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Member since 1/12 6105 total posts
Low Opinion of Teachers?
teachers have always been viewed negatively and unfortunately always will. people assume they do nothing all day, work til 3pm and have summers off and unless people actually KNOW a teacher and know the planning that is involved and all the work time done at home (lesson planning, grading papers etc) they will always think poorly of them. i dont think there is anyway to change that. my mom is a teacher so i saw first hand what is involved and i dont/wont ever think poorly of them.
Posted 8/3/12 4:31 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 3/08 4539 total posts
Low Opinion of Teachers?
I think in any industry, you have good and bad employees. And, many people hold negative perceptions of an assortment of careers: teachers, lawyers, police officers, etc. So, yes, some people have a negative opinion of teachers. I certainly don't. My dad was a teacher, and willingly admits a large draw was that he wanted summers off. My dad was the best teacher possible. He is still in contact with many ex students, and has been retired for 10 years. He helped shape many people's lives, and was always hands on and creative. I think he made a brilliant choice. While his pay was generally low, he had great benefits, a very stable job, a good schedule and was able to pick me up from school and be with me during the summer, pursue his hobbies, and do good in the world. I realize it's different for teachers now, but for me, even when teaching had the most perks, I never ever looked down on them. I think it's a great profession, and an admirable one. To me, being a hard worker and good worker is not determined by how many hours you are physically in an office/on official duty. There's a lot more to it.
Posted 8/3/12 4:39 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by LovesMike
Posted by nrthshgrl
It's disingenuous to say that a teacher who hasn't had a summer off because they work summer school as a comparison to the private sector. Their additional summer work is supplementing their annual salary (which is a lot more than private sectors pay). I don't care if it's $5/hour. It's their choice to work & the extra money they add to their base salary. From my perspective that kind of thought is what leads to ill-will & low opinions of teachers work.
I don't understand this - how is it disingenuous? And how does that contribute to ill will, etc?
It's somewhat disingenuous because often when teachers say that they don't have summers off because they work summer school, etc, they are forgetting that they aren't required to do so.
ETA: to me it is like someone saying that they don't get weekends off from their primary job because they work a second job.
Posted 8/3/12 4:54 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11 843 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by LovesMike
Posted by nrthshgrl
It's disingenuous to say that a teacher who hasn't had a summer off because they work summer school as a comparison to the private sector. Their additional summer work is supplementing their annual salary (which is a lot more than private sectors pay). I don't care if it's $5/hour. It's their choice to work & the extra money they add to their base salary. From my perspective that kind of thought is what leads to ill-will & low opinions of teachers work.
I don't understand this - how is it disingenuous? And how does that contribute to ill will, etc?
It's somewhat disingenuous because often when teachers say that they don't have summers off because they work summer school, etc, they are forgetting that they aren't required to do so.
ETA: to me it is like someone saying that they don't get weekends off from their primary job because they work a second job.
I work on lessons and such during the summer, put my classroom together, and do lots of other school related work during the summer and breaks. I also work from to at least 3 during the year and put in more time at home. I hate when people say we have short work weeks because we don't. People complain about what they think people do or don't do at work when you really can't understand unless you work in the same field.
Posted 8/3/12 4:55 PM |
-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06 2830 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by teachermom
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by LovesMike
Posted by nrthshgrl
It's disingenuous to say that a teacher who hasn't had a summer off because they work summer school as a comparison to the private sector. Their additional summer work is supplementing their annual salary (which is a lot more than private sectors pay). I don't care if it's $5/hour. It's their choice to work & the extra money they add to their base salary. From my perspective that kind of thought is what leads to ill-will & low opinions of teachers work.
I don't understand this - how is it disingenuous? And how does that contribute to ill will, etc?
It's somewhat disingenuous because often when teachers say that they don't have summers off because they work summer school, etc, they are forgetting that they aren't required to do so.
ETA: to me it is like someone saying that they don't get weekends off from their primary job because they work a second job.
I work on lessons and such during the summer, put my classroom together, and do lots of other school related work during the summer and breaks. I also work from to at least 3 during the year and put in more time at home. I hate when people say we have short work weeks because we don't. People complain about what they think people do or don't do at work when you really can't understand unless you work in the same field.
