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Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by HoneymoonBaby
Posted by MommaG
Posted by fdnywife
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Maybe not in your district, but I KNOW teachers who moderate a club or a team or a bus or whatever, and they tell me they get paid extra for it. They tell me what great way it is to make extra money. I have it firsthand from teachers so don't claim this it is a false fact for all teachers. Maybe it is for you, but not for all.
Those clubs are most likely after official school hours. That is why they get paid extra....
Probably - anywhere outside of class hours (before or after). But as I said previously, most people who work in the private sector are expected to participate in extra committees or meetings or seminars outside of working hours, and do not get paid extra even though it's not in the job description.
Posted 8/4/12 2:22 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I personally have a very high opinion of teachers as do my family and friends. We have alot of teachers in the family. I think they are phenomenal and definitly don't get paid enough.
Posted 8/4/12 2:27 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/11 635 total posts
Name: CJ
Low Opinion of Teachers?
I often wonder what an office job would be like.... Like someone else said the grass is always greener on the other side.... I just want to hit a lotto jackpot and never work ever!
Posted 8/4/12 2:28 PM |
Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07 4922 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
For one - tenure. There is no other profession I can think of where your job is guaranteed simply because you've been there a certain number of years.
I think tenure will soon be a thing of the past. With the new evaluation system, ineffective teachers will be identified and then will be given an improvement plan. If no improvement is made, they will be let go.
Also people with tenure do get laid off. Many teachers in my district are being excessed due to budget cuts (myself included). Someone else had 15+ years in and was let go because they eliminated his program.
Also, getting paid extra to be a club moderator or class moderator or bus monitor or whatever? Total bull.
I am on many committees in which I am not paid anything extra; they are directly linked to the education of the student and I volunteer to be part of them with no compensation. If you are overseeing a club or sport those are really not part of your job description. Those merely supplement a child's educational experience and are not mandated. Teachers who coach need to keep certifications current plus they are working 3-4 additional hours a day and must also work on Saturdays and over vacations; I really think it is only fair that they get compensated.
Message edited 8/4/2012 2:37:19 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 2:36 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Katareen
Posted by JennP
Posted by Kidsaplenty
I think some of it also is when teachers state, "You don't know how much work I have to bring HOME," or, "I work well into the evening grading papers etc." When in reality, 90% of your private sector counterparts do those same things every week year round. And most of them get paid less with the same amount of education as you.
I spent 8 years in the private sector.
I took work home maybe 5 times in 8 years.
When I switched to teaching I took a pay cut of approximately 20k.
And I needed MUCH more education to be a teacher than I did in my middle management corporate job.
Very few of my corporate friends take work home.
I would like to know where you are getting "90%" and "most" from.
It's generalizations like this that can really make people feel like shit if they let it get to them, which I don't intend to do, because I know how hard my colleagues and I work.
But what gets to you? You lived the corporate life where you made more money and worked less additional hours. You made the choice...why do you feel like shit? If you're happy with what you chose it shouldn't bother you.
You are absolutely right. As I stated in my post, I don't feel like shit because my skin is thicker than that.
It also helps that people in my offline life see how hard I work and the hours I keep and, as a result, don't make comments like this. So I only hear this sort of shit on the internet.
I honestly think that if people did the job for one day they won't make comments like "it's bull to get paid extra for activities" (I realize that wasn't you.)
Mind your own business and if you think it's so good, go get a teaching license.
Posted 8/4/12 3:26 PM |
Step by step....

Member since 6/11 1061 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by NorthCackalaky1013
I personally have a very high opinion of teachers as do my family and friends. We have alot of teachers in the family. I think they are phenomenal and definitly don't get paid enough.
Posted 8/4/12 3:32 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/06 1173 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
I honestly think that if people did the job for one day they won't make comments like "it's bull to get paid extra for activities" (I realize that wasn't you.)
I have to agree with this. Teachers do plenty that they don't get paid for, just like people in the corporate world, but the corporate world has overtime. Teaching does not. If you're committing on a regular basis to coach a team or run a school newspaper (or something of the sort), then compensation for that makes sense to me. It's not an occasional thing; it's a regular commitment that is NOT part of the job description.
