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LIF Adult

Member since 5/06 1173 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I don't often get involved in these threads but as a teacher for 13 years and the daughter of a retired one, I have thought a lot about why the public opinion of teachers has seemed so low as of late ...
I thought long and hard about becoming a teacher because, to be honest, as a graduate of a very expensive, very competitive university, I wasn't sure how I would tell my college friends that I decided to become a teacher since it didn't have the prestige of the jobs they were choosing. Then I thought about my mom and realized that didn't and shouldn't matter to me. It was the best decision I've ever made because it really is my calling.
That being said, as hard as I work and as much as I absolutely love what I do, the reason I think some people do have such low opinions of teachers is -- put simply -- because they once were students. And the mentality seems to be that anyone can teach because if you were once in a classroom, then you know what to do. It's so blatantly and obviously not true to any logical person, but there are a lot of illogical people, a lot of angry people, a lot of people who simply see it as babysitting and who don't understand that just having been in a classroom once doesn't mean they can understand what it means to move to the other side of the desk.
I understand the anger because of how high taxes are. What gets me there every time, though, is the fact that those shouting the loudest seem to forget that teachers pay taxes, too...
Sorry to be so long winded.
Posted 8/3/12 10:46 PM |
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Stop and smell the flowers

Member since 7/06 1538 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I worked for 5 years in the corporate world after college before deciding to become a teacher. I did it because I was very unhappy with my field. Sitting behind a computer all day wasn't for me. Teaching really is what I am meant to do. That's why I made the switch. That being said, it is wonderful to be able to pick my son up from daycare at 4 instead of at 6 or later like other moms I know. And I worked 60+ hour weeks with weekends and some crazy busy times so I knew what working late is like. But I can tell you that despite the shorter hours I do not have a cushy job now. Teaching is NOT easy. It angers me when people who have never done it think they have it all figured out. I understand that teachers are public employees and I know I will have my own expectations for my son's teachers. But the general teacher bashing and disrespect that I often hear is disgusting. It's a tough enough profession without having to feel completely unappreciated and disrespected by those on the outside. I think part of the problem is adults think teaching is what it was when they were in school. But the profession is so different today. Teachers no longer use the same plans from year to year. Even the most experienced teachers in my school are forced to learn new programs/methods. There is no sitting at your desk and giving assignments. You are expected to teach in a million different ways to reach every kid and address every issue they may have. I don't sit at my desk all day. And forget about the city schools where you are expected to get a kid who has only been in the US for a year, knows barely any English, and does no homework to get the same grades as the other kids. And you must document everything because you must be able to prove yourself. And in the end all that matters is a standardized test that you have no input in. This is not how it was years ago. And the best part is that teachers years ago got so much more respect than they do now. So sometimes I really feel like people need to get a clue before talking down about something they know nothing about.
Posted 8/3/12 10:52 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Low Opinion of Teachers?
I wouldn't say I have a low opinions of teachers. Yeah they get a lot of extras. Sure I am jealous of some of their perks, but I wouldn't wanna do their job. Dealing with nightmare parents, being tormented and abused by unruly students, grading papers and doing stuff for work at home when ya wanna watch tv, and the summer ain't all that long to have off. I think it's takes a lot of character and dignity to be a teacher and I respect that. Of course as with any Profession there are jerks as well, but I think it's a very rough job to be in these days...
Posted 8/3/12 11:11 PM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I went to one of the top public schools on Long Island, and we had an excellent program. I had 12 college credits from Syracuse University before I even graduated HS.
Although, there were a great majority of parents who felt their special little snowflake was "entitled" to everything, for the most part, parents were INVOLVED.
I don't know how teachers do it these days. They need to be babysitters and educators. Look, I'm disabled... I was picked on TONS. The type of torment kids go through these days? I'm just floored by what kids do to other kids. It's teachers that have to handle and mitigate that... ALL WHILE TEACHING YOUR KID SOMETHING.
I was mainstreamed as a child into the public school, and I'm a big proponent of continued inclusion. However, in this day and age, some students are mainstreamed that shouldn't be, and it takes away the teacher's focus from the rest of the class. I believe that's a detriment to the public school system.
It's rough being a teacher in this day and age. Kids (and most times parents, too) have less and less respect for authority. It's not easy. Even with summers off, reduced hours, and all those vacations. I wouldn't have the patience for 100s of screaming, disrespectful children along with the bureaucracy of the school system and I commend those who do.