I can NOT think of a time when I didn't go home with hours of work. I work nights, weekends, and during "vacations". My second and third job are fitness related, not teachign related, but hey supplement my far too low income as a teacher.
Posted 8/3/12 5:01 PM |
Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07 7060 total posts
Name: g
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by lovemyfamily88
Posted by sfp0701
Posted by nrthshgrl
. But hourwise, I suspect that on a daily basis, teachers still work less than the average worker for a lot more money.
Just based on the fact that other people (non-teachers) post on this site and facebook DURING the work day, to me, makes this point invalid. I am an SLP (in a school) and I can tell you that my teacher friends and I don't even get a second to even think about Facebook or other web surfing during the day. When a big news story hits, I find out about it when I get home. There isn't a free second. Not one. You are on your feet and putting on a show and dealing with behaviors every single second. (except for the 30 minutes you eat your lunch.. if you take it).
I do get home by 3:30 but, only because I have to pick my son up by 4. I work in a special ed district so there are no after school activities. I bring my work home and do it there. I don't apologize for it. I have so many students loans from my 60 credit (full-time) master's degree that I will be paying them back until after I retire (not kidding). I worked damn hard for my job, as did the people I work for and I am SO SO sick of people badmouthing it.
So maybe I work, in my building, less hours but, I don't think it makes the work load any less. I tell my DH that it is like concentrated OJ. I may work (again, in my building) less hours but, I bust my azz those hours. I think it all equals out.
As for the bad teachers, THEY SUCK. They should go. Just as the some of the IDIOTS my husband works with should go. They don't seem to get fired either though.
ETA: My DH makes A LOT more than me and he knows about every single news story and keeps up with social medial alllll day. All of his coworkers do too. I think that says something right there about the concentration of the workload.
Stepping off my soapbox now.
I always think how do some people have all this time to post all day. Dont they work?? A teachers job is non stop from the moment they step in the building untill they leave for the day. They deserve every penny they get and then some. There are bad apples in every field!!
I always think this too. I eat my lunch at my desk and plan etc just about everyday and rarely get on the Internet at work and if I do it is work related. I don't stop all day. I ck my phone for missed calls in case of emergency but that's it. People with office jobs I see on lif all day writing lengthy responses, so they seem to,have a lot of downtime at work.
Posted 8/3/12 5:02 PM |
And then there were 4

Member since 1/10 5224 total posts
Name: Kayla
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I'm a teacher, so I'll chime in
Reasons why people think negatively of teachers, and some counterpoints:
1. "those who can, do; those who can't, teach"
I have met some idiot teachers. some people who shouldn't even ANY job, let alone the job of educating your children. yet they do-because quite honestly, it's easy to get a teaching license.
that being said, you have people who are VERY intelligent teaching, and those who are beyond passionate about their job.
i graduated at the top of my class in hs, college, and grad school. i was accepted to get a 2nd master's degree. i could easily get my doctorate if i wanted to. i WANTED to teach, because i LOVE it. however, not everyone does. i could have gone into a different field, but i didn't.
i've had parents talk to me as if i can't possibly know what i'm talking about before they know me-they shut up very quickly.
2. teacher's get to come home by 3 and have a ton of time off
sometimes, yes. sometimes no.
there have been times (even without extra curricular activities) that i've been at school from 7 am-6 pm. that's a lot of hours. there have been times i get to be home by 3..fh, in corporate finance works 730-4..not that different from my hours-and he works for a fortune 500 company
i get summers off. my fh, who works in finance, gets 5 weeks paid vacay, plus every holiday off, plus 10 sick days, plus 5 personal days a year..that's 7 weeks and holidays..we counted it out, and i get an extra 3 weeks off a year-yet he gets paid more than double what i do
it is what it is though.
i chose to become a teacher, others didn't
eta: i can post all day, even at work as a teacher, bc i spent WAY more time than anyone else i know my first few years..i developed formal lesson plans for every single period/class i teach
so now, i do things like integrate more technology, but i do have breaks during the day..again though-fh who is in corporate finance gets to go to the gym everyday during work
Message edited 8/3/2012 5:11:25 PM.
Posted 8/3/12 5:09 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Low Opinion of Teachers?