Posted 8/4/12 3:41 PM |
Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07 4970 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
Also, getting paid extra to be a club moderator or class moderator or bus monitor or whatever? Total bull. Most everyone in the corporate world has to do extras (work on a committee, go to after hours seminars, etc) that is not in their job description and they get paid no extra - it is just expected as part of the job. I think it should be the same with teachers - part of the job.
Are you kidding me??? I ran a club in my school and it often had me there from 7 AM to 5 PM. Sometimes 8 PM. So I was putting in 13 hour days. And I didn't deserve to be compensated for my time? I deserve the same pay as a colleague who clocks out at 2:20 every day, when there is NO other benefit to me because no matter how hard I work or how much extra I do, I'm still "lowest on the totem pole" and first up to be eliminated if the budget doesn't pass? No thanks.
BTW, you know how much teachers in my district make for advising clubs? A whopping $500 a year. $50 extra a month. People complaining about all the extra money teachers can rack up doing extra have no idea - for me, it worked out to under $5 an hour.
Posted 8/4/12 3:50 PM |
Mommy of 3 and 4 rescues
Member since 9/09 1841 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
Posted by fdnywife
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Maybe not in your district, but I KNOW teachers who moderate a club or a team or a bus or whatever, and they tell me they get paid extra for it. They tell me what a great way it is to make extra money. I have it firsthand from teachers so don't claim that this is a false fact for all teachers. Maybe it is for you, but not for all.
Edited for spelling
Settle down. Im not claiming anything except for what I know. When I said WE I meant MY district. Teams and clubs who meet before or after school should get paid more. I know in other jobs when they stay after work hours they often get paid overtime. Do they get paid extra for things DURING school hours? If so which districts and what are they doing?
Message edited 8/4/2012 4:03:05 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 3:52 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.
But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.
In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.
I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.
My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.
Posted 8/4/12 3:54 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by fdnywife
Posted by MommaG
Posted by fdnywife
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Maybe not in your district, but I KNOW teachers who moderate a club or a team or a bus or whatever, and they tell me they get paid extra for it. They tell me what a great way it is to make extra money. I have it firsthand from teachers so don't claim that this is a false fact for all teachers. Maybe it is for you, but not for all.
Edited for spelling
Settle down. Im not claiming anything except for what I know. When I said WE I meant MY district. Teams and clubs who meet before or after school should get paid more. I know in other jobs when they stay after work hours they often get paid overtime. Do they get paid extra for things DURING school hours? If so which districts and what are they doing?
No, they get paid extra for before or after hours. And I disagree with you - being teachers get a salary and are not paid hourly, it should be included. They should not get paid extra for that. Just like in a corporate job, if you get a salary you don't get paid extra for the extras they expect you to do, even after hours and on weekends.
Posted 8/4/12 4:30 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
Posted by MommaG
Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.
But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.
In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.
I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.
My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.
Along those lines - is it written into your contract that the union negotiates for you when and why you get increases? My point is someone can be an awful teacher and not deserve what they already get paid - much less a raise - but will get a raise simply because they decided to take classes. I do not know of any other job like that. So sometimes, you miss the flip side. In corporate jobs, you normally earn your raise in whatever way the business deems appropriate. If you are a slacker, you do not get a raise.
Posted 8/4/12 4:33 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
No, they get paid extra for before or after hours. And I disagree with you - being teachers get a salary and are not paid hourly, it should be included. They should not get paid extra for that. Just like in a corporate job, if you get a salary you don't get paid extra for the extras they expect you to do, even after hours and on weekends.
Most corporate jobs are exempt from overtime. Administrative jobs, as an example, are non-exempt & the DOL requires that they be paid overtime.
Teachers coming in to teach Math Olympics,staying after for Homework Club or riding a bus as a bus monitor. they should be entitled to reimbursement.
Corporate America will take as much advantage of its workers as possible. This shouldn't be a "my job is crappy so you should have a crappy job too" kind of thing. I think most people would agree that when someone is asked to do EXTRA work & outside of normal work hours, they should get paid extra for it.
Posted by JennP Mind your own business and if you think it's so good, go get a teaching license.
But this is bs. As I said I don't begrudge teacher's their benefits but on a thread that asks if/why people have low opinions of teachers, this is your response? "Mind your own business?"When my kid gets a crappy teacher (mind you , it's happened once in 6 years of school), it's difficult to mind your own business. When I hear a teacher is spending her own money to decorate the classroom, I have a problem with that just as much as when a teacher tells a kid (as one mom claimed happened) that they don't get paid enough so they have to do extra work around the school, it's our business if they're putting their political agenda on the kids. That mom only found out because the daughter asked to bring an extra sandwich for lunch for her teacher (who was making $120K+ a year, btw). It's our business when the budgets do & don't pass. Schools & teachers are our business.
