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C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05 5914 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
What I can appreciate about him is that he is no nonsense. He just says what a lot of other people are thinking. It may not be right but at least he is true to himself and says what he means and means what he says.
He is NOT a politician and that is what I like about him. He is a business man. Much like that of Bloomberg (who I would vote for in a minute). America should not be a dumping ground. Yes, America was built on the backs of immigrants (my grandparents being within this group) but they came here with citizenship in mind, worked their behinds off doing menial labor (they didn't hire the Irish in masses) accumulated some wealth, paid taxes, and never lived on the dole.
Unfortunately, the handouts in America are killing the system. I know folks who come here for vacation 6 months a year, get all of their health care needs met and then return to "their country". It has to stop.
Posted 3/2/16 1:05 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
I will simply leave this here. Anyone on the planet who hears the words "KKK" knows immediately to react with "NO! BAD BAD PEOPLE!!!!"
Except... of course... if you do NOT think they are bad, bad people.
Posted 3/2/16 1:05 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by BigB
What I can appreciate about him is that he is no nonsense. He just says what a lot of other people are thinking. It may not be right but at least he is true to himself and says what he means and means what he says.
so, if I go around racially bashing people, I'm speaking my mind? And... Its ok because secretely everyone is racist???
Where I come from, thats called racism.
but I guess that's speaking my mind too.
Beyonce spoke her mind with Formation and everyone went apeshit crayballs on her ass.
Message edited 3/2/2016 1:07:33 PM.
Posted 3/2/16 1:07 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1770 total posts
Name: B
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
This is funny to me. It's always the same posters on this site that preach about bias/intolerance and how us ignorant people can never possibly understand. Meanwhile, they post hateful things and are very intolerant of anyone that doesn't share their point of view.
On a separate note: The democratic system in America is a joke. It doesn't matter who gets elected. If they haven't been bought by major corporations yet, they will be once in office.
We live in a country where the almighty dollar will always be more important then peoples lives.
The American public has to prove that products are harmful to consumers, rather then corporations having to prove their products are safe.
The government can give away peoples land so fuel corporations can make more profits.
Where oil and gas corporations can pollute the environment on a daily basis and have 0 accountability. The cleanup costs are picked up by the American taxpayers.
Honestly, I could go on and on. The government wants us to sit here and bicker about which candidate is better. It keeps us busy while they line their pockets.
Posted 3/2/16 1:07 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by momtimes2
Posted by evrythng4areason
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
And this is why people won't speak up and say that they're voting for trump.
If I was a supporter, I would. I certainly don't care what some random stranger online thinks of me or my moral compass - lol
I agree.
I have yet to see a well thought out, well written answer on exactly what trump stands for.
If I was voting for him, you can bet your asss I would know my stuff and be able to explain all the reasons why. Argue with me, call me names... so what? If I am confident in my decision, it wouldn't matter.
Posted 3/2/16 1:10 PM |
Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by lipglossjunky73
Posted by BigB
What I can appreciate about him is that he is no nonsense. He just says what a lot of other people are thinking. It may not be right but at least he is true to himself and says what he means and means what he says.
so, if I go around racially bashing people, I'm speaking my mind? And... Its ok because secretely everyone is racist???
Where I come from, thats called racism.
but I guess that's speaking my mind too.
Beyonce spoke her mind with Formation and everyone went apeshit crayballs on her ass.
Posted 3/2/16 1:10 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by ohbaby08
Her past doesn't bother me one bit. So, her husband banged an intern in the white house. Trump's an adulterous man who is on his 3rd wife.
Benghazi was a joke that the GOP has spent years and millions of dollars to try and make into something that it wasn't. There have been other lives lost under other secretaries of state at embassies and you didn't see the witch hunt that went on with her.
The emails are another joke. The ones that were supposedly "classified" were classified AFTER THE FACT. Therefore, nothing she did was illegal. Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell both admitted to doing the same thing, but you didn't see it made into the fiasco that it was for her. The GOP should have been focusing on getting their own party's shit together instead of focusing on being such azzholes to Obama and Clinton. Maybe they wouldn't have such a divided and pathetic party today if they had.
Why am I voting for her? Because underneath her corporate, establishment image, I still believe that she wants to do good by the American people. Is she maybe bought by certain corporations? Maybe. But, she has been helping minorities and children for decades and don't think she is going to turn around once elected president and become some corporate monster. When people say they don't trust her, it makes me laugh. Oh, and you trust ANY of the other candidates? Other than Sanders, they are all snakes.