As an educator and the daughter of a teacher I obviously get annoyed at people who think so little of the people who educated them and their children. Generally I think people who generalize about teachers/educators just have a chip on their shoulder whether it be because of the pension, summers off, benefits etc. I urge these people to think long and hard about where they would be if it weren't for all the lousy teachers who educated them throughout the years.
Posted 8/3/12 5:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/11 635 total posts
Name: CJ
Low Opinion of Teachers?
I think teachers are respected less than other professions. I think the media has played a part and of course the emphasis on test scores. I think a lot of people think it is an easy job and make comments based upon that idea.
Posted 8/3/12 5:55 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I have heard this sentiment before.
I dare and invite anyone who feels this way to follow me or one of my colleagues around for an entire day - literally, from wake up to bed time - and witness the quantity and intensity of the work that we do.
I would like to see how they feel after that.
I am going to leave it at that.
Posted 8/3/12 6:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3353 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I spent 12 yrs in Corporate America and changed careers to teach. The only regret I have is that I did not do it sooner. There is a lot of teacher bashing going on right now and it is tough. It stinks. Teachers work very had! Those who chose not believe are misinformed.
Posted 8/3/12 6:32 PM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I really could care less if people have a low opinion of me or not. I know what I do and the only people that need to be satisfied with what I do are my students families and my supervisors. My husband often comments about how I have a 1 day weekend because on Sundays, I am often planning for the week ahead and preparing for my lessons. How many people in private sector jobs take work home with them? Some - but not many. Then after I get home (usually between 4 and 5 because in my district, I have mandatory extra help between afterschool, faculty/staff meetings EVERY Wednesday and a plethera of other "committees" that while not "mandatory" are looked down on for not participating). Many private sector jobs have opportunities for overtime - why are teachers taking summer school/coaching/advising positions looked down upon?. For the last 6 years I was a class advisor and made about 500 dollars extra. There were meetings every thursday, I planned the prom, part of graduation, part of homecoming and many other activities in which I went in on Saturdays and late at night. While I make a good salary, it is NOWHERE near what a lot of my friends in the private sector with LESS education make than I do.
We have good benefits - yes! I worked in Early intervention and CPSE (oh yeah I still do that after school because my wonderful salary does not fufill my mortgage student loan daycare and other expectations) but left that because of the benefits public schools offer. Both my parents were public sector workers and stressed the importance of a union/benefits etc. How many of u in the private sector get the option to work at home? or work part time? Or come in late/leave early for appts? Or use adjust their hours based on childcare? Or take a vacation in non-peak time? Or take a day off after a long weekend without having a doctors note? Teachers never get that option. Not that I am complaining! I never compare my job to that of someone in the private sector. It is sad people have such low expectations of people that educate your children. I recently saw a cartoon posted by one of my friends on facebook. It said Teaching in 1970 (or something like that) compared to teaching in 2012 - On one side there is a kid with a teacher and the parents yelling at the kid saying "what did you do wrong" (or something similiar) The 2012 one was the same people but the parents are yelling at the teacher "what did you do wrong". That said it all for me.
Posted 8/3/12 6:51 PM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I was a teacher for a few years and then worked an office job in the private sector for a few years before having kids.
Teaching was no easier, at all. When I started to work in an office, I was amazed at the luxury of going to the bathroom whenever I had to go. I definitely had more downtime during the day at my office job. When I left work, I was done with work, except for some a few times when I had a tight deadline to meet. When I taught, I brought home work with me every day. And usually worked at least one day out of the weekend. At the office job, when I took vacation days, I didn't think about work at all. When I taught, I thought about it every damn day of the vacation and did work a lot of those days too. And lets not mention the disrespectful teenagers I had to try to teach all day, the thankless, absent parents, and the non-supportive administration.
I have a lot of respect for teachers. I didn't spend much time doing it, because frankly, I didn't like it. At all.
My stress level and probably work hours significantly dropped when I switched professions. The teachers out there who love teaching - they are a special group of people and deserve everything they get.
Posted 8/3/12 7:53 PM |

Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by DiamondGirl
As an educator and the daughter of a teacher I obviously get annoyed at people who think so little of the people who educated them and their children.
I urge these people to think long and hard about where they would be if it weren't for all the lousy teachers who educated them throughout the years.