As for tenure, it's been discussed on this board before but tenure isn't a guarantee for a job. It's ensuring that if you want to terminate a long term teacher for one that earns less, that teacher is entitled to due process & the procedures to make sure they aren't getting terminated unfairly. Since I'm in corporate, I've been privvy to conversations where managers discuss terminating the guy who is in his 60s because he can collect social security. It's disgraceful.
Message edited 8/4/2012 5:08:59 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 5:06 PM |
Very much in love!

Member since 6/10 2864 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I'm a teacher and I think it's because people are envious of our hours so take their jealousy out by bashing us. Oh well. I always tell them that they can go back to school to become a teacher at anytime. You CHOOSE your profession!
Posted 8/4/12 5:18 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
Posted by MommaG
Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.
But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.
In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.
I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.
My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.
My husband's employers hadn't given cost of living raises in a few years. Many people in the private sector do not get overtime, pay a great deal toward their benefits and health care, and regularly have to go above and beyonnd within thewir position. They are also subject to being fired at anytime, and most likely make less that the average LI teacher. I think the issue with people having a problem with teachers is their inability to admit the cuushiness of their position and claims that they are underpaid. Nearly every teacher my children have had make more than 100k per year (per seethroughny). If that is underpaid, then the majority of LI households must be getting robbed, since that one teacher's salry is tens of thousands more than the average LI HHI.
Posted 8/4/12 5:50 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaBear
I'm a teacher and I think it's because people are envious of our hours so take their jealousy out by bashing us. Oh well. I always tell them that they can go back to school to become a teacher at anytime. You CHOOSE your profession!
I for one am not jealous or envious - I have already stated that I had the opportunity to take that path and chose not to. As a taxpayer, I do not feel that I am getting my money's worth. The budget is high and maybe they are not putting the money in the right place, not to mention sending too much of our money to other areas of the state. I chose my district for a reason, and understood I would be paying more but I feel like I was duped. Being a teacher on LI has many, many perks and I get tired of hearing teachers complain how awful they have it. Again - they chose their profession and it comes with good and bad.
Posted 8/4/12 6:22 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by nrthshgrl
Posted by MommaG
No, they get paid extra for before or after hours. And I disagree with you - being teachers get a salary and are not paid hourly, it should be included. They should not get paid extra for that. Just like in a corporate job, if you get a salary you don't get paid extra for the extras they expect you to do, even after hours and on weekends.
Most corporate jobs are exempt from overtime. Administrative jobs, as an example, are non-exempt & the DOL requires that they be paid overtime.
Teachers coming in to teach Math Olympics,staying after for Homework Club or riding a bus as a bus monitor. they should be entitled to reimbursement.
Corporate America will take as much advantage of its workers as possible. This shouldn't be a "my job is crappy so you should have a crappy job too" kind of thing. I think most people would agree that when someone is asked to do EXTRA work & outside of normal work hours, they should get paid extra for it.
Posted by JennP Mind your own business and if you think it's so good, go get a teaching license.
But this is bs. As I said I don't begrudge teacher's their benefits but on a thread that asks if/why people have low opinions of teachers, this is your response? "Mind your own business?"When my kid gets a crappy teacher (mind you , it's happened once in 6 years of school), it's difficult to mind your own business. When I hear a teacher is spending her own money to decorate the classroom, I have a problem with that just as much as when a teacher tells a kid (as one mom claimed happened) that they don't get paid enough so they have to do extra work around the school, it's our business if they're putting their political agenda on the kids. That mom only found out because the daughter asked to bring an extra sandwich for lunch for her teacher (who was making $120K+ a year, btw). It's our business when the budgets do & don't pass. Schools & teachers are our business.
Yes, that is my response when someone cherry picks a benefit that we experience that also has a downside, but they conveniently leave out the opposing side of it, making us look like we are getting one over on someone.
THAT is BS to me.
Obviously it is your business if/when your kid is having an issue, or you are having district specific issues. That is a different story. However, that was not the context in which the post was written.
