sanders supporters all want a free lunch without having to work for it. We are just better than boiling it down to trivialities like that.
How is this comment mean and judgmental when Trump himself said those words?? He said he "loves the poorly educated". That actually happened.
Posted 3/2/16 9:23 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/13 6040 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
I would implore anyone who has any sense of awareness about the global impact of what Trump's potential nomination and/or presidency could mean to read some of these articles. They are not all die-hard Liberal-bent thinkpieces. But they coherently and thoughtfully explain WHY his current bid for presidency is problematic, and frankly, insane. When the rest of the world is questioning the intelligence of the US population and their trust in Trump, it's a problem.
If after you read these articles, if they don't give you pause to look at the bigger picture, then there's not much else to say. But I would ask that people who support him to own what that means - it means that you support his words, his actions, and what they mean to other people, however vile, xenophobic and racist they may be. The whole "I want to make America great again" spiel is a tiresome non sequitur. Not even Trump knows what that means.
5 Reasons Why Americans Should Not Vote for Trump
These Republicans Will Not Vote for Trump
5 More Reasons Not to Vote for Trump if You are Republican
Inside the Republican Party's Desperate Attempt to Stop Donald Trump
Why Does Europe Want the US to Elect Bernie Sanders?
Again, I think that if you are a Trump supporter, you should realize that it means that you support his hatred of non-white Americans, his bottom line, and his bigotry and prejudices, his advocation of the use of violence to silence opponents. You can't really separate them - he is all of those things, and if elected he has the power to destroy our country.
At the end of the day, your love for your country should outweigh your politics.
Message edited 3/2/2016 9:35:31 AM.
Posted 3/2/16 9:31 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 1/13 881 total posts
Name: Alyson
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Wow this is just awful! I mean seriously awful. Here we have a valid question. Yes I DO think it's valid. Tell me why you would vote for him. ! This thread has been taken over by mean girls plain and simple. What hypocrites you are. Talking about how he's a bully and his belief's when people are throwing out things about divorcing spouses over a PRIVATE vote, or how you are morally wrong if you vote for him. Why the f*ck would ANYONE want to even attempt to explain themselves when this sh*t is being said. What's wrong with our country? This is a great example right here. Pot's calling the kettle black. I will not vote for him. I will not vote for Clinton. My vote is private per law. If I would divorce my husband or cut out friends or family over my vote then IMHO those relationships are sketchy at best. This is just ridiculous. Am I worried about Trump winning....yes just as I worried about President Obama and the sh*t show we're in now, but THANK GOODNESS we have Congress! In this election who you have representing you THERE is what matters.
Posted 3/2/16 9:39 AM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Her past doesn't bother me one bit. So, her husband banged an intern in the white house. Trump's an adulterous man who is on his 3rd wife.
Benghazi was a joke that the GOP has spent years and millions of dollars to try and make into something that it wasn't. There have been other lives lost under other secretaries of state at embassies and you didn't see the witch hunt that went on with her.
The emails are another joke. The ones that were supposedly "classified" were classified AFTER THE FACT. Therefore, nothing she did was illegal. Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell both admitted to doing the same thing, but you didn't see it made into the fiasco that it was for her. The GOP should have been focusing on getting their own party's shit together instead of focusing on being such azzholes to Obama and Clinton. Maybe they wouldn't have such a divided and pathetic party today if they had.
Why am I voting for her? Because underneath her corporate, establishment image, I still believe that she wants to do good by the American people. Is she maybe bought by certain corporations? Maybe. But, she has been helping minorities and children for decades and don't think she is going to turn around once elected president and become some corporate monster. When people say they don't trust her, it makes me laugh. Oh, and you trust ANY of the other candidates? Other than Sanders, they are all snakes.
Trump might be the "outsider" because he is not a politician. But, he is as much an insider as anyone since he has donated to and been part of the establishment for 40+ years. And don't even get me started on his flip-flopping of views. Yes, Hillary did too. But, a lot of it was views she held in college or many years ago. She has already said that her "super predators" comment was wrong and she has learned from those mistakes and it has brought her to her current stance on the criminal justice system. Unlike trump, who flip flops and either denies that he did, or makes excuses for it. And that, to me, is the core difference between him and Hillary. She is able to admit her mistakes. He has never apologized for anything he has ever done. I'm sure the central park 5 are still waiting for their apologies.
Posted 3/2/16 9:46 AM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by ohbaby08
Her past doesn't bother me one bit. So, her husband banged an intern in the white house. Trump's an adulterous man who is on his 3rd wife.
Benghazi was a joke that the GOP has spent years and millions of dollars to try and make into something that it wasn't. There have been other lives lost under other secretaries of state at embassies and you didn't see the witch hunt that went on with her.
The emails are another joke. The ones that were supposedly "classified" were classified AFTER THE FACT. Therefore, nothing she did was illegal. Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell both admitted to doing the same thing, but you didn't see it made into the fiasco that it was for her. The GOP should have been focusing on getting their own party's shit together instead of focusing on being such azzholes to Obama and Clinton. Maybe they wouldn't have such a divided and pathetic party today if they had.
Why am I voting for her? Because underneath her corporate, establishment image, I still believe that she wants to do good by the American people. Is she maybe bought by certain corporations? Maybe. But, she has been helping minorities and children for decades and don't think she is going to turn around once elected president and become some corporate monster. When people say they don't trust her, it makes me laugh. Oh, and you trust ANY of the other candidates? Other than Sanders, they are all snakes.