Trump might be the "outsider" because he is not a politician. But, he is as much an insider as anyone since he has donated to and been part of the establishment for 40+ years. And don't even get me started on his flip-flopping of views. Yes, Hillary did too. But, a lot of it was views she held in college or many years ago. She has already said that her "super predators" comment was wrong and she has learned from those mistakes and it has brought her to her current stance on the criminal justice system. Unlike trump, who flip flops and either denies that he did, or makes excuses for it. And that, to me, is the core difference between him and Hillary. She is able to admit her mistakes. He has never apologized for anything he has ever done. I'm sure the central park 5 are still waiting for their apologies.
Here is an example of a well thought out, well-written and intelligent response that shows she is confident in why she is voting for this person and has clearly done her research.
Posted 3/2/16 1:14 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
My vote is noone's business, and I sure as hell don't have to EXPLAIN my vote, or my 'reasons for it' to anyone.
For the record, I would never cast a vote for Trump. I have my reasons. I also have my reasons for voting for the candidate I hope to, and as an American citizen that choice, is my right. I don't have to justify it to anyone.
If only people took their right to vote as seriously as they took their right to carry a gun .........
Message edited 3/2/2016 1:22:55 PM.
Posted 3/2/16 1:20 PM |
Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Ok..I get the voting for him because of his stance on immigration. Not my idea of good policy but that's neither here nor there. Reasonable people can disagree about this. Welfare and other government assistance too..
What I don't get is how you can ignore the unbridled bigotry? He has insulted everyone from a reporter with a disability to John McCain to the friggen Pope! All muslims are terrorist. Women shouldn't go to the bathroom or have their menses. if you don't agree with him you are either a loser or an idiot. He pretended to not know who David Duke was. If the Nepalese immigrants in my nail salon know who he is (they do, we talked about it) how can this man not? People at his rallies have been physically assaulted by other attendees. Why does he not put a stop to that? Condemn it?
Can you imagine Trump sitting down Angela Merkel or David Cameron and having an adult conversation? If he can, I've yet to see it. I'd LOVE to see.
Posted 3/2/16 1:20 PM |
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
My uncle gets heated and "speaks his mind" too. Doesn't mean he's fit to be president. 
Posted 3/2/16 1:30 PM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by lipglossjunky73
Posted by ohbaby08
Her past doesn't bother me one bit. So, her husband banged an intern in the white house. Trump's an adulterous man who is on his 3rd wife.
Benghazi was a joke that the GOP has spent years and millions of dollars to try and make into something that it wasn't. There have been other lives lost under other secretaries of state at embassies and you didn't see the witch hunt that went on with her.
The emails are another joke. The ones that were supposedly "classified" were classified AFTER THE FACT. Therefore, nothing she did was illegal. Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell both admitted to doing the same thing, but you didn't see it made into the fiasco that it was for her. The GOP should have been focusing on getting their own party's shit together instead of focusing on being such azzholes to Obama and Clinton. Maybe they wouldn't have such a divided and pathetic party today if they had.
Why am I voting for her? Because underneath her corporate, establishment image, I still believe that she wants to do good by the American people. Is she maybe bought by certain corporations? Maybe. But, she has been helping minorities and children for decades and don't think she is going to turn around once elected president and become some corporate monster. When people say they don't trust her, it makes me laugh. Oh, and you trust ANY of the other candidates? Other than Sanders, they are all snakes.
Trump might be the "outsider" because he is not a politician. But, he is as much an insider as anyone since he has donated to and been part of the establishment for 40+ years. And don't even get me started on his flip-flopping of views. Yes, Hillary did too. But, a lot of it was views she held in college or many years ago. She has already said that her "super predators" comment was wrong and she has learned from those mistakes and it has brought her to her current stance on the criminal justice system. Unlike trump, who flip flops and either denies that he did, or makes excuses for it. And that, to me, is the core difference between him and Hillary. She is able to admit her mistakes. He has never apologized for anything he has ever done. I'm sure the central park 5 are still waiting for their apologies.
Here is an example of a well thought out, well-written and intelligent response that shows she is confident in why she is voting for this person and has clearly done her research.
Thanks! I have done my research because I feel like it is my duty as a voter to know who I am voting for.
To see people at Trump's rallies saying they are simply voting for him because he will "make america great again" or that he "speaks his mind" is downright scary to me. These are not sole reasons to vote a man into the highest office in our country.
I get the anger and frustration that is drawing these people to Trump. He is a big FU to the "establishment." But, what is getting lost is what he is actually saying. Deport 11 million people? Throw the 1st amendment out the window? Sort of, but not really denounce the KKK?? Build a border wall (that, by the way, Mexico will NEVER pay for). People are desperate for a savior and it is making them lose all common sense.