I think part of the problem nowadays is that people don't necessarily think their children are getting a good education and quite frankly, our educational system is proving not to be so magnificent considering how far our students lag behind the students in most other industrialized countries. While it's arguable that teachers should not necessarily be the ones to blame since our educational system and its standards, etc are devised by a select few, the blame seems to trickle down to the teachers who have to then implement these standards.
It doesn't help that our kids are only in school 10 months a year with a week off in December bc of Christmas, a week in February bc it's winter and another in April bc it's spring in addition to all the holidays. Our educational system as a whole needs to be revamped and kids should be in school more than ~180 days a year. Some people may complain less and value teachers more (as a whole profession) if they believed their children were getting a stellar education.
Posted 8/3/12 8:20 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/10 366 total posts
Name: P
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
With the reference to low opinions of teachers due to low test scores, I love this quote:
Do we blame dentists when we don't brush and get a cavity? So why blame teachers when students fail because they don't study?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I think we all have certain jobs we are good at, so a teaching job may not be for everyone. Before anybody bad mouths a job, I think they need to do it for a while, then give their opinion. Just my 2 cents!
Posted 8/3/12 8:44 PM |
Thank you, Saint Gerard!

Member since 10/07 4937 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by sameinitials
I think one difference is that as far as I know teachers don't HAVE to work in the summer (i.e. not a requirement of their job). I have plenty of friends who work at camps, tutor, etc, but the money they make there is on top of their annual salary.
Even with a JD I probably make less than many teachers with the same number of years of experience, but have to work until at least 5, and often work well into the evening, year round. I'm not saying that teachers don't bring work home, but as a poster above me said, she is able to leave work at 3:30 and then work from home (and to this poster, I am totally not picking on you or saying it's bad that you do this!). I leave at at least 5 and then work for a couple hours from home.
I definitely don't have a low opinion of teachers. I don't think it's necessarily an easy job and is often thankless. I do, however, agree with nthshgrl that, all told, the average teacher often works fewer hours than the average worker in many other professions, (especially when you account for the vacations they get because school is closed).
What time do you have to be at work in the morning? Most teachers have to be in by 7 or 7:30. If they leave at 3:30 (which is the earliest I've ever be able to leave,) that's the same as a 9-5 job. I won't even mention the work we need to take home or the grading and planning that we do at home. Oh, let's not forget the great perk of a 40 minute lunch instead of an hour like most people and not being able to go to the bathroom when you need to go.
People also forget that teaching may be a 10 month position but we only get paid for those 10 months. We don't receive any paychecks in the summer.
Posted 8/3/12 8:45 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by pnbplus1
I think part of the problem nowadays is that people don't necessarily think their children are getting a good education and quite frankly, our educational system is proving not to be so magnificent considering how far our students lag behind the students in most other industrialized countries. While it's arguable that teachers should not necessarily be the ones to blame since our educational system and its standards, etc are devised by a select few, the blame seems to trickle down to the teachers who have to then implement these standards.
It doesn't help that our kids are only in school 10 months a year with a week off in December bc of Christmas, a week in February bc it's winter and another in April bc it's spring in addition to all the holidays. Our educational system as a whole needs to be revamped and kids should be in school more than ~180 days a year. Some people may complain less and value teachers more (as a whole profession) if they believed their children were getting a stellar education.
A stellar education would be easier to provide if that was all that was expected of us. Instead, teachers are expected to be counselor, life coach, dietician, abuse prevention and intervention specialist, disciplinarian, and occasional parent. Oh, and we're supposed to be experts in our fields, up on all the latest technology, masters of all the latest educational theories. A lot of our "high" salaries are based on the number of credits over our master's degrees. Most LI districts have caps between 60-90 credits, and that has to be paid for OOP. So much for summer vacation.