Posted 8/4/12 7:16 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaBear
I'm a teacher and I think it's because people are envious of our hours so take their jealousy out by bashing us. Oh well. I always tell them that they can go back to school to become a teacher at anytime. You CHOOSE your profession!
This is where I get confused--bc every other teacher is saying the hours are long and not to be envied 
Which is it? It seems the argument changes based on the topic.
Posted 8/4/12 7:23 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Kidsaplenty
Posted by JennP
Posted by MommaG
Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.
But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.
In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.
I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.
My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.
My husband's employers hadn't given cost of living raises in a few years. Many people in the private sector do not get overtime, pay a great deal toward their benefits and health care, and regularly have to go above and beyonnd within thewir position. They are also subject to being fired at anytime, and most likely make less that the average LI teacher. I think the issue with people having a problem with teachers is their inability to admit the cuushiness of their position and claims that they are underpaid. Nearly every teacher my children have had make more than 100k per year (per seethroughny). If that is underpaid, then the majority of LI households must be getting robbed, since that one teacher's salry is tens of thousands more than the average LI HHI.
I pay plenty into my benefits as well.
I am not doubting the numbers that you saw but something must have been inaccurate unless you all of your child's teachers happen to have been very close to retirement.
Teachers in general are very young these days due to the wave of retirements in the past decade. I assure you, most teachers are making nowhere near 100k.
If you are that interested I would look into getting hold of a salary schedule for your district for a better idea than seethroughny, on which I have seen inaccuracies.
We are not saying we have a bad job. But before you call it "cushy", follow a teacher around for a day and see if you feel the same afterwards.
Posted 8/4/12 7:24 PM |
-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06 2830 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I shouldn't have looked because it just makes me sick, but I did so now I want to respond.
Some LI teachers make great money, no denying it, however there are plenty of districts where teachers aren't.
You can look at teachers salary schedules and quality of education before purchasing a home.
Next, for all of us that work in NYC......look at our salary schedule. It's not even close to LI salaries (not even the bad ones) AND we don't get raises for +15 or +60 credits. We get one salary increase for credits at +30 credits. Then we can go on to get as many degrees as we want with NO compensation. Oh but we do have to have 150 hours of PD time logged in every 3 years in order to stay certified to teach. That is mostly on our own dime. So the classes we take, at nights or on weekends, to get those hours do nothing for our salaries and yet they cost US money.
We do pay into our benefits and will likely be paying in more shortly. We are also basically penalized for having babies because the way they work maternity leave is a joke.
Posted 8/4/12 7:48 PM |
Member since 11/07 7344 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I think of this every time teacher salaries/benefits comes up:

Posted 8/4/12 7:56 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Ok so to answer the question, what contributes to the low opinion of teachers, this thread is a perfect example.
The fact is there are many people with low opinons of teachers. We (non-teachers) tried to give you reasons why that may be. It's that the public has to address contract issues & budget increases, while teachers continue to have: (1) good benefits (2) working 180 days a year (3) job security
whereas most of the non-teaching public don't have those. So we think they have it pretty good. I & several other posters said we thought it was that teachers claim they don't have a "good job".
But they say they don't. So far what I've seen the teachers counter with: (1) they take work home at night, on the weekends & prepare for their classroom during the summer. (2) teaching gives them no breaks during the day while the non-teachers can go on FB & LIF (3) they don't get paychecks in the summer (4) they needed an advanced degree to teach. (5) some work a second job to supplement their income.
which is exactly the point we were making. I didn't say anyone on this thread teaching was an easy job.
edited to add: my comments were directed towards LI public school teachers. NOT NYC or parochial school
Message edited 8/4/2012 8:03:55 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 8:01 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by lilqtny
I shouldn't have looked because it just makes me sick, but I did so now I want to respond.
Some LI teachers make great money, no denying it, however there are plenty of districts where teachers aren't.
You can look at teachers salary schedules and quality of education before purchasing a home.
Next, for all of us that work in NYC......look at our salary schedule. It's not even close to LI salaries (not even the bad ones) AND we don't get raises for +15 or +60 credits. We get one salary increase for credits at +30 credits. Then we can go on to get as many degrees as we want with NO compensation. Oh but we do have to have 150 hours of PD time logged in every 3 years in order to stay certified to teach. That is mostly on our own dime. So the classes we take, at nights or on weekends, to get those hours do nothing for our salaries and yet they cost US money.