Posted 3/2/16 1:31 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Please correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm just seeing (not just on LIF but on FB, NYTimes etc) that people are aftaid that Trump could actually get the GOP nomination. That their fears would by realized by those who see through him and that there are many who don't see right through him, based on the fact that he is indeed in the lead in many states.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the historian in me. Maybe, all of his rhetoric is too reminiscent of Mussolini, pursed lips, chin up and everything. I am one of those who doesn't often make my politics public, registered Independent, and doesn't choose a candidate until the last minute... but I am afraid.
Posted 3/2/16 1:39 PM |
Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07 1718 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by LIRascal
Please correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm just seeing (not just on LIF but on FB, NYTimes etc) that people are aftaid that Trump could actually get the GOP nomination. That their fears would by realized by those who see through him and that there are many who don't see right through him, based on the fact that he is indeed in the lead in many states.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the historian in me. Maybe, all of his rhetoric is too reminiscent of Mussolini, pursed lips, chin up and everything. I am one of those who doesn't often make my politics public, registered Independent, and doesn't choose a candidate until the last minute... but I am afraid.
Yes, he most likely will. And that scares the shit out of me.
Posted 3/2/16 1:47 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
From the beginning Trump reminded me of Martin Sheen in Dead zone.
Posted 3/2/16 1:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/13 6040 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by MrsProfessor
Posted by JME78
Posted by MrsMick He's no BS and I like it.
Almost everything he says is complete BS. He tells the truth less than any other candidate.
I did not look at info comparing him to others, but I think this supports the idea that he is a huge liar: Politifact's Donald Trump page.
So I really would not trust him to hold up any of the promises he is making. His lies are getting more and more blatant. Bad earpiece, my ass. He does not want to alienate his white supremacist voters.
He is a textbook narcissist and is getting off on the attention. He think money can buy him whatever he wants. This is not real life to him - he can be as big of a blowhard as he wants to be in the boardroom but he has absolutely no definable political skills and the repercussions would be far worse than anyone could imagine.
Do people want someone who "tells it like it is" or "tells how it should be?" I think people are confused by what reality we are really living in versus what kind they'd like to be living in.
Posted 3/2/16 2:09 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/16 341 total posts
Name: Heather`
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
I agree.
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
Wow are you serious? I get people having a stance on things but how different are you if you don't even allow your own husband to have an opinion and a mind of his own? SMH. Sorry but you need to get off your high horse.
Posted 3/2/16 7:21 PM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Wow. Just wow. I am by no means a Trump supporter- not by a long shot. I also can't stand Hilary. But who am I to tell ANYONE that their political beliefs make them stupid or nuts. Ridiculous.
Posted 3/2/16 7:32 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by blessedmama
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
I agree.
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
Wow are you serious? I get people having a stance on things but how different are you if you don't even allow your own husband to have an opinion and a mind of his own? SMH. Sorry but you need to get off your high horse.
I know that's this wasn't directed towards me but I think I can answer. It's not that he can't have his own opinion but for some people, like myself for instance, have a set of core beliefs that a candidate like trump, does not share (or he did but now doesn't). Those core beliefs, for me, are so strong, that there is no way I could be with someone who does not share those same beliefs. It's a compatibility thing. I could not stay with someone who agrees with the vile things he has said.
Posted 3/2/16 7:34 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/16 341 total posts
Name: Heather`
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by blessedmama
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
I agree.
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
Wow are you serious? I get people having a stance on things but how different are you if you don't even allow your own husband to have an opinion and a mind of his own? SMH. Sorry but you need to get off your high horse.
I know that's this wasn't directed towards me but I think I can answer. It's not that he can't have his own opinion but for some people, like myself for instance, have a set of core beliefs that a candidate like trump, does not share (or he did but now doesn't). Those core beliefs, for me, are so strong, that there is no way I could be with someone who does not share those same beliefs. It's a compatibility thing. I could not stay with someone who agrees with the vile things he has said.
Maybe she should have thought of that many years ago before she married him. Wonder why the divorce rate is so high.
Posted 3/2/16 7:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 713 total posts
Name: SlurpeeDad
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by blessedmama
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by blessedmama
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
I agree.
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
Wow are you serious? I get people having a stance on things but how different are you if you don't even allow your own husband to have an opinion and a mind of his own? SMH. Sorry but you need to get off your high horse.
I know that's this wasn't directed towards me but I think I can answer. It's not that he can't have his own opinion but for some people, like myself for instance, have a set of core beliefs that a candidate like trump, does not share (or he did but now doesn't). Those core beliefs, for me, are so strong, that there is no way I could be with someone who does not share those same beliefs. It's a compatibility thing. I could not stay with someone who agrees with the vile things he has said.