I am a HS guidance counselor (or was, before I took an extended to have my daughter). My DH is a teacher. I don't disagree with you, PNB. Frankly, I think our educational system is archaic and if we have any chance of competing with other countries in the future, we need to change immediately. BUT THIS IS NOT THE TEACHER'S FAULT! We're doing the best with what we're given. We don't pick the calendar. We are given curricula designed by mythical creatures in Albany. Our jobs are more and more reliant on our students' test scores, which means that our day to day lessons have to teach the test instead of actual information. We are handed students with a whole rainbow of problems, from severe allergies to abuse victims to learning disabilities, and we're supposed to deal with all of that in addition to our subject areas. Many of our districts are running on limited resources (in my NYC school, teachers bought their own paper). Yes, most of us have decent benefits, but so do other government workers. Same with being unionized. Yet we're one of the few groups that are looked at like evil cartoon villains for it. Teachers (and social workers, guidance counselors, etc.) are just the most public figures in this whole mess, and make a convenient scapegoat.
Message edited 8/3/2012 9:03:04 PM.
Posted 8/3/12 8:49 PM |
aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I have always said we should pitch a reality show about teachers to a tv network where we can be followed around all day. Then the public can see the abuse we get from students/parents/admins etc, the extra work we do after hours to prepare/grade/make phone calls, how we barely use the bathroom because we only get one break and lunch etc.
Yes I have holidays and summers off but I usually use that time to grade, plan, research ideas, shop for materials etc
everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side....I always say come visit my grass and smell the manure that makes it look that way!
Posted 8/3/12 8:57 PM |
Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07 7060 total posts
Name: g
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by TheDivineMrsM
Posted by pnbplus1
I think part of the problem nowadays is that people don't necessarily think their children are getting a good education and quite frankly, our educational system is proving not to be so magnificent considering how far our students lag behind the students in most other industrialized countries. While it's arguable that teachers should not necessarily be the ones to blame since our educational system and its standards, etc are devised by a select few, the blame seems to trickle down to the teachers who have to then implement these standards.
It doesn't help that our kids are only in school 10 months a year with a week off in December bc of Christmas, a week in February bc it's winter and another in April bc it's spring in addition to all the holidays. Our educational system as a whole needs to be revamped and kids should be in school more than ~180 days a year. Some people may complain less and value teachers more (as a whole profession) if they believed their children were getting a stellar education.
A stellar education would be easier to provide if that was all that was expected of us. Instead, teachers are expected to be counselor, life coach, dietician, abuse prevention and intervention specialist, disciplinarian, and occasional parent. Oh, and we're supposed to be experts in our fields, up on all the latest technology, masters of all the latest educational theories. A lot of our "high" salaries are based on the number of credits over our master's degrees. Most LI districts have caps between 60-90 credits, and that has to be paid for OOP. So much for summer vacation.
I am a HS guidance counselor (or was, before I took an extended to have my daughter). My DH is a teacher. I don't disagree with you, PNB. Frankly, I think our educational system is archaic and if we have any chance of competing with other countries in the future, we need to change immediately. BUT THIS IS NOT THE TEACHER'S FAULT! We're doing the best with what we're given. We don't pick the calendar. We are given curricula designed by mythical creatures in Albany. Our jobs are more and more reliant on our students' test scores, which means that our day to day lessons have to teach the test instead of actual information. We are handed students with a whole rainbow of problems, from severe allergies to abuse victims to learning disabilities, and we're supposed to deal with all of that in addition to our subject areas. Many of our districts are running on limited resources (in my NYC school, teachers bought their own paper). Yes, most of us have decent benefits, but so do other government workers. Same with being unionized. Yet we're one of the few groups that are looked at like evil cartoon villains for it. Teachers (and social workers, guidance counselors, etc.) are just the most public figures in this whole mess, and make a convenient scapegoat.
I would love to have the parental support in education that I think other countries have. This Is a big contributing factor to the performance of our students. We do what we can in The classroom but parents need to be on board as well. It would be a big help to the education system.
Posted 8/3/12 9:11 PM |
Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07 7060 total posts
Name: g
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Arieschick29
I have always said we should pitch a reality show about teachers to a tv network where we can be followed around all day. Then the public can see the abuse we get from students/parents/admins etc, the extra work we do after hours to prepare/grade/make phone calls, how we barely use the bathroom because we only get one break and lunch etc.
Yes I have holidays and summers off but I usually use that time to grade, plan, research ideas, shop for materials etc
everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side....I always say come visit my grass and smell the manure that makes it look that way!