Posted 8/4/12 12:17 AM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Mrs213
I wouldn't say I have a low opinions of teachers. Yeah they get a lot of extras. Sure I am jealous of some of their perks, but I wouldn't wanna do their job. Dealing with nightmare parents, being tormented and abused by unruly students, grading papers and doing stuff for work at home when ya wanna watch tv, and the summer ain't all that long to have off. I think it's takes a lot of character and dignity to be a teacher and I respect that. Of course as with any Profession there are jerks as well, but I think it's a very rough job to be in these days...
ITA. I think it is a tough job. It takes a special person to have the patience to teach. I def don't have a low opinion of teachers.
Posted 8/4/12 7:04 AM |
We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I come from a family, and extended family, of teachers. Obviously they do not have negative opinions. I teach in a top-tier district on Long Island and at work, I am NEVER made to feel inferior about my job. Most of my students' parents are doctors, lawyers, financiers, entrepreneurs, etc. They respect me and my professional opinion every day, never complaining about the very HIGH taxes that they pay. I think they feel the taxes are justified because they see the care, attention and education that their children receive. My friends also have high opinions of teachers (or at least they do to my face ). The negative opinion of teachers I see is in the media and on past threads of LIF. Let's see about this one.
Posted 8/4/12 8:03 AM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
Posted 8/4/12 8:13 AM |
Member since 5/07 1532 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by nel
I don't often get involved in these threads but as a teacher for 13 years and the daughter of a retired one, I have thought a lot about why the public opinion of teachers has seemed so low as of late ...
I thought long and hard about becoming a teacher because, to be honest, as a graduate of a very expensive, very competitive university, I wasn't sure how I would tell my college friends that I decided to become a teacher since it didn't have the prestige of the jobs they were choosing. Then I thought about my mom and realized that didn't and shouldn't matter to me. It was the best decision I've ever made because it really is my calling.
That being said, as hard as I work and as much as I absolutely love what I do, the reason I think some people do have such low opinions of teachers is -- put simply -- because they once were students. And the mentality seems to be that anyone can teach because if you were once in a classroom, then you know what to do. It's so blatantly and obviously not true to any logical person, but there are a lot of illogical people, a lot of angry people, a lot of people who simply see it as babysitting and who don't understand that just having been in a classroom once doesn't mean they can understand what it means to move to the other side of the desk.
I understand the anger because of how high taxes are. What gets me there every time, though, is the fact that those shouting the loudest seem to forget that teachers pay taxes, too...
Sorry to be so long winded.
Posted 8/4/12 8:27 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/10 366 total posts
Name: P
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by nel
I understand the anger because of how high taxes are. What gets me there every time, though, is the fact that those shouting the loudest seem to forget that teachers pay taxes, too...
A classic moment as a teacher was when the budget failed in my district and extra summer programs that had once been offered for free were not going to be offered that summer. A parent called asking about the programs, then asked "well, what am i going to do with my children?" As if the program was a babysitting service. Then, after explaining budgetary issues, the parent said that the teachers should just do it for free. At that point, the admin said, "then how are the teachers supposed to pay for their children's daycare while they're working for free taking care of your kids?" That parent did quiet down at the point and after further conversation even said ow they voted down the budget too!
I think people forget at times that teachers are people just like them with families and lives outside of their position. Just as the kids feel we live at the school and don't exist otherwise, I think some adults seem to think that too.
Posted 8/4/12 9:14 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Low Opinion of Teachers?
Every job has people that disrespect it...lawyers, janitors, retail managers, chiropractors, etc. That's life. Why do we all need to be patted on the back? Almost every profession has its perks and hardships.
We all chose our profession. Those in the public sector typically know their salary/benefits going in, and still chose that path. If you don't like it, do something else! I have nothing agaist teachers, but it seems that is the profession that most often has these issues.
Posted 8/4/12 9:49 AM |
-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06 2830 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Katareen
Every job has people that disrespect it...lawyers, janitors, retail managers, chiropractors, etc. That's life. Why do we all need to be patted on the back? Almost every profession has its perks and hardships.
We all chose our profession. Those in the public sector typically know their salary/benefits going in, and still chose that path. If you don't like it, do something else! I have nothing agaist teachers, but it seems that is the profession that most often has these issues.
We did know our salaries, etc. going in and yes we did choose it.
However, while other professions may be "made of fun" or disrespected in a private manner, teachers are publicly humiliated on the news and in the media on a constant basis. We are constantly bashed and blamed for so many issues publicly.