Trump might be the "outsider" because he is not a politician. But, he is as much an insider as anyone since he has donated to and been part of the establishment for 40+ years. And don't even get me started on his flip-flopping of views. Yes, Hillary did too. But, a lot of it was views she held in college or many years ago. She has already said that her "super predators" comment was wrong and she has learned from those mistakes and it has brought her to her current stance on the criminal justice system. Unlike trump, who flip flops and either denies that he did, or makes excuses for it. And that, to me, is the core difference between him and Hillary. She is able to admit her mistakes. He has never apologized for anything he has ever done. I'm sure the central park 5 are still waiting for their apologies.
Posted 3/2/16 10:06 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by ohbaby08
Her past doesn't bother me one bit. So, her husband banged an intern in the white house. Trump's an adulterous man who is on his 3rd wife.
Benghazi was a joke that the GOP has spent years and millions of dollars to try and make into something that it wasn't. There have been other lives lost under other secretaries of state at embassies and you didn't see the witch hunt that went on with her.
The emails are another joke. The ones that were supposedly "classified" were classified AFTER THE FACT. Therefore, nothing she did was illegal. Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell both admitted to doing the same thing, but you didn't see it made into the fiasco that it was for her. The GOP should have been focusing on getting their own party's shit together instead of focusing on being such azzholes to Obama and Clinton. Maybe they wouldn't have such a divided and pathetic party today if they had.
Why am I voting for her? Because underneath her corporate, establishment image, I still believe that she wants to do good by the American people. Is she maybe bought by certain corporations? Maybe. But, she has been helping minorities and children for decades and don't think she is going to turn around once elected president and become some corporate monster. When people say they don't trust her, it makes me laugh. Oh, and you trust ANY of the other candidates? Other than Sanders, they are all snakes.
Trump might be the "outsider" because he is not a politician. But, he is as much an insider as anyone since he has donated to and been part of the establishment for 40+ years. And don't even get me started on his flip-flopping of views. Yes, Hillary did too. But, a lot of it was views she held in college or many years ago. She has already said that her "super predators" comment was wrong and she has learned from those mistakes and it has brought her to her current stance on the criminal justice system. Unlike trump, who flip flops and either denies that he did, or makes excuses for it. And that, to me, is the core difference between him and Hillary. She is able to admit her mistakes. He has never apologized for anything he has ever done. I'm sure the central park 5 are still waiting for their apologies.
nailed it
Posted 3/2/16 10:08 AM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by 2BadSoSad
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
all of this
you can agree with some of this stances nothing is wrong with that. but for people to actually think this man should be the president of our country is unbelievable. I still cant get over women actually supporting him after the shitt he has says about women.
he has no business representing this country.
FTR. I hate politics. I have no stance on who else should be president just not him!!!!
I am still holing on to hope that he doesn't get the republican nominee and I don't have to hear about him anymore and I can go back to not caring about politics
Posted 3/2/16 10:56 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/11 6163 total posts
Name: Momma Bear
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by KarenK122
Do you really think anyone is going to list why they like Trump. Before anyone even said anything there has been a negative backlash.
I wish there was no election coming up as both lead candidates are not one that I see fit running the country. I think it is a sad state of affairs when neither Party can come up with viable candidates and we are going to be forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. This is why Trump has such a following, not because he is the best person for the job but because people are fed up with "politicians" and the system.
I have to agree with this.
Why would anyone vote for Bernie Sanders? Lets start that thread... HES the scariest candidate for this country not Trump. I will PROUDLY VOTE for Trump if hes running against Sanders.
Posted 3/2/16 11:17 AM |
Baby #2 debuts in March 2016!

Member since 9/09 1977 total posts
Name: Michele
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Wow. Some of the comments about people who are voting for Trump is a little bit harsh. That's like saying people who vote for Hilary are liars. Or people that will vote for Sanders are irresponsible freeloaders. Have a little bit of class when discussing these topics without belittling people.
With that said, and I will be honest because I give two craps what people will say or think- I will vote for Trump. I support him because we are in a time where it's crucial to fix the problems we have with healthcare, immigration, terrorism, economy, etc.
My taxes have skyrocketed in the past 8 years. Healthcare premiums are ridiculous. It pisses me off that immigrants can have children for free when my working self has to pay 5K out of pocket to have my child. Honestly, I care about the working American. I feel that Trump or any Republican will support the working American. Things need to be fixed, stat. I like that Trump hasn't backed down from anything he has said. Good. He's no BS and I like it. Most politicians are liars and full of crap. He isn't one and that is mainly the appeal.
Message edited 3/2/2016 11:21:01 AM.
Posted 3/2/16 11:19 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/09 3672 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by MrsMick He's no BS and I like it.
Almost everything he says is complete BS. He tells the truth less than any other candidate.
Posted 3/2/16 12:13 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by ourlivesstartnow2012
My cousin stated to me "I want America great again, so I'm voting for Trump". I asked her what policies she likes and she said "I don't know, I don't follow politics but I want American back to being awesome again!"
I just rolled my eyes and dropped it.
sadly,these are the people he is hoping for.
Posted 3/2/16 12:46 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by JME78
Posted by MrsMick He's no BS and I like it.
Almost everything he says is complete BS. He tells the truth less than any other candidate.
I did not look at info comparing him to others, but I think this supports the idea that he is a huge liar: Politifact's Donald Trump page.
So I really would not trust him to hold up any of the promises he is making. His lies are getting more and more blatant. Bad earpiece, my ass. He does not want to alienate his white supremacist voters.
Posted 3/2/16 12:56 PM |
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