We do pay into our benefits and will likely be paying in more shortly. We are also basically penalized for having babies because the way they work maternity leave is a joke.
A CPA also has to earn CPE credits on their own dime in order to stay certified. This again, is something that is known as part of the job.
And with all due respect, I think teachers have great maternity benefits (by USA standards). Can't your job be held for 4 years? Granted you lose seniority, but no other job even gives you that option. If I took one day over FMLA I'd be terminated.
Posted 8/4/12 8:05 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by MommaG
Posted by HoneymoonBaby
Posted by MommaG
Posted by fdnywife
We can not take extra jobs during the school day and get paid for it. Its double dipping. The 3 mornings I volunteered to give up my before school time to run an intramural program and the one lunch per week I spent mentoring a student were all because I wanted to. Unpaid.
Its just sad. We know the grass is often greener on the other side. I know I have a wonderful job and thats why I chose it. It just stinks that people often throw out false facts and others run with it.
Maybe not in your district, but I KNOW teachers who moderate a club or a team or a bus or whatever, and they tell me they get paid extra for it. They tell me what great way it is to make extra money. I have it firsthand from teachers so don't claim this it is a false fact for all teachers. Maybe it is for you, but not for all.
Those clubs are most likely after official school hours. That is why they get paid extra....
Probably - anywhere outside of class hours (before or after). But as I said previously, most people who work in the private sector are expected to participate in extra committees or meetings or seminars outside of working hours, and do not get paid extra even though it's not in the job description.
My mom is in the health field and she teaches and consults for extra money. How is that any different? Do you realize how much time it takes to run a club or sport? My Model congress teacher in high school worked countless hours after school and entire weekends. My friend coaches teams in her school and every single night and many weekend days are spent working. Of course she gets paid extra for it. That being said, there are plays and other afterschool hour events that we go to that we don't get paid extra for.. graduations, proms etc. Seems like both fields are doing extra things for no money and have oppurtunities to make some extra money if you want. Why is everyone trying to one up teachers? Most people work damn hard at thier job regardless of what it is? How about just respecting each other and stop playing "who has it harder".
Message edited 8/4/2012 8:07:32 PM.
Posted 8/4/12 8:07 PM |
All you need is love

Member since 8/07 2474 total posts
Name: T
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I support teachers. I have many friends /family that teach A few things I wanted to add 1- tenure doe not guarantee your job- it just grants you a fair trial 2-my friend was a director for her school's play- she made about $500 as a stipend...when you divide that up between th number of hours/ days, was pennies! Most stipends for clubs are close to nothing! 3-I know someone mentioned coaching..well I was a coach out of college..I needed a I coached. You def. don't do that for the money. Practice was 6 days a week, plus competitions/ games,- getting home very late at night- the teacher I coached with would put in 13 hour days, plus planning each practice after the athletes left and going over what happened each game,etc,lots of paperwork,etc. there is so much more to coaching than may appear....if you broke down my paycheck..I was prob paid under $10/ hour! And I didn't even coach a sport like football or wrestling where the time is doubled maybe even tripled! Coaches keep t heir football players with them on a fri. Night so that the athletes are ready for sat. Game..they have team dinners and watch film or do some team bonding thing....
These extra things for pay are really not gonna pay your bills!
For those that feel you are getting jipped...what have you done to try and change things?
I think every job has its perks.....heck, even just getting to work in ac is a perk which teachers don't have!lol! Another thing! I have noticed a number of people posting on Facebook the countdown to school bc they can't take their kids being home anymore, meanwhile teachers have to deal with 30 kids all day! Parents can't even take their OWN kids for 2 months! Lastly, in all the years that I've been a member of LIW/LIF....I have never seen threads discussing other professions like I do the teaching profession..( well maybe cops!) it's really ashame that there are these negative thoughts out there. I really feel it is bc the public pays teachers salaries - they feel entitled to say neg. things..same as with cops. Those websites that post salaries are sometimes not accurate either so be careful what you read! Anyway, I love and support all the teachers in my life..I know you work hard both in and out of school. I know you wear many hats. I commend you for all that you do..and for those that think differently- they could never walk a day in your shoes! I know I'd go nuts! Lol
Posted 8/4/12 8:12 PM |
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