Posted 8/4/12 10:26 AM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Kidsaplenty
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
But you never have to defend your job. The only reason I ever say to someone that I went home after a BBQ and worked for four hours grading is because they mocked my job. If people didn't have the attitude that teachers work 8-3 and that is ALL then there would be no need for that conversation. However most of the time I hear how "lucky" I am, and how I get paid "too much money" for my part-time job. I am at work at 630am and leave around 330pm. That is a 9 hour day. I then go home and do more work.
I would never in a million years give up my job because I love what I do but it gets very tiresome listening to how I don't work hard when I know I work my a$$ off.
Message edited 8/4/2012 11:05:29 AM.
Posted 8/4/12 10:35 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by lilqtny
Posted by Katareen
Every job has people that disrespect it...lawyers, janitors, retail managers, chiropractors, etc. That's life. Why do we all need to be patted on the back? Almost every profession has its perks and hardships.
We all chose our profession. Those in the public sector typically know their salary/benefits going in, and still chose that path. If you don't like it, do something else! I have nothing agaist teachers, but it seems that is the profession that most often has these issues.
We did know our salaries, etc. going in and yes we did choose it.
However, while other professions may be "made of fun" or disrespected in a private manner, teachers are publicly humiliated on the news and in the media on a constant basis. We are constantly bashed and blamed for so many issues publicly.
I'm not saying it's right, but this is also nothing new. Isn't this something that's anticipated going in?
My friends DH is a chiropractor. He knew from day #1 that people would say he wasnt a "real doctor" but went into it anyway bc he was passionate about it. He does get those comments constantly but it doesnt bother him. He knows he's good at what he does and is proud of his career and the patients who thank him for changing their lives.
Posted 8/4/12 11:05 AM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by nicrae
Posted by Kidsaplenty
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
But you never have to defend your job. The only reason I ever say to someone that I went home after a BBQ and worked for four hours grading is because they mocked my job. If people didn't have the attitude that teachers work 8-3 and that is ALL then there would be no need for that conversation. However most of the time I hear how "lucky" I am, and how I get paid "too much money" for my part-time job. I am at work at 630am and leave around 330pm. That is a 9 hour day. I then go home and do more work.
I would never in a million years give up my job because I love what I do but it gets very tiresome listening to how I don't work hard when I know I work my a$$ off.
This is exactly the point. People don't say that they work after hours as teacher to say they do more than the corp. world. We say it because we are constantly bashed for being "done" by 3. In defense to that, we say.. no we are not.
Posted 8/4/12 11:12 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Kidsaplenty
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
I spent 8 years in the private sector.
I took work home maybe 5 times in 8 years.
When I switched to teaching I took a pay cut of approximately 20k.
And I needed MUCH more education to be a teacher than I did in my middle management corporate job.
Very few of my corporate friends take work home.
I would like to know where you are getting "90%" and "most" from.
It's generalizations like this that can really make people feel like shit if they let it get to them, which I don't intend to do, because I know how hard my colleagues and I work.
Posted 8/4/12 11:57 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Kidsaplenty
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
Its think this adds to it too. Most people I know don't clock out at 5pm either and most people I know work weekends.
The fact is teachers do get a lot more time off and work less hours for similar salaries and more benefits.. It was the profession they chose. I think the low opinion comes from the denial of those facts. If you are teaching in a public school on LI, it's a good job with good benefits.
The "but I don't get paychecks during the summer" is a ridiculous comment . My understanding (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is that a teacher can opt to get their annualized salary divided throughout the year or chose to get paid for 10 months they work. I scratch my head when teachers make similar annual salaries as non- teachers make but complain they don't get paid in the summers. Right you don't get the paychecks because you made that money the rest of the year.
I have decent benefits at my job - no where near what a teacher gets. For example I get my cell phone paid for, but if I complained that I had a cell phone and I have to answer emails after hours, I'd expect my coworkers that don't get their cell paid for to think "screw you, pay for my phone & I'll answer emails".
I don't begrudge them the benefits - actually I'd love to see low income housing for younger teachers to keep them in LI. I know someone who is very anti teacher. She's read the contract, she knows every nuance. I've heard her criticize teaches repeatedly come budget time. I also know plenty of young teachers who know they have a good job, good benefits and admit that they have more time off than the average working person. No shame in their game. I just looked up my kids teachers. The average salary is $87k. Not bad for 180 days of school.