I've already worked at least 3 days each week of summer vacation (as my son takes his 3 hr nap) getting things ready for the next school yr. I've also already spent over $300 on supplies/materials and I have other things that I need to get
Message edited 8/3/2012 9:14:59 PM.
Posted 8/3/12 9:13 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 6794 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
I have heard this sentiment before.
I dare and invite anyone who feels this way to follow me or one of my colleagues around for an entire day - literally, from wake up to bed time - and witness the quantity and intensity of the work that we do.
I would like to see how they feel after that.
I am going to leave it at that.
Posted 8/3/12 9:37 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by jgl
Posted by TheDivineMrsM
Posted by pnbplus1
I think part of the problem nowadays is that people don't necessarily think their children are getting a good education and quite frankly, our educational system is proving not to be so magnificent considering how far our students lag behind the students in most other industrialized countries. While it's arguable that teachers should not necessarily be the ones to blame since our educational system and its standards, etc are devised by a select few, the blame seems to trickle down to the teachers who have to then implement these standards.
It doesn't help that our kids are only in school 10 months a year with a week off in December bc of Christmas, a week in February bc it's winter and another in April bc it's spring in addition to all the holidays. Our educational system as a whole needs to be revamped and kids should be in school more than ~180 days a year. Some people may complain less and value teachers more (as a whole profession) if they believed their children were getting a stellar education.
A stellar education would be easier to provide if that was all that was expected of us. Instead, teachers are expected to be counselor, life coach, dietician, abuse prevention and intervention specialist, disciplinarian, and occasional parent. Oh, and we're supposed to be experts in our fields, up on all the latest technology, masters of all the latest educational theories. A lot of our "high" salaries are based on the number of credits over our master's degrees. Most LI districts have caps between 60-90 credits, and that has to be paid for OOP. So much for summer vacation.
I am a HS guidance counselor (or was, before I took an extended to have my daughter). My DH is a teacher. I don't disagree with you, PNB. Frankly, I think our educational system is archaic and if we have any chance of competing with other countries in the future, we need to change immediately. BUT THIS IS NOT THE TEACHER'S FAULT! We're doing the best with what we're given. We don't pick the calendar. We are given curricula designed by mythical creatures in Albany. Our jobs are more and more reliant on our students' test scores, which means that our day to day lessons have to teach the test instead of actual information. We are handed students with a whole rainbow of problems, from severe allergies to abuse victims to learning disabilities, and we're supposed to deal with all of that in addition to our subject areas. Many of our districts are running on limited resources (in my NYC school, teachers bought their own paper). Yes, most of us have decent benefits, but so do other government workers. Same with being unionized. Yet we're one of the few groups that are looked at like evil cartoon villains for it. Teachers (and social workers, guidance counselors, etc.) are just the most public figures in this whole mess, and make a convenient scapegoat.
I would love to have the parental support in education that I think other countries have. This Is a big contributing factor to the performance of our students. We do what we can in The classroom but parents need to be on board as well. It would be a big help to the education system.
Right on ladies, great points and ITA
Posted 8/3/12 9:40 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 4694 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I never understand this. Why bring a group down. Why not ask why DON'T police and teachers make the same as lawyers? Let's lift people up instead of being negative and pulling others down.
Why don't teachers make the same as doctors, when teachers often, in the end, put in more schooling than doctors.
For one thing, because doctors & lawyers can get sued for malpractice and have to pay for malpractice insurance. Also, doctors and lawyers need PhD level degrees.
I don't often get involved in drama, but I do think comparing teachers to physicians is a bit absurd.
Posted 8/3/12 10:01 PM |
April Baby Girl is Here!

Member since 12/07 1077 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I know a LOT of people who have very low opinions of teachers.
Posted 8/3/12 10:21 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by shadows
For one thing, because doctors & lawyers can get sued for malpractice and have to pay for malpractice insurance. Also, doctors and lawyers need PhD level degrees.
I don't often get involved in drama, but I do think comparing teachers to physicians is a bit absurd.
My father and brother are both attorneys so I really mean no offense to any lawyers but a law degree IMO is no more comparable to a physician's education than a teacher.
A JD is comparable to an MBA IMO, sure it is a "Juris Doctor" but many educators have doctorates as well.
Posted 8/3/12 10:37 PM |
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