Maybe she should have thought of that many years ago before she married him. Wonder why the divorce rate is so high.
It would be higher if Hillary had a backbone and divorced her cheating scumbag husband. On a side note, does anyone think there is truth in the Bernie Sanders just being part of the Hillary Clinton Machine and just a puppet to guarantee her winning the nomination?
Posted 3/2/16 8:00 PM |
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by SlurpeeDad
It would be higher if Hillary had a backbone and divorced her cheating scumbag husband. On a side note, does anyone think there is truth in the Bernie Sanders just being part of the Hillary Clinton Machine and just a puppet to guarantee her winning the nomination?
Definitely not. A lot of people are dismissing him as a socialist nutjob without actually reading up on his ideas. But he makes a lot of good points especially about the influence of corporate money in politics.
If he was not in she'd have it sewn up because no one else had been able to compete. Bernie has a huge following- it's not enough to get him the nomination but he has done much, much better than her campaign or the mainstream media anticipated.
Posted 3/2/16 8:05 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by blessedmama
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by blessedmama
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by JME78
Donald Trump is a hateful bigot. Period.
Anyone who votes for him is morally reprehensible.
What I pay in taxes is meaningless compared to treating people of all genders and races equally. Its disgusting that people are more concerned with their own wallets and are willing to look the other way in the face of this.
I agree.
yes! The man in unequivocally unfit to be president on all accounts and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. I will actually cut people out of my life if I find out they supported him. I would actually divorce my own husband if I ever found out he supported him.
You may agree with some of his stances but having the same opinion on issues does not make one fit to be president. He is a DANGER to this country and it puts us ALL at risk, both internationally and domestically. This is NOT a man that should be trusted with the code to the Nukes, are you F*UCKING kidding me!
Wow are you serious? I get people having a stance on things but how different are you if you don't even allow your own husband to have an opinion and a mind of his own? SMH. Sorry but you need to get off your high horse.
I know that's this wasn't directed towards me but I think I can answer. It's not that he can't have his own opinion but for some people, like myself for instance, have a set of core beliefs that a candidate like trump, does not share (or he did but now doesn't). Those core beliefs, for me, are so strong, that there is no way I could be with someone who does not share those same beliefs. It's a compatibility thing. I could not stay with someone who agrees with the vile things he has said.
Maybe she should have thought of that many years ago before she married him. Wonder why the divorce rate is so high.
WOW, way to make this personal and about the state of my marriage and how I choose my husband.
But first of all, DH isn't voting for Trump, so its a moot point. But yes, if he did, I would be serious. My DH is a conservative, but I can look past things like different stances on abortion, on healthcare, on gun control, I can love someone in spite of those differences. I would never/could never be married to someone who supports a bigot, a racist and misogynist, who has people assaulted and silenced when they do not agree with him, who refuses to condemn the KKK. Its not about "allowing him to have his own opinion." I can't be married to someone who believes that those things are OK and supports someone who does. Those are fundamental "core" values that are non-negotiable to me, not just a difference of opinion on a political issue. There is a HUGE difference in having a different stance on gun control than my spouse than being married to someone who actively supports a racist and is willing to put them in a position of power in this country. Trump is a VILE human being and there is NO WAY I could respect someone enough to be married to them who doesn't see that and actively supports/encourages it.
Message edited 3/2/2016 8:17:28 PM.
Posted 3/2/16 8:08 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by EatingMyVeggies
My uncle gets heated and "speaks his mind" too. Doesn't mean he's fit to be president. 
Posted 3/2/16 8:20 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/15 731 total posts
IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
This thread was supposed to be people explaining their reasons for voting for Trump, and all it is are the same people complaining about him over and over and over again.
We get it, you don't like him....
Posted 3/2/16 8:47 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: IF you are voting for Trump. Explain Why.
Posted by beachbabe
This thread was supposed to be people explaining their reasons for voting for Trump, and all it is are the same people complaining about him over and over and over again.
We get it, you don't like him....
What I am observing here and on FB is in addition to not liking Trump, people are starting to not like Trump supporters. On FB supporters seem extreme. I just saw another trending video about neo-nazi trump supporters at his rally pushing around a young black girl. If it's true what are people supposed to think and feel?
From what I am reading He certainly has the racist hating type as followers. That makes me uncomfortable when I think of his followers.
And I'm not for any one party. I don't necessarily support Hillary or Bernie or even Obamas views. I normally do not get into politics but this is serious and scary. The divide could be greater than ever.
Posted 3/3/16 5:57 AM |
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