Now if someone said teaching was an easy job, I'd say don't judge until you've walked in their shoes.
Message edited 8/4/2012 12:39:14 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 12:37 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
Posted by Kidsaplenty
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
I spent 8 years in the private sector.
I took work home maybe 5 times in 8 years.
When I switched to teaching I took a pay cut of approximately 20k.
And I needed MUCH more education to be a teacher than I did in my middle management corporate job.
Very few of my corporate friends take work home.
I would like to know where you are getting "90%" and "most" from.
It's generalizations like this that can really make people feel like shit if they let it get to them, which I don't intend to do, because I know how hard my colleagues and I work.
But what gets to you? You lived the corporate life where you made more money and worked less additional hours. You made the choice...why do you feel like shit? If you're happy with what you chose it shouldn't bother you.
Posted 8/4/12 12:38 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Watched American Teacher docu a few months back.
These people make pennies. There are no unions. No breaks. They eat lunch with students.
It compared how we treat teachers vs. worldwide.
Asian countries treat them like doctors.
The teachers I know tend to be on anti depressents and like their wine at night. Not a sweeping generalizaton, but the ones that I am friends with or neighbors of seemed really overwhelmed at night.
Parent participation is low. There are no funds. Kids are texting while someone is trying to teach them.
I don't think low of teachers. I think a lot of parents do not want to be with their own kids 8 hours a day...these teachers are with yours and 20 of your neighbors at night their own.
i cannot imagine the task of teaching 23 kindergarteners to read write add make friends keep them safe
Posted 8/4/12 12:51 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
haha....average salary outside NY is 30k.
Posted 8/4/12 12:53 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
In general, I don't have a low opinion of teachers. I have some issues with the way employment of teachers is handled on LI. For one - tenure. There is no other profession I can think of where your job is guaranteed simply because you've been there a certain number of years. I was at my job over 22 years and was let go because of a reorganization. I've seen tenured teachers (young and old) who dial it in because they know they won't get fired. Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching. Also, getting paid extra to be a club moderator or class moderator or bus monitor or whatever? Total bull. Most everyone in the corporate world has to do extras (work on a committee, go to after hours seminars, etc) that is not in their job description and they get paid no extra - it is just expected as part of the job. I think it should be the same with teachers - part of the job.
All that being said - I do not begrudge teachers for these benefits. I could have been a teacher and chose not to be. But as a taxpayer, I do not agree with all these, especially when I hear LI teachers, who are probably the highest paid in the nation, complaining. I don't feel that we are getting our money's worth most of the time (partially because I don't always agree with how the budget is being spent). We do have some good teachers and we have some bad ones - some who work very hard and some who don't. I know it's the unions that worked out all these benefits for them, but I don't agree with them.
Posted 8/4/12 1:20 PM |
Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07 4922 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Janice
haha....average salary outside NY is 30k.
Even in other areas of NY (outside of metro NYC and its suburbs) the pay is MUCH less. My first year teaching I taught at a school on LI and made just under 60K. I now teach upstate in a middle class suburban school and I am still nowhere near my starting salary and I have been in the field 7+ years.
Posted 8/4/12 1:24 PM |
Mommy of 3 and 4 rescues
Member since 9/09 1841 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Lets be real. The cost of living outside of NY is much less.
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Posted 8/4/12 2:05 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by fdnywife
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Maybe not in your district, but I KNOW teachers who moderate a club or a team or a bus or whatever, and they tell me they get paid extra for it. They tell me what a great way it is to make extra money. I have it firsthand from teachers so don't claim that this is a false fact for all teachers. Maybe it is for you, but not for all.
Edited for spelling
Message edited 8/4/2012 2:19:19 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 2:13 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/11 635 total posts
Name: CJ
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I had a parent call me 8:30 pm on my cellphone and she started the conversation by saying, " I just wanted to ask you a quick question, I know how you teachers don't like to work once school is done."
Posted 8/4/12 2:17 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/11 635 total posts
Name: CJ
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
Posted by fdnywife
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Maybe not in your district, but I KNOW teachers who moderate a club or a team or a bus or whatever, and they tell me they get paid extra for it. They tell me what great way it is to make extra money. I have it firsthand from teachers so don't claim this it is a false fact for all teachers. Maybe it is for you, but not for all.
Those clubs are most likely after official school hours. That is why they get paid extra....
Posted 8/4/12 2:20 PM |
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